Make a movie about black metal

>make a movie about black metal
>make it full of factual inaccuracies
>not a single black metal band lets you use their music in it
>make euronymous a sweet he didn't do anything wrong ever
>make varg into superhero movie villain tier bad guy
>cast a fat jew to play him
what did hollywood mean by this

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hollywood doesn't give a shit about Varg, it's not a hollywood movie.

And it made Varg seethe, so that's an upvote from me.

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Varg is a faggot and doesn't deserve better but the movie truly was a piece of shit.

>>make euronymous a sweet he didn't do anything wrong ever
did they miss out the part where he killed Dead via proxy?


it's not about what he deserved, the problem i have is that this story is less interesting than the real deal.

Movie makes it out like they were best friends

Varg told the director to fuck off. And he made sure to take every opportunity in the film to downplay who Varg is and his importance in the scene.

Only decent stuff in this was Dead's portrayal.

>Varg is a fat jew
how is that a factual inaccuracy?

He's also a nigger

A snow nigger
Varg makes me wonder if the medposters aren't onto something

yes in the movie he didn't make dead kill himself or anything remotely close to that. they even had a scene of him crying over dead's body.

What are they saying?

Varg is a faggot and a murderer but honestly Euronymous had it coming.

>make euronymous a sweet he didn't do anything wrong ever

He's a pathological liar who always takes someone's achievement as his own. He dug his own grave.

>not a single black metal band lets you use their music in it
Pretty sure that was not an original composition during the concert scene, user.

He talks shit about Swedes and Dead is a Swede.

I heard more rap music in Norway than black metal
very disappointing

Euronymous was a retard, an Internet Tough Guy before the internet, the problem with faggots like him is that they will eventually talk too much, that's ok when you are behind a computer, but not when you are inserted in a counter-culture scene that attracts actual violent people, Euronymous talked too much shit and a mad fuck like varg would not disregard death treats as just bullshit

the only real song used was funeral fog and some of euronymous' works.

i remember watching varg react to this when the movie was still in production and after it came out, he was disappointed that euronymous' actor was played by an "ex drug addict" when euronymous was against drug use lol. i think he had rory culkin confused with macaulay culkin.

this guy not being involved was a big red flag and I avoided the movie

did I make the right choice?

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at least 2 siblings in that family have died of drug overdose so i wouldn't be surprised if he was right

>he lived a five hour drive away and was totally planning to kill me any day now, so I had to do it first
Varg is a schizoid brainlet, stop defending the mentally ill

Macaulay Culkin has a mug shot for drug use or carry. Easy to confuse the two, Culkin clones.

Quick Rundown on Louis Cachet

>Varg Vikernes. (Birth name was unironically Christian Vikernes.)
>Raised in Iraq in the 80s because his family illegally oversaw Chemical Weapons Research for Saddam Hussein during the Iraq-Iran War; Varg personally met Saddam Hussein and said he was a role model growing up
>Joined the LARP scene in Norway as a teenager
>killed his best friend because he looked at him wrong.
>burned churches and UNESCO monuments
>gets sentenced to lul norway prison for like 14 years
>meanwhile in America he would have gotten death penalty
>becomes a nazi in prison
>attempts to break out of prison, and robs a car at gun point
>gets caught and sent back to prison, only gets slap on the wrist
>gets out of prison
>Abandons his 13 year old daughter he fathered in a degenerate black metal party. Doesn't even have contact with her, or attempts to have contact with her. Literally caused a single mother
>abandoned by all family, and friends.
>literally marries a diagnosed autist in France
>Takes her last name, and moves to a cuckshed in the middle of nowhere in France. Now legally known as "Louis Cachet"
>Refuses to learn his host country's language, instead abusing their immigration laws. He can't even talk to his wife, outside of some broken English phrases she was forced to learn
>Literally lives off welfare, and has 5+ little baby money makers to keep the flow coming in
>Makes shitty youtube videos about how Italians are negroid, and why autism is genetically superior or why blue eyes makes me not go blind in the snow
>worshiped by "le deus vult" magapede larpers on 4chins for some unknown reason
>doesn't even make music anymore because he has to live in a hut and pretend its -3000 BCE to feel like a man
>no accepting the fact he is a complete loser, who knows nothing, and is a maniac LITERAL MURDERER WHO STILL SAYS HE DID THE RIGHT THING BY KILLING HIS BEST FRIEND

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30+ stabs as self defensive. Varg is sick.

