I know the original Starfire is tanned so casting a dark skinned actress isn't so bad but how to do excuse the springy hair?
I know the original Starfire is tanned so casting a dark skinned actress isn't so bad but how to do excuse the springy...
the excuse is that the costume design is shit
looks like the ads I see for POSE
How do you excuse that ugly sheboon face?
I think she just showed up like that and they shrugged and started filming.
at least she lost like 20lbs between seasons 1 and 2
One of the worst castings of all time
Having a tan doesn't change your facial and skeletal structure you faggot.
>black as soot
Comic Starfire is fucking orange. Casting a nigger isn't a big deal if they actually made an effort to fuck with the tint of her skin with makeup or CGI or something stupid. But then you'd get a bunch of whinging faggots on Twitter complain about orangewashing and how your oppressing a strong black kwane by covering her skin to make her look like the character she's playing.
So sick of niggers being shoe horned into things.
its just so fucking obvious now
imagine unironically being attracted to she-boons
>casting a dark skinned actress isn't so bad
Yes, however...
Bumblebee and Cyborg are both already black, why did they have to go ruin starfire?
Time to update that that thing, user.
thanks for the updated list of shame
Never watched Teen Titans but a lot of kids waifu Starfire and Raven. They seem like pretty good waifus as far as western shit goes.
If they really wanted to, they could have shoehorned in Static Shock and his roster as well, but hey gingers aren't allowed to exist I guess.
>original Starfire is tanned so casting a dark skinned actress isn't so bad
She was orange and modeled after latina/mulatto women. They should of gotten a Puerto Rican or yellowbone to play her.
No, problem. The ones on the lower left hand side are kinda blurry because the original image was kinda low res.
They want a nigger for commissioner gordon and that means Babs will also be a nigger. Holy shit why are they intent in burying all gingers?
i saw a black lady in a dress today and for half the block i thought she was trans/drag queen. had a very fit slightly muscular body, kekked when i realized it was a real woman
Why is the only non-human character also the only black character? This is just like Fantastic 4 making Johnny black because they didn't want a black lead.
gingers are perceived as the maximum whiteness available
Nipple piercings.
this chick is actually hot as fuck but starfire needs to be played by a latina.
God this shit is inexcusable.
It’s like they did their hardest to piss off anyone who could possibly be interested in this show
Who the fuck would subscribe to the DC streaming service except hardcore fans? And what hardcore fan would want to see one of the most objectively sexy DC characters played by a disgusting gorilla dressed like a street walker.
Tanned? She's fuckin' orange, bro
Some say Hollywood jews hates gingers with a passion because they are the whitest representation of white people on earth, and because they are still bitter over the fact that redheads used to be royalty throughout the ancient world including ancient egypt.
>It’s like they did their hardest to piss off anyone who could possibly be interested in this show
This is actually a legitimate marketing strategy, and you see it used all the time now, especially by Disney/Netflix. I'm just going to copy/paste something I wrote in another thread:
All you need to do is cast a black person as a traditionally white character, and then let Yea Forums and Twitter play their respective roles in feeding the broader internet culture's outrage sphere. It's easy, turnkey marketing. You take "give money to billion dollar company", and you turn it into "take a stand for equality, like Rosa Parks!", and people who crave meaning in their lives eat it right up.
Disney and Netflix especially have mastered it. Didn't like TLJ? Everyone who doesn't like it is a racist, and a sexist. Not interested in Star Wars? You need to see it anyways to rebuke Trump. Think Captain Marvel is boring, and a rehash of Thor? Sexist. Not interested? See it anyways, Trump. Repeat forever. It happens all the time, and it is incredibly easy to recognize now.
she isnt tanned. shes golden
>racemix goy
>don't make more white people
Doesn't Yea Forums know about the Coudenhove Kalergi plan?
shes actually pretty good here. her color pops. everything else is so dark and washed out you cant even see her on screen.
>shes golden
And also has green eyes.
Trips have never been known to lie.
>Doesn't Yea Forums know about the Coudenhove Kalergi plan?
No, go on...
It sucks because my wife is a lifelong disneycuck. She loves Ariel and the little mermaid. Has a fucking tattoo. When they started making the live action remakes I got genuinely excited to see how happy the live action little mermaid would make her when they eventually got to it
Then they announced the Negro goblin casting.
