What order should I watch Star Wars in?

What order should I watch Star Wars in?

I was thinking ANH > ESB > EP1 > 2 >3 > TROJ

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That's not bad actually

Skip the prequels, what’s wrong with you?

Watch it in chronological order. The flashback/machete order is a reddit meme. A new hope feels much richer if you watch it after Revenge of the sith.

I would think release order, but you do you.

Production order. Always production order.

Star wars, Empire, Return. Then stop unless you cant help your self

But like I said before, ANH feels more interesting coming after ROTS. The shift from the slick glory days of the old republic into the scrappy worn down galactic civil war feels interesting.

>We are now announcing the following Star Wars watching order: ANH, ESB, ROTJ

>That is all.

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Disney Star Wars films need to be treated as if they don't exist.

watch episode 3 six times

Shut up gen x boomers

Chrono if it's not your first time sitting down and watching all of them.
Release if it is or you haven't seen them in recent memory.
Machete is fucking garbage.

chronological order to watch why the Jedi suck ass and deserved death

You used to be able to do machete order, now you can't. Just watch 4,5,6,7,8 and watch a clip compilation of ep 2 and 3 and ignore Solo and R1, both are trash, 90 percent of the prequels are trash.


That is the kino order.

>ANH > ESB > EP1 > 2 >3 > TROJ
ha, a fellow connaisseur of fine cinema I see

>why the Jedi suck ass and deserved death
The final film's called Return of the Jedi for a reason.

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7-8 are trash

Watch is Chronologically imo.I watched it 4-6 then 1-3 but I think 1-6 would be better.

I was 8 when Episode 1 came out and didn't realize it then but that shit's terrible. I didn't notice 3 years later when I was 11 for Episode 2, but Episode 3 was so obviously fucking bad and then when I went and rewatched the previous 2 I felt severely embarrassed I enjoyed them as much as I did.

Release order. No exceptions no matter what the franchise is.


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And what did the jedi do with their return?
the sequel series (tfu) shows that Luke is an asshole who was willing to kill his nephew over a feeling.
The only saving grace of Luke's jedi order is that he didn't have the order worm it's moralfaggot corruption through the republic

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keep telling yourself that, I guess? Meanwhile, Rise will make another billion dollars.

being embarassed for being a dumb kid that liked a product designed for dumb kids is dumb, user

Dr Who


When youre dumb teenager you dont think about that