ITT: gay actors

ITT: gay actors
Pic related

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Fanatic was kino. Fuck off.

He's probably had anal with Morgan freeman

so that's why Morgan hates Russia...

John Travolta is happily married to a cisgender woman. Care to retract your slander?

Reminds me of the hate Polar got last year.
Finely directed, production is aye OK, actually quite stylish and pretty but the pieces don't line up exactly so it isn't a 10 or 9 or maybe not an 8 but it's okay
But reviewers act like it's dogshit.

that woman dated Charlie Sheen (aidsfag) before she married Travolta

He's still gay

>he doesn't know what a beard is

The fuck... Your gayness is showing faggot.

That's a beard, to cover up for his faggot shit.

rewatch the musical scenes in grease and tell me a straight man moves like that. based and blatantly homosexual

what's wrong with being gay?

Nothing, user. I think the moral of the thread is that being in the closet makes you deserving of ridicule.

He sure is happy :>)

>says the worthless piece of shit tripfag

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Why else is he so sad

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webm related

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The hunt for love, user

Travolta is bisexual

Basically any famous males that are part of Scientology