How will they salvage the franchise?

How will they salvage the franchise?

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You cannot salvage what is already lost

Mortal hands cannot touch it, it's beyond the gates of death.

With Reylo if they have any sense.

Forget the present, kill it if you have to

Everything about this image is wrong. Imagine so monumentally misunderstanding what Star Wars is about. I think Jew Jew is genuinely retarded or extremely autistic.

15 minute hardcore sex scene between Rey and Kylo.

They'll remake episode 6 beat by beat, but with the Ewoks replaced with the black people race from the leaked photos instead. And because the force is female and cant do no wrong, Litle Miss Marey Sue will ultrakill the Emperor, who was only brought back to nostalgia bait. Then when Leia does something Reddit will clap because the actress is dead and they're paying her respects or something. Redditors will clap at Palpatine too and Rose will not be in the movie because they course-corrected a bit. And at the end ghost Luke Skywalker will talk to ghost Han Solo because they gave millions to harrison ford in exchange for a quick cameo. Also the ren knights or whatever they're call will job to Rey because the force is female, incel! Screencap this.

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Cram more shit in it. Cameos, old characters whatever they can find.

Live action scene where Rey gets fucked by that droid.

It's simple. They won't.

They can’t. It’s over. If The Mandalorian is shit then Star Wars deserves its fate. Let it be a cautionary tale for how now to ruin a massive media franchise.

Abandon it for a minimum of 25 years; the franchise is an ashen moonscape of destruction, it has been annihilated beyond any and all recovery, not even God can save it

This. Its dead Jim.

Fuck off idiot.

>star wars shitters getting btfo day after day
absolutely based

Mangolorian is a Filoni work, he is Lucas's apprentice

they finally gave Kylo a metaphorical phallus

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When Filoni has carte blanche he shoves his furfagotry and Ahsoka in everything. Remember TCW and SW Rebels?
The Soÿdalorian is going to be shit since it's taking place during the Chuck Wendig era of Disney Wars.


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Just so everyone is clear, we're up to the 3rd film in the Trilogy and there's no "big bad".
Think about that.
Kylo was defeated in film 1, and 2.
Phasma was defeated in film 1, and 2.
Snoke got barely shown in film 1, then disemboweled in film 2.
There is literally nothing at stake from film 2 going into film 3, which is why they're bringing back Sheev.

They won't it's basically dead
Maybe they will recoup the billions they spent on it maybe not who cares I hope Disney dies

>no "big bad"
>no story
>no theme
>no character development
>no world building

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By Rey going back in time, becoming Shmi then getting raped to death.

Star Wars is ruined man. Disney literally has to go the (hated from their POV) EU way and resurrect their greatest Big Bad because they fucked up everything gloriously.'s THAT bad.

This unironically

Remember when TFA came out and Yea Forums shilled the movie because it was better than the prequels?

PrePrequel: The Sheev Origins


But to be fair, you were the one who sold out to the Devil. So you're in no position to judge.

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A few good movies (and no rehash or origin story) would help.

L I T E R A L L Y the only semi-interesting thing about this shitshow.

This is so far removed from the optimistic fantasy this used to be.

Star Wars should have just been the original trilogy made in the 70's. It would still be considered a significant part of our culture. All the ones made since then suck shit. I'm no fanboy, either. I don't think the original three were brilliant films or anything, but they were entertaining and had charm. Everything since then is total trash.

Rey is a force creation by Palpatine. Her mother abandoned here because she was horrified by having an unexplained bastard child giving her dark force nightmares.

I think this is the first nuwars poster that I've actually liked.

And then we all apologized to george lucas

>Star Wars is ruined man. Disney literally has to go the (hated from their POV) EU way
They've been doing it from the beginning. Possibly unknowingly, but nevertheless.
Kylo is a shitty version of Jacen Solo from Legacy of the Force (who was a shitty version of Jacen already). LotF was retarded already, but even that piece of shit had more redeeming qualities than sóy wars.