Not a single critic on his level for a medium that has existed for more than a century

>Not a single critic on his level for a medium that has existed for more than a century

Prove me wrong

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hi matthew
shilling your last video?
ps: bioshock infinite is good you contrarian fuck

He's just CinemaSins: Vidya Edition

shit taste dragon man

begone zoomer

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>ps: bioshock infinite is good

matthew is the basedest of them all

>if I say ludonarrative, I win

I watched his review of Obra Dinn because I liked this game and I had to rewind every five minutes, sometimes several times, because I couldn't understand for the life of me what point he was trying to make and how he arrived at that. It's almost surreal, he sounds like a normal person and says normal, well-constructed phrases, and in the end, still meaningless gibberish comes out. It's the language that students use when they get a really shitty writing assignment and they're well short of the word limit even after writing everything they could think of on the subject. It's the language that Hegel used to obscure the fact that he was a charlatan who got his teaching position by rigorously kissing the ass of the German Emperor.

He has made some really good videos, but sometimes he makes weird detours that don't make total sense

Wish he still reviewed major games as much as he used to.

>six hour reviews

Mega Microvideos is one of my favs to watch on youtube
its kino

Recommend me the good videos.

Joseph Anderson says hi

you won't get them, pleb

>condescending eurofag does video essays

He doesn't sound like a eurofag

he's irish. i could pick up on it within the first two seconds of hearing his voice.

cinema sins really went down the shitter when he got popular a few years back

Brits aren't European.

at this point defending bioshock infinite is the contrarian opinion

Is his Breath of the Wild review worth watching?

It's good

>Yea Forums
like clockwork

The problem with most video essays is they never say anything interesting they basically just explain the mechanics of the game in a very straightforward manner, it's something an A.I could write

Mrbtongue was the only one I found that had interesting subjects but his channel is dead now

I may be the only one who has problems not with his critique of Bioshock Infinite, but with his undeserved praise of Demon's Souls.

you've only saw the bad ones, a competent video essay is well estructured and has a point and mathew is by far the best on videogames

it's good

Bioshock infinite is shit stain and has a terribly written le ebin alternate reality time travel plot. Bioshock 2 is the best one.

That and Heavy Rain are two of the worst games i've ever played. The praise is absurd.

Only videogame channel I can tolerate.

Matt is good but Sseth though

average at best in terms of gameplay and the plot is stupid

If you remove the bad taste and pseudointellectualism of Matthew and unfunny memes and edginess of Sseth, you get the perfect game reviewer - Mandalore.

>unfunny memes and edginess

>couldn't get into Pathologic
Why should I respect the opinions of someone who can't into literary slav ludo? Also OP, read some film criticism that isn't from a dilettante youtuber.

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>Here's my 3 hour review
>2 hours 45 minutes are me talking through the plot and not actually reviewing anything.

Fuck this trend.

You're wrong on both counts

lmao seethe

This is exactly what I meant here just talking about the plot or talking about the gameplay in a boring plain way "in mario you jump on enemies and go right until you reach a flag pole"

Sseth is better because his videos are fun to watch and actually make you want to play the games

I've beaten the original and it's one of the very very few arthouse games with interesting mechanics like Killer7.

Is Killer7 a Yea Forums approved game?

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who fucking cares?

watched his devil daggers review on a whim last night, he sure takes a long time to say not very much about a game

Pathologic remains to be the universe's ultimate pleb filter.

The Wachowski sisters liked it well enough.

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He only sounds condescending cause you're a brainlet sheepie

He isn't condescending
But he's trying hard to sound smarter than he is

when did he say this?

What is it about Matt that makes incels seethe so much?