For a while you could delete the "sm_1280x640" part from their URL's in the store, but now it seems you cant download the large files and print them yourself. Any haxxors now a way to get some kino memento?
High resolution Mondo movie posters?
wish this was larger
Hollywood should get Mondo to do posters for their movies instead of interns doing shitty photoshop jobs.
Using your plot twist as your poster would be pretty damn stupid tbqh
doesn't ruin anything in the film unless you already saw it
Works for limited edition, celebratory material. Which is the case for the one in OP's.
I always wonder why they don't do it more often. Just hire one of the regular MONDO guys or maybe one of those polish artists that make some KINO posters. I'm sure they could afford it with how much is spent in marketing.
someone post it
Movie posters are a dying art in general
what are you, poor? just buy them off ebay.
Doesn't Mondo just hire a bunch of known comic artists to do these? Same with some Critereon. I recognize some of the comic artists they use.
Why pay extra money when you can have an intern do it for free with some stock photos of your actors?
>print them yourself
How are you doing that? I have so many hi-rez posters I want to print but not a quality poster printer.
They should have used Suehiro Maruo’s
art instead of whatever this is
Walgreens or a print shop
go to any kinkos
some libraries have good large dpi printers
What paper type do you use? I'm not familiar with any of the options. I just want the closest thing to an actual film poster, really.
This is the best they ever did.
>80 dollars for a big piece of paper
just waifu2x
bump for interest
This is legit awful.
Goddamn this nigga looks like he crawled into a bottle.
>For a while you could delete the "sm_1280x640" part from their URL's in the store
Please tell me someone has an archive of all of these somewhere
These posters are so expensive. There was a jurassic park one i wanted going for $750
This, but for the Arrow collection of posters.
So i found a high enough resolution picture of it and printed it out at UPS for $16
Not an original poster but I still like it.
Has anyone figured out OPs question yet
post more large ones
Never mind, I figured it out
>I always wonder why they don't do it more often. Just hire one of the regular MONDO guys or maybe one of those polish artists that make some KINO posters. I'm sure they could afford it with how much is spent in marketing.
That would mean they give a shit. Which they dont. And the few people at studio who would care would get shit on it for it being too risky.
>tumblr nose
this is one of the worst movie posters I have ever seen in my life
please delete this thread or this image now
whats bad about it
This is fucking beautiful.
the fucking amateur webcomic artist straight out of community college method of drawing the faces really bothers me a lot
what the fuck is the point of those red tumblr noses? seriously, how does it detract from the image in any way to simply make those normal coloured noses?
It's because its cold in england, like, all the time, so they have red noses and cheeks
Where'd you get the hi-rez posters? Im trying to find a hi rez version of pic related so I can print it
Nothing wrong in spending big money on glorified fanart user