Euronymous was justifiably murdered for being a commie faggot

He was just LARPing like the rest of them

bro it was the lamp


No euronymous was a real commie faggot.

>>killed his best friend because he looked at him wrong.
euronymous threatened to kill him first

He literally admitted to liking it just because how brutal the Soviet Union was. Dude probably didn't even know what communism is

This. Varg was in the right state of mind and drove two hours to Euro's house with 3 of his friends to kill him in self-defence.

The fact Euro fled immediately and was hunted down by varg is proof he went there to kill him, not "talk about stuff"

>as claimed by Varg and rejected as a joke in the actual court because there was zero evidence to support it

>Vikernes envisions each Burzum album as a kind of "spell" to be listened to while the listener is lying in bed, such that by the end of the album they will be sent to sleep
Damn, he fucking achieved it

Two minutes are more than enough

>He can't even talk to his wife, outside of some broken English phrases she was forced to learn

Pretty sure she speaks English.

Varg was an unironic neonazi btw

>talks shit that he's going to kill varg
>varg gets to him first
that being said, there is literal legal documentation of the court and the police stating that they do believe euronymous was after varg and was planning to kill him.

This means absolutely nothing

Just like him claiming to be communist

So? I have nothing against nazis. Just shitlibs and their extensions


Yeah man, that's why Varg constantly changed his story and finally got jailed because nothing in his defence added up. Fucking jewish/christian judges.

Whoa, a biopic isn't accurate, how can this be?

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It was to keep up appearances that being black metal meant holding extreme views, when really it was a marketing gimmick

NTA but I did see something about the courts discovering Euronymous had plans to kill Varg, but Varg couldn't say it was self defense because the courts thought Varg himself actually didn't know about Euronymous' plans.

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Rory? His name is Loli Culkin? Oh man.

Get a job Varg

lost my respect for Christian after seeing this flick

Euronymous was a toxic piece of shit that had it coming, if it wasnt varg who did it, someone else would have done it eventually
even his band mates didnt feel sorry for him

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No claims, he was a communist.
No it was because he was a mentally ill faggot obsessed with causing harm

I can't believe Varg made a video gatekeeping on good morality and shitting on Fenriz for drinking as if he was a shining example of proper living

It's really this simple
Euro was an extremely edgy faggot with genuine plans to torture varg to death but whether it would have ever happened is debatable
Varg wasn't the kind of person to let a fairly genuine death threat go unanswered for
Varg would have probably fucked off if Euro hadn't attempted to get violent and run
Euro was stabbed more times than necessary but some cuts weren't from Vargs knife
The courts misrepresented Varg but Varg should according to the law be imprisoned regardless

i see you varg

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Why did Varg go to Euros apartment at midnight to have a "contract signed", and show up completely unannounced?

He wanted the element of surprise to jump him.

0.002 pagan dollars were added to your edgy account

Seems like a suitable daddy for /pol/.

Can we all agree that Filosofem was the best thing to come out of the Norwegian Black Metal scene?

>the guy who took photos of his best friend's dead body and made them into an album cover didn't have it coming

I dislike Varg because he's a retard but everyone is dedicated to misrepresenting Euro or Varg

It was like the only good thing to come out of metal entirely


And outside of being edgy like half of Yea Forums is, what real physical harm did he actually cause anyone? Who did he beat up, harass, stalk or murder? No one.

Guess who did all that and lives to espouse nothing but death for those he doesn't like. That's right, Varg.

Varg was the one who gifted the shotgun shells to a suicidal dude

follow vargs twitter and tell me this we live in a society brainlet deserves a cult around him anymore

You'd be the first to go, subhuman.

>taking photos of dead bodies means you yourself should be murdered

that was euro you tourist. the shotgun was euro's.

It was kino tho.

