It'll be alright frens

It'll be alright frens

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>grant yourself the same kindness you give to others
fuckng gobblygook

Just Imagine having shitty parents, literally no one can overcome a bad childhood

Unless you’re white btw

post in my thread

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Why does every shitty, horrid woman think all her problems come from "being too nice" and "focusing too much on other people instead of herself".
Every single sociopath ever comes out with these fucking buzzwords.

>Grant yourself the same kindness you give to others
i'm an asshole 100% of the time


Ironically, I feel all of those sentiments towards that retarded faggot.

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they don't think that, they just say it. women don't actually think, they're entirely selfish creatures by instinct, that's how they've evolved to be because it works. it's a survival thing, not their fault, but you shouldn't invite that shit into your life.

Maybe being "hurt by others" is just an egotistical code for "not treated how I deem I should be treated". People always talk about granting yourself love or kindness, maybe the problem is precisely that you don't hate or dislike yourself enough?

People who hold on to pain are nigger faggots. Move on and enjoy the short time you have on this planet. If you are 20 years old and still holding on to issues from highschool you need to try harder to not be a nigger faggot.

Based but didnt need those awful words


Do you kiss your mom with that mouth young man

Eh, my parents shit on me 24/7 even though I was a top student and never caused them any problems. I didn't stop being a 100% fuckup until I realized that being treated like garbage and hating yourself wasn't normal.

I just calls them like i see it. Niggers and Faggots are two of the worst offenders of being whiny bitches. Nobody wants to be either, less so both.

People who say shit like this are always people who had an ok time coming up, and hold those standards to everyone else. It's not a switch in your brain that you just voluntarily shut off.

I never let go of a grudge, I never forgive anyone and I have a massive chip on my shoulder 24/7. That rage, that hatred that I have for my family, my peers etc sustains me, it gives me a reason to keep fighting even when I'm mentally and physically exhausted.

I get that some people can't feed off of negative energy like I do and I certainly wouldn't judge someone for not holding grudges but for me, its a net positive.

You assume a whole lot, i wouldn't do that outside of this site because it makes you look like a fucking retard. I don't know what you consider a "ok time" but mine was far from it. I just didn't allow myself to grow up to be a bitch, i refused, fought and developed thick skin. I distanced myself from worthless people and gained a desire to be better.

Based anime protagonist

Imagine if you channeled all that stupid shit into an actual skill or talent.

I hope you get cancer faggot

I'll die and my ghost will come back to hug you

>T. Faggot

Fuck off. You act like your experience is the same as everyone else's, and so "just don't be like that" is somehow valid advice. I don't think "stop being a bitch" quite works for someone who got ass raped by their uncle, or put through years of constant psychological or physical torment. It's not an on/off thing, and for some people, it takes a long time to work through depending on their own circumstances.

Too late, I'm already Joker.

>Implying being a hater isn't a skill
If Patrice O'neal was still alive he'd beg to differ

It actually is a choice, everythings a choice whiny faggot. If you choose to stop being a moaning and groaning bitch boy, that's what will happen. What doesn't kill you should make you stronger, but seems like you are the exception.

>Grant yourself the kindness you give to others.
Literally telling me to kill myself so I'll finally be free of my own company.
Pretty based, I suppose.

>I don't think "stop being a bitch" quite works for someone who got ass raped by their uncle
So how big was his dick?

Partially true but also not really

Patrice was also rich and famous, you got a long road to step in his shadow.


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You're a whiny faggot right now, faggot. Take your own medicine and fuck off.

>what doesn't kill you should make you stronger
Oh my god I hate this meme response so much. Its like the normies saying it just refuse to acknowledge that life beats people down and eventually, some people just stop getting back up off of the canvas because they know that the second they do, they're getting smashed in the face again

Marshall Mathers aka Eminem

Die then, and spare the next generation your inferior genetics.

what's genetics got to do with it? it's a societal thing.

I plan on it, but not because some faggot normie on Yea Forums told me to. I have a severe genetic speech impediment and I would never risk passing that misery onto my kid. Might adopt, or maybe roll the dice later in life but it wouldn't be fair to bring a kid into this world and curse him with that.

No it's because people are lazy and stupid and it's easier to live in a constant state of fear and submission than to actually be Strong willed. Don't give me that bullshit, just be honest instead. It saves people time dealing with dumb asses like you.

