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he said bus driver idiot

>I'm McKenna, with Draul here!
Why did they announce their names?

>No, Ike killed Buzz Dreiberg

And Joker killed Ike...

>He’s Art, right?
>Where’d you learn to count?

What the fuck was that guy’s problem? Why did he keep questioning people’s majors and education choices?

prove it

Buzz Dreiberg? What Buzz Dreiberg?

The best thing about Buzz Dreiberg isn't his hidden identity, it's the fact that is name is a reference to the two masterworks that have influenced the making of The Dark Knight: Buzz is a reference to Buzz Lightyear, from Toy Story, which reflects Nolan's desire to make a film that both kids and grown ups could enjoy. Dreiberg is a reference to Dan Dreiberg, from Watchmen, which reflects Nolan's desire of making a film that would be to super hero films (if not to cinema itself) a deconstruction of the entire genre that would be respected and admired for generations to come

When Buzz Dreiberg is mentioned at the start of the film, you realize what kind of movie is coming to you

>He’s not Gettin Upizhee?
>Woah, that’s Aladdah Munni

Why did Buzz have trouble recognizing him? Why didn’t he bother taking off his mask?

I fucking hate this board

>I, Fuhkeengat Thizbor
Why would you say your name when you can remain anonymous?

No, he said he fucks Ingah Thizbor

Don't know who he is

Whether he’s announcing his name or saying who he fucks, he’s seriously putting himself in danger by breaching anonymity like that.

based replies btw

>limbo gatekeeper: do you have any idea who you are, stea lingfrom? you and your friends are dead!
incredible how this movie is actually the story of a man refusing to accept the fact he died a long time ago

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>I'm Amanda Mai Ward.
Why did Amanda introduce herself at the very end of the video?

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No no no, he was informing McKenna that he was stealing specifically from Ewan Yafrenzaded; the real question is why were they only robbing one bank account?

>I swear to god
>Swear, dummy!
Shouldn't the lines have been the other way around? Was that an oversight?

>Time to go, Mo Bayel
I know I'm breaking the mold here by bringing up a different film, but it's always bothered me that he only addressed one of his cohorts. Was Mo Bayel a right hand man of some sort? Was he more integral to the hit on the stock exchange than the others?

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>Well hello Beau Tifful!

I thought her name was Rachel? Unless she is a transwoman and he was deadnaming her (Beau is a boy's name)

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no it was
>He's Aut right?(this was his nickname in the gang because of his autism)
>how did you know T'count(his last name)
how DID he know Aut T'count?

>Why, Sosa Eerius?
Who was Sosa? Was that Joker's imaginary friend?

>And you ARE Beau Tifful
He even repeats it. Dick move.


he's deadnaming her because he is a transphobic pos

This is my favorite meme on Yea Forums

>I'm Ben Mann!
Why the fuck did he reveal his secret identity to some petty thug? Did he want to get caught?

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The Joker didn’t want to reveal her (formerly his) identity until then

Fuck you I almost burst out laughing in public, 10/10

Joker was acting crazy to confuse them, LARPing about imaginary friends was part of it

The bank manager’s background in Art meant he was most likely not an expert in firearms, and as a result not a serious threat, even when armed

>I’m not the Juan Weringha Keepads

Why did Batman randomly call the fake Batman put by revealing his real name?

>Give it to me, and I'll do what you should've did, Tenmin Isicco
very bold of him to address the officer by his full name

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>I don’t need help
>Not Mydie Agnosis!

Why did Scarecrow shout that name at Batman?

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It was a sign of respect

>Firstwan Tutalk gets to stay on my aircraft!

How were the rest of the guys supposed to care that CIA would throw them out of a plane if they already knew who would get to stay?

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>Batman appears 3 times in this scene and starts yelling at himself

What the fuck was Nolan doing? Was this his attempt at Lynchian surrealism?

>tfw I'm watching the movie on HBO right now
I love you guys

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Would have loved to see Joe Kababie in this kino. Would have acted circles around Howie Gott-Decarrs

>I love Hugh Guise

Thats nice user, but why are you telling us?

Who the fuck was Dunn Heer?

>Ewan, your friends are dead!

Who’s Hugh? Why does user love him?

Joe Kababie is too powerful for the second movie of the trilogy. Unfortunately, Bane was a bigger choice for Nolan, so they decided to include him instead of Kababie in TDKR. The scrapped fourth movie would have delved into Kababie and his origins, as well as why he was intimidating that woman on that stage.

Supposedly some of that planned movie made it into the upcoming Joker movie, but they changed his name to Meas Azjoker

But necessary. The guy was clearly distraught that Ewan was living in a self-created delusion.


What school did Joker go to? I hear their basis arithmetic classes weren't up to scratch.


When are we getting more Jokahbaby kino?

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>such a chad he intimidates all other actors

Based and Babypilled

>No, I kill the Buzz Dreiberg

Was Buzz famous? That's usually why you put "the" in front of someone's name.

>Is that a problem?
>No, I'm Dunnheir.
With only two lines of dialogue, a compelling story of arrogance and mortality is told. Bravo Nolan.

>Funny. He told me Sum Ting Similar

a true auteur

>Juan, Uri Spect. What do you Billy Vinner? What do you Bill-

Why did he tell The Joker about Juan and Uri Spect? And is The Joker's real name Billy Vinner?

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>I'm not Warren Haug E Paz
I can understand why Batman wouldn't want people fighting on his behalf, but why did he feel the need to specify that he wasn't an obscure German Chilean industrialist that had been dead decades before he was been born?

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>Or perhaps he's wondering why you would shoot Amin before Thrownim Uttha Oin-do

Why would anyone wonder about the order in which cia shoots the goons. Fact is it doesn't matter and that's Nolan's point. He satirizes lazy directors who try to manufacture drama by suddenly personalizing what was once a nameless redshirt. This is made clear by the fact that he gives the first good only a first name, "Amin," and th second a surname and a middle name as well for good measure, "Thrownim Uttha Oin-do." A bit too on the nose for my liking, but I appreciate his poignant criticism.

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>i'm not Harry Rockpants

How did batman knew his name

The bank manager was working for mob boss Ewan Uhrfrenze R'Dedd. We find out his name later when Buzz notes after seeing him laying on the ground shot, "What happened to Rhesta de Guise?"

fucking lol

> I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.
> So do Alwo Livtocesu, Chtymesbutté Datiznoth, Fordemdode'ayd Alwë, Av'dòisse de Coyde, Watto du Wittë, Dimedatiz Givhen "Tousse" Deraroth Erffources, Atvorkin Tiswold, Frodo Besiddins (relative of Frodo?), Devil of Evil, Bilbo Wasmint, Duphaunde Ringin, Witch Caseyo, Wheralzomeent Dohavit and Datizan Encuradgingougt.
Some of the Silmarillion are a bit obscure, but it's a powerful scene nonetheless.

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May he rest in peace.

>That's Moore L Ikett
I'm sorry, I just can't keep up with all of Nolan's characters. Ever since Memento.

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I think it's just a testament to his status as film elite and a true icon of cinema. So many niche and obscure references that only the most serious of fans will be able to pick up on. It's honestly incredible how Nolan can weave so many subtle references into a single scene, all the while effortlessly layering a complex story involving a vast array of different characters. He really is an auteur.

Reminder: it’s only funny if the names are believable

>My father was, Adrian Ker