New teaser

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whys hes crying

im really tired of seeing aaron paul stressed out

Jesse cried often. He was an abused man

I'm excited for it, but this teaser didn't do anything for me

>xbox finally found him a job

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Maybe he will finally smile at the end of the movie

he knows he's fucked

walt confirmed alive

Jesse should have died in season 1. Completely useless character.

What a horribly stiff radio announcer voice. Not looking good...

Walt is dead. As he should be

I agree. Walt surviving in the end would be a major eye roller

I'm a sucker for breaking bad, this gave me cold chills

We knew it was coming long before the final season. Him surviving would’ve cemented the show as dogshit. I only wish he would’ve died a more brutal death.

kino. music

It would be kino if Vince has the balls to kill Jessie

>every trailer has been literally nothing

This is going to be shit isn’t it? Have a strong feeling it’s very low budget and will mainly be about rando new characters trying to find Jesse. With a 5 minute cameo from Jesse sprinkled throughout the movie. This will be breaking bad in name only.

>trailer shows too much
"ahh boo the movie is ruined for me!"
>trailer keeps the mistery
"ahhh boo this is going to suck"

Good or bad, it's continuity. If successful we might get a Supernatural movie or whatever your favorite show is, so let's hope it's good.

this desu it should have quick cuts to all the main characters with a voiceover about what the plot is and maybe a nice quip at the end.

To be honest, this movie shouldn’t have even been made in my opinion. Walt died, Jesse lived. The end.

The most brutal death I could think of for Walt would be him dying a slow painful death over a few years from his cancer, all alone in that cabin. Would’ve been a lame conclusion

better call saul shouldn't have been made either and it's kino.

Yeah but what abput epic characters like Badger, Skinny Pete and Huell?

I know it's dumb but the camera movement and the music have me really excited. Really feels like Breaking Bad to me.

What's the point? l dont want to watch 2 hours of Jessie suffering more and then he either dies, is arrested or drives off again.

Skinny Pete was an annoying faggot. Couldn’t stand his character

Well with the new trailer fellas we can finally put this shit to bed, Walt is dead. The radio says 9 people were found dead, 6 were shot by the M60 and killed, Walter shot Jack to death, and Jesse Strangled Todd, that's 8, with the 9th only leaving Walter. If you want a source on that number and don't believe me, then here you go. G'night peeps.

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>Only creator Vince Gilligan can really say where Jesse wound up after speeding toward the horizon at the show's close, though he did give hints in the final episode's script.
>"Grimly determined, fearing nothing, [Jesse] speeds through the darkness," Gilligan wrote. "From here on, it’s up to us to say where he’s headed. I like to call it 'something better,' and leave it at that."

In all seriousness, how’s the movie going to end? My bet is they catch Jesse but let him off easy.

No, he should’ve been dismembered alive in front of his family. Seriously, fuck Walt. Anyone that actually likes Walt past season 1..or ill even give you season 2.....anyone that likes him past that is a complete idiot.

Ultimately, is this really necessary?

And is Jesse a character worth watching without Walt to bounce off of? Not sure it's a good idea to make an epilogue a stand-alone movie.

same. this has me fucking excited i don’t give a fuck about the other faggots in here

Not dumb at all, Breaking Bad's camera work was top class

Honestly, fuck basically everyone in that show aside from MAYBE Jesse, and even Jesse isn't some innocent little boy. Breaking Bad was truly remarkable as a triple-A show for how few likable character it contained -- for much of it I rooted for Gus, simply because his villainy was at least rational.

>the faggot on the radio can’t act
It’s going to be shit just like everything Netflix tries to reboot

>GoT wins Emmy for the worst season in television history
>Better Call Saul is killing it every year and stll no Emmy


l cant remember, did Jesse and Walt Jr meet? Just wondering if JR and all his money will come into it

Hank was the best person on that show.
>he nearly beat Jesse to death
Who gives a fuck? Even despite that, he was still the best person

Everyone knows the 9th is Brock

You mean Flynn.
Don't call him by his criminal father's name.

what a dumb complaint

>wus for brekfis

Flynn White in "Ring-a-ding-ding - A Breakfast Movie" spin-off when?

This isn't Marvel you fucking faggot.

Spin off about Skinny Pete and Badger going back to school and getting their GED

>A Breakfast Movie

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If there's no quality control for their main advertisement what makes you think they didn't treat the movie the same way? Remember when they brought Arrested Development back from the dead?

