So it's all about the face right? It's always been about the face?
So it's all about the face right? It's always been about the face?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm a face guy all day. I don't understand how someone can just ignore it unless the body is off the wall amazing.
This woman is beautiful and I would worship that singular limb of hers all day.
would you, Yea Forums?
this fucking goblina
Amputee/disfigured girls thread?
imagine the footjob
>I'm a face guy all day
im right there with you, my guy.
What a shame, her foot game is on point,
so who washes her cunt and wipes her ass?
fuck yes
she's hot as shit
>No arms to assist balance
can you imagine how fucking crazy her pelvic floor muscles must be
me, with my tongue
with my tounge
Yeah, same, face is 80% of it, then legs. Everything else is just perks, although too much tits or ghetto ass I don't particularly even want.
See, this girl here can always lose weight. Ugly girls will always be ugly and will only get uglier as time has its way with them. At least with this pretty faced hambeast, you've got goals to strive for, which would be especially appealing if you're a Mr. Fix-her.
Yeah, she's hot. Her mom's also pretty good looking, so you know how she'll grow up.
What in the god damn is going on in this thread
nothing wrong with her body fag
Of course. She could do way better though, and no doubt has.
>cursed who are now cursed to be lolis
the doujinshi write themselves
christ can you imagine finding out some psycho on the internet had photoshopped your kids to look like amputees to jack off to? that's like some Buffalo Bill shit.
and yet that's what you've done...
How's she supposed to make me a sandwich?
walking on one leg will give you knee problems in the long term
Wow I really must commend her for winning a congressional race with such disabilities, bravo!
it's all I need to COOM
what movie is this?
She's cute, but what if you like handjobs?
This is like something you find on the harddrive of a Great White Shark.
So is being ugly more of a disability than being actually disabled?
Best kind of hivemind
it can be, sure. depends on how ugly vs. which disability. someone who's particularly fucking disgusting and unloveably so will have a far worse life than someone who's missing their left hand.
her torso is really good just because she's missing legs and arms doesn't mean her tits and ass aren't good.
this photo
proves that you have some very low standards, friend
She IS the floatation device.
What do you think I've been preparing for
she still has 5 toes, thats all i need
Absolute fucking unit
But seriously, this is the type of hot bitch who could drive some egghead to make large strides in artificial limb that when he finally outfits her with the top of the line arm and leg tech, she can take half his stuff and leave him for some pool cleaner.
>no arms and one leg
>23 years old and looking like that
how has she not been raped for this long?
yes, it always has been. anyone who disagrees is coping
In a fucking millisecond.
Butterface fags are desperate, beta cumbrains.
who the fuck prefers a hand to a mouth, pussy or feet?
>I'm a face guy
Well yeah, particularly since prosthetic limbs are so advanced, and access for people with disabilities is better than it's ever been.
she is fat and has a flat ass she achieved the impossible
VEry based
kys dude
also I'm sure you're slinging so much pussy that you'd recoil in disgust if she came on to you
bet she gives good head.
Being an ugly man is more of a disability than being a disabled pretty girl.
loss-of-limb is exactly the type of disability i need to find in a cute girl like this. she'll have a giant chip on her shoulder but not one which makes her less fuckable, not really, plus she'll be dependent on you to some degree but not entirely.
is this amputee kino?
>no arms
>no hands blowjob
absolutely absolute.
They look genuinely so happy and thankful
I would put a cylinder block on her chest and tickle her foot for hours.
how merciful this happened to her at an early age, so she didn't lose memory of her life really
>when she swims towards the camera
>walking talking onaholes
this is coomworthy
No. How can she raise a child with no arms?
>blowjob with hands
wtf? I thought just my gf did this to be lazy? Alternate between blowing and a wet, sloppy hand gf while she resets her gag reflex (she h8s giving bjs).
Would put kids in, then leave.
She's such a whore now, imagine if she was whole complete!
I went on a Tinder date with this girl one time and saw that she had a crab claw hand. It was too bad because she was at least a 10/10
>wearing pants
damn she cute af
imagine the hand jobs
Very good...
Boxing Helena anyone?
How does she get her Cardio?
that cannot be real
Gyaad damn, that's a fine ass bitch.
