Are there any actors with as much range as him?
Are there any actors with as much range as him?
>jewish actors
Obvious bait. I’m trying to think of one... fuck there really isn’t one. Okay you win.
He can pretend he's not a filthy, backstabbing little worm, so there's range right there
you mean like how far he would travel when thrown? i dont know OP he seems incredibly aerodynamic
He got lucky getting cast as Richie right after Stranger Things who’s wildly different from Mike and was lucky again to get cast as Boris who is nothing like the other 2 characters. I’d say he’s got a great agent who helps him to get roles
None of his projects are famous cause of him desu
Lisa, why is he tearing you apart?!
Daniel Day-Lewis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jennifer Connelly, Shia LaBeouf, Jesse Eisenberg, Joaquin Phoenix, Evan Rachel Wood, Kirk Douglas, Richard Dreyfuss, Martin Landau
But yeah OP's guy is shit
He’s like Kenau Reeves. He can’t act but he has huge on screen charisma that’s why everyone likes him
Gary Oldman
Richie was kino
Does he have a deficiency of testosterone? Why does he look so feminine?
>Shia LaBeouf
>all meme actors
try again moshe
His band is beyond awful
Because he’s a child you dumbass
Actually good list save for LaBeouf
>the amount of gayness radiates from him just from a 2 second clip
Jesus, what a maestro
>16 year old
>H-he's just a kid!
you clearly forgotten what 16 year old teens look like, because they don't look like pre-op trannys
You’re just insecure because Finn makes you question your heterosexuality
Not really. I just want him to get into shemale porn
Boris is his best role so far too bad it bombed so hard
His Male Pattern Baldness has actually started, you can see his hair part widening and thinning, he has too much testostrone.
i don’t see it
Google some photos that show the top of his head. It's thinning
Do you think Finn has a cute butt?
Nobody likes this goblin, stop samefagging
He’s all skin and bone