Really says a lot about our society

Really says a lot about our society.

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Other urls found in this thread:

brainlet here, is the old man saying that the young man should be fighting in wars instead of playing video games?

market garden was a clusterfuck

Deep stuff.

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soviet defeated germany you glory hogging anglo fuck

>soviets defeated the nazis in the netherlands
based retard

how would western europe look today if the germans had a few extra million people to throw at the it?

>your sister wouldn't be pregnant with her sixth black baby if it weren't for me, you ungrateful little bastard! Stopping Hitler was the best thing we ever did!!1!

Each one of those old cunts can line up and suck my dick lol

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so he's a Britcuck who's lucky he wasn't a paratrooper
not with chad Patton who only had to stop because his tanks ran out of gas


Hitler has a meth addled retard who fell for a meme document the russian government made to fuck with people


Kids are so dumb. They haven't even killed anyone in a pointless war...

>Yes goy, the protocols are fake and Hitler was crazy!
No one believes it anymore, Moshe. The only good jew is a dead jew.

the protocols were fake, though. Say what you want about the jews but there are a million of things to ding them on besides a shitty forged document.

>Thank you for your service, Grandpa, but I have legitimately zero interest in joining the military. There are no great threats in the world to fight anymore, not unless you think dying for some oil barons in Saudi Arabia is a "worthy cause." And don't tell me you feel anything about those "minor wars" either, I saw how you ignored the Vietnam Vets and stood by while they got vilified.

He was a meth addict tho

It's fake even though everything it said came true

No one believes your lies and character assassination. The only honest jew is a dead jew.

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Is that really so radical a concept?

broken clock is right twice a day

How do I know you're not a jew just trying to make nazi larpers look like retards lmao

It's not radical, but it makes it irrelevant. Who cares if it was written by some random Russian dude or "The Learned Elders™" if it is the truth either way?

>Who cares if it was written by some random Russian dude or "The Learned Elders™" if it is the truth either way?
The Jew is a clever creature, and will use your reliance on false evidence to paint you as an ignorant racist grasping at lies to get your way.

even this guy admitts it

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now yuo see...

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You fought for a peaceful society, you got it.

Pupil-spewing kike.
Nice try, but anons are familiar with the rules for radicals.

You know, I'd reckon a person who fought in the WWII would be glad that younger generations were for the most part spared from going through such a nightmare.

isn't the premis of the documents that some guy snoke in on a secret meeting the jewsish overlords were having in the middle of a cemetery? it's to fucking stupid to be true. even if the most powerful people on the planet would have their meetings in a graveyard there's no way the security would be lax enough for anyone to come close. the guy would have been either murdered right then and there or made into a fucktoy for extradimensional demons

He just wants younger generations to do their duty and kill for their jewish masters.

If you don't fight for the jews you might as well kill yourself

>unironically this

OMG!!!!! Why isn't this on the front page of every paper in the World!!!!!!!!!!


damn, that's a lot of pent-up rage. how big is tyrone's dick? bet your sister is fucking addicted.

thats madness

they're 100% real. nobody ever said they were fake, they stated that one copy was unauthorised thus legally a forgery at the time but still a copy and thus real.

>rules for radicals.
yes, it worked so well at destroying the establishment in 2016 and electing....another pro-Israel pro-corporate neocon. truly in awe at your mighty intellect sir

if you voted for donaldmitri trumpowitz in 2016 then you are effectively a pro-zionist dupe, all the memes in the world won't change that.

Someone make a water edit of this.

>No, on a crummy pail of water.


Nice divide and conquer MIGA topic change.

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>You're a shill if you tell the truth

Based tourist


Yes, because jewish masterminds... made their plans public... to gloat...

based schizo


Probably not any worse than it's looking now

Jews never tell the truth.
Hello JIDF!

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>muh dick
>being a nigger on Yea Forums

You might like reddit, they worship your type over there. Don't go on /pol/ lmao, that tiny black brain of yours will be traumatized

i've literally only ever seen rules for radicals referenced in context to lame pro-trump conservative culture memes from /pol/. I don't know what you mean by "divide and conquer" you're the one that brought up a magatard talking point

the protocols are entirely lifted from a french book called "Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel and Montesquieu" (dialogue between Machiavelli and Montesquieu in hell) by a guy named Maurice Joly. They are 100% fake.

