>living in shared house with 4 other 5+ year incel neets
>ones moved out
>new tenant is female
Living in shared house with 4 other 5+ year incel neets
you just hit the jackpot.
Next on NBC: 'The No Bang Theory '
Imagine the smell
wew that poor girl is definitely getting murdered within the year unless she bails quickly
who the fuck is paying the rent
>shared house with 4 others
americans truly are retarded
*laugh track*
*Seinfeld theme starts playing*
Gang rape her and then kill yourselves .
you know what to do
rooms close together? how thin of walls we talkin? will you all be able to make out every moan & ass-slap when she has Chad over for the night or..?
>girl cooks a ramen feast for her neet clutch
>none of the neets do the dishes
>she never cooks again
Hope you weren’t good friends with your roommates
Steal her shoes
whats so retarded about that? i did it in college with 2 other guys. it was great for throwing parties, and we each paid like 450 a month rent. i wouldn't do it as an adult because i enjoy my privacy, but as a 21 year old it worked,
I think you don't get the context. We aren't like the based pepe I'm the most normal and end up getting 2 of the others shopping cause they'll have legit panic attacks of they leave the house. None of us can talk to women without freaking out, this isn't going to be some based Pepe situation
Yeah maybe someone will steal her socks and I'd be surprised if most aren't fantasizing about her but no one's going to do anything
4 guys out of luck
1 woman in need
Sometimes you don't need to be without water to be thirsty
Yet someone needs to send down the bucket
This fall
The Incelulated Well
is she attractive then?
Not sure haven't seen her. She's apparently a student so probably young
OP can you send us her feet pics? Thanks.
well best advice i can give you is ask her out as soon as you've known each other for a week or two and if she says no just ignore her from then on and interact as little as possible
>10 matches on tinder in the past 2 days varying from pretty to insanely hot
>none of them respond
I don't remember owning a monkey's paw... could it be a glitch bros?
It's really fun and i'm not even american. Humans lived communically in stone age, it's the natural way for us.
They do it as a attention and ego boosting mechanism.
>we each paid like 450 a month rent
What the fuck, were you living in Manhattan or just getting massively jewed?
>living in shared house with 4 other 5+ year incel neets
How to achieve this? I just want friends desu
Women match the majority of their right swipes, they have to choose who to talk to. At least you're getting matches.
Terrorist cell reported !
Live my whole life with my parents
Humans lived with their extended family in a larger kin-based tribe dumbass. What you are doing is living in a little box with some strangers while shitposting on the internet wearing only socks.
just go on craigslist and look at rooms for rent. there are tons of people renting out rooms in houses.