ITT: Holy Sh*t Moments in Television History
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careful not to fall for it guys
>"Sixth in geese-a-laying, Twenty-first in disabled breastfeeding, Three in eleventh, Seventh in circus hobo registration... "
A girl I liked posted this video on Facebook and I honestly lost a lot of respect for her.
her loss
Olivia Munn’s commentary on that show was the worst.
That and the guy who freaks out looks like he’s actually having anxiety attacks because Dodd Frank might not be aggressive enough. It reminded me of the satirical scene in Forest Gump where the abusive boyfriend blames the war for making him angry.
Emily Mortimer was hot in her day tho
>canada has freedom
>constitutional monarchy
>the queen owns your land
>not a republic
Jesus, liberals are truly demented.
Cringe. I recommend never mentioning this video or it’s contents to anybody in real life
Yeah, thank god your land is safe from being randomly seized in the US. OH SAY CAN Y-
>The Redditroom
Give me your fucking syrup Canada I won’t ask twice
He's right, no one has refuted him, also
>pass user
literally only amerifats hate this because it goes against the propaganda they're fed all their lives
reddit hates sorkin, he truly is our guy
I don't like the scene because it feels like the writer is just jerking himself on
It's the most bottom of the barrel, lowest common denominator redpill masqueraded as some kind of life-changing monologue.
Rule vs. exception
thanks for proving my point.
Is this what they call a "Bruh Moment"?
Because of kino like The West Wing
one of the worst shows i've ever seen
It’s the opposite of that though, it turns into a cheeseball speech all about how America can be great again because of some inherent manifest awesomeness that we have by virtue of being American.
And of course the whole point is he’s gonna do it by hosting a cable news program
>canada has freedom
You can get jailed for deadnaming a tranny
lol no they got mad at him for that newsroom episode where the guy doesn't believe the chick who got raped
This show was garbage even for heady conversation Sorkin dramas
the writing was literal masturbation
some of what he says is true, but don't tell me you honestly believe that germany, where you can be thrown in jail for having the wrong political opinion, has freedom the same way that the us does
>Pass user since 2017
what the fuck
jesus christ the slideshow is this a sitcom
>It's okay if the government only has its boot on the throat of a percentage of its citizens. ;)
You get shot in USA if you make a mistake during the hokey-pokey
seems like one of those failed attempts at a "Powerful" moment
take away "minorities" and we would be among the top 4. LOL just joking guys ahahah!
We basically colonized them. You tell me.
i like how retarded this scene is compared to the rest of the show it makes it hilarious
Germany is filled with nazis openly being nazis, they just can't fly the damn swastika but that's all. Also freedom for me has a lot to do with not getting randomly shot dead when I accidentally step on somebodys property or tasered after the tiniest misdemeanour.
>Germany is filled with nazis openly being nazis
Need proofs.
who even watches that garbage. ive never even seen those actors in a room together before
This is heckin ebin
The Sam Seaborn seasons of the West Wing are unironically great. The rest of Sorkin's work is either poor or rehashing it.
The Queen owning land is literally no different than the government ownig your land. In fact, its better, because if the queen tried shit it would cause a constitutional crisis and potential civil war/revolution.
The government can just do whatever the fuck they want and us good goys just let them.
Pretty much everything he said can be debunked or is a false equivalent. Libs need to stretch the truth paper thin to make a point because their arguments are terrible. In addition to most of this being debunked, America also has several issues that the countries he compared it too does.
>the UK
>having a civil war
With what guns lel
This was so dumb. We’re the greatest country because we should have fallen apart during the Civil War, WW2, Jim Crow, but it rose above it and is still here.
>rose above it
Remains to be seen.
>freedom for me has a lot to do with not facing consequences for my actions
Don’t forget the Josh Lyman, Leo McGarry, or Alan Alda episodes, user
We're falling apart because of the results of all three of those things.
did this monologue in acting class, absolutely based
As an edgy teen I thought this was the greatest speech in the world. As a well read adult I realize that 90% of what he said is not true.
>I'm a republican who just happens to agree with democrats 90% of the time
What did Sorkin mean by this?
>Rule vs. exception
it's the same rule everywhere retard, in the US it's called eminent domain. The difference is that in the US it's actually used while the queen, this queen at least, has never used it.
When exactly was America ever great?
No, but she did apply for welfare to heat her home.
I read the screenplay of The Social Network last week and thought "This Aaron Sorkin guy isn't half bad, oh look he wrote A Few Good Men". So I downloaded season one of the Newsroom. Deleted the torrent after this scene and the opening credits played for the first time.
I dunno, I'd give up letting nazis and racists have free speech if it meant getting free college and healthcare.
ruined one of my favorite bangers
>90% not true
let me guess you think the guy who says freedom.
>drink too much in the US
>ho no you're 20 and you forgot the US are retarded
>someone calls the cops
>5 dead, 23 injured
This was legitimately painful to watch.
Sounds good, guess you're not allowed to speak anymore you totalitarian fuckstick.
The writer came and said rogue CIA agents leaked him the plot.
That's cute but that's not a real choice you have
Can I still fly those flags from history?
so fucking what lmao, she already lives mostly on the public dime, don't you know anything?
When did you realize our """sociedy""" was actually bullsh*t?
