What is this expression meant to convey?
What is this expression meant to convey?
The feeling of knowing you're in a disaster of a series, but getting primo sex.
"they're talking about me"
Penetrate my vulva with your 'man of steel'
Girls will never act like this to me
Girls only give me this look...
why do girls try to be friendly to me? like complete strangers? it pisses me off, like no dont turn your head to me and smile when im walking past. unless theyre gonna watch movies with me, im not interested
It means
>what a funny balding man with small hands, I'll tell Tyrone about him later in the evening while he pounds my cervix with his giant BLACK cock *smiles thinking of BBC*
Wanna come on my bike and ride past millie's house
theyre probably just smiling in the hopes that you dont murder them
Jesus fucking Christ. As an Asian "male", I can't even begin to hope for this kind of reaction from a white girl.
She's exposed her awkwardness on national television, what a shame
This. Women know an unstable incel when they see one and will attempt to calm it whilst moving away as quickly as possible. Only Chad is allowed to murder them without sneaking up behind.
I'm trying to find this interview in youtub and all I can find are these autistic crops like the one in OP. why the fuck do I have the feeling that this interaction is practically nothing sexual, but sex starved guys who dont have that much interaction with women put a lot of thinking into this. It's stupid
>why is a meme a meme?
>someone please explain to me where I am
>and how to go back?
you go back by closing this tab and just fucking off
what did you mean by this?
I unironically thought that those set pics were from some shitty early 2000’s BBC show, jesus christ
freya is a nice name
Too old.
her parents are probably white supremacists
I hate the fact that I will never achieve his face. I literally have a smaller and inferior skull to him...
Can you imagine having bone structure like this
why do you obsess over chad faces?
mbb keeps liking his ig posts. imagine
You anglo homos love Cavill more than women do
Why don't you appreciate the greatest skull on this planet?
god i wish i looked like him he is just a perfect man
That Rocket League is kino.
based engerland.
You just KNOW
Dude I'm Chinese and I 'mire the shit out of Cavill stfu homo
i know a brown freya