Okay this is epic

okay this is epic

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Other urls found in this thread:


Climb and mate my dick

its amazing to me that europeans are having a meltdown over climate change thinking that its the biggest problem ever.


*farts on eurocucks*

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right now I'm experiencing climate change in my dick

*white teens

Jamal, Javier, Pradeep and Chang will continue to multiply regardless of whatever “the data” says.

>Europe is one country

Crikey! It's off-topic shitposting hours!

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Jannies finally finished dilating and are back at it

It's more amazing that they think they can do anything about it. America, China, India, Brazil, and Nigeria are all going to do way more damage to the climate and there's fuck all Europe can do to stop us because our leaders don't care.

Imagine having the choice of refusing sex

Holy shit, we solved teen pregnancies.

that's what y'all faggots are pretending you are anyway

The best/worst part is that there is literally nothing Europeans can do to significantly affect it because the vast majority of pollution comes from Asia. It is cuckoldry of the highest order.

who cares lmao

Then again Europe has had some massive storms in the Mediterranean this year and Greece and Italy had that freak hurricane. Also the temperatures near the Black Sea have been lower than usual in the summer. Most Europeans see the climate changing since they also work closely with crops.

These, it must be depressing for them

The only force capable of destroying the evil syndicate known as INCEL - Volcel Initiative. To fight monsters they've built monsters of their own

it's called being a girl user

>teens refusing to have kids


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Not really sure why this girl pisses Yea Forums off more than even AOC ever did? You realize that majority believes in climate change right? Shes not like some demon from hell who is getting us all to believe evil lies.

based. maybe she can get wokefags to eat the bugs.

I understand why the people who make money off this pluck random teenagers off the street and spin them into social icons. What I can't understand is anybody actually buying into this shit.

"New Swedes" (Arabs, Africans, Afghans) won't share these hesitstions.

Almost makes you think that this might have been part of the point of this theater all along...

Stupid as fuck, nobody is fucking this goblin anyway.

Who the fuck is that?

Why are we letting foreigners in our capital?

>You realize that majority believes in climate change right?
the majority also believed the sun orbited the earth once

Do the majority believe that we're all gonna die in 20 years?

How do they think this will change anything? Do they not release things would be better if all the dumbasses like them stopped breeding

Greta VS Soph fistfight when?

One autistic girl backed by the globalist power structure, the other autistic girl a shitposter.

that's where you're wrong kiddo

gretalet is going to extreme lengths to not do schoolwork

I want an autistic gf.

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All according to keikaku

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That's what the EU says
Fucking retard

when will this kid have a scandal and promptly get memoryholed i'm already tired of seeing this potato face

Don’t worry about it. I’m sleepy aren’t you? Let’s take a nap *yawn*

probably because she's a fearmongering socialist puppet

Poor bait mate

pretty sure this downie is sterile anyways

I want to make children with her doe.

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White women need to stop having kids until the climate is fixed.

does she have Down's?

>its amazing to me that europeans are having a meltdown over climate change thinking that its the biggest problem ever.

People think it's the biggest problem ever because the news markets it 24/7 as if it's the biggest problem ever. Even though we all know the biggest problem ever is migrants.

at this point you might as well be
the EU is ever encroaching on your ability to govern yourselves

Whoah calm down there Hitler. Have sex or something.

>Wanting to have children with a fetal alcohol syndrome cabbage patch kid

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sure climate change will only help with the migrant thing uh

Can someone give me a rundown on her? Why is this child with obvious signs of mental impairment and FAS an important activist for issues which are clearly far beyond her understanding?

There's a lot of people in Europe who need to be educated about what countries they live in.

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No, but you might since you can't use a goddamn apostrophe properly

She is a brave womyn saving the planet. Listen and believe you Nazi.

Yep. They wouldn't dare tell Jose to stop having 6 kids a family.

I'd date a girl on the spectrum if I suspected she might be into my stupid kinks.

Okay this is off topic

>we all know the biggest problem ever is migrants.
Changing climate will lead to more refugees on your way

sh'es got the 'tism

>>teens refusing to have kids

>lumping America in there with the rest

Moron, Asia and Africa are doing like 90% of the damage.

You know there is always the option of preventing them from coming in?

