Why is Hollywood trying to kill masculine male characters these days...

Why is Hollywood trying to kill masculine male characters these days? Will we ever see men like this on the big screen anymore?

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Men don’t have masculine bodies anymore.

>emasculate men
>make them weak
>disarm them
>flood country with people who they've been repeatedly at war with for decades
I wonder what's going on?

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>Highest grossing actor in 2019

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For real? How is that even possible


BS. Top 10 highest earning actors in 2018:

1.) Chris Hemsworth (/fit/)
2.) Robert Downey Jr. (semi-/fit/)
3.) Chris Evans (/fit/)
4.) Mark Ruffalo
5.) Michael B. Jordan (/fit/)
6.) Chadwick Boseman (/fit/)
7.) Chris Pratt (/fit/)
8.) Tom Hardy (semi-/fit/)
9.) Dwayne Johnson (ultra-/fit/)
10.) Ryan Reynolds (/fit/)

Only 1 non-fit there

>masculine male

The hyper masculine male figure was really in the 80’s.

As long as The Rock and Momoa are still around I don't see it going anywhere.

a. jews
b. muhh feminism we no want backlash women say that strong men is devil
c. jews

>non-whites are allowed to be traditionally masculine
Really makes you think.
A lot of race-mixing propaganda everywhere, too.
Also a lot of pushes to normalize transgenders.
I wonder why the elites in the media and politics love gays, race-mixing, and trannies so much?
Well, if you're a white man and you're gay, the chances that you'll make a white baby is slim, statistically speaking.
Also, transgenders often get their genitals removed, which leaves them incapable of potentially making more white people.
And they insist on dating people of their same gender, while they pretend to be the opposite gender. That doesn't lead to more white babies, either.
Race-mixing also doesn't make more white babies.
Also the left thinks white people are innately evil oppressors.
They also very openly state that they've decided for everyone, that race and heritage don't matter anymore.
Really makes you think.

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OP btfo


I listen to you guys talk as if having Jewish blood is what makes you evil and if you remove Jewish blood then everything will be okay... so, now you are the new Jew, since this is what the Jews say about you. You are no different than the people you claim to hate. When I look at all the "goys" who willingly line up for power, and willingly sign up to betray their own people, I wonder who is worse?

You don't have a Jewish problem as much as you have a morality problem. These psychopaths wouldn't have any power over anyone if people had solid Christian morals. They would flee from you! I love how everything is the Jews fault and no one else's. The Jews might whisper something in your ear, but you don't have to listen to them. Judge yourselves and your own people, then go judge the Jews.

Literally every one of those guys repeats Cultural Marxist talking points.

Are you kidding? Watch any cape shit movies, those bros are jacked. Hell now a days you have to at least be slightly ripped to even get cast in a normal role

>only non-whites are allowed!
except for chris hemsworth, chris evans, chris pratt, mark wahlberg, and ryan reynolds...All masculine A-Listers...sure.

Yeah nah, I'm interested to see an alternate universe where they don't exist.

It's not the jews fault you're fat and repulsive

do you think Bronson would have ever played Conan if it were offered?

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Western women are more masculine than western males these days

>t. typical jewish rationalization
So because we have traitors in our midst, that means it's okay that your people have set a trap for us to destroy our people...
That's some of the most retarded logic I've ever heard.
You completely pass off your role in this, instead blaming those you set this in motion against.
>If his friend came in sooner, I wouldn't have been able to murder him, so it's really his fault
You will receive exactly that same amount of mercy from us, jew.

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you know that “masculinity” doesn’t just mean being in shape, right?

Masculine? Really?
They're muscular, but they're all cucked leftist faggots that repeat cultural marxist propaganda at every opportunity.

you mean more fat

It's not the jews fault you're pic related

diet & exercise.

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>muh leftists
because pic related are truly symbols of masculinity right

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How was Bronson even masculine?

just do it

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it really is the face isn't it

>worked in coal mines as a child
>poor, wore sisters dresses because had no other clothes
>WWII vet
>/fit/ as fuck even in his 60’s

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Frame too

>was really in the 80’s.
You're out of touch

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damn tarkovsky looks like THAT?!?

tell the team that they need better propaganda techniques

this post was typed by jewish hands

>telling you to diet and exercise is "propaganda"
absolute state of /pol/fattys

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stop samefagging tranny

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>they're not masculine because of different political views
Take your pills schizo

Oh you wish my kikey friend.

The goyim know.

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liberalism is feminine

He's in his 50's and had breast reduction surgery.

ah yes 4 different trannys just so happened to all post the same butthurt response within 4 minutes of each other.

I can edit in MS paint too

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have you not noticed that he's brown?

that poster seems based as fuck

you will never be a woman

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The Goyim know.

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the trannys seethe

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You can see the exact moment some butthurt /pol/cel showed up to chimp out ITT

It sounds to me like you're trying to build a utopia here on earth where problems don't exist. Do you think that if you removed everyone with Jewish blood then you won't have any problems?

Even if you remove all the Jews from your country, it is only a matter of time before you all start taking advantage of each other. Human nature is human nature. Even when the Russians removed all the Jews they just started abusing each other (in the name of Christ), then God sent the Jews in to do that same thing.

There are ultra-religious Jews who are one part of the problem and then you have the Gnostic Jews who don't care about the religious ones. These two factions will go to war eventually. Majority of Jews don't belong in either of these two camps.

And what about the non-Jews who willingly convert to Judaism and the Jews who willingly leave Judaism? Who is the problem? Whose blood is more dirty?

those damn tranny's calling out the Joo's again huh

What is the ethnicity of big sugar CEOs?

have self-control.