Give me a real argument for why it shouldn't be illegal to say racist shit and promote nazism.
Sorkin does that a lot. His good guy Republicans are really liberal. Just watch the West Wing.
But the most based GOP characters aren’t as liberal, like pic related
He was good in Looming Towers ?
You are right. We all know no one's free speech is going away. Cancel culture and censorship is a boogyman. Where the USA govt. will pretty much spend billions on forign war.
So he wants to Make America Great Again?
Because racism is funny and IRL Nazi shit is unpopular except for the memes. So now you just made humor illegal. Also now you’re told what constitutes racist and Nazi speech, which now is pretty much anything right of far left.
Because fuck you this isn't the Soviet Union
Because you should never give total monopoly of the State to define what racism is, or to arbitrarily ban political parties. Since violence towards other human beings is already a crime- assault, rape, invasion of privacy, etc.. The law is designed to protect individuals from groups which would seek to do violence against them. Enshrining one group and banning others promotes extremism and violence instead of mutual compromise and political discourse.
>So now you just made humor illegal.
It's not illegal. Rracist and Nazi speech never changed? The line didn't move. Blackface was racist then and is racist now.
what about when we learned that god was bullshit
>Because racism is funny
Okay, Callum.
Give me a real argument for why it should be illegal to say racist shit and promote nazism.
In the context of making racist talk illegal. Something being in poor taste is not illegal and something being in poor taste is also debatable depending on context as well. Why can’t you libcuck faggots use any sort of critical thinking?
Yep, it was racist then and racist now. Do you think posting justin trudeau is going to magically change that?
whats actually racist about it?
Yes when you guys end up being racist hypocrites labeling yourselves as champions of diversity every fucking time.
There isn't any law prohibiting you from sucking Nazi cock, though. Why the persecution complex?
>Why can’t you libcuck faggots use any sort of critical thinking?
It's not critical thinking. You are talking about a thing that just isn't happening. No one is really trying to make racist speak illegal. People, however, are trying to make casual racism ok.
There is in certain countries, and you want there to be in America. I'm a transwoman in an interracial relationship, by the way, not a nazi. I'm just curious how you justify wanting to take away my rights.
I laughed
Jesus that’s bad
because then we have to spend 6 years kicking in the faces of sperging idiots and it's exhausting and it's a whole mess and nobody wants it except the spergs
pecking order
>You guys
What do you mean you guys? Oh, right Americans see politics like a team sport it's one side vs the other.
The main thing that irks me about this scene is the douchebag who says "freedom, freedom, and freedom, so let's keep it that way." Yet when Jeff Daniels' character answers with a more in depth answer than that nonsense, the moderator of whatever discussion they're having gets butthurt and forces him to give a real answer. Why didn't he make the other doofus give a better answer?
>There is in certain countries
No there isn't. There simply isn't a law prohibiting you from dressing up like a Nazi cuck and shoving dildos up your ass. You want people to listen to your racist rants and what not, and as it turns out, you will be kicked out of any respectable establishment for doign so. they're kicking you out because you're an obnoxious faggot. That isn't illegal.
Tsk tsk, comrade. That's hatespeech. Off to the gulag with you.
Casual racism is ok. Don’t be a faggot. You ever walk into a bar and yelled “look at this fucking wetback” to your Mexican friend and he responded “Fuck you, you pale ghost looking faggot.” Then you guys laughed and had a beer....that should be banned? Do you ever leave the house or talk to anybody outside your own race?
probably knows there's nothing better to expect from the other guy, unlike Jeff Daniels
He completely failed to name the greatest country. All he did was list off a dozen countries that beat America in only one small field. Instead of comparing America to another country, that con artist compares America to the rest of the entire fucking planet.
If America isn't the greatest, then what is? Someone answer the fucking question.
Ah yes the ubiquitous
>"I'm a fiscal conservative social liberal"
>Who was the last conservative candidate you voted for
>Who was the last republican candidate you voted for?
"I've never voted republican"
>What are some conservative fiscal policies you support? How about Lower taxes and subsequently less social spending?
"No not that"
>What are some regulations you want to see gotten rid of?
Always that canard to try and present themselves as moderate.
I blame those 'powerful' monologues for inspiring so many people (deluding, more so) to think they are an actor or a protagonist delivering some rousing speech. It's the genesis of all those "And then they all clapped" stories. People thinking they are in a movie.
Definition of racism will be abused by those in power to target those who disagree with them. Nazism is ill defined and is used to refer to anything in opposition to progressivism. Despite paradoxically the rabid anti-zionism by the left being far more water-carrying to Naziism than conservative ass-kissing of Israel.
the world Happiness Index says Finland is the happiest country. US is 18th after most of western Europe.
>yuropoor doesn't understand free speech
Color me surprised
try to say holocaust didn't happen in public and see how long your freedom lasts
>Happiness Index
>Casual racism is ok. Don’t be a faggot. You ever walk into a bar and yelled “look at this fucking wetback” to your Mexican
How you consider how the Mexicans that aren't your friend feel about your casual racism.
>Do you ever leave the house or talk to anybody outside your own race?
Yes, and I don't yell racial slurs at them because I find it funny. Why is it so hard for you to understand something that every kid is taught in school?
>"I'm a fiscal conservative social liberal"
It seems like Will McAvoy would be a Democrat... considering how the deficit explodes when Republicans get into office.
