Prove you're not a blind nostalgiafag and name one thing about this show that sucked

Prove you're not a blind nostalgiafag and name one thing about this show that sucked.

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The school seasons

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The episode where they all wear speedos, that shit was pretty gay


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Its characterization was sometimes a little inconsistent, I would assume based on whoever wrote the episode (though this would also lead to funny stuff).

their voices

Eddy’s brother

I forget which one that was

while eddy was a dick and it also being a central focus of the shows dynamic, i wish the eds were successful more often, at least without moral or dubious qualms

Jimmy's voice yes, but the rest were great


fpbp, everyone was flanderized before the movie fixed it.

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This show is great, and honestly, its the peak of western art imho. It doesnt look fucking ugly as shit as Seth Macfarland or Cal arts shit. Its not anime and has its own distinct style. And its not over simplistic like south park or samurai jack.
This is peak western art. And its on par with anime for me. Fuck self-hating wapanese

Fuck, I hated it. The show was always on the disgusting side, but that was the first thing to turn me off.


Poor production values. The lines were all wobbly and uneven

cant remember a thing about it other than that there was possibly an episode where they made their own amusement park and some girls in a caravan tried to kiss them

I stayed home from school because there was a marathon, I then taped the whole thing and it's somewhere in my house.

>peak of western art imho.
agreed, especially the design of the cul-de-sac

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Takes me right back to being a kid

school seasons?
there was a movie?

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the school season was pleb filter faggot


It promoted rape culture

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The first season was mostly miss than hit.

>there was a movie?
its called the big picture show and its perfect

the plots were kind of limited and I didn't think it is as as funny as other shows

The opening of the movie has some really nice shots

They were definitely still figuring out the dynamic

interesting. stopped watching around 2003, must have missed it

at times it was just pretty fucking stupid

>aka "Edd's Low Key Harem Comedy"

When they started going to school the lack of adults appearing on screen was so obvious it was distracting.

The episode where they try to break out was my favourite, tho.

Yeah the one where they were mocking ed for being a manlet really hurt my feelings

>rape culture

no such thing

Marie gets fat

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no no no no no no NO NO NO PLEASE SAY IT AIN'T SO

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>you now remember the abomination that was the Valentine's Day special

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tbqh, yeah
maybe if it led to something interesting maybe

Imagine if they had introduced other kids during those seasons. Also, why was Jimmy going to the same school as Rolf and the Kanker Sisters?

Oh man I'm remembering it.

easily one of the best episodes pleb

were they meant to be unattractive? because i always found the side ones cute

This bumper

I was a junior in hs when the movie came out and I cried.

The scenery was comfy as fuck

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May and Marie were better than Nazz

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watching Cow & Chicken as a 9 year old was the first time I was so grossed out watching something that I actually thought the people that made it must be creepy fucking weirdos

This was the comfiest episode of the whole series, though.

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>before porn existed in our minds

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Thoughts on the Christmas special?

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Season 1 Episode 3.

Ed's got three nipples like that bad guy from James Bond.

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One of my favorites. Wish they made more winter themed episodes

I loved that episode.

She also went back to the early 80's for some reason.

I'm gonna watch Boo Haw Haw again this Halloween.

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It's amazing coincidence but I've recently started rewatching it.
Basically the worst part is the idea of the creators is that "loud=funny". Also good pointnof the anonThese are bad.

Strangely I can relate


Filtered. The school season is kino

Does anybody else feel like Double D was a narcissist who thought too highly of himself?

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same here

My whole childhood I thought double D was a girl. Pretty sure a woman voices him and the sock on his head resembles a long girl hair.

Same, I also used to think Jimmy was Ed's little brother all the way into my teens. Never realized he had his own house.

He was the most normal one. Kevin treats him like a normal person when hes not with the others. Everyone also likes him, I always felt like the other 2 held him back.

Then why hang out with them and go along with the scams? Eddy was obviously a toxic faggot

>name one thing about this show that sucked

Naz and the Kankers were always wearing too much clothes

He was good at a lot of things.

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Comfy ass Christmas special. Really liked that sequence where Eddy's walking in the snow after getting kicked out a bunch.

People dont always hang out with the best of people. Also Ed is an abused idiot and wouldn't have any friends otherwise so Edd probably feels bad for him.

CN never putting more than the first two seasons on physical media is a goddamn crime against countless childhoods.

Kevin was a good dude for the most part. Did his own thing and defended himself when the Eds were being obnoxious.