>obvious signs of mental impairment
Several of them have become US presidents so why should she be seen as weird

no but shes a qt

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i don't wanna make her a child, but would pump-and-dump her anytime

proper shilling done by her parents
look it up they are the epitome of helicopter parents
the kid is mentally challenged in a way and that's obvious to everyone
which isn't a big deal to most people but her parents didn't want to believe it so they put words in her mouth that she spouts 24/7 now
she is not even aware of anything she is doing
it's like poor jews selling their kids out in hollywood

yeah, just like terrorism can be prevented, but not constantly fucking up the middle east would have worked better

it'll be a great new way to scam your way into gibs, anyway.

The biggest problem is what to do with people when industrialization makes their jobs pointless.

>Moron, Asia and Africa are doing like 90% of the damage.
No, the US is a solid second. China has us beat my a mile though.
1. China
2. US
3. European Union
4. India
5. Russia


This. Everyone who works in retail, shipping/trucking, and at call centers is absolutely fucked. Data entry/administrative assistants are next on the list. A huge portion of the workforce is going to lose their jobs with nothing available to take its place.

>Even though we all know the biggest problem ever is migrants
He quoted from a news site.

china does whatever it wants and lies about it. they pump aerosols that were banned 40 years ago in the west.

I want to defend the USA here. Their co2 output has been decreasing. Here in Canada our co2 output has skyrocketed thanks to the oil sands.

>when industrialization makes their jobs pointless
we're almost done with de-industrialization you retarded gopnik

blatant lie

Not really. They have huge populations. Billions of people, many of which are little more than subsistence farmers. Americans are incredibly wasteful. Most sharts eat 10x more than they need to. They buy mountains of plastic garbage to entertain themselves, love to run things like HVAC constantly and drive around in cars that guzzle fuel like crazy.

why does she look like hitler from the thumbnail

The Chinese dump cadmium into their rice paddies.

Greta is cute

>thinks you need young people to create children
>thinking young people have that kind of solidarity that they'll just all stop having unprotected sex

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Why is some swedish child being allowed into the american congress, meanwhile I, a hard working American, get escorted off the premises and called a commie? Explain that.

>retards voluntarily exclude themselves from the gene pool

oh noooo that sucks

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>I want to defend the USA here. Their co2 output has been decreasing
It has been decreasing but we're still near the top of the list and our current president thinks climate change is a hoax. It's not inaccurate to say that we pollute far more than the EU or that our leader doesn't care.

It's just shit that leftists do

>the biggest problem ever is migrants
I know we don't have enough send more please


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Hey if a foreign jew can make a speech to Congress to influence policy I don't see what's wrong with a foreign child testifying to them

only gullible white children will fall for this shitty meme

which, of course, is the point

No one cares about your circus, America

>global warming is a jewish conspiracy
all that dilating is getting to you, huh

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Because she's nothing but a jewish puppet

>he cites wikipedia as facts
el o el

Why do you people seem to think China or India are given a free pass on climate change?

>climate change is a hoax
It is

That was also a damn disgrace

The source is listed in the article
"Fossil CO2 emissions of all world countries - 2018 Report"

I get all my policy positions from little autistic girls. aren’t I so smart?

>neo-millenials in 'I just had an abortion' sweatshop made T-shirts don't want to reproduce

Oh nooooo, that sucks. Wanna bet the next one on the congress floor was 'Open up them borders, bigot' tranny?

Love how leftshits completely dropped the working class cause because it is made up mainly out of fucking white males.

Because they are
el o el


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>Muh consensus muhfugga
>eat the bug
>don't reproduce
>disempower yourself
>don't build any generational wealth
This is sure to stop Chang from haemorrhaging heavy metals into the water supply

I can't believe Obama let that happen.

What are some movies about large populations that will only laugh at the idea of conserving the earth, even 100 years from now?

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why don’t we send some NRA spokesteenagers to sweden see how they like it

She must be Finnish


suburban americans have always been manipulated with fear: of black people, of immigrants, of communism, of terrorism, and now that they'll take away their monster truck

>it's warmer than usual
>"this is because of man made climate change"

>it's colder than usual
>"this is a side effect or man made climate change"

And that's how you know it's all bullshit.