>These arbitrary lists say our country sucks
Is there anything more reddit?
Why should I give a single fuck about a stranger's feelings, and why should I be legally forced to?
I remember when Obama cut spending too
Public opinion and government mandated policy are two different things. Stop with the NPC statements.
People aren't this good. without a script nobody could ever deliver a monologue this perfectly. Additionally, he'd have to have all the placements memorised, which seems unlikely unless it's literally his go-to argument fodder.
this much cope
How many aircraft carrier battle groups can Finland deploy at the same time? How many men did Finland put on the Moon?
>Happiness Index
If it's so happy, then the world's illegal aliens should move there instead of America.
Yes. Does it matter that the US can bomb the world into oblivion if its inhabitants are miserable? Is happiness not the highest ideal and the surest measure of success for most people?
>can you suck America's dick
Is this really a question that gets asked in American debates?
Consider what the other white peoples feelings are when he says “pale faggot”. Why does the racism argument only flow in one direction.
So a person and his friend can’t joke around because somebody else might get offended. Where does that start and stop as far as policy?
Man, you guys keep guessing on what I am and being wrong every time. This is why racism is wrong. People like to generalize people and are always wrong about it.
>"b-b-b-but the definitions will chaaaaaaaaaaange!"
Can you show me examples of this happening in nations that have hate speech laws? Your hypotheticals don't mean shit when there's actual data available to look at. Nazism and racism are not some mystic voodoo words that no one knows the meaning of, most people have a good general sense of what they mean. And if you have so many fears of the ambiguous nature of the words, wouldn't you want them to be codified in law?
You're a hypocrite because you suddenly give a shit about blackface.
>Can you show me examples of this happening in nations that have hate speech laws?
You can be jailed in the UK for posting the scientific fact that transwomen are male.
>Also freedom for me has a lot to do with not getting randomly shot dead when I accidentally step on somebodys property
No one has the right to do that.
It was good before the war of independence and has been shit ever since.
If you’re argument is that it should be illegal, yet you can’t even define what exactly is right and wrong. Then how do you imagine this policy would work?
>How many aircraft carrier battle groups can Finland deploy at the same time? How many men did Finland put on the Moon?
Cringe. People act like a large military made America great are brainwashed by deployed relatives and Call of Duty. 2 years before WWII the US had the 16th largest military in the world, behind Romania.
Career military “lifers” have and always will suck ass
>If it's so happy, then the world's illegal aliens should move there instead of America.
The scientific fact says the opposite of what you believe it says I'm afraid.
it stops when you arent disturbing the peace. no one cares about what racist faggot shit you whisper in your nigger friends ears.
>Does it matter that the US can bomb the world into oblivion
Yes. Was that suppose to be a hard question? Power always matters.
>Is happiness not the highest ideal
No. Survival is the highest ideal. Everything else is a luxury. Especially since Finland shares a border with Russia.
It's a power fantasy, this is what democrats think they would look like standing up in a town hall full of republicans and dropping an epic truth bomb.
>HRT changes hormone composition
>literally claiming that feelings change physical reality
Promoting murder/genocide is wrong.
literally claiming altered chemistry changes physical reality
Changing hormones doesn't change chromosomes.
>being in 12th place out of 180+ countries means everyone is miserable in the US
I guess education in Finland isn't that great
Because you'll be next. Unless you're far-left on every single opinion you have, someone in power will use the power that you gave them to silence you. And there will be nobody to defend you, because you couldn't defend them. Being against freedom of speech means EVERYONE'S freedom of speech, including yours, on ANY topic whatsoever.
He word “Nazi” is the perfect example, as someone already pointed out. There’s nothing Nazi-like about not wanting a lax immigration policy, but it’s used in that context all the time.
>Why does the racism argument only flow in one direction
No, one said it did.
>So a person and his friend can’t joke around because somebody else might get offended.
You and your buddy want to make racist jokes t each other in private be my guest, but you are talking about yelling a racial slur out in public and pretending that if anyone around find it's offensive. They are wrong and not you the guy yelling offensive things in public.
Your flawed knowledge won't change the scientific fact I'm afraid.
>generalizing is the same as racism
Christ I'm glad you have no power over society
I mean it's probably accurate in how you feel when you're delivering a well-structured argument and notice everyone in the room is actually captivated and listening, it's literally the one thing that gets me high aside from adrenaline and sex, literally the only reason I'm still alive and have a job.
>happiness is the highest ideal
Not that guy but you’re a disgusting, animalistic hedonist and I legitimately hope you overdose and die. Faggot scum
>Why should I
The greater good.
I'm sure you can provide the relevant studies about how transitioning changes the chromosomal structure then?
>we should have fallen apart during the Civil War
We damn well should have.
I never said US inhabitants are miserable, I said does it matter IF, and it's not 12th it's 18th.
Many operation don't change chromosomes.
>Look at me Hector
What about in jokes. Are Hitler jokes out? Mel Brooks and the Monty Python shit is no illegal. Charlie Chaplin’s jokes are no illegal, ban and burn all their content.
ahahaha defends jailing people who may or may not have posted a scientifically factual thing
fuck you
You sound weak. It's funny. The euro trash are begging Trump to stay in Nato. The scumbags bash America at every turn, but expect us to fight and die to protect their weak and worthless asses against Russia. Meanwhile, they are importing millions of muslim invaders to gang rape their own daughters. Eurabia is not worth saving.