Pagans don't believe in jewish inventions like currencies

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy :^)

>Used his dead friend as an album cover
>sabotaged other people's careers
>plans to torture another friend to death
He had it coming

>taking photos of a dead guy is more evil than killing a person

taking photos of your best friends dead body, using his brain as necklace pieces, taking credit for literally every achievement the people around you made, and making dead threats to people who are clearly serious about violence (burning churches) and unhinged is basically asking for it

He planned to kidnap and torture someone to death on video

Everyone knew and said Euronymous was a big, indecisive pussy that always listened to his mom. This is also one of the reasons Varg hated him: he talked a lot of shit but always chickened out.

Varg's muh vikings bootstrapping bullshit on twitter is such a joke when hes in a cute french town LITERALLY living off his wifes autismbux and welfare talking to himself in a jeep about how dnd 5th edition is canceled because niggers dont start with negative int. Varg is canceled.

>no proof he actually wanted to hurt people outside of #meetoo tier baseless accusations

I suppose the court evidence wasn't enough for you? Do you honestly think the guy who wore his friends brain as a necklace wouldn't have tortured someone

Why did Varg constantly threaten people with death when they remotely got in his way? Tell me pic related isn't peak we cuz cringe

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>talking to himself in a jeep about how dnd 5th edition is canceled because niggers dont start with negative int.

Can you please link this mythical evidence which is more than he said she said?

For hating black people and minorities, Varg sure acts like one.

The guy made millions in royalties

just watch a spell to ward off the darkness instead

>>not a single black metal band lets you use their music in it
Mayhem actually let them use their music, maybe some other bands but I don't remember right now

>>make euronymous a sweet he didn't do anything wrong ever
>>make varg into superhero movie villain tier bad guy
I like to see this movie as an unreliable narrator type thing. This is not what happened, this is Euronymous' version of the story that he'd tell you. Movie's still shit though

The description of some of Vargs videos talking about it has the court evidence. Someone with more of a know how than me could get the court records off the internet

takes one to know one

Yeah he isn't impartial and Norway would have criminal proceedings publically available to citizens, yet no one has it, not even his Burzum website has unanimous proof

Why do you think I care about "espouse nothing but death" in general. I only care when commies do it

Imagine falling out with this guy, hear he wants to kill you, then justifiably freaking out when he breaks into your 4 story high apartment complex and wakes you up at 3 in the morning with a fucking sword clearly sticking out the front of his pants, to "talk signing contracts" - totally no coercion there

You'd have to be a complete autist to think Euro wouldn't panic

Is she really a diagnosed autist?

>breaking in
Euro let him into the apartment IIRC.

It looks so good though, what a waste.

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Das rite, he wuz a politically illiterate musician that liked Nazi aesthetics and totality, what now?

Submit yourself to a deradicalization centre

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is there anything in black metal closer to burzum's style? nothing seems to come close in terms of atmosphere and actual music instead of just screaming about the devil.

>>no proof he actually wanted to hurt people outside of #meetoo tier baseless accusations
His friends had said he was always talking shit, the issue is that Varg was a crazy cunt and took him seriously.

That's not the problem, the ONLY reason people believe Varg had guns, and makes no sense for him to plan a murder and not take at least one handgun.

Euronymous was a faggot. He stood for nothing and believed in nothing, all he cared about was being perceived as the edgiest, most br00tal retard by the normal populace. No one liked him, even his band mates hated him.

Austere, Make A Change... Kill Yourself, Woods of Desolation, Valknut

Exactly what is wrong with this? Sounds like he's living the life. I would love to live in a hut in the forest and fuck my much, much younger wife while leeching off welfare.

>ring ring
>hold on... I'm coming
>"it's three in the morning who the fuck could it be?"
>opens the door
>wields knife in Euro's face
>sign this contract which gives me complete control of the record business or I'll gut you like a pig!
>freaks out and bolts to kitchen to grab knife
>Varg gives chase, pins him to the floor, and proceeds to stab him in the head and back
>flees murder scene, dumping clothes and weapon in a lake
>makes no attempt to contact authorities, no attempt to immediately claim self defense
>waits for them to track him down
I mean are we going to pretend that this isn't what happened?