Luckily she’s also redpilled and almost as racist as me. But it still sucks
DC has gotten casting wrong for years now, who is even shocked anymore? Their failure at the most basic things is why Marvel continues to utterly destroy them.
>people still think that comic book adaptations have to be as close to the original as possible
The TV shows are a different reality than the comics and its very common for characters to look very different from universe to universe. Titans casting is 100% acceptable.
Fuck off back to plebbit
>can't come up with a rebuttle
>Y-y-your Reddit!
Id be ok with a globalist kike interpretation if we ever got a faithful adaptation once in a while. But we never get to see big screen portrayals the way we want. It’s always BLACKED
Thank you for that moron's perspective. Always good to hear from those who have endured lead poisoning as children.
To hear from the other side, half the appeal of an adaptation is seeing what you already like, but in real life. When you cast Melissa McCarthy as Shredder, you aren't making an adaptation, or a "version" of anything - you're just hijacking an IP to help sell your bullshit that couldn't have stood on it's own two legs otherwise.
And when you're doing it as part of a long running, obvious, hamfisted attempt at social programming and messaging, that's even worse. Even most dumbasses don't like manipulation, when they finally catch onto it.
It's just such an obvious thing. If you can understand why black Spider-man is a +1 for a black kid, or his parents, it should also be pretty easy to figure why that same situation is a -1 for a white kid, and his parents.
But yet, saying this is blasphemy, "racist", and whatever else. The low ends of reddit can't even acknowledge it. You want black characters? Great, so do I - go make some. The answer isn't hijacking characters that are half a century old or more.
90% sure a tranny or wahman made this post
Disney should celebrate African culture instead of just placing black people in European fairy tales. When making a black Disney princess, instead of taking from real black folklore, Disney just took a European one and made her black, and plopped her in a white setting. Blacks have their own princess tales, and folk lore like this story my black teacher used to love sharing with us back in the day.
>image very related.
I personally don't think it's right. Truth is Hollywood really don't care about them. They don't view them as people, but money bags.
>Look on social media, white SJWs are praising the black mermaid decision
>Look on Youtube, based black men are calling it out for being pandering , and nothing more than degrading hand-me-down.
Clown world we are currently living in, indeed
They were trying to make her look like an inhuman alien.
Black Spider-Man is fine. He’s miles morales. Not black Peter Parker. Peter Parker still exists. Now taking Mary Jane and casting a nigger and giving her the “nickname” MJ is blackwashing. Black Jim Gordon is blackwashing. And it only goes one direction.
Did you even watch Titans? It is nothing like the cartoon in any way shape or form. Robin is literally killing people left and right.
Just because (You) want a direct adaptation doesn't mean that that was what the writers wanted to do. If you don't like it then why watch it at all?
>Just because (You) want a direct adaptation doesn't mean that that was what the writers wanted to do
That you actually think this is a valid argument is almost impossible to believe.
Writers don't want to do an adaptation, but prefer to do their own thing? Then go do your own thing, and don't hijack already existing things. It isn't hard, unless you're creatively bankrupt.
To put it another way that I'm sure your unhealthy body weight is familiar with, you want to go make your own soda? Fine, just stop putting it into cans labelled "Coke", and then getting upset that people expected to find Coke inside, fucking half wit.
eveyone agrees that the costume is terrible
Just get a redhead actor lol
>when you email your dyslexic casting director to get you gingers
If a black actor playing the live action counterpart of a white cartoon character is a "-1" for your life, you should kys and be done with it. Most pathetic fucking thing I've read on this website and I've been coming here since 2007.
Miles was literally created to replace Peter though
Idris as heimdall was based tho
Am I blind? Where's poor Brynhildr
No, the writers realized their SJW bullshit won't sell on its own, so they piggy back off successful franchises to push their agenda and ruin them in the process.
>been on fucking Yea Forums for more than a decade
>thinks his inability to grasp simple ideas is somebody else's fault
That image is specifically for gingers that have been anagrammed into niggers, not just kangzwashing in general.
>This is actually a legitimate marketing strategy, and you see it used all the time now,
>give money to billion dollar company", and you turn it into "take a stand for equality, like Rosa Parks!",
Men in their 40-60s are the family men with money who have nostalgia. You know, your core market, Dan.
Shame no one has made the image for kanzwashing in general.
