Series/Film has an "ambiguous" ending

>Series/Film has an "ambiguous" ending
>It actually isn't ambiguous

What's her name, Yea Forums?

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La haine

I swear I have heard the word "ambiguous" everywhere describing this show

you posted it. you'd have to be a legitimate retard to not understand he was whacked

American Psycho

jamal ginsburg punched his lights out

>first episode of the season literally opens with him laying in a coffin

what the fuck was his endgame?

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Twin Peaks

spread the good word


When i was growing up I remember Tony as a fat mess. Now he looks average. baka

He killed all of them

First two seasons he looked normal. By the end he’s really fat.


>wait almost a decade for a sequel
>gets a prequel
LOTR swars and bb all over again

>tfw I'm on my 12th cooldown
soon lads..

Why did he go to the restaurant? Very dangerous, since Phil's crew was still around. He kept looking at the door like he was expecting an assasin. And he went to say goodbye to Junior just before. Did he want to die? That's what I first thought. But why arrange it so that you're family is sitting with you?

>Phil's crew was still around
they literally okay'd the hit on phil, did you forget? tony didn't expect anything from them

You're forgetting about one of Tony's guys going missing after that. Tony and Paulie suspected that they'd been tricked. Also, who do you think killed him? Those were the only ones that would plausibly kill him.