Varg will always be /ourguy/ no matter how upset he makes redditors.
I'm not gonna stop masturbating though

His buddies stayed in the car because they thought Varg was going to confront him about some contract dispute.
Not to say Varg isn’t a subhuman but I completely believe Euro was planning on killing him or someone else. This is someone who bullied a mentally ill incel to suicide, then found his corpse with its head blown off and immediately called his friends laughing about how “brutal” it was.

varg a cute

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>Director Jonas Åkerlund has stated in a 2018 interview that he used little black metal music in the movie in part because "it's kind of painful to listen to black metal music if you're not used to it or don't love it."
Sure. That's why.

Why are metalheads such söyboys? Imagine being scared of anyone involved in the Norwegian black metal scene in the 90s

definitely wasn't because all the BM bands from the era told him to fuck off, including motley crue. definitely not. also this retard doesn't have a single good flick under his belt


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i am a big fenriz fan and i understand why he would not want to have anything in common with this movie equivalent of stadium rock drums, but i still quite enjoyed the movie

Wholesome family man

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fenriz is based
varg is cringe

Aren't the members of Motley 60 year old geriatrics in wheel chairs?

>taking Varg's side because le funny meme man

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Truth hurts

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That meds are the true master race

those videos of him playing with his kids must trigger christcucks the most

It's totally fine to go to prison and live off from social welfare if you are aryan.

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But fenriz said varg is based and it would be an honor to be stabbed by him.

this and he should have kids

>taking Euro's side just because Varg calls out jews and mutts (You)

lol, no. it wasn't even the best burzum record.

How so?

he's living the life christcucks want to live while they can't find the 'pure christian gf' they fantasize about
and all without worshiping a dead kike on a stick

The money Åkerlund received was literally from Vice a parent of A&E Networks headquarters New York, NY and is 50% owned by The Walt Disney Company and the other %50 Hearst Communications also headquartered in New York, NY. Interesting coincidence.

Daily reminder: Christians successfully assimilated pagans peacefully, and the offspring of those who refused left to join the prosperous Christian societies, much like Varg's children will leave him once they realize larping as cavemen isn't all it's cracked up to be

Fuck casio metal

Well, that's true, although I think they're more triggered by the fact that it's a white family, since Christians are mostly shitskins.

Kind of ironic for a leftist to be calling people "subhuman". That's not very PC.

what is he doing right now Yea Forums?
i miss him..

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>Christians successfully assimilated pagans peacefully

There is nothing un-leftist to kill nazi subhumans

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>since Christians are mostly shitskins.

Those aren't real Christians, though. Have you seen the pagan shit they mix in with whatever bastardized version of Christianity they follow? Most do not understand the Bible. Most whites don't even understand the Bible.

Nazism was all about eugenics and creating superhumans, so Nazi "subhuman" doesn't really make any sense.

He's on Twitter isn't he?

Sounds pretty peaceful to me, if you don't mind the sound of your own people being tortured.
>Olaf I then made it his priority to convert the country to Christianity using all means at his disposal. By destroying temples and torturing and killing pagan resisters he succeeded in making every part of Norway at least nominally Christian.[24] Expanding his efforts to the Norse settlements in the west the kings' sagas credit him with Christianizing the Faroes, Orkney, Shetland, Iceland, and Greenland.

But when you start killing people doesn't that mean you go from being lefty to being righty?

Cobalt, but some people don't really accept that as black metal I guess. The album Gin is great.

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>Have you seen the pagan shit they mix in with whatever bastardized version of Christianity they follow?
Are you talking about Catholicism?

daily reminder that jesus was black

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Yes, that, and the versions of Christianity third worlders follow. Africans for instance mix voodoo bullshit in with it.

The Bible isn't a 2deep4u book. Christianity is just a watered down joke nowadays because they want to be hip.


>Motley Crue
>Black Metal
What? Did I miss something?

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Well, that's already over 50% of what we know as Christianity, but I'm sure your snowflake denomination got it right.

Varg was an obvious autist but that just makes it more obvious that you probably shouldn't plan to tie him up and stun gun him and not expect him to react

Best to just ignore black metal on the whole. Burzum was unique. The rest of it offers nothing new and they all start to sound the same and if not then they try to mix in some other ingredient just to try and set themselves apart and so stop being black metal. It's all a rather embarrassing subgenre with interesting beginnings.

