Remember to vote with your trash

remember to vote with your trash.
if the film was shit, let the theatre know.

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That will show those underpaid maintenance workers!

gb2 pleddit

No such thing. It is a mutual contract that both parties accept.

>eating in a theatre
People like you disgust me.

i bring in extra trash just to leave on the floor

My brother usually pops open the exit only door that leads out onto the street and I come in with a bag of my weeks garbage and leave it in the back. Better than paying for garbage pick up


Some years ago I went to the theatre to see Iron Man.Only a few people were in the front row,I got to sit in the back.After about one hour,I took a huge shit on the floor.Don't know why,just felt like doing it.I started doing this everytime I went to watch a movie.I picked my moment of course,I went to shitty movies where the audience wasn't numerous.How does it feel,wagie?This happened in Austin,Texas by the way.I ain't gonna name the theater though,don't wanna get neck deep in shit.

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It's good for the economy, creates more jobs and so forth. Wagies should thank me for causing a mess really.

Amerifats really do this?

texans are subhuman but im impressed.

Based secret stannis shitter

my friend sat in someones pee at the cinema once, not sure if it was deliberate or not

Hi stefan

>I took a huge shit on the floor
do americans really do this?
in my country we leave ours

So you're hauling garbage in your car like a fucking hobo? Brilliant.

I work at a movie theater. We are absolutely fine with you leaving popcorn on the floor, you can even bring a fucking pizza box in and leave it in there, but please god stop leaving wet dirty napkins in the cupholders we have to pick that shit up with our hands and I didn't come to work to worry about getting your syphillis you disgusting whore.

t. wagie

There's this great new invention. It's called gloves. Moron. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since you would have to be a complete retard to have that job in the first place.

>voluntarily agrees to work for shit wage
Fuck off Gommie scum

I'm a manager there retard everybody in the theater has to help clean all the theaters after the final showing.
>it's bad to have manual labor jobs
people like you usually say shit like this and turn around and say, "The left hate the lower class."

you completely ignored the gloves thing. do you seriously not wear gloves? maybe you should rethink things

>No such thing. It is a mutual contract that both parties accept.

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I always bring 2 sticks of butter that I hide inside the cracks of the seats. Pretty funny, the moment you smell that the butter went rancid it is already too late :D

People think I'm a dick for doing so but I kinda want to create a small adventure for the people who work there because I think from what I've heard so far their jobs are otherwise really mundane.

what third world country do you live in, user?