>have new, young Sith character played by competent actor, could be a new Vader
>have him lose in FIRST FUCKING FILM when protagonist has literally no training, thus removing all suspense and payoff from their conflict
>have badass female elite Stromtrooper in cool chrome armor and a sexy yet authoritative voice who could have been a great recurring and threatening villainess
>give her scant screentime and kill her off in a pointless and humiliating way, TWICE
>have young yet commanding new Admiral character
>turn him into a joke
>have a powerful and mysterious dark side acolyte as your main villainous puppet-master; a big bad worthy of a new trilogy
>kill him off unsatisfyingly TWO MOVIES IN

No wonder The ST is a giant flaming clusterfuck they atrociously handled all of their villains leaving them w/ NOTHING for their finale but asspulling Palatine, completely undermining and trivializing The OT but even that hasn't made people give a shit. Lmao, they totally fucked it up.

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They're Disney cartoons now. The villains can never win anything substantial without the heroes soon afterward giving them their comeuppance.

OP pic is a literal cartoon villain and was leagues better than ST bullshit tho.


Lol do people still care about star wars, grow up its dead get something new

There's multiple threads on Yea Forums every day. I agree it's dead, but shitting on it and doing an autopsy on its corpse is still fun and informative.

Pretty funny analogy, but I agree.

>Kathleen : Rian, go forth and destroy the past
>Rian proceed to destroy almost everything past and present
>Galaxy Edge directly feeling the consequence of Rian's action

He must be dreaming if he thinks Disney wouldn't throw his trilogy into development hell as payback

...she's always lost against Space Aladdin.
You've watched Soÿ Wars Rebels, you remember how every villain failed, even the Death Troopers got defeated in the same episode they were introduced. Thrawn (it's disgusting to see what they did to that character) was going to win at the end until Filoni pulled a deus ex machina with the space whales.

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At least TCW had decent villains

And you know, didnt super wank ahsoka all the time (until season 7 sadly)

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>At least TCW had decent villains
I agree.
I can't wait to see how they're going to ruin TCW with this 7th season.

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Oh dont worry, we already know how its going to be bad

>8/12 episodes dedicated to ahsoka
>4 of which not needed at all and a pointless arc
>the new animations (e.g the faces) doesnt fit with the artstyle
>Trailer shows extremely toned down violence, to the point that not ine mandalorian is killed when they attempt to kill ahsoka on an LAAT

Its going to be shit, with Ahsoka as the primary cause of it
Of course we all know ahsokafags wont let you say this and will screech about how TCW S7 is "the best"
Only the Bad Batch will be good

>Only the Bad Batch will be good
I thought they cancelled that storyline. I'm glad it's still in this season.

the worst thing is that Basedboy Filoni had the balls to retcon episode 6 just to please ashokafags, stupid shit, Rebels is worst than episode 8


Filoni the furfag is the original Ahsokafag, user.

>built up to be theblst jedi ever and to make a new jedi order

They are having a hard time coming up with villains that aren't racist, sexist, and most especially, antisemitic.

don't get me started about Ezra

stupid shit, at least 8 didn't retcon the OT

At least Ezra actually has a character beyond "generic jedi #361" unlike ahsoka

And you know, doesnt infest every era with his bullshit, or gets saved from death by the biggest asspull ever

>saved from death by the biggest asspull ever
Based Vader was fucking her in that fight, if i wasn't for that ex machina BS

Literally robbed of a cinematic end

Ahsoka should have died to vader
Now she exists in a timeframe where no character she is built up as an extension of exists
There was zero reason to keep her alive bar waifufagging

It's like they noticed fans kind of liked the baddies from the OT. Can't have that, so they intentionally made the ST baddies bumbling and dumb.

Why didn't the remaining jedi just group together for protection after order 66. Surely obi wan, yoda, and ahsoka could have taken vader down by themselves

> a character beyond "generic jedi #361" unlike ahsoka
She's a snarky asshole who disobeys orders and tries to bomb the Jedi temple as a terrorist.

>There was zero reason to keep her alive bar waifufagging
Unless Luke impregnates milfsoka.

That was barriss offee you dipshit

He's a Jedi

That uses a gun

Seriously, though how does any padawan not raised in the tranquility of the temple by proper masters instantly turn to the dark side when someone takes the piss out of them

>They're Disney cartoons now. The villains can never win anything substantial without the heroes soon afterward giving them their comeuppance.
The hunters killed Bambi's mother and got away with it.

You wanted Kylo Ren to be a character that he isn't. He's not the new Vader, he's an immature fuckup. Like, that was deliberate.

And Phasma sucks sure, but no more than Boba Fett

>And Phasma sucks sure, but no more than Boba Fett

Nah, Fett at least acts like a bounty hunter, Phasma gives up at gun point, so much for a "tough veteran commander", but about equally as threatening as Kylo Ren or Hux

Name 5 good disney villains post 2010. Can be from Marvel, SW, Pixar or their own shit but can't be reused ones from before (therefore no Sheev)

Don't forget Hux, who was supposed to be the new Tarkin. Rian turned the character into a big joke so now he's replaced with General White Pryde.

I think that's the young yet commanding new admiral character he mentioned


Shame they didn't go with governor Milkies from rebels