The chromosomal structure is irrelevant to the aforementioned scientific fact concerning transwomen I'm afraid.
There is a big difference between not wanting a lax immigration and a white country for white people.
But it's not. Do you understand what the word 'male' means?
>>You know why people don't like liberals, cuz they lose.
They've been winning since the 60's
Is English your second language?
I understand the scientific fact that transwomen are classified female by the scientific consensus. Your personal opinion that seems to diverge from this scientific fact doesn't interest me.
So if someone’s public opinion offends me then it should be illegal? What if my opinions don’t match with yours, now we are both offended, who determines what is right.
Let's look at the fact. You assumed I'm European and you think I'm 100% leftist because I disagree with you on racism. Yet you would be wrong on both accounts. Just like how racism work. You going to assume every chinese person knows kung fu or that every black person like fried chicken. When that isn't true at all.
>be Amerimutt
>you can drive at 16, join the army at 18 but cannot drink until you're 21
>have no real culture beyond the imported Anglo one of the WASPs, that eventually broke down due to immigration
>brought over slaves and effectively had your women lusting after niggerdicks since you only picked the best specimens
>first and foremost creator of degeneracy
>done nothing but waged war for Kikes
>"muh greatest ally"
>country isn't even a country but a giant corporation
>still pretend to be "proud" of your "country"
I can't imagine walking around and seeing niggers, trannies and whatever else in every corner, all the while knowing that I'm the primary reason for this degeneracy spreading throughout the world. For all the talk of Frogs and whatnot being degenerates, no matter the porn site, whenever you come across some cuck porn, it's always American. If you search based on different nationalities, the American results are endless, while French, Italian, German, all produce minisculine results. American porn is filled with niggers fucking white women, with every major studio adding IR to their pages. As if it's a deeply ingrained fetish to you.
Is being an American truly the most cucked nationality in the world? Consider it logically, but for a moment. I'm not pretending that it's the worst "country" or nationality, not spearheading that all Americans are just obese idiots, merely that the very foundation of that place, its very essence, is to be a land of "freedom", of pure excessiveness, debauchery, and tackiness. Said freedoms have been abused, loopholes have been found, and all sorts of subhumans have made it theirs. But since they are the optimal consumers, they are also the optimal Americans. So really, you live every single day knowing that you're a "patriot" to a "country" that never really existed. You and the nigger fresh off the boat, due to the nature of American "freedom", due to its rootless past, share the same rights to the land. Truly, tis sad.
Doesn't matter. The two get conflated and everyone gets pigeonholed.
>I understand the scientific fact that transwomen are classified female by the scientific consensus.
Yes, thank God.
Post studies.
Obligatory. Crowder versus Sorkin.
Crowded may be a faggot but he is pretty spot on with this.
Because we are all human beings that deserve respect and empathy?
isn't that a real argument?
everybody is a fiscal conservative when it isn't their guy in office
>.com sources
>deserve respect and empathy?
Why does every human being deserve such, and why should it be legally enforced? Also, define respect and empathy.
Now that's a fucking link.
New York Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York 10032(Retired);2VU University Medical Center, 1007 MB Amsterdam, Netherlands (Retired);3VU UniversityMedical Center, 1007 MB Amsterdam, Netherlands (Retired);4Leiden University Medical Center, 2300 RCLeiden, Netherlands;5University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas 77555;6Mayo Clinic Evidence-Based Practice Center, Rochester, Minnesota 55905;7University of California San Francisco, BenioffChildren’s Hospital, San Francisco, California 94143;8Boston University School of Medicine, Boston,Massachusetts 02118;9Emory University School of Medicine and the Atlanta VA Medical Center, Atlanta,Georgia 30322; and10Ghent University Hospital, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
What your doing isn't expressing your opinion. You're saying racist remarks for a laugh. It's like a guy flashing his penis in public. Which is also illegal. You know what you are doing is wrong, but will pretend like it's not because you enjoy doing it.
Also, why are you trying to move the goal post? We aren't talking about making opposing political views illegal. We are talking about you yelling nigger in public and pretending that isn't a bad thing.
It’s not really respect when its lawfully enforced.
The biggest dipshit officer in the army is still called “sir” and it’s not because people respect him.
There is objectively nothing wrong with ethnostates. "White country for white people" also means "Black country for black people", "Hispanic country for Hispanic people", and so on. No one is committing genocide on anyone else, we're just all keeping to our own peaceful corners of the world. What's wrong with that? You don't want Americans erasing Mexican culture either, do you?
Nobody should have public opinions because I determined that it’s bad vs say whatever the fuck you want because nobody should determine what’s bad and what’s not.
Nothing in that study has anything to do with transwomen no longer being physically male.
Honestly though, at the end of the day people against immigration are so mainly for racist reasons. The economic arguments against it have been debunked long ago as have the arguments it raises crime rates. If you prod anti-immigration folks hard enough you'll eventually get to the heart of it, they like living around people of their color and they don't want to see people of other colors moving in.
>We recommend against puberty blocking and
gender-affirming hormone treatment in prepubertal children with GD/gender incongruence.
