What we do in the shadows tv

How is this? I liked the movie.

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Pretty enjoyable if you like the movie, very similar comedic beats. I’d give it a shot.

It’s very good, arguably better than the movie. Starts out as a slight retread and then gets funnier and more creative as it goes along.

Its on par with the movie, I like it a lot.
did not like the stupid cameo episode they did though.

not gonna watch it if there's a female vampire

why not

shes my favorite part of the series.
so cute

i hate women so much it's unreal

Are you gay? Age? Cause of hatred?

Shut up

>I hate women
>I wont say why

fuck off incel

No it’s interesting please tell.

doesnt hold a candle to the film but its still enjoyable and worth your time

the best thing on tv

I liked the movie and enjoyed the show too. Can't wait for season 2

I enjoyed it aside from the orgy episode where a dude gets fucked in the ass. That was a bit much.

The movie was a hidden gem, i hope the show is the same.

The orgy is fucking gold. Vampires are sex weirdos.

It is.

It feels like a mid 2000s concept sitcom, and that's a good thing.

If it helps, she's a turd

Its more of the same in a good way. I liked the dynamic of the main characters a little more than the movie.

Yeah, there were some good gags in there. I just could have gone without the prolonged shot of a vampire fucking that weird dude in the ass.

It's pretty good
Matt Berry is carrying it of course

Its reasonably good. If you liked the movie I think you will like it.

At least you're honest about it

She's kind of hot. Sexy accent.
That's reasonable but fortunately this is a TV woman and not a real one. She just acts crazy and cute.

>Matt Berry

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