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She go on boat

why would anyone think china or india signing a piece of paper means anything. we can't even get them to stop eating dogs and shitting in the street.

You don't understand. The problem has already presented itself decades ago and made the fucked up world we currently exist in. People haven't actually had to work 40+ hours a week over 50 years.

Those are computer models and are highly unreliable because of the amount of variables involved. Look, I myself believe in climate change but I don't believe the 12 years bullshit. It's fear mongering and extremely divisive.


Ok? If only these climate retards started by killing themselves they'd actually do a real service to the climate by consuming less resources.

Is this from the same fags who faked ocean water temperatures and who told us a new ice age was coming in the 70s?

>niggas stealing trees is causing climate change

The CO2 isn't even the real problem with China

No computer models though. This is instrumental data especially the CO2 levels

The same reason two teenage retards apparently become world experts on gun violence.

G*rmanic autism manifests itself as authoritarian socialism to ruin Europe yet again

>Trend line going down for centuries
>Starts growing significantly from 1900

Lol did you just post the wrong graph or what, how is the bad thing. Looks like we turned a downward turned around and outdid all the bullshit that the early humans did.

A huge portion of the workforce should have lost their jobs when industrialization made the output of good and services enough so that 20% of people working would be enough to provide for the entirety of the population. But they didn't because what do you do with them then?

Instead, most people no work busywork bullshit jobs that are not actually necessary for civilization to function and are propped up by spook laws that exist entirely to give people something to do other than sit around and get into trouble.

The same thing will happen with A.I. automation. Right now it looks like people will be out of work, but I guarantee new, useless jobs will be made up for them to do.

>Transexual Jew is an authoritarian socialist

And the only people that will be damaged by this threat and the people making it. Fucking dumb bastards

ummm spotted the incel
who hurt you sweaty?

I like Greta chest fine.

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CO2 has not been above 290ppm in almost a million years and we have added 100pm+ into the atmosphere in less than 100 years

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Why 'the evidence' part looks completely different than the rest of graph?

the only people who DO conservation and environmentalism are whites. In fact, they came up with the very concept of it and were the first people on the planet to implement pro-environment laws. Everyone else doesn't give a fuck.

I'm not an incel, I've just been protesting climate change for 30 years.

Different temporal resolution of the data set

This is v true. Society had the chance to cull the underclass of scum in the world after the industrial revolution but kept them around. Now our cities are shit holes flooded with meaningless lives and our planet is melting, good work

problem is the rise in temperature is so low and slow that it's irrelevant. co2 theory is a bust, they'll have to move onto something else in 10 years.

When a share price graph goes up its a good thing dumbass. We're increasing the wealth of co2, which trees need to breathe. So we're making the world a better place for trees to life and grow.

are you retarded?

Completely based

he's saying the blue collars are the true necessary workers
not your white collar parents who do useless things at the office

Basic income

Im gonna tell people this is why I dont want children even though the reality is I fucking hate them and fantasize about smashing toddler's heads off the wall.

Can we start by sterilizing all niggers?

If you want to make a difference you should instead only breed with other white people and strive to raise as many well educated children as possible.

In my country our manufacturing is insignificant, all wealth is generated by high service industry. Cull would not harm our economy at all. White collar here is not for mindless people like in America, if people are mindless here they stay at home and get social benefit income. These people need the cull also

nigga just send your computer to work

co2 theory is a bust
The environment has reached a steady state of glacial/interglacial in the recent past adding this much CO2 will quickly create a different regime that nature has not been subjected to in a long time.

>outlaw abortion then rapes her

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probably because youre a pedophile

You didn't even reply to my comment about me co2 being good for trees. You're in bot mode

she is 16 years old

She is a tool

>this girl pisses Yea Forums off
Another leftist cocksucker that wants to steal the fruits of my hard labor to give it to muh reparations NGOs? Why would that piss me off?

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This graph doesn't even make sense, the temperature can't be flat for 1800 years.

>steal the fruits of my hard labor
says the NEET

That's an irrelevant statement meant to confuse people since the trees are not the only parameter in the climate system, especially since we have observed that the trees have not been effective in capturing anthropogenic CO2.

