Finally, I have reached Yea Forums

Finally, I have reached Yea Forums.

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Ryoga is the best character

Feels like I just met an oldfag

If you don't show up to a fight that you specified the time and date of then you fucking forfeited that fight. Loser.

Wait, where did P-chan go?

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thread will get deleted, but just wanted to say how enjoyable Ranma 1/2 is.

based user
i'm gonna go watch a couple eps

Same here.

Something like it won't be made in CY+4.

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make way for the kendo chad

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Wait a minute. This ain't Yea Forums. I think I must have taken a wrong turn at Yea Forumser. Quirky.

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Does any else actually like Akane? Best girl to me desu but she gets shit on in every discussion.

Hello, /o/. It's taken a while to get here, but it seems like I have finally ma..
Oh cock.

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The competition against her is just too good with Ranma being best girl obviously.

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Hello, /his/. I am so grateful for you inviting me here to talk about Renaissance art and Arthurian lore on the Holy Grail.

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The only girl that comes close to me is Ukyo.(discounting girl ranma that is because he is as a whole the prize that is supposed to be won by these girls).


Takahashi I guess.

And thank God for that and thank God for all those fanfic writers who wrote with Akane as the main girl. Kept me going for a while.

god i love that shoe

what was the last good harem anime

Might as well be at this point.

ryoga putting 6 babies in ranma's belly and starting a family would have been the kinoest ending.

Ryoga/Ukyo best ship every other character can die.

pretty much the first one too

no, im asking was there a good harem anime in the recent years? haven't watched anime in awhile

Based ship.

gonna check konosuba then

Ryoga is literally the only person I'm gay for.

I watched like 60 episodes of this show a couple years back before realizing there's no point
Jesus Christ I hate anime like this so much
It's 90% filler

based retard

>I hate it
>I watched 60 eps
What's wrong with you?

It was the first anime I watched of the genre (100+ episodes with no content), I didn't know better
I thought it was going somewhere

I grew up with mother fuckin Ranma. I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere it forever. Good shit op, you aren't a faggot for once.

FUCK akane and ukyo

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I will, thanks

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It has more than one girl love interest. So it's harem. I don't care about any other criteria.

Best couple

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