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*click clack* *click clack* as the crutches hit the floor
>o-o-oh hey, um um...wus for brekfis?
Woosh woosh woosh

>Walt becomes Jesse's dark passenger like Harry in Dexter
>RV pulls up
>Carry On My Wayward son starts playing
>Starts cooking the most based meth in existence

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You don’t get to combine Dexter with Breaking Bad. No. No fuck you. That’s not fair. Season 1,2, and 4 of Dexter are still top kino of tv.

kinda kino

but I also threw in supernatural there for good measure

>another Yea Forums breaking bad era
just like old times :,)

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I don’t like Dexter being disrespected like that

There was nothing wrong with it. Could even be a real one like how they had a real DJ doing the news about the nursing home explosion in Face Off

I didn't mean any disrespect, I love all those shows

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Your denial is too strong to be real so I'm just going to call you a shill and tell you to get fucked.

>Skylar forgot to do the groceries
>Walt Jr wants his breakfast
>can't use Uber Eats because it was not invented yet
>goes to the car but it won't start
>Walt Jr goes on a journey on his crutches to Dennys which is miles away
>shit happens which derails him from going to Dennys
>Walt Jr goes to Dennys and orders the grand slam
>Walt Jr realizes he forgot his wallet and can't get breakfast.

People love to hate on Dexter because of how bad it ended, but like I said...seasons 1,2 and 4 are absolute kino. I’ll even argue that season 6 and 7 were great. 3, 5, and 8 were bad though

Breaking bad is kino, fags shitting on it is just shitposting or the tourists who see Yea Forums as Yea Forums 2.0 and just go from thread to thread calling people niggers for the (you)'s.
I haven't seen the show since it first aired and i'm still hyped

Better Call Saul was better than anyone really anticipated. I'm sure this will be fine. Seems unnecessary though.

Keep crying, you weenie. Of all the things to complain about, the fucking announcer got your panties twisted

Have standards.

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Not him but the voice took me out of it too.

I completely agree with you. Ultimately it's not about the lackluster ending, it's about the journey getting there

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But I will say about the ending, dumping Deb in the ocean was poetic and fitting. That made sense. What didn’t make sense is swimming out of a fucking hurricane and becoming a god damn lumberjack.

hank was an asshole. he was a hypocrite and was willing to destroy a man's family despite him being out of the business and literally dying. going after walt at that point would have accomplished nothing. he was doing it purely because of his ego and his career. also, fuck the dea. it's one thing to go after cartel leaders and aryan brotherhood guys or whatever, but locking up regular people for nonviolent offenses is fucking evil.

pokimane is a rancid whore.

chill out netflix. don't you have another series to ruin right now?

“Non violent offenses”....do you realize how many people died because of Walt throughout the show? Watch it again. You sound like a tard. Hank was the best person on the show.

>rooting for a crooked DEA cop

uhhhh no

you got me

Crooked? Lol
>rooting for a piece of shit over hank
no thanks

>rating anything past season 4 higher than season 3

Oh hell no

I actually really liked Jimmy Smits' character and his acting. The plot was just a little weak bookended by two blow-your-pants-off seasons of TV that were 2 and 4.

You forgot the time lapse of the used condom at the beginning to foreshadow him falling over and landing face first into it. This starts the subplot of him also having aids aswell as crazy leg syndrome.

dude was always acting outside of the law -- see the time he beat Jesse's ass. Also sanctimonious and a dumb-jock type. His brother-in-law was a drug kingpin right under his nose for years. (Was it years? I forget over what period of time the show took place.) And yeah, as the other guy said, locking up people for the "crime" of possessing marijuana = total dickweed.

The original teaser was so fucking terrible and cringy I honestly thought it was fan made.

For that reason I'm not even gonna watch this teaser.
Honestly is he fucking someone at Netflix? Why would anyone wanna watch a movie about the worst character in breaking bad?
It would be like doing a The Wire movie about Naymond.

Jesse is the Naymond of breaking bad.

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>Jesse is the Naymond of breaking bad
No, unlike Naymond, Jesse isn't gonna get a good end.

Season 3 was garbage. Season 4 was arguably the best. Everything with Trinity was pure kino

Trailer sounds like shit. Worried.

Nah. And season 4 was great but the show started showing cracks. Everything after 4 was garbo

Why Jesse is bald? wasnt he with full beard and emo hair the night he escaped?

Should've been "A Breaking Fast Movie"

5 and 8 were garbage. 6 and 7 weren’t bad at all. The new dynamic in season 7 with Dexter and Deb was really interesting. 3, 5, and 8 were the worst

>I'm a sucker for breaking bad, this gave me cold chills

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Are you fucking retarded, you mongoloid cunt?

ghost walt > real walt

He only became useless in s5, he wasn’t even a character by then. He turned into a plot device

Who wanted this? The original ending was great. You already know Jesse is going to have to be on the run for the rest of his life, so why not end his story on a positive note? Why do we need to see the feds hunting him down? Not to mention bringing back some of the worst actors on the show for fanservice. Skinny Pete in the first teaser was just embarrassing.


t. brainlet

Jesse is a beta male, weak willed coward that just flowed with whatever path looked easier. They essentially copy pasted Naymond. Remember, initially, Jesse was gonna die in S1 and was never meant to be a main character.
It's likely he really was fucking someone higher up to be kept on. He's a bad actor only capable of one face and one attitude and one line, bitch.

