Pick the setting for the next big-budget action movie.
Pick the setting for the next big-budget action movie
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A dramatised yeast infection vs immune system battle inside Emma Stone's vagina
a world where white males die if they breed with attractive brown women
guy's gotta defuse his own bomb....BEFORE it explodes
You posted it. Titan is one of the most interesting places in the Solar system and Normies don't even know it exsists.
The conquests of the egalitarian progressive rashidun caliphate against the backwards corrupt romecucks.
One arab general played bythe got meme guy falls in love with a white princess. Their love overcomes the hatred and bigotry of the christian establishment and the reserved more seclusive bits of the arab elite.
Why is it interesting?
Bruh everyone knows titans
Titan is the only known object outside of earth to have continents/oceans/beaches. A place where a liquid meets solid ground.
Liquid methane lakes, oceans, and rivers
The only moon in the Solar system with an atmosphere
Lower gravity than the moon despite being nearly 2/3rds larger
It's one of the prime candidates for life in our Solar system, as the temperature and presence of methane hydrocarbons could produce methane based lifeforms
A human could survive on titan wearing arctic gear and a gas mask, the temperature on the surface is just warm enough to be survivable
Oh, and we've actually landed a probe on it
Everyone who's interested in Space has heard of it, most normies couldn't give a shit. I'm American though, so most people here assume that space is fake and gay.
Space is fake, the Bible makes it clear that there is a crystal firmament around the sky.
How's the weather in Kentucky?
>Bible makes it clear that there is a crystal firmament around the sky.
does it really
It literally does.
>drawing and not an actual biblical source
The mass required for a "crystal dome" over the sky would collapse in on itself.
Not to mention several private individuals have reached space with unmanned rockets, its not even particularly difficult just expensive.
I hope the colour is a consiquence of the camera rather then the whole planet being a dull brown.
Actually that image has the lighting enhanced, Titan is dark as fuck because Saturn is pretty far from the Sun. The Hyugens probe team said it was like trying to take a picture of asphalt at twilight.
But yes, titan would be mostly brown-orange with the occasional white methane cloud or surface ice. The moon is tidally locked so on the Saturn facing side you would always see Saturn in the sky. It would appear a lot further away than in OPs pic though.
>is pretty far from the Sun
the fuck would that matter if there is nothing in between the two to block the light? Fucking retard
the most boring setting i can think of is 1900s midwest. no fantasy or supernatural elements are allowed. you have a $200 million budget.
Iron Harvest: The Film
diesel punk kino
A world of beautiful female nudists
Grand line or skypiea
>why the fuck would that matter
Because the light emitted from the Sun has to fill an exponentially growing area as it travels from the Sun.
That's why we dont get the full heat, radiation, and light, from distant stars nigger.
That's why Outer solar system probes use nuclear reactor batteries instead of solar panels.
do you wake up when fucking alpha centauri light shines through your window?
North korea invents a bomb that destroys all non living objects in an area.
Courtesy of joseph McElroy
In space where most of humanities reside in o'neill cylinders, and mechs are widely used.
haha inside my ballz nigga
Is Synthwave the most /kino/ music genre right now ?
Song related: youtube.com
>A human could survive on titan wearing arctic gear and a gas mask, the temperature on the surface is just warm enough to be survivable
you're conveniently forgetting the ass raping 3.6 roetgens of constant radiation thanks to Jupiter
yes and has been for years