>The biggest problem is what to do with people when industrialization makes their jobs pointless

You simply pay everybody money for existing. Problem solved.
>but then who makes all the-
Robots. You just said they would.
When robots create all wealth, it's asinine to still expect people to work to get paid. Just pay everybody for nothing, clearly you can afford it or else this "problem" wouldn't exist in the first place.

imagine how low the IQ of the person who made this post must be

I thought Swedish girls were supposed to be good looking

>not believing that trees are good for the environment

Pmsl, who's the nut now?

>take real action
what action(s) are being proposed?

>retards will stop breeding
if only...

There's way too much lies and misinformation in climate science to trust any of it. As soon as the scientist figure out a model they like, they immediately start ignoring or even falsifying evidence to support it.

Did she go to India or China?

Not before turning 18

I believe she is sami

literally who the fuck is this nobody that came out of nowhere i keep seeing her everywhere and people at work mention her name in annoucement messages as if we're supposed to know

looks like she got a big push from someone like billy eyelash

Stop being purposely misleading.
>trees are good for the environment
Irrelevant statement regarding the situation in the planet since I have already told you plant life has not been shown to capture the additional CO2 in the atmosphere
CO2 data are direct measurements and not models. Temperature is reconstructed based on environmental proxies. The people who spread disinformation are the ones paid by Oil interests

Iceland found the cure for downs tards, they have no more retard syndrome.

>/pol/ shit

How do they measure the amount of CO2 that is currently in the atmosphere? How do they measure the amount of CO2 that was previously in the atmosphere? If they use two different methods, that might explain the different results.

So she's admitting that she doesn't want the world to have a future

>In my country our manufacturing is insignificant, all wealth is generated by high service industry
>all wealth is generated by high service industry
I beg your fucking pardon. having casinos, or a kebob stand or turning down beds for tourists does not generate wealth

I wonder how the people working in the lab 700k years ago got those figures.

the co2 is also a proxy. it's all unreliable shit with the exception of maybe satellite readings.

CO2 is measured from trapped air bubbles in ice cores which are a captured sample from the atmosphere at the time the snow fell. Temperature is measured based on the isotopic composition of the gas, which is controlled by the vapor pressure and the temperature


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up until the 2020election this is all to btfo trump

to be fair we've discovered the cure for downs but people will say its unethical while in the next breath they'll be 100% for letting the woman choose

Mooods? As in the plural of mood? Is there too many bad moods itt?

No I meant Mods

>Being able to fuck teens (that are usually std free) raw without having to worry about them having babies

what is the problem here exactly?

Why doesn't someone just ask her if she genuinely thinks guilt tripping helps the environment?

Good thing the instrumental record and satellite readings both provide strong evidence of accelerating climate change

if you don't wanna suck those buds and cum all over her chest and face, you're literally a homo

Luxembourg here. Over 90% service based economy and share borders with free trade countries so no need to manufacture

Communism is objectively bad though.

she's got over 9000 orbiters and media gatekeepers, she will never get asked a real question for as long as her sweet ass in on american soil.

But then the population will be faced with an existential crisis.

>No future

Why do these imbeciles pretend the world is ending just because it's gradually getting a little hotter? They're actually scaring children with this bullshit propaganda and they're not any better than those nutjobs who used to preach about the end of the world on street corners.

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yeah Mbambu is smoking a lot of brisket in his mud hut.

uh she looks underage and ugly

have a seat over there

but the earth was much warmer before while humans were still around

shes the puppet the jews are using to enforce communism

Some retarded kid the left is abusing to shill climate change.

the satellites say it's very slow and boring. won't even go up 2 tenths by 2030.

>lefties are threatening to not have children.

They will just demand replacement immigration in its place and doom the actual white people that bred, and want their kids to have a future.

They don't measure current levels by taking ice core samples. That is for historic levels only.

The problem is not warm or cold when the ecosystem has evolved in that planetary regime. The problem is precipitating rapid climate change where nature and the civilization we have built based on that regime are faved with rapid change

I personally saw the effects of climate change because we suddenly get storms so heavy each year around June that trees that have stood for decades have all been ripped from the ground or cracked in half overnight.