But for real, Valk got fucked. We went from this gorgeous blonde muscle goddess to an ugly mutt who is trying to turn her character into a dyke and is so out of shape her armor is CGI
I fear for when Jen finally gets into the big screen
That hamfisted association of "critics of our creative void of a film" and Republicans/Trump, that people fall for in droves. Past generations fought injustice and inequality through marching, protesting, lobbying for new laws, etc. Now, you can do all that by watching a movie, and retweeting, neat!
You can't dislike a movie without being registered for the Klan anymore.
I know there's a BLACKED historical casting image, which is even more infuriating, but an image that collected all examples of nigwashing would either be too small to see or too large to save.
>I fear for when Jen finally gets into the big screen
All of this was just one more good reason to quit watching capeshit, and I dropped the MCU in particular a while ago. I've got a zero tolerance policy for this kind of shit now, especially if it's supposed to be historical/period.
I have no intention of seeing anything that's coming out aside from maybe Doctor Strange and Blade, but i've heard shit coming down the pipeline about Shulk coming out.
But with Peter Parker effectively gone, my old hope of Jen and Peter broing out are shattered
Haha, NIGGERS! Can I be part of the club too? I'm lonely and have a 3 inch penis just like you guys!
No, but keep shilling for obvious social programming in entertainment, and I'm sure Deshawn will let you and your wife borrow his.
It was typical Red Oni / Blue Oni stuff.
Look for trans casting.
>Truth is Hollywood really don't care about them. They don't view them as people, but money bags.
And it works. Depressed yet?
I understand the idea. It's the logic of a manchild who can't go out into the world and accomplish anything, so he prides himself on the accomplishments of his "ancestors," who apparently include white cartoon characters and super heroes. When one of his familial idols is ripped out of his imagined family tree, he seethes and mashes furiously at his keyboard about Jews. Like I said, most pathetic thing I've ever read here. In the time I've been coming here, I got a wife and kids. You got... the little mermaid? LMAO
>build the greatest country on Earth by claiming fertile, virgin land and taking only the best bits of European culture
>some 200 years later, allow this
>"I understand the idea."
>Proceeds to give deranged, half-witted rant about ancestry (lmao) that clearly demonstrates he doesn't understand the idea, at all.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, assume you're a troll just pretending to be this stupid, and you aren't the real deal. Either way, go farm for (You)'s on a porn board somewhere.
>You got... the little mermaid?
Not anymore he doesn't.
sure, hop in dude
>Disney should celebrate African culture
By stealing the intellectual property and culture of whites, Disney demonstrates a deep and abiding respect for black culture.
White's don't own anything silly, that's not allowed anymore
Kek got em.
See how you didn't link my post properly? That's seething. You didn't want to give me and "points" just like the Jews took "points" away from you by recasting gingers. Right? If you identified with or looked up to a character BECAUSE they were white, you're a stupid coping incel. My daughter pretends to be male and female super heroes, black and white and alien ones, whatever she feels like. She doesn't care what color they are, just whether they're cool or not. You're really fixated on imaginary points scored in a game of cultural race war. It's sad, man. I pity you. You've gone mad from a lack of pussy in your life and your brain grabbed onto something random to displace your angst.
Starfire should have a body of work like that
the general problem with WB is that they love not having hot women in capeshits
projecting much? I'm 7x6 post your stats tranny
I didn't read any of this lol
They don't give a chap about minorities. They just like to profit off of them, and dividing people.
We're talking about a company who literally made a solid attempt at COPYRIGHTING the name of a holiday ("El Dia De Los Muertos") for their Disney/Pixar movie Coco.
>Never watched Teen Titans but
garbage, look for the original source
Yes you did. What a bitch made little cuck you are.
She's looking better this season.
She is 100% alien
Should use a green contact lens too
Beast Boy is also green and he only appears green when he turns in some animal
So it's a low bugget show, Warner doesn't want to expend money with this
>They just like to profit off of them
They're not even really profiting off of them, so much as they're profiting off of the woke white twitter moms who are white knighting for them. None of this is even remotely beneficial to the groups that "well, why CAN'T he be black!?" types think they're helping.
Hollywood does it again
But why did they cast a literal gorilla though?
No she still looks like a nigger.
Should have got a Latina with golden skin. Blacks just look off somehow.
The inspiration to starfire was a puerto rican woman
The whole show just looks like a porn parody