This should have won more awards.
This should have won more awards
See what?
When They See Us...they'll cross to the other side of the road
They should have won fewer awards in my opinion.
your posts are so hilarious
the crime rates
how does that work with this story?
no, those cretins weren't film worthy
Genuinely thought this trash would do better. It's perfect awards bait.
don't make me laugh. GoT winning was already enough joke. this baity, manipulative show deserves nothing
that only works when white men are accused of something
You should have fewer years on your lifespan
Literally far left propaganda and fake news designed to incite violence against white people and police officers
in what category, science fiction?
They did won awards?
Holly cow. Hope its music or best picture.
I think there are alot bad apples in the police, but honestly, they are either lone guns or people that are too stressed. These movies helps to see every cop as an enemy.
dindu nuffin
they good boys no raping but other crimes is good
>the youths were commiting black on black crime during the night of the rape
>im still supposed to feel sorry for them
should of fried them gangers
What did leftists mean by this?
When they see us... they'll shit bricks.
Hung them
The movie US by Jordan Peele
They weren't committing black on black crime.
Their alibi is literally that they couldn't have beaten and raped that woman in Central Park because they were busy beating and robbing other people in Central Park that same night.
Seriously, they cracked John Loughlin's head with a pipe, mugged Robert Garner, and beat and stole bikes from two other men. After being arrested for those crimes, the police thought maybe the guys going around smashing people with pipes and robbing them were involved in the woman who was raped and beaten half to death the same night, in the same place.
So if the whole thing WAS a miscarriage of justice, and they indeed weren't involved in Ms. Meilli's rape at all, then they are men who did six years in prison and then were paid $40 million. For roaming Central Park, beating white people with pipes and taking their wallets.
And we're supposed to praise them as heroes. They're even described as children. Look at these innocent little kids!
>Someone blames a whole minority group, because one bad apple, leftists gets offended
>They blame a whole group because of one bad apple.
>one bad apple
Do you people live around blacks at all? Its is almost impossible to find ones who act human and not like evil feral sociopaths 24/7.
Thank you
I remember hearing OJ Simpson had something like a 95% approval rating among blacks. I always wondered what the split there was between people who really think he was a nice guy that was actually framed by racist cops and people who just approve of stabbing white people to death.
Blacks dont give a shit about innocence all they saw was BROTHA VS CRACKER meaning BROTHA DINDU NUFFIN.