Sam Hyde is just another aged-out hipster that is now overcompensating on manliness for lack of identity...

Sam Hyde is just another aged-out hipster that is now overcompensating on manliness for lack of identity. The next 38 year old you see on the streets of Big City with a hitler youth and a better body than he had when he was 20 is only one level of self awareness below current Sam Hyde.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sam realized his comedy career was dying because noone gave a FUCK about his Tim & Eric copycat nonsense. He realized that it was inevitable that he would become more and more irrelevant as the POL/Yea Forums shit becomes more and more relevant because he simply didn't have the "official" ideological position to ride on.

So he went to his TED talk, pretended to have some kind of "epiphany" of red pills, and then went on twitter/social media trying to trigger people with le edgy /pol/ takes, hoping to elevate himself in the eyes of white nationalists. He also makes threads like these trying to advertise how "based" he is.

Reminder that he has actively avoided the JQ for most of his early career, LITERALLY used the "well they just have a higher IQ and are more tribal than whites" argument, and ends up behaving like a jew himself. He was never one of us, and he never will be, all he is is a psychopath jew who only wants shekels. Shekels is all he will ever care about.


>38 year old you see on the streets of Big City with a hitler youth and a better body than he had when he was 20
God forbid a man try to improve himself I guess? Is this how you make yourself feel better about peaking in high school?

it was actually because I spammed his videos here autistically every day in 2012 and he ended up getting a /pol/ following and he kept seeing redpills which changed his outlook and made him an outcast


Go to bed, Sam

He made a bunch of money milking pol retards, even more than what he would have made with AS paying him. Im sure it was worth it for him to jump on that bandwagon and pretend to be redpilled over trying to be mainstream and never make it at all an forced to spend the rest of his days selling cars.

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If he can get away with being a pedo fudge packer he can get away with anything.

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surprised it hasn't been posted yet

yeah the tranny spams it within 2 posts usually

I bet Sam and Epstein would get along real well.

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how is he wrong?

There we go. Good old discord tranny with his spam.

Hit up those playgrounds with slutty middleschoolers as a 30yo man and see how far you get.

Sam's a funny guy but I wouldn't let him drive my car or anything. But I'd throw him a shekel if he did a live comedy tour for sure.

I just can't believe a certain, let's call him "Tim H." n-no! "T. Heidecker" is still making these threads after all these years.

Is Sam talking about Marky here?

Or some other girl he managed to convince to sodomize and use his big purple butt plug on.

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why would I go to a playground? there are way better places to pick up girls but goes to show the lack of thought that goes on in your shitposting mind

Oh no I'm so triggered now op whatever will I do?

what horrible looking skin. I bet this guy eats mcdonalds all the time.

>It is, yet another, "Zoomer gets mogged at the gym again by a /fit/ 30/40something man" episode

You make this thread every other night. Why don't you just stop going to that gym if it rustles you so much?

>gets mogged at the gym again by a /fit/ 30/40something man" episode
lmao sure sam your mogging tons of manlets maybe

Its called middled age gramps but you knew that.

I'm just saying you make this thread every other night, just with some different variable to rip on like you think it will get you any closer to banging that girl your own age the fit boomer was chatting up.

>"lol bald guys, what a joke amirite ladz? XDD"
>"cargo shorts, like eww amirite ladz?? XDDD"

Now this. Just sort your shit already it's getting pathetic.

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Sort out your schizophrenia you old hunk of dirt, this is my first post on Yea Forums in a week at least.

ITT salty faggots

how is that a wrong statement ?

That 1-800-WE-HELP-U video was a stroke of genius though.
>Sir we have one question.
>Are you jewish
>Yes... I am jewish.

You sound like someone that thinks some Jews are ok.

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Yeah but he could FUCK (you) up lol

Sam is a pussy. A paper tiger.

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I'm convinced this guy is a glownigger or something that the alt-light tried to push like milo but didn't catch on do to being a gibbering idiot.

I have never seen him mention by anyone besides Yea Forums anons and redditors.

He could still fuck (you) up.

Why are you so obsessed with him?

>well they just have a higher IQ and are more tribal than whites
isnt this basically the /pol/ position, with some disagreement about the iq

Scary how they all look like mass shooters?

Attached: incel mass shooters.jpg (1024x460, 54K)

pol's position is that Jews are not compatible with society in any way but Sam's real opinion is that we can somehow get along with them

Hello. Volody?

Gimmie all you got on this Hyde character.

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That's what most white guys look like, go to a college or high school and look around. The vast majority are skinny-fat, low test, and video game addicted.

none of the people in this picture are white

are jews better at getting what they want or arent they

if they do, does this make them superior and worthy? if they dont, how can they be in charge of all the media? these are my genuine goyim questions

The authorities should start profiling people who look like this to prevent more shootings.

Attached: white mass shooters.webm (720x720, 1.59M)

>The next 38 year old you see on the streets of Big City with a hitler youth and a better body than he had when he was 20 is only one level of self awareness below current Sam Hyde.
Why do people like to slag off self improvement? If I didn't know any better I'd think it was some sort of cope

>that webm
The irony. A little bit of camaraderie goes a long way.

ITT seething shitskincels

I miss when Sam lived with his mom and said dumb things in the mirror.

Sam just feels like such a mean spirited cynical guy. Like I just can't watch his stuff, it feels like the dude doesn't have a genuine bone in his body.

sam... who?

he had his moment in the sun. I enjoyed discovering Sam Hyde in 2015 and watching how things developed. That being said I thought the World Peace show on adult swim was stupid. It had a couple of good sketch's but it seems to me sketch comedy is not Sam Hyde's forte.

I really liked his "standups" especially when he lambasted new york millenial hipsters on their support of faggotry.

His main problem is beyond his control. He is an aging millenial. Sure, there may be some 20something based edgelords who still like him, but what teenagers are actually gonna think he's super funny? I don't think that many, he just seems like an older dude trying to stay hip.

Such is the peril of modern media. I don't think you can really be reactionary and hip at the same time. Sam came close, but there are people who dictate culture, unfortunately, and Sam couldn't be subtle enough for them to skate by.

I often think of him as a grown up, intellectualized version of Beavis and Butthead, specifically butthead. And ask yourself, would even regular beavis and butthead be allowed today? The answer is no. Sam Hyde was doing edgy humor which also waxed nostalgia, it ain't coming back

sam hyde uses the "alt-right" as a marketing tool
he doesn't give a fuck about your politics
just your money
he's still a unfunny racist piece of shit though

I thought he was just being ironic for teh lulz. A whole the audience's reaction being the joke. Similar to (((Kaufman))) in many regards.

kek, using white nationalists as a marketing tool in a jewish dominated media. Are you fucking retarded?

i like how this isnt even true. plenty of non-white shooters.

was Nick a sociopath?