>nobody ever said they were fake
dude you can't be that retarded c'mon

Are you faggots paid by the response?
Sage goes in the Options field.

great argument

brains are pink retard

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>tfw black

also learn new ad hominem. Retard goes outta style after fifth grade. Shoulda stayed in school, quatrell

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I don't know, if you have a tiny brain you kinda belong on /pol/ so what are you saying exactly

that's not a word dumbass. Having a stroke are you?

Oh, I get it. You have to respond until the thread dies.
Rabbis suck baby dick.
Jews molest children.
Epstein didn't traffic jewish girls.
Palestine deserves to be liberated.
All kikes deserve death.

>not a word

We've been telling you people that for decades, yet you keep naming your stupid little monkies that. Goodnight Travon.

>and big brains belong on CNN, WaPo, Reddit, goy!

the BRAINwashing goes deep, lmao

>Retard goes outta style after fifth grade.
And cheap, uncreative racism doesn't?

you can see miley cyrnus pusy!

nooo you posted naughty words about jews holy shit dude that's it. Israel is literally turning into dust ahhh no I'm so sorry please have mercy your mestizo-american words are just too strong for me and all of Israel is gone because you said mean words on the internet AAaahhAHhha

wait are you insinuating that I'm black? Kek that's hilarious but you should really learn a new ad hominem

>don't be mean to black people, meanie weanie poopie head!

Imagine having a whole army of white liberals constantly defending your race 24/7 on the internet. Imagine what an awful race you must be to even needs this constant ass-wiping.

Jewish women are the white man's whores.

>hurr durr I don't like nazis therefore I love corporate media
you should go back to /pol/. Sounds like you belong too.

>see look guys I said kek, im one of you!!!!

So, I heard reddit today the top-favorite post was a cat doing a backflip while saying "fuck trump." Why are you HERE?

or I could just hop to /pol/ and see the exact same thing but for white people. It's less effort, I don't have to leave this site.

Is it implying that young people aren’t in the military anymore? Because that’s not exactly true. And guess what, very few old timer veterans like that glorify their service. I’ve interviewed several Korean War vets for my job, and every one of them decried American military ventures as a waste of good lives.

>mentions /pol/ in every post.

Rent free.

Please go, it'll do you some good.

based schizo

I've been saying kek (well, typing, I'm not an autist) way, way before 2016 youngster. Also the last time I was on Reddit was like 8 months ago to check out Rimworld modlists so unlike you I wouldn't know what's happening there.

no it doesn't. Have you been there in the last 6-7 years? They're pretty much just insane now, only good for shitposting and memes

>disagree with me that means you love CNN Wapo and Reddit

Rent free.

Tell me more about chemical trails

>I'm not just lying about being a redditor election tourist, I'm gonna lie about being an oldfag too!

you CTR faggots are unbearable. Have u ever considered volunteering at My Brother's Keeper or something instead of championing your SJW bullshit on Yea Forums, of all fucking websites?

Anyone who thinks saying kek is a sign that you’re a 2016 arrival simply reveals themselves as a newfag. Hell I remember the nu-numerology “religion of Kek” shitposting threads, they were a lot of fun. Until the influx of autistic neckbeards saw them and took them seriously, that is. What was tongue-in-cheek with some genuine creativity behind it, became reddit-tier irony somehow mixed with sincerity.

The Russians defeated the Nazis

Dude... lay off! What did hitler ever do to you?!

>I'm utterly out of comebacks now, so I'm just gonna mimic you, mmkkaayy?

Don't they teach you guys how to handle this shit b4 they boot you outta the SOROS program?

I'm not that old I'm 30, it's just that you sound very young if you think "kek" originated with the Trump campaign. It comes from Starcraft but I knew it from WoW since 2006 when I bought the game. I don't have a Reddit account so how am I a redditor? As for being an election tourist I'm not sure what it's supposed to mean but I'm about 99% sure it doesn't apply to me since I'm not an american and can't vote in american elections.

Boy you keep blindly throwing these adhoms aroung and you keep missing huh. Maybe next one

>I haven't been on reddit in like 8 months, guys!

Cringe. Also, replying to yourself is cringe. Lurk moar.

dude, you think "rent free" is an actual argument. Like, c'mon.

where did I reply to myself retard.

You really think anyone on here wants your life fucking story? No one cares what video games you played as a young autist.

>not knowing what election tourist means
Jesus Christ. You can stop pretending now, I guess.