Based medical professionals. Why is society too stupid to accept the recommendation of the people in charge of their fucking health?
>in prepuburtal children
>they like living around people of their color and they don't want to see people of other colors moving in
Name a single thing wrong with this, or why it should be considered 'racist'.
That's because the conservative party doesn't do a good job separating its self from people who have nazi like beliefs.
Why is it wrong if my friend and I get a laugh out of razzing eachother? Something was said, people laughed, and it was all in good fun. What’s wrong about that? Because an outside party decided that it wasn’t funny?
I've read it before and can assure you it does. You asked for a source for a simple scientific fact, now read it. Don't be a lazy nigger.
Ok so under this theory, black people cant say nigger anymore either?
If feelings determine what my chromosomes say, then chromosomes mean nothing. Here's a quick question for you: When you see a dog, how do you determine what sex it is?
They are biologically male
Taking hormones, flipping your dick inside out and shoving a foreign object in your wound every day to keep it from closing, will not change that
Okay so what about all the non white people currently living in Europe and the U.S? You do understand that 99.9% of them are happy living there and wouldn't want to move.
I'll grant you that homogeneous states are good for stability and economic performance but the reality is that very few pure ones exist and if you want to turn Europe or the U.S into one it'll inevitably end in violence.
Because no one lives in a perfect isolated bubble. People of color are here to stay whether you like it or not.
>chromosomes mean nothing
In the context of GRS they don't, correct.
I'm a transwoman, and I'm also biologically male. You anti-science freaks are a disease and I'll be there tying your nooses on the day of the rope.
>The economic arguments against it have been debunked long ago
Eeeh, try telling a tree trimmer making $20/hr not to worry about immigration because of Macroeconomic theory. The same concepts that everybody used when NAFTA was passed, and which people still hate.
I’m not even saying they’re wrong, but that it’s just not gonna fly with someone concerned about their own future. It’s like shouting “fire” in a theatre and expecting people to form an orderly line.
Your personal feeling that operations are icky and gross won't change the scientific fact. I'm sorry.
>Because no one lives in a perfect isolated bubble. People of color are here to stay whether you like it or not.
This didn't answer my prompt. I told you to name a single thing wrong with wanting to be around others like yourself.
This unrelated fact about your person has zero impact on the aforementioned scientific fact.
and the entire thing was just invalidated
Easy with the projection bub
Also if you actually look at those arguments you think you know, no one disputes that many workers (particularly low-skilled laborers, particularly minorities, why don't you want blacks to have jobs..?) will be displaced, with the net benefit you're referring to being realized maybe 10 or 20 years in the future.
It's literally not a scientific fact. The scientific fact is that someone with XY chromosomes is biologically male.
what happens to the people who aren't exclusively black or white?
>. No one is committing genocide on anyone else
That a naive belief. Do you think the black people living in America are just going to up and leave peacfully?
This. So much this!
>You do understand that 99.9% of them are happy living there and wouldn't want to move.
Then why do Americans constantly whine about orange man and white people? If they hate it so much, why don't they just move somewhere that doesn't have all that shit?
That's a correct statement. However it has no effect on the scientific fact I stated earlier.
how is anyone supposed to escape the bottom rung of poverty if they're up against an endless supply of labor with no concept of value for their own work
This is some heavy doublethink.
kek this was the funniest reaction to what trump said
>If you don't like it here, leave -_-
>"omg he's gonna kill everyone!"
>people with adam's apples are men
>people with xy chromosomes are men
Woah there, cool it with the doublethink!
Because the government is a gang of thieves writ large — the most immoral, grasping and unscrupulous individuals in any society.
>Do you think the black people living in America are just going to up and leave peacfully?
If they have their own country with their own cops that don't shoot them on sight, then yeah, I'm sure they'd at least consider it. Isn't that what black people complain about all the time? Being scared of getting shot by white cops for no reason? An ethnostate would solve that problem instantly.
No, it's just plain logic. You can dance around as long as you like, it will never change the basic scientific fact which I have stated earlier.
>ask him to name a country greater than america
>any one he names will be more homogeneously white
saying uncomfortable things makes us more human
Blame that on unrestrained capitalism, not immigrants
There isn't anything wrong with it, but it just doesn't work that way. The fact is thanks to a globalized economy homogeneous societies are a thing of the past and the only way you'd get back to them is through violent force. That's where the problem arises.
Why don't you move to Saudi Arabia or North Korea if you hate the libcuck media that forces you to see brown people and women in movies?
>the scientific fact that transwomen are male.
>The scientific fact says the opposite of what you believe it says I'm afraid.
>The scientific fact is that someone with XY chromosomes is biologically male.
>That's a correct statement. However it has no effect on the scientific fact I stated earlier.
How delusional are you freaks?
>implying he would say japan
>implying any liberal would
>The fact is thanks to a globalized economy homogeneous societies are a thing of the past
Not in Africa, or Asia, or the Middle East, or India, or South America. Weird.
too late
also Sorkin you hack, most of that shit ain't even true
West Wing a shit.
ahaha shifting the goalposts this much.
>>Saudi Arabia
>Why don't you move to a place full of brown people if you hate brown people so much
Are you retarded?
>someone with XY chromosomes is biologically male.
This fact has no correlation to the scientific fact I stated before.