Imagine liking Walt. Just lol. Piece of shit past season 2. Selfish prick that brought on his own demise.

It really was. I didn't recognize him as skinny Pete at first and thought it was legit some cheap fan made thing.

So he reminds you of a less beta version of yourself and that's why you hate him. Fucking pathetic.

Do us all a favour and just kill yourself lmao

>best person on the s-s-show

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Jesse was shit
A spin-off movie about him is borderline embarrassing

difficulty detecting sarcasm or irony are symptoms of autism user

He just escaped being a tortured prisoner for like a year or two

lukewarm reception, or negative reception and the talk of reddit for about a week?

Plot twist, the announcer isn't talking about Jesse. He's talking about Walt. Or half the movie is Jesse thinking that's the case.

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how much do you think aaron paul had to beg and harass producers to get this piece of shit written and shot

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This. Hopefully he dies in a horrible way at the end of this kikeflix movie

Vince doesnt frick around, jesses dying

Eat shit, Marie


>Selfish prick that brought on his own demise.
That was Jessie. He was the downfall of Walt. Walt should have killed that faggot a long time ago

I hope so


He did.

He got away from this

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where did he get that haircut in the middle of the desert?

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>marie was the real villainof the show. who cares if walk killed all those people and manufactured meth. marie was kind of a bitch. i hate women.

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I know right? It's a minor detail but it already shows a very clumsy sense of directing that we wouldn't see in BB.

She was a kleptomaniac

Look at the money she's making, you wouldn't do the same?

marie was annoying, but walt was evil.

It's literally "made for teaser" cottage, I wouldn't worry about details like that

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There were 10 gang members, but Walt and Jack both lived and got away.

ITT: retards that think Walt is alive

>Jesse, alone in the El Camino
>he turns off the radio
>"Eight gang members plus me."
>Jesse jumps
>he looks in the rearview
>Walt sits in the back, in his old teacher getup, hair and all
>"Or is it nine gang members? Guess you'll see...Shame about the photo though."
>Jesse's eyes widen
>The photo of brock. How could he forget.
>"You were last seen with a dead DEA agent and most prolific meth cook in the North American region, they'll be looking for you."

Implying people can't like villain characters for being villain characters. Fuck you're boring.

It's not a reboot but okay


crying about the dead dog

i don't remember the specifics but i remember reading that there is some kind of visual nod during walt's "death" scene that the cop does indicating he is alive. if it's true then it would be intentional to show him not dead

AMC isn't making it, Netflix is. Netflix is poison. Get fucked.

i forgot but do the cops know of jessie's involvement? the tape was destroyed IIRC

walt being alive would be complete bullshit and everyone would hate it

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yeah it is completely unnecessary, especially since BCS isn't even over yet, but we were bound to see a continuation of the show because of it's massive popularity. can only hope it's good

do you want to know how i can tell this post is by a woman?

>Breaking fast

This poster is a tax fraud.

Jesse was the main villain.

If they don't explain this shit then Vince is literally a hack.

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ever heard of shaving?

He got a 3 day ban for posting Sneed

Hes gonna shave it to look different

I'm happy that Aaron is getting work, but the ending was good enough as it was. I'm worried that the movie is going to retroactively ruin it.
Jessie was crying for at least 40% of his screen time.

In the middle of the damn desert hours after it happened while trying to stay hidden? Did he stop at a Walmart to pick up some clippers or did the El Camino have a set already?

Anyway, that buzz cut is what they'd expect Jesse to look like. Shaving off a built in disguise is stupid af.

Jacks gang were watching it at the compound joking on him for being a crying rat

well jesse is fucked then

this trailer was kino as fuck. minimalist but shows you more than you need to know


lhgsdjlfklhb 9 gang member njasdgnasmdg

shill cringe

I finished 2 seasons of BCS, is it getting any better? Because its boring as fuck so far
>Saul story is MUH BROTHER
>Mike side is *wink wink* remember this character?

With that voice on the radio part of me wished this movie was the film equivalent to PT but with Aaron Paul grieving over the shit he’s done and went through, haunted by ethereal desert ghosts or whatnot

Then throw in some tie-in to BCS to hype the next season

you didn't realize the ironic nature, fucking pithecus

3 is prob the best season. 4 drags a bit.