I am not part of a denomination. I trust in Christ to save his flock.

Euronymous violated the NAP, then got assmad that the nigga he finna talk shit about murdering was better than him at it


And it also turns out he was a pagan seeking to consolidate power, who didn't even preach the word of the bible

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That's just another way of saying you're a jaded proddie though.

Varg is perfect example of subhuman. If you don't work you don't eat. Living off from proletariat is punishable by death

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wow so you're a turbo snowflake

the post

No different than the Roman emperors who converted to Christianity. If it weren't for those traitors the cult would've died off already in the first centuries of existence.

Do you have any idea how many times you have to stab someone to ensure they actually die at the scene ? It's usually more than 20. If you're going to kill someone then you should do the job properly

Been there and done it. Spent some years listening to that subgenre and eventually decided that none of it offered anything more and that when it came to it I'd just keep Burzum and scrap everything else. Everything else is just copycat. Only manic depressives enjoy digging into that stuff.

This but unironically, even if Varg is a special needs asparagus

t. welfare NEET

I trust in the words of the infallible God, not the words of the fallible man, this is a logical conclusion to reach and not an attempt to be "special".

Nazis are unironically commie filth. The enemy of my enemy is my enemy.

Well he did. The killing blow was a stab to the skull. Makes the other 30+ redundant doesn't it.

But the bible was clearly written by men.

Is anyone who rejects papal authority a protestant?

the words of the infallible god were written by fallible men

Only it turns out that for every dime a dozen pagan religion that has come and gone over thousands of years, across hundreds of empires' rise and falls, that "cult" never faltered

The word of Christ has proved itself more resilient than anything thrown its way

It's more dark ambient than metal.

I remember hearing Rory Caulkin on a podcast admitting to going to metal shows and pretending to like it just to suck up to the community.

I'm not Catholic so I wouldn't know for sure, but that's probably the case. Either that or a sedevacantist.

>what is orthodoxy

Divinely inspired men. It is impossible for God to lie, and to deny the Bible makes a liar of God.

Let me see:
>Varg grew up in Iraq
>hates Christianity

Isn't it obvious he's a crypto-muslim?

I keep forgetting this is Yea Forums and not Yea Forums.

unless you claim to have read 2000 year old manuscripts, all you have read was translated and written by ordinary men

He spent 1 year in Iraq. How is that "growing up" in Iraq.

>that "cult" never faltered
Pretty sure your cult has been faltering since the 11th century and is now scattered among hundreds of denominations. For a cult that claims to be the one true religion it's surprising how fast it was torn apart.


The doctrine is infallible, which clearly points to the fact that these men were directed by the infallible God.

How do you know "God" took any part in writing the bible?

Can you name a single religion, even those within the abrahamic sphere, that haven't suffered schisms?

I thought not

A Greek meme

Oh shit, I can't. It's almost as if they're all fake or something.

If you believe they weren't chosen specifically then that is your belief

The KJV was created by a vast array of experts in Hebrew and Greek who tried to emulate the original texts to the best of their ability. They bended the English to fit the Hebrew and Greek, not the other way around.

I think that God's message got through, otherwise I would not be a believer.

You're a believer because you're an impressionable retard, user.

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And who are you? What do you believe in?

Tell me, how do you prove the universal existence of the materialistic reductionism, known as the scientific method

Is it a concept that is inherently self evident, or are you able to demonstrate it through phenomenology?

Beliefs are for plebs, seek real world knowledge.

Such as?

based tankie


Brainlet here. How do you know which religion is the right one?
I mean a lot of them claim to be the only right one.

The scientific method is a product of our ability to abstract and interact with world. It's proven by it's power to achieve results through experimentation and generate reliable predictions about phenomena.

What about science? You derive your morality and world encapsulating view from this?

How did the universe get created big man?

Reading through all the bullshit and cringe fantasy snot you drooled out, he seems pretty based

Morality is an informal, unscientific name for ethological patterns.
Petitio principii, you're assuming the universe was created.

If you heard someone planned on killing you would you feel safe knowing they could reach you whenever they wanted within 5 hours?

