Name a better character arc than Cordelia Chase

Name a better character arc than Cordelia Chase .

Pro tip: you can't.

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Wesley Wyndham-Pryce


Cordelia was the worst character in the whole show. Her presence made sense on Buffy, she was Buffy's foil, who Buffy would be if she hadn't been called as a slayer. But on Angel she was useless. Even as the "heart of the team" type of role she was upstaged by Fred and Lorne. I was glad when the bitch fell into a coma. Also her tramp stamp looks awful and so do her fake tits

This. Cordelia basically had a much more stretched out version of the Buffy arc. Not to say it was bad. Cordelia was often whatever was needed in Angel. Up to literally becoming an angel. Good arc, good shows. But let's be realistic.


Wesley went from weeny by-the-book watcher to badass don't-give-a-fuck demon hunter.

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W.W.P for Angel
Spike for Buffy


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Seeing her nipples for the first time was a real disappointment that shattered my childhood.

why? i thought her breasts were great. were you expecting them to be pink with small areolas?
this, pretty much. also the exact reply op was baiting for


Not best character arc, but definitely best supporting character, maybe best singer in a tv show

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RIP Andy Hallett. He died too soon.

i'm sorry you feel that way. just to be clear, are we talking about that playboy shoot or the recent nude scene she did? cause i can see you being disappointed in the playboy shoot but that nude scene goat

she was hot as fuck when she was pregnant
that is all

Did you know he was head boy?

esl here. is the joke here related to the expression "giving head". i could never see any other joke it could be but it thought a joke like that was too vulgar for the kind of show angel was.

She’s still hot as fuck and aged better than Buffy

I always viewed it as Spike just taking the piss out of Wesley with whatever he had on hand.

It's a joke Spike used because he saw Wesley as a stuffed shirt who felt he was above everyone else. Head Boy refers to Harry Potter and British boarding schools, and is somewhat equivalent to "teacher's pet."

huh. i see. makes sense i guess, since they were both english. and he was telling angel about it in that scene iirc so, being irish, he would have probably gotten it as well.

Well that was fast...

They broke Cordelia´s on season 4 though. The whole celestial being thing was pretty shit and kind of ruined 3 season´s build up.

What's funny is that both of the actors are actually American.

well, yeah. i think i read a post on the imdb boards a while ago that claimed that the english guy who voiced kain from the legacy of kain games, who played that ghost haunting wolfram and hart in s5 was completely convinced marsters was english because his accent was really good. can't confirm though.

boreanaz's irish accent was just awful though lol

She was pretty good, and they really needed to get her off Buffy. It was getting hard to believe she was still high school aged.
Wesley did have the best arc by miles.