>someone with XY chromosomes is biologically male
>transwomen have XY chromosomes
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a racist
Have these people learned nothing from 2016?
>why is it wrong
You know why it's wrong. Don't pretend to be retarded. You know why calling somebody a nigger is wrong.
it is quite odd that nobody is trying to push diversity on south america, africa, or anywhere in asia... hmmm...
>I hate seeing minorities and women in movies, so it must be true for that user too!
Lad we covered projection here tone it down
Ah, so you are at fault for imprecise wording. What you seem to actually mean is this:
>only someone with XY chrosomes is male
Which goes against the basic scientific fact I have presented to you earlier; therefore your statement is incorrect.
We paid hard economically for Vietnam. Also I believe that's the year Nixon signed the legislation that paved the way for Fox News
This whole fucking thread
Define what makes someone biologically male or female then.
she can't act for SHIT but oh my was she cute
Have you?
My favorite part of this is that Sorkin clearly just copied down the US position on a bunch of charts from the CIA fact book or the World Bank or something for these statistics. But he fucked up on the infant mortality one. It was clearly a list where higher rankings mean higher mortality. Being 178th means there are 177 countries with HIGHER infant mortality, not lower. It's good to be ranked near the bottom Now that statistic still matches his overall point, since it means there are about 20 or 30 countries with lower mortality. But because Sorkin knows nothing, he never questioned why that statistic was so completely different than everything else he quoted. He's just an arrogant asshole who likes writing self inserts who are always right.
Also he's a little bitch who got fucking schooled on the TWOP forums and then wrote an episode of the West Wing to whine about it.
The scientific consensus does. I simply stick to the facts so I won't have to come up with definitions etc. myself.
>Making a black America stop police brutality.
That is a very complacated solution to a very simple problem. Also, unless "white america" is going to pay "black america" trillions of dollars to build infrastrure and what not. I see no reason why black people who live in america should/would leave america. Also, wouldn't it be better if all the white people who want a white country for white people create their own?
>Also he's a little bitch who got fucking schooled on the TWOP forums and then wrote an episode of the West Wing to whine about it.
lel wat. Source?
I’m probably gonna repost this someday
So post the definition. And while you're at it, tell me why it doesn't apply to any living thing except humans.
lmao cope
>Also, wouldn't it be better if all the white people who want a white country for white people create their own?
America was literally that. Have you ever read the constitution?
Because those regions of the world aren't as economically advanced as Europe and the U.S. Simple as that.
The two glaring exceptions, China and Japan, just prove me right. China has to use violence to enforce ethnic homogeneity and Japan's rejection of immigration is going to destroy their economy in a few decades.
libshits getting assravaged ITT lmao
>write the definition
Even better, let me provide you with a peer-reviewed source:
>And while you're at it, tell me why it doesn't apply to any living thing except humans.
Humans differ from other mammals in a number of ways.
>>brought over slaves and effectively had your women lusting after niggerdicks since you only picked the best specimens
Wouldn't know, we don't judge dudes like you apparently do. faggot lmao
So post the definition. And while you're at it, tell me why it doesn't apply to any living thing except humans.
Too lazy to find a full source but:
>Josh discovers he has an Internet message board following that turns into a fictionalized version of Aaron Sorkin's real-life flame wars at Television Without Pity.
>America was literally that. Have you ever read the constitution?
Have you? It never says a white country for white people.
>It never says a white country for white people.
It did, originally.
>So post the definition.
sex - The biologic character or quality that distinguishes male and female from one another as expressed by analysis of the person's gonadal, morphologic (internal and external), chromosomal, and hormonal characteristics.
chromosomal sex - the sex as determined by the presence of the XX (female) or the XY (male) genotype in somatic cells, without regard to phenotypic manifestations. Called also genetic sex.
endocrinologic sex - the phenotypic manifestations of sex determined by endocrine influences, such as development of breasts and genital organs.
genetic sex - chromosomal sex.
gonadal sex - the sex as determined on the basis of the gonadal tissue present (ovarian or testicular).
sex hormones - glandular secretions involved in the regulation of sexual functions. The principal sex hormone in the male is testosterone, produced by the testes. In the female the principal sex hormones are the estrogens and progesterone, produced by the ovaries. These hormones influence the secondary sex characters, such as the shape and contour of the body, the distribution of body hair, and the pitch of the voice. The male hormones stimulate production of spermatozoa in men, and the female hormones control ovulation, pregnancy, and the menstrual cycle in women.
morphological sex sex determined on the basis of the morphology of the external genitals.
nuclear sex the sex as determined on the basis of the presence or absence of sex chromatin in somatic cells, its presence normally indicating the XX (female) genotype, and its absence the XY (male) genotype.
>And while you're at it, tell me why it doesn't apply to any living thing except humans.
Because humans are genetically different from other mammals.
not even on a chromosomal level, simply you don’t have a female reproductive system
You are biologically male
The Newsroom is the worst thing HBO has ever produced. The only positive is they gave Sorkin free rein to show just how much of a sanctimonious hack he really is.
are those places are insanely diverse.
genocides still taking place between different tribes that live in the same area
In india alone they view each other as different, the light skins are higher castes while the darkies are untouchables
>Middle easts
try calling a saudi an iranian, or an armenian a paki
>South america
literally a diverse nightmare with the amount of rave-mxiing muttify gene pools
Considering all of those things should lead you to the conclusion that transwomen are biologically male. The only thing that doesn't match is their hormonal structure, which is changed artificially through daily supplements.