Blessed image
haha imagine pushing her in haha
>the pancake video
fuck, i think i'm a coomer
literally hotter than 90% of women with 2 arms
What if my gf is 2/10 on the outside and 9/10 on the inside, and I'm really fucking tired of the opposite?
she was so hot in that pancake video when she messes up the flip. I wanted to call her a dumb bitch and fuck her right there on the kitchen floor listening to her retard voice
I know it's a showcase so it's all smiles and sunny days, just keeping in mind the absolute terror, frustration and sorrow she must feel at times. Pretty cool she keeps going.
Amputees and wheelchair people are very unpleasant to look at. Not to be mean but there should be youth in asia shots for these people.
I forgot the story, they were a newly wed couple on their first apartment or something? anyway it was wholesome.
i dont like when a gash or burn on my hand makes showering a little bit more difficult. id probably debate suicide daily.
oh shit please have more of this set
she must have impeccable genes for her face to look like that at that weight
is the opposite of "brown bagging" a chick to potato sack her?
she touched a high voltage electrical wire with a metal pole
buncha stumpbrains in this thread
What the fuck how does she pee or poo poo?
For me, it's conjoined twins.
Face is critical, but feet cannot be ignored either. At least she still has one foot.
utterly macabre. still would.
She's one limb away from being the perfect onahole waifu.
funnily enough id rather her have one leg than one arm.
The fucking shoops are killing my dick.
Is that a ‘The Best of Huey Lewis and the News’ cassette tape for Christmas? Sweet!
With diet and exercise this can all be fixed. She could be 10/10 with some effort.
I instantly feel sad whenever I see a disabled or disfigured person in real life. It's just so permanent and unavoidable. And unlike downies or other mental problems, you know they're fully aware of their condition.
nice taint, incel
here ya go buddy
There is a fucking pic of them giving a bj somewhere floating on the interwebs
lmao wtf
Nah it's fake, trust me I'd know.
That pelvis looks like it is really wide. I wondering they have a normal looking vulva. How do the nerves down there work with the two brains? Can they both feel the same thing or does only one of them feel it sexual stimulation? What if one get horny and the other isn't? Surely someone has fucked conjoined twins at some point in time. There are so many questions that need to be answered for the sake of science.
Her ass would still look great in jeans / leggings
What happens if they fall in love with different people?
i want to cum on her tits
Dunno, just that I want to fuck their necks
>missing three limbs and still hotter than any other woman alive
How can white, yellow or black roasties ever hope to compete?
inb4 virgins think that's her ass texture, not the result of sitting on a mat.
She's married and just announced she's pregnant. Have some respect.
So those tits are about to get bigger? Nice.
Imagine being an American and so inundated by morbid obesity that THIS is considered sexy
I miss when Maury wasn't just about paternity tests
what's the deal with the husband?
He seems like an autist from here who stalked her youtube and facebook
Her brother and mom
But user, they're completely armless.
brb going to drown myself
>Kun, I'm already a demon...
>that filename
Based and Magipilled
Why did you have to post that user, I was just starting to forget that feel.
How can able-body fags even compete
wait how does he fuck?
I think they have two spines and only one pelvis and only one of them controls the legs because they're controlled through the spine
dunno, probably can only fingerblast and eat her out desu
tfw you notice the chemo machine.
You know my life ain't so bad after all.
There should be an adopt an amputee service.
>men would rather fuck deformed monstrosities than someone with an average face
and one day for no reason at all, Hitler was voted into power
so why haven't you gone to college and what's your excuse for being incredibly unfit?
Large intestine
>come to bed user
I don't care.
(You) did good user, you made me laugh, take a rest now
Utmost respect for these people who dont immediately drink drano. Better humans than mosy of us here, Im sure.
The one legged girl is one of the few instathots I can forgive for being an instathot.
a fucking Doom multiplayer character.
>Each twin manages one side of their conjoined body. The sense of touch of each is restricted to her body half; this shades off at the midsagittal plane such that there is a small amount of overlap at the midline. Stomach aches, however, are felt by only the twin on the opposite side
There is no God.
This, but I disagree, she's a 6 or 7.
Face is kino because you can't really change it, it's intrinsically beautiful or not. A face is the core, I mire a face, everyone has tits.
its in a hospital room
It totally is. Which makes life difficult if you’re an uggo like me who is too shallow (or honest, depending on how you look at it) to date other uggos.