Once Clint croaks, there will be no more left

Reminder that old masculine actors like Stallone, Alain Delon, Brando, Mel Gibson and more are not considered white by /pol/. This is the absolute state /pol/ is in, talking about muh good old days when they would find something to seethe about anyway.

Their blood is the same. Full of greed lust and evil.

>nearly all marvel

Half of the guys on that list love cocks in and around their mouths.


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Pratt and The Rock are the only masculine actors on that list.

Aren't they making a movie starring that ultrachad that gets memed on here all the time?

>ad hominem about racism in a thread about masculinity
>muh /pol/

Lmao this guy clearly doesnt even know what OP is asking for out of experience.

how old is this one now

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>Even if you remove all the Jews from your country, it is only a matter of time before you all start taking advantage of each other
Huh, that makes a lot of sense maybe we should just overlook the fact you're trying to destroy us... obviously someone has to do it...

Are the Death Wish films any good?

Yeah, but they aren't as masculine as the /pol/tards who do nothing but shitpost on Yea Forums. Always is funny how people here will claim to be manly or masculine, but ask them to post arms+timestamp or show any proof of manliness will dry up.

>Dichotomic mindset

>And what about the non-Jews who willingly convert to Judaism
deranged blacks and women without principles of any sort

Did you not notice their absolutely fucked body proportions?

But he is a faggot, only makes shit movies, and can’t act.

>says the faggot derailing the thread to talk about muh jews
/pol/ at it again

have sex

Do you even know what satire is and comedy is? All you Nazi haters always have to build a straw man to make a point. I don’t even like the Nazis and you got me defending them.

I just did 10 pushups. Is that considered decent?

11 is the world all time record

Not really dude. Just do an actual workout routine.

but user he didn't mention the Jews
you did

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Yes cause he's gonna make it on ten push-ups a day. Do an actual routine not some shitty 5minutes of exercise once a weak dyel.

Yeah he did mate, learn to read a reply chain

Bodyweight workouts are great if you don't want to get too big. Look at gymnasts

If you're doing a calisthenics routine ten push-ups isn't enough either man. You'd need to go at least in the 50s range if you wanted a pure bodyweight program.

Also most male gymnasts lift at a competitive level. Just cause they're lean and short doesn't mean they don't hit the weight room.


I do 1000 a day

(((hollywood))) run by jews
jews push multicultural, multiracial, emasculating agenda, and atomisation of man so that he becomes a onions consoomer


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>it...it's the jews fault my BMI is 35!

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>so ruggard and manly that Carpenter turned him down for EFNY
>got turned down as Superman for the same reason
Peak chad.

funny you bring up onions

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you faggot whites need to stop crying on the internet so much a get laid.

i'm a south asian manlet and even though according to you virgin losers i'm a poo in the loo incel, in real life my girlfriend and I have unprotected sex all the time. and if i ever have kids, they will definitely be darkskin like daddy.

it's not the jews, if you want to know why the white race is dying, go look in a mirror!

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Are you masculine enough? I'm not, so I don't care. Why don't you go outside and play soccer or something instead of shitposting about masculinity on the Internet?

It has more to do with the fact that Hollywood nepotism is rife. The only lead men are all connected to the (((tribe))). None of them have had to live through hardships that help them develop as men.

Being knowingly false about something but still forcing it. Good job, stick to that straw man goy, you only ruin your own credibility.

KYS shitskin

Damn... I never really realized Bronson was that buff.

so do you /pol/trannys dress up in drag as a "joke" too? Cuz most people don't m8...

nice try schlomo

>I'm not a Nazi I swear guys, but I want to defend them
>How dare you disagree with me you filthy goy

how gay does something have to be before /pol/ stops considering it "just a joke"? Penile insertion? Tip touching?

nice try tranny

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ah yes, it's all a jewish conspiracy while they cast left but not right

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Good job same fagging, I’m /pol/ because I can recognize satire? We’re the three stooges trannys too? Talk shit about Nazis all day for all I care, but you make a better case if you don’t make shit up to do it.

poo in the fucking loo pajeet

guy on the right would easily knock that glass jawed simian out

Jews love nigger dicks.

trannys love national socialism

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>I-Its only a coincidence that 90% of Hollywood is kikes and kike converts

>defending trannys this hard
not suspicious at all. I never believed the "poltranny" meme until now

eat less food & demand less gibs

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so do jews

I want you all to understand that this shitskin gets his dick wet far more often than you ever will. not that it's hard to beat a dry dicked incel that repels all females, but just reminding you.

also normal white people who aren't incels like you guys get laid all the time, only on this board do you guys act like the white race is dying all the time because your fat, hideous ass can't get laid.

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israel is an african tier shithole

>only on this board do you guys act like the white race is dying
lol, delusional
you think pol got trumped elected
you think middle America is egalitarian

t. fatty arab

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there is not a single place on the planet that is majority ashkenazi jewish that isn't pure refined shit.

Jews are only capable of not living in absolute filth when operating parasitically.

only a brainlet would think there is something gay about this

because of whiney faggots like you

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Fuck off OP. If films were nothing but sexualised women with hourglass figures, and cute bois with feminine penises then I’d go to the cinema much more often. I don’t wanna see some hirsute muscle bound gym cuck with a problematic misogynistic outlook. Sexy women and sexy boipucci only please

Charles Bronson is so fascinatingly ugly
>dat kino closeup in Once Upon a Time in the West