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The school seasons creeped me out as a kid because of how dead and lifeless the world seemed. At least in the cul-de-sac it made sense for just a handful of kids to be around. The decision to just have the cul-de-sac kids at the school and no teachers or other students felt really bizarre

I forgot all about that nightmare episode. I guess Eddy was also abused as well by his brother

>one thing about the show that sucked

People are gonna hate me for this but I thought the movie was trash and the ending was horrible. The first ten minutes of the movie had so much hype and buildup, and then what proceeded was an hour and a half of ed edd n eddy just walking around talking for an hour to buildup the ending (eddys big brother) which was being built up for years in the episodes too. Then it turns out he's just some regular jerk.

To be honest, I would've preferred it if they kept his identity a secret. I also would've liked if they added some sort of fast forward to see what happens after the culdesac kids start liking the eds. Do they still scam? Do they all become friends and hangout everyday? I think the movie was done horribly and a "final episode" would've been better.

The Christmas episode is Kino. Childhood cartoon holiday specials are always Kino.

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my whole childhood i thought that was his hair

Uhh it was very mean spirited and problematic for the time sweety.
Jokes aside, any nerd that related or still relates to Edd is a giant faggot

one of the writers of the show already confirmed that what was under his hat was evidence of double D doing something unlike himself when he was a kid which was supposed to provide backstory to him, but it was cut out of the movie for time

Was talking about it with my coworkers the other day, even the girls watched it and loved it.

i disagree. if we had seen what they had actually done it would be compared to other episodes and felt underwhelming.

And what we get is actual character development. something the show has never directly done before and its great. i would have liked even more development of ed, but im happy with what i got. and eddys brother being some loser plays perfectly into eddys character development. eddy is a bullshit artist, he knows he is but refused to admit it, even to himself, but when they actual meet the him, the biggest facade eddy has ever made crumbles. completing eddys arc. we dont need a time skip, we know what happens, they dont need to scam anymore, it was never about jawbreakers. it was about acceptance. which they finally have. a perfect end to eddys arc.

an fuck johnny because hes a nigger. i did wish we finally got dd's hat reveal though

That sounds rad. A nice little time capsule.

I mean it makes a lot of sense for Eddy as a character for the story to the end that way with his dickhead brother

Season 5 is by far the worst season, but there were still good episodes in it. Also season 6 should just be considered season 5 because two episodes shouldn't count as a whole season

I actually find the show funnier in adulthood than I did as a kid. I recognize more of the subtle comedy in facial expressions and stuff like that.

one of the creators already revealed what they had planned for edds hat

The Eds were underpowered in their game.

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what was it

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Rolf also seems grossly underpowered.

Ed was shown to be strong enough to lift a house with ease and Kevin's greatest feat was what exactly?

Johnny’s pretty fast

a photo of something that would lead to some backstory about edd doing something horrible in his past resulting in why he moved to peach creek and why he was the way he was but they cut it out for time


They generally got shit on too hard except for the movie.
Eddy and Kevin got a pretty good resolution but Ed and Sarah should've had a moment of finally being nice to each other.
The Kankers never got comeuppance.

Honestly the scenes with all their girlfriends felt forced and just flat out sucked in terms of comedy. The overbearing nature of all the female characters ruins this show a little bit. They should of been single no-body fagits with little intelligence to be able to get a girlfriend.

The school was really fucking weird in just how empty it was, it felt like some kind of weird deconstructionist horror setup

I'll give you the (fag) you deserve.

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The animation, the voice acting

It's been years since I watched the show but generally the only one to get comeuppance was Eddy and literally no one else. Eddy was really the main character, Edd was a doormat, and Ed was a genuine retard.

>Then it turns out he's just some regular jerk
You missed the entire fucking point of it. The few hints throughout the show and the rest of the movie hype Eddy's brother up as some kind of supergenius gigachad, and when it's revealed he's just an abusive bum it puts new perspective into Eddy's personality issues that made him rope the others into doing scams and making everyone else in the neighborhood hate them as well.

Literally everything.
The show was 50 kinds of garbage.

Switch Rolf and Kevin's power rankings, nerf Nazz to 2 strength.

Name a better comedy cartoon on CN from that era.

So realistically speaking, how would you go about making a successful Ed Edd N' Eddy reboot?

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so this is what a faggot looks like

Jawbreakers. Of all the candies they are a bad choice to obsess over. Even as a dated reference, there was better stuff at the time.

You don't. It had a good run. Let it ride off into the sunset peacefully.