Are you so retarded that you think these media groups and handlers can somehow read your thoughts and predict what you're going to say?
This bitch literally believes she can see Carbon Dioxide gas

Where did I say they are measuring current levels? They are measuring the Co2 content of the atmosphere of the past

if what you're saying is true,

how long do we have?
wouldnt it take like 100 years or something for anything bad to happen?

this is your brain on cum

multicellular life isn't that weak man. this is like when they thought polar bears couldn't survive without some ice and they were completely wrong, the bears couldn't give a shit and the population actually exploded.

In the early days of industrialisation, you could pay someone good money to do menial factory work. Today it is automated. However those people who had those jobs had 3-5 kids, and so on. We have a population momentum that is slowing down, which is necessary. However, at the same time, those large familes with disposable income created service and goods markets that generate immense profit for very little. These interests do not want the good times to end and need more people to buy more useless shit. So we create busy work and meme people into taking huge debts to get an (((education))) which is also a racket. Migration and globalisation are the biggest drivers for pollution, but there is so much money tied up in it, we will never actually shut borders and let the population drop 10-20% over a 10 year period because muh gdp.

>accelerating climate change
>Good thing
You would probably be angry if climate change was proven to be over-exaggerated and we were worrying about nothing all along.

Sure no way people won't just engage in self-destructive hedonism because of a lack of purpose and meaning in life. Just secure the bag and spend it on weed, the next upteenth installment of capeshit, useless gadgets, and holidays to third world shitholes to post on your social media.

I asked how they measure current levels. They use a completely different method and get completely different results. That was my point.

That's not how climate change works rabbi.

that's weather user. the climate is the entire system that encompasses the weather.

can't be the only one that saw a hitler moustache

>teens refusing to have kids

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They use the same analytical technique just applied to samples taken from the air instead of being taken from an ice core

Teen pregnancy used to be considered a bad thing

Climate change occurs when white people reproduce and live happy lives. This makes the planet angry, and it leaves secret messages in the ice telling Jews that white people need to be stopped.

I'd be pretty relieved desu. There's no evidence of that though

They go to a mountain in Hawaii to measure current levels of CO2. They take air samples from 3500m altitude. No wonder they get different results.

CO2 is quickly mixed in the atmosphere. Also there is ice core CO2 measurements from modern times and they also show the same increase as the ones from Hawaii

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I'm for renewables and common sense environmental policy but these people just disgust me

>can't find as much co2 in the ice as we can in the sky. maybe white people are making the world sick

That's quite sad, actually. Like the children from the crusades.

Learn what you're talking about before you spout nonsense

No, she is just getting started

>America and Europe spend literally billions of dollars stopping their C02 emissions
>It actually works
>But oh wait the world is still fucked since India and China are never held accountable and they produce orders of magnitude more C02 than the USA and Europe
hahaha ooops!

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Explain what your objection is, or are you just angry and you don't know why?

Are people in these threads idiots?

In the mind of Chinese, West made a lot of money polluting as much as they wanted when all other countries weren't polluting much anyways. Now it is their turn and if West wants less pollution then they must pay at least a littile so that cleaner and newer machines can be installed in their factories.

Obama forced India to use costlier solar panels because some American company told him to.
China is a different problem because they won't listen to anyone just like the US.

Indians are idiots as they are paying for it themselves. India reached their goal from the Paris agreement. China doesn't give a fuck.

It's cause they actually want the world to end
Greta is the kind of girl who would get raped and have a miscarriage and then shoot up an abortion clinic to punish women for conceiving in the first place

>china is worse so we shouldn't do anything

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The evidence and measurements are already posted. Saying that because the sites are different the data is bad is just wrong.

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Earth is about 4 billion years old. Now show graph covering last 50M years.

Actually it's Murica that is fucking uå everything. The chinese and indians have made great accomplishments in converting to green energy in many fields. It's only the americans that are going backwards

>let's destroy our economy for zero benefit while china becomes the new superpower

What we should do is kill China. I’d enlist. That’d be a good war.


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this way we have an excuse to nuke the gooks if they are the only ones polluting? dont you see its brilliant

no, they haven't dumbass. kys yourself.