>simply you don’t have a female reproductive system
No correlation to the fact I stated before.
>You are biologically male
While that is correct, I don't see how that is supposed to be an argument.
Seems to be working great huh
>Being 178th means there are 177 countries with HIGHER infant mortality, not lower. It's good to be ranked near the bottom Now that statistic still matches his overall point, since it means there are about 20 or 30 countries with lower mortality. But because Sorkin knows nothing, he never questioned why that statistic was so completely different than everything else he quoted.
This sounds like projection.
literally everything in your definition would make trannies male lmao
fucking dumbass, go join the 40%
My (and your) personal interpretation of the definition doesn't matter. It has no effect on the scientific fact.
It didn't. the concept of race does not exist in the Constitution. Nowhere in the Constitution—or in the Declaration of Independence, for that matter—are human beings classified according to race, skin color, or ethnicity
It's funny how much this video pisses off incels and pedes.
now examine it on a country by country level instead of skirting the argument by generalizing entire continents
>it's a gen z creature
Ah, I see. I hereby accept your admission of defeat.
Most of their modern problems result from exploitation by European powers and international corporations, though.
Like you literally just did with your original comment, you fucking retard?
July 4th, 1776 to December 23, 1913
how about you answer in your own words as you are being very misleading how are transwomen scientifically factually women?
lol eat shit you fucking clown, you posted a definition that directly refutes your position and then try to act like you're right. what a fucking brainwashed retard, go dilate
No one's forcing them to sign on with said corporations.
Because the scientific consensus states that transwomen are women.
Is two replies the maximum amount of willpower you can muster before you're compelled to mention Daddy Drumpf?
no I didn't you fucking moron I just didn't take the time to write out each and every country that makes up the continents since nearly everyone of them is almost entirely homogeneous. Stop thinking you're clever we can all see you trying to answer a different question here.
>lol eat shit you fucking clown, you posted a definition that directly refutes your position and then try to act like you're right. what a fucking brainwashed retard, go dilate
I mean you could spend the 5 seconds necessary to google it, but since apparently you can't I will literally spoonfeed you:
Note that the US is now 170th on this list, which if you understand statistics, is a worse position than when Sorkin looked it up for his script, not better.
Look at the like/dislike ratio. Most Americans are still jingoistic troglodytes who clap like seals for this manipulative bile.
>tfw you come into a thread and see /pol/ getting BTFO
keep up the good work lads, let em know they're not welcome here.
You apparently can't read as well. You presume this smugness in Sorkin's speech that is baseless. You even admit that this statistic still illustrates the point that America is not first in any beneficial metric but Sorkin has you so insensed you still find some way to screech about something that is both not inaccurate and on topic.
Based and dare I say redpilled?
Anyone who likes anything Sorkin ever shat out outs himself as a massive brainlet.
Only person to obsess over the West Wing I ever knew was a more than a little retarded jewish history phd. Ruined my image of them as intelligent people forever, i’ve met mountain villagers with more intellect.
This is not true. In fact, there's a de facto moratorium on research for this subject.
Do the villagers who have their ground water taken by Nestle really have a say though?
Are you ESL, my friend? You replied, generalizing entire continents, by saying they were homogeneous regions and you got called out for it and are now trying to say you didn't just generalize entire continents.
>chromosomal sex
they dont have xx
>endocrinologic sex - uch as development of breasts and genital organs
they dont have vaginas
>genetic sex
they dont have xx
>gonadal sex gonadal tissue present (ovarian or testicular).
they don't have ovaries, they do have testicles
>sex hormones
they don't have these naturally
>nd the female hormones control ovulation, pregnancy, and the menstrual cycle in women.
they don't ovulate, they dont menstruate, and they can't get pregnant
>morphological sex
they have penises and don't have vaginas
>nuclear sex
they don't have xx
theres no point trying to get this train back on the tracks .....the pol discussion has begun
>This is not true.
I am afraid it is.
>In fact, there's a de facto moratorium on research for this subject.
>Anyone who likes anything Sorkin ever shat out outs himself as a massive brainlet.
True. Pieces of The West Wing are interesting, but it's almost always a fantasy version of what politics is actually like.
Again you are being very vague
Was every biologist in the world was asked to study and/or peer review whatever studies that confirmed this ’consensus’?
In the very definition you posted above, it states all conditions except hormones define almost all males and females, born as males and females, are males and females. That is scientific fact and something that cannot be changed.
>someone liked a tv show I didn't so that makes them irredeemable stupid across the board
>samefagging this hard
reddit is getting desperate
>L M A O
>Not in Africa, or Asia, or the Middle East, or India, or South America
in as in inside. you're being deliberately obtuse. no one would talk about policies on a region-wide level because no region has one government. clearly you have "cleverly" trolled me by acting retarded.
>I am afraid it is.
based on what your post?
When it was 99% WASP.
Yes, Sorkin definitely deliberately decided to name a dozen statistics framed with being number 1 in the world as good, and then chose decided for fun to stick one right in the middle where being number 1 is bad and you want to be at the bottom. Last response you get out of me troll do not ever respond to my posts again.