A reboot after all this time would be made by fans and all they do is blow smoke up the ass of the original. The only way to do it right would be more of the original and that's been done.

tldr; reboots are for fags and they will never be as good as you want

I hate jawbreakers

Cow and Chicken, Johnny Bravo, take your pic.
EEnE was literally bottom of the fucking barrel for CN at the time.

Ed oscillating between being just a doofy guy that liked b-movies to a full retard.

Johnny Bravo is definitely a good pick, but Cow and Chicken was even uglier than EEnE

So did the creator.

Cow and Chicken was just an even shittier ren and stimpy.
IM Weasel was pretty great though.

Dexter's Lab, any of the classic Scooby-Doo/Hanna-Barbera/Looney Tunes shows they still ran, Whatever Happened to Robot Jones (pre-redub), hell, even Powerpuff Girls

Always payed as Rolf. He was underpowered

>Ed’s skull is buttered toast

>from that era
>lists shit from the 40s to 70s and a post-2000 show

I miss Robot Jones. His show got blackballed hard

what's that song that goes pic related
windstorm or something?

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EEnE was my favorite show growing up, and I’m happy it ended the way it did. It had the best ending.

Kek the way they flail their arms and sound like some gorillas chanting that

Imagine actually growing up in the 00s. Fucking zoomers.

well you must've triggered some faggot on here.
video is unavailable now, unless it's region locked

Yeah, they did a good job of that.
Makes you actually want to explore the neighborhood and find somewhere to chill

Old or not, it still got airtime on Cartoon Network during that era. Most of the old stuff got broomed shortly after Adult Swim started.

I was born in 97, is that actually zoomer or what? I can actually remember pre-9/11 America unlike the Tik tok watching, fortnite playing, Xanax popping, iPhone addicted, autistic zoomer generation.

If you're a kid in 00s you are millienal, fucking dumbass

All of the characters were unlikeable. It’s not a funny show.

Robot Jones amputee fetish was just weird.

>I was born in 97
I was born in 1980. You are all children to me.

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Must be real proud of yourself shitposting on 4channel on thread related to cartoons huh gramps?

Less amputee and more that he thought the girl was like a cyborg.

It's hard to be critical of a thing when you're 14. I also haven't seen it since.
Maybe thwarting the viewers catharsis so often when the guys don't get jaw breakers.

You act as if there aren't people all over the site even older than me.

Grim and Evil

double d should not be that fast, everytime they are running somewhere, he's always in the back.
Rolf is more consistently stronger than Ed and obviously stronger than Kevin.
As for Ed he has his moments of retard strength, but from time to time is restricted by something when they need it.

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Post kino moments Ed-boys

Ed was always nice to Sarah.
And Sarah kinda has to stay that wait till she reaches adulthood.
She's the younger sister, left with the burden of having a slightly retarded brother. She has to treat him with tough love or otherwise he won't listen, or maybe she just doesn't have the patience which would make sense for a girl her age, pretty sure she's about to start puberty and the anger makes sense for such a responsibility she's left with.

Guys c'mon there's no need to make things any sadder

Quads of truth though he does act like a huge cunt for no reason a few times. But that's kids.

That faggot foreign kid

how fucking new are you retard? oldfags left a long time ago and so should your old faggot ass

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That just shows how new you are if you think you can actually leave.

>thinks this is the only chan
back to (r)eddit 'boomer'

So yes you are a colossal newfag.
Just so you know, you won't be able to leave either.

Not enough giantess episodes

>still thinks this is the only chan
seriously you need to go back

Its not the only chan, its just the best one.

Every Rolf scene is kino

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What age were you when you saw it? I find that I can't watch any modern cartoons anymore. Not speaking about art or subject matter. They just don't do it for me.
Think this would be the same

>Edd: "We could just go to our house."
>Eddy: "And what? Ruin the plot?"

This show had amazing humor you can only really get as an adult. I still rewatch it every year or so.

>Its not the only chan, its just the best one.
the amount of onions in this sentence is remarkable

Which episode was the best, boys? Most online polls are saying An Ed is Born, but I don’t know. I think 1+1=Ed or some of the others might be better.

That's fucking bullshit and you know it.

You sound unlikable.

The nostalgia blinds you.

I was 4 when it first aired and 15 when it stopped airing. When Ed Edd N' Eddy stopped airing, I stopped watching CN in general.

