is it kino?
Is it kino?
Big Money Hustlers is better.
Unironically no.
I wanna see this
It's alright but Big Money Hu$tla$ is better.
have no desire to see this video, so can't truthfully answer op's query
but I will be dipped in a vat of hot bronze commie juice if kabuki makeup wearing wiggers holding their colt single action army revolvers sideways and doing a cathouse driveby from a stagecoach doesn't at least have kino potential
I mean, that shit's all trash, but Big Money Hustlers is at least funny.
Someone the only real actor Jason Mewes was the worst actor in the entire movie.
I like how Twiztid is the same damn thing as ICP but with a narrower appeal.
>we have two bands, we're a whole genre unto ourselves
Twiztid and ICP hate eachother now. They branches off and made their own label so they could have creative freedom but only play the shit the ICP made for them.
Fake rappers doing the fake rapper thing with fake beef.
Real beef, Twiztid stole half of ICPs labels roster and all still use the characters ICP created. The actual groups don’t talk about it much since the original split but it’s been entertaining to watch. The fans are pretty brand loyal to one side or the other.
Why the fuck did I get that ICP tattoo? I'm 36 and I'm stuck with this shit forever on my chest every time I go to the doctor or change at the gym or make love to my wife.
pls post pic
>icp tattoo
Where'd you meet her? Family reunion?
the one good think about whites dying out is no more juggalos
tom sizemore's cameo is peak cringe. also hustlas is better.
everyone who hates this movie is unironically a gay virgin nerd
I have a hatchet man tattoo on my leg. I try to downplay it when getting with a girl. They usually don’t notice till the second or third date and it never gets a good reaction. I get people not liking ICP but I don’t need a chick that worships people like Cardi B to judge my music taste.
More importantly. are any of the other GWAR movies kino? I really enjoyed the camp value of Skullhedface.
Is this the wicked clown thread?
Whoop Whoop Juggalo homies, what's baking?
Plz be real
I'm a real estate agent and sell condos to rich old Jews retiring. Everyday I live in fear that the fabric of my shirt might be too thin and transparent and someone might notice it. I'm a professional, I in no way relate to the grubby stoner version of me from 20 years ago. It's fucking sucks
They're all pretty good if you're into that kinda thing. Phallus in Wonderland is a lot of fun. Thank you for reminding me of these.
The Insane Kino Posse never disappoints.
Twiztid has much more talent than icp in terms of actually raping and making music. If that's even saying anything.
Live in Antarctica is the best
You meant to say... rapping... right?
And here I was embarrassed for buying The Great Melinko when I was 12. I tried to play it for my friends and then they laughed because it was shit.
Things could have been so much worse.
>I'm a real estate agent and sell condos to rich old Jews retiring.
Nice. I'm a leasing agent. I rent to illiterate welfare mammies who can barely spell their name and can't tell time.
I should get into real estate.
>ICP was just one big con to convert a bunch of idiots into Christianity
Honestly one of the funnier things of my lifetime
they never followed up besides that one song
But they are literally not christian. That’s some copy pasta fake article from years ago. Their religious beliefs go as far as “they follow god” which was obvious from the start because all their album themes are good vs evil.
>They branches off and made their own label so they could have creative freedom
You mean they created a label, "stole" slang to name it, and poached some of their former label mates.While I do believe Twiztid is better they doin the same shit ICP did. The only difference being that they arent using the label to create content for them.
is anyone here a juggalo?
I won’t judge. I bet it feels nice to be a part of a community like that
a challenger appears
It's not as entertainingly stupid as I thought it would be, but I forced one of my friends to watch part of it while they were tripping and that was fun at least.
Twiztid has not done anything original since MNE. They leach off all the stuff that ICP created for them. Honestly J should had made all their characters a copyrighted Psychopathic property. Hell they still do Lotus shows which was all Js idea.
I still hold the juggalo title in most situations. Lots of juggalo are trash and everyone hates them. But in the spectrum of shit music today, is liking ICP really all that ridiculous. At least ICP doesn’t take themselves that seriously.
Their own original content was different enough for them to be a competitor. ICP signs them and the like for cheap and ensures they still get coverage while having little to no competition while also gaining that many fans for themselves. Then on top of all that youre told no one else would sign you and because atleast an influencer picks you up you end up buying into their big picture.
Tilt-A-Whirl, Let's Go All the Way and Halls of Illusions are clearly Christian songs with their dark carnival shit theme
I loved the great milenko and still do even though Im not an ICP fan anymore.
The newer Jokers cards haven't been as bad as I thought they were gonna be. MDP was really damn good. The rest after that just have a smattering of good stuff but it's better than they should be doing at this point. Twiztid is doing completely new stuff every year and it's been okay. Abominationz was probably their best ever
>If that's even saying anything.
It's not, but at least you tried I suppose.
Can someone explain the appeal of ICP to me?
Overtly cheesy/camp rap, if you can't understand the appeal I don't think explaining it will really make you.
rustlas approved flick
Edgy lyrics and a group dynamic with their fans.
It appeals to the drug-using white trash people.