This movie has too much diversity for my taste

>this movie has too much diversity for my taste
>white men are being marginalized!

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>She-Ghostbusters is a good movie you just dont like diversity

i have hair + hairline like a gorilla and hold the same opinions. what now?

>I just don't like nigs is all

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Shave the dick outta your hair and embrace yourself


That's not the real embrace, that's just another form of coping.

Attached: the chad embrace.png (1326x1368, 50K)

Attached: 1569278909827.png (2708x1372, 89K)

>me in 4 years unironically
What can I do, bros?
>inb4 shave it all and grow a beard

based hairlet

im balding like a motherfucker and i still don't want blacks in my moving pictures so what nigga???

>the 30 year old dad in the early 2000s look
the look of patricians if you ask me

>making your baldness even more obvious is cope
This post was made by a widow's-peak-and-combover copebeast

cant do this when your hair is thinning all over the top like mine

not give a fuck lol

>blacks? yeah i hate them

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Shave it, but don't grow a beard unless your jawline is pure shit.

I do a mix of virgin cope and chad embrace: shaved uptop + mustache and stubble. It's like a weird mix of goofy but handsome if you got the face for it.

Attached: 1564327871346.jpg (640x443, 55K)

Hiding your hairline is coping, showing the world your hairline is embracing.

don't shave it
just go to the gym and get wide

This was originally a meme image. It’s not meant to be serious man. Having horribly thinning hair and just trying to cope and pretend it’s not happening looks awful

MM Da's not nice

Your hairline is still perfectly visible when you shave, you coping rart. Your follicles don't disappear.

This is without a doubt the worst fucking board on this site.

This. Imagine being such a woman you give a fuck what people think of your hairline. Just be confident and shave your head because I told you to bro, that's what confident people do right, whatever they're told?

Finasteride + minoxidil + nizoral
do it before it's too late
If you have money, go for implants but not too young

>retards on 4channel actually took the bait and made themselves look even worse because of a joke picture
you've been trolled by Yea ;)

Nearly all men go bald, get over it losers.

hey thats me in 2 years

t. coping baldlets

Attached: c5t1urwgpd431.jpg (750x1082, 93K)

If he had a full head of hair I bet he'd have at least 600 likes

I only see leftist faggots with balding hair. Every white hair I know that isn’t balding says the nword at least once a sentence.

are you actually trying to say that looks good? lmao

Attached: master race.png (576x500, 508K)