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Did they ever get to eat jawbreakers? I can’t remember

There were so many great episodes, but I guess 1+1 = Ed and In Like Ed were my favorites.

The other chans are just containment boards for those with severe behavioral issues

several episodes where they ate them, yeah

Most unwatchable episode in the series.

It inspired numerous fantasies of me doing the same until I finally skipped with a friend. Wasn't as adventurous as the show but still comfy nonetheless.

Compare Ed in this episode with how he acts in the later seasons. It's night and day.

>Teen Titans Go Network

>Then it turns out he's just some regular jerk
Did you not watch the show? They were alluding to Eddy's brother being an imposing, self-important jerk nearly every time he was mentioned.

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I wouldn't.

shit dude, you're old

Canadian Squirt Guns, the reality break one, and the one where they make up Rolf's home country.

You're the same age as my brother Greg?

Early double d sounding like he always has a sore throat is endearing to me and I don't know why.

This, the instant they went from hand drawn animation with the character lines constantly being squiggly to clean computer drawing and shading the show was dead to me. Though the movie that ended it was pretty good


Upon rewatching the show recently, they're actually more successful than I remember. One episode ends with Ed eating all of the cul-de-sac's food, and so they use him as a fridge and sell the kid's food back to them. They probably made bank, there. Sometimes their scams aren't even scams, but genuine projects that would would be worthwhile money-makers (the Canadian squirt-guns, the wax figurines, the cardboard bus, the cardboard city).

If absolutely required and doing it prevented an inevitabled EEEGO reboot, then something about them in High School with slightly edgier humor, without going full on "western adult cartoon VIOLENCE GORE SEX LMAO".

The sound effects in this show are my favorite part I think.
Kevin's sfx are all mechanical, automobile and monkey noises. Not to mention his bike sounding like a motorcycle. Jimmy's is always a crying baby or little bells. Rolf's are farm animal noises, double D's are computer/calculator noises, etc. It really adds to the character's personalities and their emotions. I always laugh when someone brings their arm or leg back preparing for a punch/kick and the shotgun cocking noise plays


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Whoops didn't mean to reply to anyone

>Whatever Happened to Robot Jones
Shit show for autistic kids.

I wouldn't.

39 isn't old.

this, if done correctly, has the possibility of being kino. Problem is, it won't be done correctly.

Are you suggesting that people born in 1997 can't watch TikTok, play Fortnite, pop Xanaxes, and be addicted to iPhones? Because they most certainly can.
People have this idea that they're 100% safe if they were born a certain year. The truth is that there's subhumans born every year.

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You know, I never noticed that until you pointed it out.

dude, 39 is pretty old

Haven't seen it in years, it was one of the first american cartoons I watched.

Watching Cartoon Network made learning the English language much easier, and fun!

Around the end of the 2000s, before the 2010s, CN was scheduled to be replaced with some other baby channel (JIMJAM I think), and it broke my heart.

All my favorite cartoons, my childhood, my memories would just disappear, gone.

I haven't rewatched the series in years but I remember most of the episodes and I have a feeling it would still hold up.

I've seen clips over the years and I'm surprised at the amount of adult humour they sneaked into it.

Overall an awesome show, Season 5 was kind of odd at times, because it deviated from the previously established summer vacation setting.
The movie was okay, a fine way of ending the show, but I like the original ending idea from season 4. So much darker but funny in a twisted way.

Maybe I'll torrent the series tonight and have a nice rewatch marathon.

Also, thought ya'll might enjoy this.

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I cried when the show ended and my mom called me a little bitch (not really but she meant you shouldn't cry about that)

same thing, haven't watched the show besides a few bits and bobs since it finished in 2011, really makes me want to rewatch it

39 is barely middle aged.
Now 60? That's old.

let me guess, Israel?

60 isn't terribly old either.
Now 80? THAT'S old.

80?, thats young compared to a 100

Gen Z begins in 1996 you retards

>Cow and Chicken
You what? Literally anything else was better than that garbage

Ughh... yeah.
How'd you know?

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Nazz was a completely worthless character

>oldfags left a long time ago
Lol. No we haven't. I've been here since 04 my little zoomer friend. You're here forever

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But... it had the red guy!

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Based. Fuck that stupid ass show.

I rewatched this clip last week and the show still manages to crack me up. I really need to rewatch it all some time. Can you just grab every episode online?

