Finally, I have reached Yea Forums.
Finally, I have reached Yea Forums
Ryoga is the best character
Feels like I just met an oldfag
If you don't show up to a fight that you specified the time and date of then you fucking forfeited that fight. Loser.
Wait, where did P-chan go?
thread will get deleted, but just wanted to say how enjoyable Ranma 1/2 is.
based user
i'm gonna go watch a couple eps
Same here.
Something like it won't be made in CY+4.
make way for the kendo chad
Wait a minute. This ain't Yea Forums. I think I must have taken a wrong turn at Yea Forumser. Quirky.
Does any else actually like Akane? Best girl to me desu but she gets shit on in every discussion.
Hello, /o/. It's taken a while to get here, but it seems like I have finally ma..
Oh cock.
The competition against her is just too good with Ranma being best girl obviously.
Hello, /his/. I am so grateful for you inviting me here to talk about Renaissance art and Arthurian lore on the Holy Grail.
The only girl that comes close to me is Ukyo.(discounting girl ranma that is because he is as a whole the prize that is supposed to be won by these girls).
Takahashi I guess.
And thank God for that and thank God for all those fanfic writers who wrote with Akane as the main girl. Kept me going for a while.
god i love that shoe
what was the last good harem anime
Might as well be at this point.
ryoga putting 6 babies in ranma's belly and starting a family would have been the kinoest ending.
Ryoga/Ukyo best ship every other character can die.
pretty much the first one too
no, im asking was there a good harem anime in the recent years? haven't watched anime in awhile
Based ship.
gonna check konosuba then
Ryoga is literally the only person I'm gay for.
I watched like 60 episodes of this show a couple years back before realizing there's no point
Jesus Christ I hate anime like this so much
It's 90% filler
based retard
>I hate it
>I watched 60 eps
What's wrong with you?
It was the first anime I watched of the genre (100+ episodes with no content), I didn't know better
I thought it was going somewhere
I grew up with mother fuckin Ranma. I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere it forever. Good shit op, you aren't a faggot for once.
FUCK akane and ukyo
I will, thanks
It has more than one girl love interest. So it's harem. I don't care about any other criteria.
Best couple