How did they get away with this?

How did they get away with this?

Attached: 0251091.jpg (182x268, 14K)

Don't be like me, lads. I got old in the blink of an eye with the realization I don't know a goddamn thing about the world because I was a shut in. No life experience. No friends. No marketable skills. Please get out and interact with anyone you can. Live, learn, love. I wish you well.

This I'm 30 and spent most of my life crying masturbating in my room virgin neet loner

Attached: 1568678355071.jpg (1010x897, 68K)

Never seen it, what happens?

The boy in the top left of the OP image is forced at knifepoint to strip naked and walk into the girl's locker room by some older boys and you can see his butt and two girl's butts and breasts and he's forced to put on a girl's pink underwear by the bullies

Damn that's pretty fucked

Looks European. Pass.

Go back to plebbit

What's your favourite film in european cinema Yea Forums?


Black Book

eurofag films are shit

nobody cares

I got a you so clearly that's not true
Haha oh no it's like when my mum walked in on me fapping or accidentally touches my dick haha ew

Attached: virginity.png (1014x664, 163K)

Found your Reddit account

Attached: p3mJmG7.jpg (832x659, 62K)


fuck you

Post webm



Have any of you actually seen this movie?