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israelfag, same exact boat as you, was an avid cartoon network watcher and it really helped me learn the base of my english, when it was switched to jimjam i was devastated, i actually started forcing myself to watch jimjam thinking "maybe it would get better", it never did, anyway its nice to see I'm not the only one with this experience

“See No Ed” was a genius episode for me, you could feel the sense of paranoia the kids had of inevitable catastrophe and the reveal that the Eds weren’t even planning to do shit to them just yet was hilarious.

Dailymotion has a lot of them.

>Ed's perspective of the world
I've always loved moments like that in the show.
>yap yap, blah blah, dribble dribble dribble.
>I'm dorking man!

Seeing Kevin flip out was so good

Oh they do, I mean to a lesser extent. I use my iPhone a lot, after all.

It's the truth. The only other chans that are decent-good were 420chan(when it first came out) and operatorchan.

I was 11. Cartoon Cartoon Fridays was the shit for my friends and I. We'd watch that shit while playing N64 and GC games all night.

Is that the monkey land episode?

Heh, wasn't expecting to meet another Israelfag here. We really should go to sleep, most of these non Israelis probably don't realize how late it is over here.

>was an avid cartoon network watcher and it really helped me learn the base of my english, when it was switched to jimjam i was devastated
Yeah, I have a feeling more of us exist, we just got over as time went on.

It's funny, you never really know what you have until it's gone. As a kid I always took CN for granted, thinking it would always be there as I grew older. And then it left, and I didn't know what to watch on TV anymore.

Such is life, growing older can really suck.

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>We really should go to sleep,
eh, no matter how much i try it always goes back to 3-5 am until i sleep

>It's funny, you never really know what you have until it's gone. As a kid I always took CN for granted, thinking it would always be there as I grew older. And then it left, and I didn't know what to watch on TV anymore.
same exact thing, i remember it was at the same time ed edd and eddy were closing and they were just promoting the big picture show, i was so hyped to watch it but missed it, and then realized they aren't gonna show it again and the channel is gone, did watch it like 5 years later though

don't really have to say, but how old were you when cartoon network was closed, out of curiousity, think it was 2009, so i would've been 11

When 900 years old you reach look as good you will not

Name of episode?

The wiggling lines when they stood still annoyed the fuck out of me.
Other than that, Kino.

Your Ed Here

There used to be 24/7 E,E&E streaming channels on Youtube. Think they may have been taken down though.


>how old were you when cartoon network was closed
I believe I was around 14-15.

Man, where does the time fly.

>i remember it was at the same time ed edd and eddy were closing and they were just promoting the big picture show

I remember that too!

But I don't think I saw it on TV.

The movie was delayed and pushed back for a while before it was finally released.

I distinctly remember watching it on Youtube the day it was released in the US. I was watching it at like 5AM in the morning over here lol

A comedian huh?

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>I distinctly remember watching it on Youtube the day it was released in the US
Not the Israeli user, but same here. I was so fucking hyped for that movie, and it didn't let me down.


i see
well, nice meeting another israelfag here, i should probably head to sleep now


>tldr; reboots are for fags and they will never be as good as you want
>what is Battlestar Galactica

Was nice meeting you too, israelanon.

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I can hear it
Wish i knew where it originated from

what I like about this clip is that they not only expose all the tricks and trops of animation, and the absurdity of the visuals.

But they made a joke out of each and every one.

I bought one of those oversized jawbreaker because of this show, it tore up my mouth and took forever to finish. I don't know what I expected though, I did it for the memes

I wonder what it was now...

the sound of the lipstick kiss hitting the road though, that is fucking gold

neurotic? maybe, but considering how he let jimmy beat him up i doubt it

What episode is this from?

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>They must be soaked by now
mfw they were, just not the way he thought

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Dim Lit Ed

Was rolf a eastern european immigrant?

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The episode where Double D officially goes insane.

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I dont understand. Does he have hair then? Or just bald with a photo under his hat? Thats a retarded explanation.

>No more new episodes of EEnE every Friday night

how is any of this '94? I'm '94 and my defining years were Myspace and emo/scene culture.

Could you guys point me in the direction of a good Ed Edd n Eddy torrent?

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I preferred this tone. Later Ed was a drooling retard and later Edd was a nag. They got flanderized.

The movie was shit.

Both Justin Bieber and Harry Styles were born in 1994. Their target audience were teenage girls who were also born in 1994.

Funny how the Eds probably spent hundreds of dollars on lumber and bananas to build the thing in the hopes of earning a few quarters in return.

>cow and chicken is better than EEnE and as good as johnny bravo
fucking retard

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This show was so shrill and nauseating, I hated it

no scene where the kanker sisters fuck the eds
also this, there was like 3 good episodes total.