I watched it as purely a work of fiction and I found it quite entertaining. Knowing that it was made by a guy that hates Varg's guts.
As far as I know Varg dindu nuffin. Just preemptive self defense.

Where do you assume it originated from? There is causality in this universe and everything leads back to one point.

>be a fucking faggot
>care about metal

Been watching Dark eh? Good show.

Euronymous was an edgy faggot who had it coming and Varg is a snowNIGGER leech living off his wife's welfare in France.

Did you expect black metal on the radio, or in the shops along Karl Johan?
You should visit a doctor because you might be retarded.

What is the cause of causality? How acausality turned into causality to begin with? Did God suddenly decided to create (already implying causality) even though its eternal and beyond time and space? Maybe causality has always been and change is the only thing that exists, something along the lines of process philosophy.


My observation is that God is the uncaused cause.

DUDE.... speed or thrash?

What? Black metal isn't blasted on the streets in Norway?
I have to seriously reconsider the way I view the world.

A film about his life would be more interesting than Lords of Chaos.

Sure, but how does the uncaused cause begins to cause if causality is still absent? Aristotle had a better answer than the Abrahamists.

God is spacetime

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Whether you wish to admit it or not, you follow your own implicit beliefs every day. Science is a tool to help gather knowledge, but it can't tell you what to do with that knowledge or how to act.

I think you're mistaking behavior with belief. We have our own nature just like any other animals have. Does a bird follow any intrinsic belief when it flies? A belief is a pretext for determined behavior if anything at all.

God is eternal, God is the causer, therefore causality has always existed.

>manlet eats woman to absorb her energy and become big and strong

Don't be retarded, Rap is still niche, techno and standard pop shit are king. Metal is more popular than in america, but that it's hardly a feat, out of the scandi countries norway is probably the least metal.

No because it is not that universally true that everything is a sum of its parts, not even physically speaking, since the classic example of particle behaviour being extrinsic to macro molecular behaviour, instead being an emergent property along scale, in that the definition of what a human is is not the same as the combined definition of what composes a human in a materialistic sense

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>causality has always existed
We might be getting somewhere here. If causality has always existed it follows that change is the underlying principle of reality and consequently that God, instead of being immutable and inert, also changes eternally as the core of reality, much like nature. Spinoza was right all along.

They're all kikeshit

Euronymous was a typical self-righteous, pompous commie larper.

Dumb mutt

Except science doesn't require "universally true" statements to work, otherwise Newtonian physics couldn't coexist with quantum mechanics.

God is the universe itself. Also Mormonism is the only based form of Christianity other than Orthodoxy.

I actually really liked the movie but am much more of a fan of Thrash Metal instead of Black Metal. Anyone have any better recommendations on what to watch that explain how Euronymous was a piece of shit? The movie basically deified him like what Straight Outta Compton did to Dr. Dre.

Why was black metal scene in norway back then so extreme?

My theory is that all black metalheads are weak willed deranged homos who hate themselves for being weak and homos

>>not a single black metal band lets you use their music in it
once aeklund signed on a ton of them did, actually, even mayhem

Which in turn proves epistemologically that reductionism is not a universally valid means of deriving truth

Okay Varg

He also kept threatening people, like all the time. Necrobutcher said he wasn't surprised at all that someone killed him

If God could change any of his divine properties then that would mean he would have never existed.

Well, yeah, it was never meant to be. The problem isn't that it's not universally valid as much as that it's the only tool we have to produce knowledge, unless you think augury and blood magic are valid methodology.

God is not the universe. God created the universe and is present everywhere within it.

Change is its divine property in this case. An unchanging, static God would never create anything.

>he doesnt base all his decisions on what the old village woman reads in chicken entrails

More like unironic boomer.

Which I again return to my initial position, now that science cannot decree what is and isn't true beyond demonstrating materially what the sum of parts is, from whence do you derive your universal truths which you operate on?

Necromancy is the one true divination method.

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God can cause change in his creations without changing himself.

Science doesn't derive "universal truths" from anywhere, user. It operates within the boundaries of physical laws (if they can be called laws in the first place) and what can be experimented upon. The only people who think they have any business talking about universal truth are the religious retards who think they've grasped it.