How is antone supposed to get along with you when you act like this. I can't even imagine what you want anyone to say, I suspect you're all really just gratifying yourselves talking down on other people

Lmao no that dude is an emotional wreck who still writes about the pain of childhood, are you out of your mind?

children used to grow up chain-gangraped by half their family while the other half starved to death and most even those survivors died working stupidly risky jobs before they even hit adulthood

well-constructed can endure that and worse, and YOU can't endure 'muh family so mean to me ='(='(='('
the problem isn't fucking society - it's (you)

And is a multi millionaire, with a smoking hot daughter and his own record say he overcame pretty much everything.

Sorry man eugenics by ordering suicide on the internet is kind of a no-go in terms of practical plans for the future

>my genes are so bad I won't reproduce
>I'll make sure to raise the child of someone else whose genes are just as bad as mine though
congrats on being a tool as well as a genetic disaster

Not many people can straight up admit they're the villain. Being a selfish asshole openly can look like a power move if you're a man. For women even if it's "fierce" they still look like cunts. Anybody like that is. Either way if you're dumb and selfish you don't really care or remember what you say from moment to moment as long as it makes you feel better. So other user is right they aren't thinking much.

Those are well and good but he still carries the wounds of a lost childhood. Im not trying to put down the guy I'm sure he's plenty happy and I'm personally a fan but you know money cant replace a lost childhood or family, just look at Michael Jackson

To all you dumb niggas filled with self-pitty, depression and other mental traumas are only overcome through sheer willpower to change your life until it suits you, the medicine makes you numb so you don’t have an excuse to lay in bed the whole day masturbating and playing bing bing wahoo.

You need to get your shit together and work on whatever is bothering you in your life and getting rid of it/making it better. You need to make drastic changes, like get a job or leave your job for another, start workin out or work out less and do something else, learn an instrument, a language, a new skill whatever nigger just fucking something that makes you want to get up from bed and that is somehow constructive. Just don’t stay at home 24/7 browsing xhentai and playing shit games

You realize everyone including yourselves waiver between being honest and being in denial based on the needs of the room, their company, and their willingness to handle the truth, right? Stop acting like any time someone acts rude it means theyre permanently incapable of acceptance

I'm sure eminem couldn't give two shits about his "lost" childhood. Childhood isn't a great as being old enough to go where you want and own your own property. I'm 32 and even with a pretty below average childhood i had i never wish i could go back because life is a million times better now.

I can't remember what this particular fallacy is called but just for the sake of explaining it I'll call it "Normie Bias". Basically normies grow up with success and positive reinforcement and that naturally leads to success as an adult, but also leads them to believe that everyone else on the fucking planet has had the same success and positive reinforcement throughout their lives. That's why normies ITT are throwing a fit, because from their heavily biased perspective, giving up on life seems incomprehensible. Not because they're stronger, but because their constant success and positive affirmation causes them to lose perspective.

It's like Tom Cruise telling people to go out and seize the day, it's fucking bullshit normie talk that just makes them feel good

I dont know the guy personally so I don't really know what he feels, I'm just saying people with money and families can still feel trauma from an abused childhood, at the very least Eminem made a career about speaking from the hearty about it

>brownie isn't smiling
wow, rude

I have never read such mental gymnastics on why it's justified being an unmotivated faggot now a days. This is what i consider a lost cause.

No dude I get it I mean why are you so hostile to positive support? I'm sorry I cant help more but statements like OP's post are flatly positive and strategically conditional to allow people it doesnt apply to to move on. Its literally not and attack so i don't know why you act like it is. Its a verbal helping hand

Normies can’t stand the idea that most of their success was not acquired but granted, they make up lies and excuses to justify their privileges.

But my parents were great
In fact, I am a huge disappointment and only have myself to blame

You have time. When was the last time you felt sharp and useful, like you were doing the task you were meant to do? Feel free to go far back

>normie response
I rest my case.

Yesterday when your mom was tickling my log cutter

Not normie here i had a shit childhood father would call me worthless at home and at school i was bullied and beaten daily, while it is true that i may be a fucked up psychopath now i still believe that the only way to get rid of the depression is through raw sheer will, in my case i used and still use my repressed anger but that's not the point the point is to use whatever you can use to end the mental issue that drags you down

OP’s pic pushes for cunty and self-centered behavior, it is not positive at all. The millennial generation can be summarized by extreme selfishness in all fields of social interaction, because of things like in the OP.

>Yea Forums - Whiny brats & Overly sensitive faggots

So you would agree OP's image is a positive helping hand for those who need it, that really doesn't warrant anger

And YOU feel free to go far back, to reddit where you came from you faggot fuck normie. Fucking wannabe psychologist, suck my fucking dick

Entire first half of my life was shit, and I endured. The idea of "giving up" was totally alien to me, and the reason you're such a whiny faggot isn't because of your life conditions, but that you're innately a pathetic shit.