I've always wondered how siamese twins would deal with relationships.
>not fucking a hot girl because she's missing a limb or 4
Certified homosexual.
anyone else?
pretty face and slim-busty body are both pretty important in setting you above the chattel.
Thats a fan you tardsicle
Just remember that /ksg/ will always be there for you if you need us.
t. /ksg/ user passing through
this is actually the ideal female form
>tfw no triple amputee qt pi gf
>he doesn't know about DuckFanAccount
>A hot amputee selling nudes on the net
unironically where do i find a wholesome, christian qt missing an arm or a leg or something.
This is OFFENSIVE. How dare you objectify this woman with your sick Asian fetish!?
>missing one arm
Barely even notable.
Her face is pretty enough for a man to buy her state of the art artificial limbs. . Legs is not a big deal but no reason for her to be walking around with no arms
kek. the guy literally was turned on by the pancake video and hunted her down and married and impregnated her.
remember. anons, your dreams can come true if you follow your passion.
i dont speak reddit. what the fuck is a coomer now?
Reminder that it's easier to learn how to use makeup than wipe your vagina with plastic hands.
It’s a shitty new zoomer meme started by Yea Forums. Or Yea Forums. One of those brainlet boards.
Examples of a woman tracking down and marrying a retarded man
>all these anons talking about the pancake video
>no one saying who is in the video or where it can be found
>but man oh man, that pancake video amiright?
There's a joke about guy and being 50% of something
she brought her own sniff mask.
I think some boards filter the actual word and so they use coom. And somehow it's an insult to have a regular libido. That part is more confusing since we're not posting on Jezebel.
are you a fucking retard? the video is in the thread
This honestly made me feel kind of sad. The guy is good looking and she is obviously head over heels for him. She seems innocent and naive. And she probably is because her parents watched over her for most of her life. And now this dude is taking on that burden when he looks like he was just a desperate weirdo looking to smash.
I really hope he isn't a weird freak and they live happily ever after.
seems based to me. I bet he browses Yea Forums and /ksg/
> + LARD +
yea same. i hope he treats her well. i feel like she should have ended up with some super pure christian boy from nebraska who doesn't even get on the internet.
>tfw no qt pillowgf
acid attacks are truly the worst
First time on Yea Forums(nel)?
I... is this a quadroon?
Fuck I love her
Her leg is amazing too
kaleidoscopic sloot
>that huge coke
nice, would go to her birthday party
Are you fucking retarded, dude?
wait, which one controls the legs ? Do they take turns ? Do they both have to agree on a direction to actually be able to walk and move ?
There was a girl I went to highschool with that had only one leg. I can't recall 100% when she lost it but she may have been born that way. We were in a couple classes with one another and she was fairly nice but I suppose you have to be when you've only got the one leg.
One day some of my friends were horseplaying on the way to the next class and one of them bumped into her. She fell over and my friend said something like "watchout dumb ass!" and started laughing. She looked up at me with big sad eyes and I froze. I didn't do anything. I felt bad and wanted to help. When it finally clicked some brodude protochad with a lettermans jacket pushed my friends out of the way and helped her up and back onto her crutch/cane thing and forced them to apologize. I just slinked away.
I couldn't make eyecontact with her the rest of the year but like I said earlier we weren't exactly friends to begin with. To this day it's still one of my biggest regrets. I wish I helped her up.
>This woman is beautiful and I would worship that singular limb of hers all day.
you should lose your virginity first
I hope you grew out of being a coward
well you didn't so get over it.
Why would you feel sad about this? They clearly like each other. If he's autistic and she has palsy worst case it's two disabled people falling in love. Why can't we be happy for them?
But for real anyone else got the urge to smash her face in the cake
She’s got an ugly
>this mildly retarded man and this spastic woman will probably have a much happier marriage than I had with my cheating ex-cunt
now that is a woman that has to put some effort into giving blowjobs
try not to be so negative user
I'm legitimately happy for them. This spaz is probably a fucking angel compared to that gross whore I mistakenly married. I hope they live happily ever after despite the terrible odds of ANY marriage working out--in their case, I'd normally assume that he eventually cheats on her. Seems to be how these things play out. For their sake, fingers crossed that they buck the trend.