There is no research being funded on the subject. Can you not read?
>Because the scientific consensus states that transwomen are women.
oh no we got a retard here
alert alert
mongoloid on the loose
>Ignores the entire post and won't even quote it
A lack of research is not proof for a moratorium. This is simply your personal interpretation. Do you have source for your claim or not?
all those arguments still hold up, that guy was the dumbass for listing continents and thinking they were at all homogeneous.
those weren't pro diversity arguments genius
no they don't, their problems come from them being sub human
Trannies aren't women but you come off stupid. XX and XY chromosomes are only relative indicative of what genes are activated that make the actual physiological differences in a man and woman. You citing chromosomes is akin to saying "I've never seen my son bring home a woman so he must be gay."
jesus you goot btfo so hard all you can do to retaliate is post soijaks, and the funniest part being that you destroyed yourself with that retarded ass post
>the samefag tries to deflect by posing as another user
how tiring
>based on what your post?
Based on the scientific fact I have presented earlier.
>A lack of research is not proof for a moratorium
Yes it is. That's a definition of moratorium. You can need to get better bait.
>Do you have source for your claim or not?
Do you have a source for yours?
I'm this user
Factually wrong, see Again, your personal opinions have no impact on the scientific facts.
I didn't just cite chromosomes, I cited the entire post, let me run through them again
trannies don't have vaginas
they don't menstruate
they don't ovulate
they can't get pregnant
they do have testicles
they do have penises
these were the aspects cited that determine male or female, and trannies fail every single one of the female parameters.
exactly. you're trying to make it sound like someone other than yourself is stupid enough to think that entire regions share a governing body
you mean this fact?
okay, let's run through them again
>chromosomal sex
they dont have xx
>endocrinologic sex - uch as development of breasts and genital organs
they dont have vaginas
>genetic sex
they dont have xx
>gonadal sex gonadal tissue present (ovarian or testicular).
they don't have ovaries, they do have testicles
>sex hormones
they don't have these naturally
>nd the female hormones control ovulation, pregnancy, and the menstrual cycle in women.
they don't ovulate, they dont menstruate, and they can't get pregnant
>morphological sex
they have penises and don't have vaginas
>nuclear sex
they don't have xx
your reply?
its already been posted you dumb bastard
There's a lack of Wild West novels being released in the past decade. Is this proof for a moratorium on Wild West novels? It must be per your deeply flawed logic.
>Do you have a source for yours?
I have already posted it. Would you like me to direct you to the post again?
I did see that, and it was retarded just like you LMAO
you see this one, clown
>trannies don't have vaginas
They do according to the scientific facts. Your personal views on vaginas are irrelevant.
Federal government? pick a country in africa that doesn't have hundreds of tribes past or present that have moved in and our of the area, had different cultures, languages, etc. that hated other tribes.
>They do according to the scientific facts. Your personal views on vaginas are irrelevant.
Really? want to go ahead and post a source for that scientific fact
You're not white LMAOOO prove me wrong
I bet you can't lmao
You bitch and moan about trannies because it's the only thing that makes you feel less of a brown creature
There's only one thing more pathetic than tranny and that is you
>There's a lack of Wild West novels being released in the past decade.
No there's not.
>I have already posted it. Would you like me to direct you to the post again?
We're on an anonymous image board so please kindly direct me to your "trannies are women" letter signed by "science"
>They do according to the scientific facts.
Where does it say that trannies have vaginas? post it
In the scientific paper I just directed you towards.
Christ almighty trannies getting LIT THE FUCK UP ITT
god damn someone put these fags on suicide watch
Post where it says that trannies have vaginas,
you can't
you are so fucking asshurt
Despite the phrase ‘axe wound’ factually a vagina is not an actual wound
Page 26.
>the average person in Mozambique is literally retarded
Every attempt to judge the US 'objectively' in terms like these falls flat on its face, because you completely disregard the value of the country's scientific, academic, and cultural output.
>US has no culture
Wrong, it has little -traditional- culture, due to no fault of its own. The concept of culture in the modern age has morphed away from traditions and lasting styles into the various forms of media, and other lifestyles. It may not be valuable to you personally, but in the film and music industries alone American innovation in the 20th century paved the way for a giant amount of what we have now. You can criticize the foundation of the country or its general populace, but this does not lessen its achievements.
Yet, why am I even writing this? You guys don't like complex views on issue, you want the world to be black and white, and so "America bad" is the conclusion and the post is your road to justifying it. That's all you really want, yeah?
You are so fucking brown
Reminder /pol/ is always right
wow epic fucking broken link you clown LMAO
Reminder /pol/ isn't white
They are a coward waiting for the thread to archive
Sorry buddy, but we are talking about VAGINAS not NEOVAGINAS whatever the fuck that is LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Is this shit real? Imagine this being your career
Why become a doctor when you can shitpost your life away on a Mongolose Parachuting forum
Fine. Here's the version for adults, if your level of reading comprehension can handle it. Give it a try.
So it’s self cleans and will stay open without dilation? Or it’s a wound, not a vagina
Imagine mutilating mentally ill people for their weird fetish and be proud about it
Factually incorrect.
>he's a phoneposter
That explains a lot.
Imagine being white.
That's racist, dude
It's just banter