You can find all the episodes online

This show is awesome. There's nothing about it that really sucked. Seethe harder.

Man, I always related so much to Johnny. The ending just broke my heart when he was still treated like a weirdo outcast.

>that one episode where they make it some jawbreaker vault and there's jawbreakers from every country on the planet in there

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He became the antagonist in the end

>still treated like a weirdo outcast
The bizarre thing was he really wasn't before then, at least as much as I remember. I always thought the point was "even the dude that literally talks to a piece of wood all the time is more liked than the eds"


This, and how often the Eds got shat on. It was almost Catdog-tier.

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LMAO this is gold

One thing that always bothered me when I watched this show, (I watched it when aired, haven't seen anything new of it since the 90s), where the hell were the kids parents? There literally was never an adult on the show and they also rarely changed anything up. I also think Brothers Grunt was the better Danny Antonucci cartoon, and I know I'm in the minority in that.

i remember atleast one episode where an adult was shown, not fully, but his arm dragging eddy, theres also eddy's brother which is i guess either an adult or a teen, but its still a leap from all the kids in the cul de sac

It's supposed to take place over the summer so they're presumably all working. It's implied Ed's mom is stay at home a few times though.

He was more likeable than them, but still generally regarded as weird by the other kids

>Dim Lit Ed
thank you sir


what's that one about?

>tfw old cartoon network bumpers have more heart in them then any of their recent shows

Eddy was a piece of shit, and making him an abuse victim didn’t automatically fix it.

it was fucking weird for them to be in school

Brothers Grunt? It was one of the most insane cartoons ever. It was on MTV and came on around the same time as Beavis and Butthead, airing randomly and not for long. Here is an example of it.

In one of the games he takes his hat off and shows that hes bald. Might be that he shaved his head or something when he was a kid but it could have just grown back.


>I thought you're speechless

Voice acting
Most of the core cast were really well voiced, but side characters often sucked

>simplistic like samurai jack
>nigga doesnt fucking know what ukiyo-e and woodblock printing is
cmon man, I know this board is full of morons but I refuse to believe anyone is this stupid.

This Enigma band is pretty bangin


[screaming intensifies]

>Prepare to meet your maker!

It was for kids. Still is.

Jimmy and Sarah

I remember that. They were monks. Didn't know they were made by same dude.

Yeah, like I said, it didn't last long.

what was that ending scene with johnny during the movie? I remember it playing then all of a sudden a fucken up next commercial interrupted it.

it's this correct representation of middle class americans living in 1999?

Later seasons were terrible and DD was an idiot just like Ed and Eddy.

Didn't air in my country.

No. It's a fucking cartoon eurotard.

You're right until the Samurai Jack part. That is actually really unique animation

Its obviously a cartoon but the feeling of having absolutely nothing to do and just dicking around with friends all day is real


I liked how at the end the cul de sac kids defended Eddy

It's an cheap candy that lasts forever. I'd want one too if I was an entrepreneurial middle schooler

A woman voices most young male characters

My two favorites are "Dawn of the Eds" and "The Day The Ed Stood Still." Going hardcore into Ed's sci-fi obsession was always a hoot.

Attached: Vlcsnap-2014-08-23-23h42m51s172.png (350x263, 190K)

I want to fucking die

Attached: 1566027859014.png (411x411, 332K)

It's established that they get all their building materials from The Junkyard and whatever they just find lying around.

Mirror Mirror on the Ed

>Show was about kids doing random shit to get money and buy candies
>Suddenly school

Wtf where they thinking?

Attached: 1568815713091.jpg (493x449, 43K)

Nostalgiafag here, there's plenty about EEnE that sucked. Bad animation, characters never getting any development, romances that go nowhere, the last few seasons where the main cast was put in a high school setting for no apparent reason, no explanation as to why the kids' parents are never around. There's surprisingly a lot the show is lacking, to be honest.

Fuckin' rad.

Watching the first episode, I completely forgot the DD had a crush on Sara in the first season

The Day the Ed Stood Still. As soon as he puts the monster mask the episode turns into a pretty competent monster movie.

>Everyone also likes him, I always felt like the other 2 held him back

It kinda felt like Double D wouldn't get along as well in another group and they would probably get rid of him for being a "no fun allowed" type. At least Ed and Eddy try to push him to do more and he gets to use his skills to help them build things.

At this point, where is there to go?