Reminder that HBO is fucking doomed

Reminder that HBO is fucking doomed

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They were doomed since sopranos ended

>They were doomed since Rome* ended

well....yea... why do you think they're making 4 GoT prequels...

Does this count streaming? Because if it doesn't it doesn't matter. They're making tons of money from people who have Now or cable for Go.

>Euphoria S1

Wait, they're bringing back The Brink?

not really. zoomers love Euphoria and I know you fags will hate-watch Watchmen

>well....yea... why do you think they're making 4 GoT prequels...
Probably shouldn't have ended the show in a manner that completely and utterly killed off everyone's interest.

most people are dumb and they're going to watch them

No it doesn't, Nielsen numbers are incredibly flawed in 2019.

Just like most people watched the BSG prequels

Even the most braindead normies in my office didn't like it and have forgotten it. If they had another series ready to go maybe. After a year or more interest will be non-existent.

they're already make two new dragon shows

Since I pirate all my shows I can't really say I care.

>no new pope
op is a pleb

If it's as good as the last season you bet no one is watching it

>First one due to broadcast in 2022
lol Good luck paying the bills until then.

thats what they say, but theyll watch it

>Does this count streaming?
Of course not, this is just Disney+ shills making a fool of themselves

I don't think they will. By then they'll have moved onto something else. Plus these prequels are set years before with zero connection to any famous or favourite characters.
Why will they tune in? If Star Wars proved anything it's that you can't just slap a logo on any old shit and expect people to continually lap it up without question.

I think some normies will be mildly interested and maybe watch 1 or 2 episodes. If they aren’t really strong then the show will be doomed.

different writers and they are not going to do the 4 shows in the same fashion. think for a second please.

Eastern or Western?

hyuk hyuk

>not all HBO shows are as popular as the defining pop culture event of the 2010s
Yeah no shit

>it's not D&D so it's gonna be good
reminder there were other writers on GoT

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>reminder there were other writers on GoT
Barely. Which was the major problem.
>it's not D&D so it's gonna be good
Never said that and desu I don't care.

It didn't define shit

Never understood why the BBC pulling out at the end of the 2 year contract meant that they had to cancel it


It was too expensive and there was a fire on the set.

I think Succession is one of the best shows anywhere right now. Do yourselves a favor and check it out if you haven’t.

Were D&D the same idiots that ended Deadwood because they didn't like having a popular series ongoing that wasn't started by them?