Welp, I just passed 400 lbs this week

Welp, I just passed 400 lbs this week
>can barely walk, I imagine I'll be bedbound within a year or two
>too fat to do anything about my weight
>also suffer from IBS so I constantly smell deathly
Anyway, favorite Tarantino film? For me it's Reserver Dogs.

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>>too fat to do anything about my weight

Are you too fat to not eat? Didn't think so.

why don't you just count your calories retard


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Literally stop eating any time.

why didn't you stop when it became hard to wipe your ass? that was my "this has gone too far" point. when i was pulling muscles reaching to wipe. i didn't have a scale but im guessing i was around 280.

>severely obese
Imagine the smell

Is that a Jannie?

Honestly? [Spoiler]I had help wiping for most of my life.[/spoiler]

Can you imagine the only way to bathe is to be taken out back and hosed down?

Is there a single valid argument against simply killing fatties?

landfills are already overflowing

Literally just stop eating and drink salted water for your electrolytes. You'll drop the weight so fast you won't believe your eyes. Or eat at a caloric deficit until you have significantly shrunken your stomach size, and then keep going until you achieve your goal weight.

But something tells me you don't care that much and aren't looking for solutions to your life threatening situation.
That you will keep on eating like a baby whale even if it means dying in the very near future, because food is your coping mechanism and all you have left that brings you joy. I hope I'm wrong though, so good luck on losing that weight user. There's a /fat/ general on that's up all day and night and where people like you motivate each other to change their lives for the better. There's even a weight loss contest that's pretty fun

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>too fat to do anything about my weight

Refrain from stuffing your maw with trash food.

Too much money

>salt water
Meme advice. Might as well tell him to shove a toothbrush in his throat and vomit to lose weight

Dying from obesity is rng anyway op, I've known a few fatties that have lived past health nuts while being significantly happier because they could eat whatever they want

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holy shit what channel? is it still up?

>potentially living longer than 'health nuts' vs being able to wipe my own ass

That's a lot of big words to say I can't stop eating McDonald's

just type one of the video titles into youtube search ya dingus

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We kill ourselves off eventually, and in the meantime, we're putting money into social security and medicare, which are programs we'll never fully be able to enjoy.

Kind of the same thing for smokers. Smokers pay tons of money into a system that they won't live long enough to benefit from, and in the meantime they're paying tons of taxes on all of the cigarettes they purchase. Despite that, people still want to add more taxes to cigarettes, despite the fact that the taxes don't stop people from smoking altogether. At most, it just cuts their habit back a bit, if at all. I'd want them to keep smoking. More! More! Die at 50!

Same thing with fatties. Don't discourage them from super sizing their fast food combos. Instead, encourage them to get extra salt on their fries and create frequent flyer style programs that will encourage them to eat horrible food much more often. That way, when they keel over from a heart attack, it's both a massive one and it's one that happens suddenly with no real buildup. They won't spend all of that time trying to get disability benefits, they'll keep paying into the system, and they'll die off abruptly.

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Jus eat, eat and consume.
your body will protect you, brah

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I don't feel his story applies to most fatties. He jusaid admitted enough was enough but if you see the fat fucks on 600 lbs life they have horrible impulse control and blame external factors for their poor choices.

Yudkowsky is the one who taught me how stupid smart people can be

just do intermittent fasting bro. just don't eat until dinner.

she eats 2x more than I do in a week. what would happen to my body if I somehow was able to cram all that food into me in a 16 hour period? I'm 6'2 and 205lbs

Well OP you've been given your instruction with proof it works. Start or rather stop today.

Commit sudoku, now

You sound like you have no idea what you're talking about.
Fasting on plain water will not replenish your electrolytes and exhaust you extremely rapidly. A simple sodium intake can make your body last ten times longer with no food.
Also OP, fasting is awesome to drastically lower your blood sugar, regulate your metabolism and give you a healthier relationship with food and a less distorted vision of meals. If you have type 2 diabetes, it will probably cure that as well.

>smart people
It's a jew pretending to be smart while pushing an agenda

>be me
>8 months ago
>150 pounds 5'10"
>meet qtpi Latina
>make her my gf
>two days ago
>making cereal
>she slaps my ass
>"you're getting thick, user"
>lol what?
>"Look at you"
>she squeezes my belly
>"You got so doughy! I'm going to make you thicker"
>weigh myself later that day
>198 pounds
Should I be worried?

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Gaining a little weight in a relationship just means you're happy now

nigga you already dead

This person argues that it's bad to point out bad behaviour in children, even though my childhood would've been a lot better if the adults in my life had just been honest and said I was fat as fuck and needed to stop eating so much junk without exercising.

Children don't know they're fat, especially if the adults say bullshit like 'u have big bones my child'

I see she's a student of the Architect.

>too fat to do anything about my weight
At 400 lbs, just eating a normal diet would cause you to drop weight quickly.

What in the fuck is mukbang
Is it porn?


It's people eating food and talking to the camera or some shit

What does the Matrix have to do with anything?
Well I am pretty happy.

It's black girls who eat huge, disgusting meals and record it for an audience.

Very strange, I think women watch them, mostly.

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>Well I am pretty happy.
Then why worry?

What does that even mean

Well I worry about becoming like OP I guess.
Oh of course. I'm not that big though

is this a fph thread, if so, i can dump my folder until jannies come for us

You are eating becouse you are happy, don't eat too much becouse maybe she of you will dump you/dump her and you will stuck with your weight

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Children do know they're fat, especially since other children will remind them. The problem is that children have very little control over their diets if their parents don't put in the effort, and even unintentional stuff from parents like "you can't leave the table until you empty your plate" can hurt.

Yes. One of the more normal ones.

I have a nephew who's like 12 and he's not fat but he's a fucking asshole sometimes. His parents are way too lax on him, my sister married a fucking idiot pothead. But point is I have zero issue with calling him a fucking prick when he's acting like one because I wish someone would have done the same for me when I was doing the same at his age. Kids have far too much positive reinforcement as it is. It leads to complacency and a lack of tenacity.



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fat girl is right. It's an addiction. I dont have it for food but i have it for alcohol, so i get it.

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40g protein my dude I'm bulking

>Well I worry about becoming like OP I guess.
if you were comfortable living on a diet that kept you at a 21.5 BMI, I doubt you're going to gain much more than this.
in any case, you should pay more attention to your weight than checking every 8 months, to make sure you stay within whatever limit you're personally comfortable with.

>2600 calories

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reminded me of another item at cinnabon that's over 2000 calories. trying to imagine a person who has both of these each day as a "snack," and how quickly they'd become obese.

This person was clearly trolling

I thought it was just a Korean thing

How the fuck can you type?

got to drink them fast or they melt and I need two because they wont mix flavors

>What in the fuck is mukbang

Gotta eat and drink everything fast tbqhwy

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>no crustaceans


a all fruit diet is very unhealthy so there not wrong about that

user. Get your fat ass to /fit/ to the /fat/ thread and ask for help. This isn't right man...

americans really ruined the mukbang concept, what a shame!

How is having someone eat while making commentary any more enjoyable than just having the commentary? It makes no sense.

>too fat to do anything about my weight
Start playing WOW, get so engaged that you forget to eat.

I think they like seeing some small Asian girl eat huge amounts of food and stay skinny week after week not knowing she throws it up Americans like to see a fat person becuase well you know there not lying if they say they enjoy it

I tried this and nearly had a heart attack due to exhaustion.

i'd like to fuck that girl

I don't usually mean it when I say kys but I do this time. Few things are worse than fat people.