So is this worth the watch...

So is this worth the watch? I honestly haven't heard much about it but I hear it used as a comparison of quality pretty often.

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Citizen Kane ruined movies.

Watch Vertigo instead
>t. normalfag who hasn't got pretentious tastes in film

Very influential film and it does look great but it has zero entertainment value.
The Acting is pretty bad

One of the best films of all time. Compelling and completely engaging. Also watch Sunset Boulevard if you haven't already.

Sunset Blvd. is absolute certified kino.

technically groundbreaking but it mainly works as a giant fuck you to William Randolph Hearst so it's best enjoyed in its original context.

I didn’t think it was very good. It was boring, and at the end I just thought, “who cares?”

As a rule of thumb, if it's an Orson Welles film, don't see it.

t.Woody Allen

It's the Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within of live action. Well worth watching.

It really is one of the best films of all time. I would watch magnificent ambersons and touch of evil first so you get to understand Welles' style and so you have some context when you get to Citizen Kane. best of luck OP

shit movie

imagine being this much of a fag

lol apart from the good ones

great film. a true work of art, but you have to understand its context when viewing it.

If you see movies as just entertainment, you will hate it. It's definitely in the top 100 greatest films of all time, but watching it expecting it to be THE best film will ruin your appreciation of it.

Also, less talked about, the makeup is fantastic, with Welles playing his character at all ages.

It's good, but it's not as innovative as some people think it is. If you legitimately think Kane was the first movie to have deep focus, show the ceilings, have a nonlinear structure, or any of those other things people say it did, then you clearly haven't watched enough films from the 10s, 20s, and 30s

Which film did composite shot deep focus before Citizen Kane?

partially true.

Welles made his entire crew memorize and watch Birth of a Nation hundred of times and study the techniques and photography in it.

It's how Welles mastered and combined the groundwork of various films

Its a solid movie. It essentially is more about everything it did right in a way that became very standard for other movies, so not being able to appreciate that what makes it so good is that the films that followed it were imitating it. The movie is also just a good story that is well acted

hey look its the cane from citizen kane

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Intolerance and Gone With the Wind and about 1000 others

You need to turn your brain on to enjoy it.