Abortion is not villified in Europe, you birth cuck

Redpill opinion: We should never let the government get involved with climate change issues

Not relevant to our situation since the Earth had completely different continental, oceanic and atmospheric pattern configuration. These things are not comparable.


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our teens know how to have sex without abortions

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I member the ozone layer meme

Fatton Oswalt is a murderer and a racist

they say the same thing saying how US and Europe polluted as much as they wanted when their economy was dependent on manufacturing things.

nice source genius

The ozone layer is a prime example how we caused damage to the atmosphere and fixed it by banning those gasses that ate the ozone

That had a happier ending.

That's not what I was saying at all. I was *asking* if the difference in modern levels versus historical could be explained by different methods of collecting data. Your graph has answered my question.

and now it's opening up again because chinks don't listen. unless you're gonna ban chinks forget about it.


Why are these retards so against nuclear it's such an obvious solution and current renewables just can't cut it

>Advocate human extinction
>To keep the planet sustainable for humans

The niggers, spics, and chinks won't stop procreating because of some child puppet.


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how long before this totally fucks everything up 150 years?


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>being a wagie gives purpose and meaning to life

because it doesn't work

>having CHILDREN in the climate change era

This board, and website in general, is just in a state of sad delusion. they are so desperate to live 'traditional' lifestyles when this is impossible. Lets examine what is in store for your 'traditional' lifestyles in the climate change:

>A wife who stays home and looks after the household
This is going to be impossible. Climate change is going to cause the cost of electricity to increase by 10 times because electricity slows down in warm weather and needs to be massaged through power lines manually by service workers. So she can't hoover, or cook or anything.

>A nice garden and some chickens and crops
You can't have this. Crop production will fall globally by about 1/2 in a good scenario, which means you won't be able to grow food in your gardens. I am already seeing it in my garden. This years carrots and cabbage came out fucking PURPLE. This is because the oxygen has dehydrated from the ground due to warming and the carrots are CHOKING in the soil!

>Multiple children
Good luck. Climate change is well know to cause lowered birthing success. Firstly it reduces fertility by creating an epidemic of "Sizzling Seed Syndrome" where the semen overheats due to climate warming and becomes infertile. Secondly, the birth CANAL is like any canal. If it dries up, nothing can get through. Climate change causes womens birth canals to evaporate and this will cause miscarriages.

Good luck retards

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>CFC usage has demonstrable ramifications for the homeostasis of the environment
>ban CFC's and find replacement chemicals that accomplish the same thing without threatening the environment
>increasing atmospheric CO2 has demonstrable ramifications for the homeostasis of the environment

When they use the word sustainable, they never specify for how long.
most mention 2050-2100 but I want to see the human race last more than 30-70 years

YES what europe needs is less breeding.
Who does this dried cunt think she is speaking for everyone? I want to light myself on fire and escape this shit storm.

I bet Greta sneaks onto the site and calls people who disagree with her retarded

nigga carrots are roots
plants breath thru there leafs

it fucking works idiot,

bill gates is funding it

>implying leftists were having any kids to begin with

Pandas are more fertile lmao


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>You can't have this. Crop production will fall globally by about 1/2 in a good scenario, which means you won't be able to grow food in your gardens. I am already seeing it in my garden. This years carrots and cabbage came out fucking PURPLE. This is because the oxygen has dehydrated from the ground due to warming and the carrots are CHOKING in the soil!
this is the most insane thing I have ever read

this would be big news if true


They reckons its already irreversible or 12 years whatever
Generally it will mean more extreme weather and general temperatures eventually a runaway greenhouse effect like on Venus
Because its cheaper to plant trees


oh wait, you fucking got me, holy shit and I actually replied

wait you mean this whole time I've been a kissless virgin I was fighting climate change at the same time too? nooo wayyyyy

>Because its cheaper to plant trees
It's actually not, concentrated versions of these machines are more efficient than trees and actually produce usable fuel

When you worry about the earth in 50 years it's easy to also worry about it in 500.

>thinking teens actually care about that shit other than a really small vocal minority and little puppets of politicians

what happens in 500?
nuclear waste storage has become much more efficient

Oh because the investor presentation video told you it works?
Go buy some shares, tell us all how that works out for you.

Shoot the nuclear waste into the sun or something who cares?