What makes God will to cause change if not a change in his previous state of "not giving a fuck just being eternally perfect" to suddenly craving naked monkeys to worship him?

this film was really good, I dont even care if some metal fag is butthurt that its not accurate, who cares?

the portrayals were good and the entire movie had a great atmosphere, and was very disturbing. good film

He's on twitter philosophizing about life and pagan living. Pretty comfy. His kids are on bitchute

He has stated this his ways are not our own, and as such that may generate confusion among us, the so called naked monkeys. All will become clear in time.


The universal truth is that Christians are child raping pedophiles.

>gets to the point where his concept of god starts making no sense
>g-god works in mysterious ways
Nice cop-out, I'll take that as you conceding the point.

*Men who call themselves Christians do what man has always done: acts of evil, which the Bible explicitly states many times.

of his kids?

Can man, who has only known things from a 4 dimensional perspective in binocular view, fully grasp a non 4D entity?

Can man even be sure such entity exists? Or worse, believe he's BFFs with it?

Can man be sure anything exists?

We're getting there. And every time we find out something new there is one less thing that can be attributed to god. Using induction it stands to reason that eventually nothing can be attributed to god anymore, unless we find something that proves its existence.
Until then it's more reasonable to simply accept that there is much we don't know or comprehend yet than to assume that there is some supernatural being responsible for everything beyond our comprehension.

Well, nonexistence cannot exist by definition, so at least one thing must exist.

God is one and has always existed. We are in Plato's cave and what we see around us are shadows being cast from the ultimate meta reality, God.

It can't operate by physical laws which themselves aren't inherently true, because they are heuristically relative, thus meaning scientific truth is subjective, and can completely contradict itself at two separate instances yet be sound at both

You explicitly claimed only reductionism can produce knowledge, yet we already demonstrated it cannot itself produce knowledge of the totality of parts, the parts themselves, nor can it produce consistent knowledge trascendentally

I have no problem with the idea that an ultimate reality exists as long as you don't pretend it has anything to do with some book of Jewish mythology.

>because they are heuristically relative, thus meaning scientific truth is subjective

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God's nature would suggest that he is the most trustworthy thing of all. Since we cannot comprehend everything, is it not better to place our trust in the one who knows everything?

This is true because the entire perception of reality itself is an emergent property of the mind, meaning essence precedes existence

Truth hurts froggo

Can't place your trust in something you know nothing about, that's just gambling for the sake of mental comfort.

God is not exclusive to Jewish mythology. He ordained that His word would reach all corners of the globe, and it did.

so why did norwegians and other nordfags larp so much as muh darkness and muh death and muh satanism muh dark music?
i mean i look like an average joe but listen to black metal since forever

user, do you have any idea how retarded you sounded in that sentence? You don't seem to have even cursory knowledge of what science is about and yet here you are running your uninformed mouth like crazy.

i guess there's nothing much else to do in these cold-ass traditionalist countries with high suicide rates and high oecd numbers and high median incomes

But how do you know it was the word of "the" God and not just a myth being retold over and over again?

Because it's infallible.

How exactly is it infallible?

says who

All you have to go by when it comes to the origins of our perception of God is a book. Written by humans. We have no way to verify it as being true. Hence it might as well not exist. So the idea of a God would come out of the blue with zero evidence that would give the suggestion that there might be a supernatural being. That seems rather silly in my mind.
People cannot be trusted unless they back up their claims with proof that can be verified by others. To convince me it would have to be verified by a person I trust. Thus it boils down to a matter of trust.
I don't trust people trying to convince me of outrageous claims when all they have as an argument is said book, that in my eyes does not qualify as evidence.

You have an opportunity to read it, go do it and make up your own mind.

No I'm demonstrating how science is founded on the probability of the falsehoods being collectively correct half the time

You don't seem to understand science is a philosophy, not a tool

yeah, im thinking BASED

seems they were just too soft because of their comfy lives so they larped as hardcore dark tough guys
they would be eaten alive in eastern europe or balkans

Well, death will give us the answer.

But I have. More than once actually. It's nothing but human fantasy.

