Do you like this movie?
Do you like this movie?
I love it, one of my favourite movies
yes, thanks for asking
So, was James Woods planning on killing himself by jumping in the back of a garbage truck, or did there just happen to be one there?
Only the rape scenes
Too slow even at 1.5x speed.
First half was the better half.
how do I get a gang like this
its an epic film without an epic story
it's not about any story or plot
it's about getting older full of regrets and uncertainties
Yes I found it deeply upsetting and I will never watch it again except for the Connally jerk off clips
It's like a less entertaining Godfather and Godfather 2 combined
I may watch it in 4k sometime but the urge has never arisen
Was that actually Jennifer's bare ass?
No. There's a body double mentioned in the credits.
I seriously hope you guys watched the EU release not the mangled US version.
so was it just the opium or did all that shit in the present actually happen
This movie is any 1970s mob gangster movie stretched out to 4 hours
I don't think you can even see the US version anywhere. I think there's shit cut from the EU version anyway. That scene with the kid eating the cupcake that he intended to give to the slut made me think those characters probably had more scenes together in the script.
the entire movie is noodles opium dream. Nothing in the movie really happened. If you're looking for answers the quick answer is there is no answer. the long answer is there really is no answer
take a look at the poster; characters from just past the turn of the century, but in the background the monolith urban apartment complexes built in the 1960s
Thank you mr reddit theories
want a real theory?
the garbage truck is an allegory for the whole movie. its trash
that's just you being a low-tier smartass
It's good but a bit too fucking long
>That scene with the kid eating the cupcake
That scene shoulda have been cut
i fucking hated it
Yes the directors cut is a masterpiece
The most dildos of all theories
It is already a movie, no need to put another layer of artifice onto an already artificial medium
It was sentimental to the point of being sickly .
Was it a dream or not?
Think with your head user. Watch the movie and draw your conclusions.
Also, no.
I thought it was a dream due to his perceptions of the characters being multiplied in the future scenes
If it was it was a very boring one