Shut up you dumb bitch

Shut up you dumb bitch

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she cute

Come sit on daddies lap and tell me what you did at school today sweetie

I still can't believe they actually paused the finale to have a fucking musical.

I was sure he would contact their teacher.
You know, the guy that helped them with every question for two seasons.

Now that the dust has settled, was she hotter than Phoebe Cates?

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>TFW gf and I sing this together once in a while

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So when was the last time you guys actually watched The Never Ending Story? I went ahead and watched all 3 of them cuz why not and man I gotta tell you they do not hold up, except for the song the movies are straight up awful with the first being the best of the 3.

I also forgot that they recast the movie each time, no returning actors not even voice actors, no idea why they did that and Jack Black somehow out acts everyone in 3 when he literally had nothing to do.

90's Flash is the dad in 2

I wanna cum inside her

ive only ever seen the first one. and i saw like 30 minutes of the middle in a hotel a few months ago. it was the scene where he has to go between the two lion statue things. it was still ok i thought, but it is made for children.


based trips. this user is guided by god

A few years ago. First one is okay, but I was never a huge fan in the first place. Second is just plain boring. Never watched the third.


It is made for kids, however the movies take a huge tonal shift from 80's kids movies to G rated movies, maybe they wanted to avoid the PG-13 rating in 93 but if that was the case why have the main character age at all, why not keep him a kid in elementary school for all three instead of sticking him in high school.

Maybe because it's a German movie and they make weird decisions like that when it comes to movies, like spaghetti westerns or something.

watch it with friends who like to rip into movies

>The Mindflayer was right... All these sluts do need to die.

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Bastion in 2 looks like a lesbian.

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it is
he necked himself

fer lookin' like a girl I bet

sophia lillis


I love the first one, and it's not some nostalgia trip for me, since I only watched it once or twice as a kid and couldn't remember much about it other than the dragon that looked like a dog. It's a good movie, with great music and a pretty interesting concept. The idea that our reading or viewing a media is what gives life to the characters in that media is kind of neat to explore. Also, I think it's kind of a wonderfully 80s thing when the dad tells Bastian that he needs to get over his mother's death and get on with his life. Gotta get the job done, Bastian! No time to grieve about mom!

The sequels were awful. They're just blatant Hollywood greed, attempting to wrangle every last dime out of every person who has a feeling of sentimentality or nostalgia for something. But the first one was art.

oh god

how old?

>Gotta get the job done, Bastian! No time to grieve about mom!

the whole if you remember us we exist message and adults having no imagination really doesn't make that line out to be wonderful

this was the cringiest shit i've ever seen

thas what I said

The book is better

Stuttering Bill

i want to hold her down and tickle her butthole

It's a bad sign when they look like kikes this early on

kinda looks like Phoebe Cates

the series never took itself seriously though, which is why it works for a lot of people

the whole season was bonkers but a song is where you draw the line? Interesting storytelling priorities there mate

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