The book bro. The book says its infallible so it is.

It really seems unbelievable that you can run so fucking wild in Europe and get such lenient punishment. If you tried pulling even half this shit in America you wouldn't even make it to court, the cops would just gun you down right in the fucking street.

I dunno I'm all for rebellion stemming from ennui and urban disenchantment but I wish they had made a better answer for it than "brown and mixed blood people should die."

>science is founded on the probability of the falsehoods being collectively correct half the time
>science is a philosophy, not a tool
Jesus Christ user

The fact you will never understand what it means to have God live within you is a shame

But I thought God was omnipresent?

isnt god everywhere

He is, but you deny him with your hardened hard and it does not appear so to you.

Science is just a formal model of empiricism that relies on inductive reasoning to make truth claims. This means that the epistemological problems with empiricism and inductive reasoning also applies to science itself.

But I accept Lord Brahma with all my heart.


That is not the path to salvation, you must change your heart if you have any desire to be saved and to know God.

>hardened hard
repressing something gayboy?

I'm glad you found a non-retarded definition of science but still don't seem to understand that this isn't an issue at all. The fact that a plumber can't use his plumbing skills to perform the role of an electrician doesn't mean that the witch doctor is right, you know.

But Lord Brahma told me the Sanatana Dharma is the eternal law and Christians got it wrong.

The fact this is relevatory to you speaks volumes

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yes, but the correctness of a proof relies just as much on the beholder of as it does on the producer of the proof. The point is to keep proving claims (by induction or otherwise) until the beholder is convinced the proof is true, which means it is somewhat subjective.
If done correctly, science will be correct as far as we understand, but this does not mean it is objectively correct, as our knowledge is not all-encompassing.

I briefly dated a girl from norway born 88. She never heard about black metal in her life. Was kinda surprising to me. I really thought this was a bigger deal.

I'm familiar with metaphysics, user. But you're missing the 2000+ years of developments that led from it to modern science.

was she cute?

It is correct that God is universally true, but it is also correct he endowed you with the choice to chose to live through him, thus forming the basis of free will

For what is good if it is not defined by being its opposite, and how can God be real if you cannot also reject him

For a naked monkey you appear to know a lot about non 4D entities.

>Rap is still niche
Either the definition of niche has vastly expanded or you haven't taken a look at the top 40 charts over the last decade and a half.

Why do you continue to conflate truth with technology?

Free will is nonsense

that a relaxed guy like him with his job at the post office makes the best black metal says a lot about the tryhard edgyness of the genre

sounds like a bunch of bullshit

yeah pretty much, but also super retarded. She was kind of an it-girl I met at some english school, who was wasting her parents money and was sleeping around a lot. I think she already cheated on me the first week we were together. I didn't really mind though, she was just a super easy lay and I didn't have much better things to do.

I'm not conflating truth with anything though, I'm telling you science has come a long way from ancient philosophy.

I think Disney owns like 15% user not trying to argue but use truths not exaggerations

>and how can gravity be real if you cannot also reject it

What about Darkthrone?

>Bathory - Born for Burning in the record store
>Freezing Moon in the concert scene
>Funeral Fog at the studio
Stop lying you poser

Then what is the point of rules if not because we provide a person the choice of choosing to conform so they may function within them

By your own logical we are incapable of deciding between two or more options because we have no will over our actions, or the ability to be contrarian to an action for its sake or otherwise

And yet it was the Christian scholars translating the works of ancient Greek philosophers that gave rise to your scientific enlightenment

Apparently time is a measure of value and truth to you

You have a "will" it's just not free in any meaningful way, especially if an all-powerful all-knowing God exists

And what of things which are not made of energy and matter, this is on par with your example?

False equivalency

Not time, but what it produces. By the 13th century when Roger Bacon began working on the first workable definitions of scientific method we were already a step further from ancient philosophy.

>And what of things which are not made of energy and matter
Things that don't exist?


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>he can't think of things which exist which he can't touch, taste or see
Lol, I'll make an example of your's , the branch of philosophy used to describe gravity - mathematics

You can't see mathematics? You may need an ophthalmologist.

yes and this:

I didn't realise it was a physical entity