Now my life has no problems and I'm getting ready to kill myself because apparently the main thing keeping me going was spite. But I never gave up. I won. Fuck the world and everyone in it, myself included, but especially narcissistic, entitled, self-pitying faggots like yourself. At least have the fucking insight to realize the problem is (You).

What do you mean cunty and self serving? A lot of neurosis is caused by self-hatred. I mean, I would say you're being cunty


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Same. They weren't perfect by any means, but they've always meant well, the very best in fact. I have no excuse.

The key to getting over your issues is being strong enough to be completely honest with yourself and accepting of the idea that you are not special in your pain and despite how unfair the world can be to everyone, it is up to you to take responsibility for yourself and your feelings.

It's easier for people to lie to themselves and play the victim so they can feel justified in being a piece of shit. If you can admit when you are wrong and allow yourself to fail, then you can truly start to grow. You need a willingness to be wrong and fail so that you can learn.

No its because media, society, family and neglect breed personality disorders and anti-social mental loops that require will to overcome and master, you lazy eugenicist. You cant help anyone

>Stop acting like any time someone acts rude it means theyre permanently incapable of acceptance
Not sure what you mean by this. Speaking for myself, I wasn't talking about just being rude once in a while. And there's nothing stopping a person from having self awareness in the course of serving "the needs of the room." If I'm a jerk I'll usually feel bad later and try to learn a lesson. Maybe even apologize. Some people can't or won't allow themselves to feel that because it would be too injurious to their self image.

>I'm getting ready to kill myself
>I won

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Can breed*
Anyways a bad tempered kid can ruin a whole schools worth of people for a lifetime

Not him but i've felt useful my entire life. I've always been sharp as far back as whoever knew me, they mention it a lot in conversation about my past. I've always wanted to learn, utilize and refine any idea i thought was neat. Maybe go learn something, youtube let's anyone learn just about anything for free.

>hurrr just fail till you succeed
I don't have any brainlet Wojacks saved to this computer but just pretend I posted one because this is the some of the dumbest normie advice I've ever read in my goddamn life

Right but we really never know who apolpgizes and faces themselves later, at a glance. People cam be biased in assuming who isnt honest with themselves in private

You can't learn if you aren't willing to fail. And I'm not a normie. I just stopped lying to myself because I finally want to live my life and feel strong enough to accept the truth.

Nice. For me I feel most sharp when drawing and doing mental math, I get a lot of satisfaction out of performing as an inventory specialist in front of my coworkers


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He didnt say anything about waiting, he recommended something very active actually

You are obviously just fishing for yous because that's literally how everything works. Everyone fails, learns, try's again and succeeds.

This. So sick of obvious high school kids posting here.

This was my ex. She thought she was the nicest person ever and that everyone took advantage of her when everyone knew she was a selfish bitch

What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner, with a SOCIETY that abandons him and treats him like trash?

>dude me having no friends at school is the same as never being loved, just get over it

Not fishing for (you)s, I'm genuinely sick of all the fucking normies on Yea Forums coming in here, norming up the place and giving your fucking stupid normie advice. I've fucking had it with you people, get the fuck out of here

oh no

fuck them

Actually saving this post. I was caught up in a total funk of my own creation the last two months, so much so that I feel like I became unbearably depressing to be around. Last night, something in me switched, and this post just nails it. You can bitch forever that life's unfair, but it is never going to straighten life out for you: you have to do it yourself. I'm cutting weed and shit out of my life and working to exercise daily, just to change the few things that I can change. With any luck, I'll find myself in a much happier place than where I started.

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Its just basic conversation, you dont have to post here. You've got a hugbox mentality

nah he is famous because an exec happened to be at a rap battle that he won.

>Yea Forums

True. We can't ever 100% know the inner monologue. However when someone does the same selfish pattern without growth or outward apology for years, we can start to guess there's not much going on inside beyond defensive NPC coping.

Yeah ill save it too

end yourself shitheel, if you were really an underdog your whole life you would've learned to thrive in those conditions rather than wither. it's the normies who never had to learn. I suspect you're an ex-normie who lost his support system due to being too much of an insufferable asshole and now you think you're a true outcast rather than just a worthless normie. again, end yourself.

Nah that's bullshit you're the one with the hugbox mentality, that's why you come into every thread you can and norm it up, because god forbid someone has a different perspective or outlook on life then you do. You're the one with the hugbox mentality, not me.

Only her butthole

Nice try, this guy is clearly a gobernment plant. 'They' want you to do things that draw social stimulus and induce healthy brain chemistry through esteem building social activities and experiences!

Woah someone on the internet said don't be mad, this changes everything. NOT!

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