>it's too expensive, idiot
Then shoot it into Israel. Fuck.

Because they're retards. Everything they know about nuclear power they learned from people who think The China Syndrome is a documentary. They will literally quote oil company propaganda without batting an eye.

>Generally it will mean more extreme weather and general temperatures eventually a runaway greenhouse effect like on Venus
That's wrong. Even the most radical climate theorists agree that a Venus-like runaway greenhouse effect is not possible on Earth. We're just not close enough to the Sun for that to happen. Third world countries are all basically fucked and developed nations economies will likely end up Latin America-tier but it wont be apocalyptic. Everything will just be shit for the rest of eternity is all.

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And a brainless, childless America and Europe are gonna stop that how exactly?

>People who are conscious of the problem and want to fix it voluntarily purge themselves from society after one generation
surely this will fix the problem.

What's with environmentalists wanting technology to stagnate?

based gates


Planting trees is bad or something now.


[chinese production of CFCs intensifies]

See you in three days brave warrior


Ironically, since they're also the ones holding society back from actual clean energy, it will.

i like this suggestion

I believe in air, water pollution, deforestation and mass animal extinction but manmade climate change is a straight up hoax. Either way, scaring teens into not having kids is wrong.

Humanity is a plague in their eyes so there is no human cost too high for them in their pursuit of utopia.

>people promoting clean energy are actually the ones holding it back from clean energy
what kind of ass backwards fossil fuel shilling is this

They aren't promoting clean energy. They promote meme energy like solar and wind, which are terrible for the environment, while opposing nuclear which is actually clean energy.

they shill against nuclear energy all the time

what in the world makes you think it doesn't work, it's been in the news a lot


How did an autistic kid become the face of climate change awareness? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for it, but why her?


She has selective mutism, so other people can talk for her. Easier to keep her on script.

Probably cause she got fucked by a bunch of these environmentalists

God save the balkans

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Her parents are celebrities in Sweden, so they have all the connections to promote her out the ass in their national media.
Other countries are still stupid enough to not laugh out Swedes whenever they rear they malformed heads.

Grassroots movements never align with globalist propaganda because it never aligns with the actual needs of the people.

Googly eyed TWAT!

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It doesn’t matter how many come if I can shoot them.

So thots are finally gonna stop fucking every Chad that hoved into their general vision? What the problem?

Just watch as she gets diagnosed with PCOS and her handlers turn on her because they expect her to be proud of it

yes lefties shouod stop breeding, good idea

Because politicians haven't figured out how to leverage it for popularity.

any porn of her yet?

no babies does not mean no sex
condoms are a thing


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The solution to "climate change" is simple.
Renewable energy is very simple, but leftists want the quick and easy solutions like Solar and Wind, which are actually raising carbon emissions compared to the real winner, which is nuclear.
If you say this, you don't understand how nuclear reactors work and have been lied to.
15,000 people died in Fukushima. Of that 15,000, 0 died from the nuclear reactor emitting radiation. In fact, scientists can handle U-235 with gloves and no suit because this isn't 1950's science fiction, U-235 only emits like 4 uSVs.
That's the idea, braindead leftists. A solar panel that you put up on your roof in day is incredibly inefficient, has no capacity to store the energy it produces, only works when its really sunny outside, and uses lots of heavy metals to produce, which the production is powered by FOSSIL FUEL PLANTS. The longer something takes to implement, the more satisfying and insightful it will be in the long run.
So here is my four part plan:
>1: Build 100 old-school nuclear power plants in the immediate future.
>2: In the short term, increase the RnD into Thorium molten-salt reactors by 50x and begin building plants with this reactor concept.
>3: In the medium term, we will research and develop Space Solar Panels, which will beam power down through a microwave power beam to power plants which will convert the electromagnetic waves produced by the beam into electricity. These panels will have clear contact with the Sun's energy and the conversion from Solar to EM to Electric is more efficient than the conversion from Solar to Electric. We will then put one up in orbit.
>3: In the long term, we will increase RnD budget into fusion-based power production, by a factor of 10x or so.
See, I created a "climate change" solution that won't cripple our power consumption while also not lying to you with fake science. Not that hard, leftists.

Upboated honestly.