No, the Jews did

you're the one who was actually aware of what's on Reddit's front page though

>people genuinely believe the protocols when it was literally a dozen different writings stitched together with some proper nouns changed here and there

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I was just

well to be fair, white supremacists are extremely gullible people

No one said 'argument' but you jabroni. Wasn't about to give you that much credit. I was calling you a retard, learn to read between the lines.

"kekekek" comes from the Korean way of spelling "heheheh"

>No one said 'argument' but you jabroni
ho believe me, I'm aware.

I would have understood it in a pre-internet age but you can literally go buy all of the treatises and writings that comprised the text and see for yourself.

yes it does, and Starcraft is how it got transferred into the western zeitgeist. I didn't mean the game literally originated the term.

My sides

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I'll said it before and I'll say it again: this is the world you created, you old cunt.

lmao the irony. See the thing about the backflipping cats was an insult, me mocking you. I wouldn't be surprised if that was on the front page of reddit, nor if that's where you encountered it. Cringe. Also,

>no u

ha yes but you see, everything contrary to the narrative is a jewish lie so there you go

introspective retard, I'm impressed.

>me mocking you
that wasn't me
have you even said one right thing in this whole thread lmao
you keep getting ridiculed

>I wouldn't be surprised if that was on the front page of reddit, nor if that's where you encountered it
this amoung of coping holy shit

Imagine actually being proud of the WWII goyim cattle that basically forged this clown world that we live in.

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Judging by the reactions of you leftie fuckbois, I've said everything right. Also, seething redditors =/= ridicule, it equals glory around these parts.

>actually being proud of not having any arguments
you people get stupider every day

Aren't they the ones calling out the Jews and the their penchant for lying, though? Doesn't sound very gullible to me.

lol this. fuck every single one of those subhuman slaves

There’s nothing wrong with anything there except maybe sharia law

but then, again, seems like you're the only person here who actually goes on reddit faggot

Not him but arguing doesn't even matter any more. We all know where we stand and words aren't going to change that now.

>Muh cope

Ask me how I know you're from Reddit.

Literally yes. Why the fuck do you think Neocons have such a huge fucking boner for war.

>seething tankie
Russia was nothing without British and US support
Close to perfect.

>Hitler has a meth addled retard
>citation needed.

>no u.

There you go again. Being creative on the internet, when you have fucking hours to think of a response, shouldn't be that hard.

Based, never forget his dancing Israelis and his joy at 9/11

I don't need to, that's what you've been saying to anybody that disagrees with you in any circumstance. I already know how you "know". Yet strangely you're still the only person here that knows what type of content makes reddit front page. Is this what the shrinks call projection or something. Are you ashamed to go on reddit? Just don't go anymore then and spare us the melodrama.

God, zoomers are pathetic.

Based and MasterRacepilled

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Doesn't matter if there is controversy behind the different writings. Fact is that it's been followed.

You think we're arguing, leftist? This isn't debate club. If you're on here seething about the n word (nigger), the point isnt to talk to you about modern politics, it's to give you fucking nightmares so you don't come back.

>Jewish intellectuals never boast knowing the goyim will never react

That's like saying Las sergas de Esplandián is true because California exists

lmao how are you supposed to give me nightmares exactly? Go ahead make me laugh nigger

>You think we're arguing, leftist?
obviously he doesn't, since your side would need an argument to engage in arguing

He'll post some zog article written 60 years after he died. Then we'll get a bunch of articles about tranny German soldiers.



>That's like saying Las sergas de Esplandián is true because California exists.

I didn't say it was "true". I said it's been, and is being, followed, and accurately. Regardless of who wrote it.


I'll wait for your meltdown now.

that's the point. Watching you cry is the goal here, not debating on your favorite tofu brands.

keep waiting dumbass, I've been here longer than you

Youre reasonable, I respect that. Serious question: why do you come here if you're so easily offended, then? It's like going to the beach if you don't like sun or water. I get it, you're no Einstein, but still? The moth to a flame thing is fascinating.

watching me cry over what?

>I'm an oldfag, guys!

Cringe in its purest form.

>it's an ot thread gets derailed because of one loon who reads too much hooey episode

offended by what? You guys keep saying I'm supposed to be offended by something and you refuse to tell me what it is. Ho wait the other guy said "nigger", but to be fair he's probably a teenager so that sounds like the epitome of edginess to him

>i vote for [pro israeli candidate] instead of [pro israeli candidate], unlike an idiot like you!

that's the fun part.

so you're proud of not having any argument
and you don't know what I'm supposed to cry about
and you're expecting me to have some sort of meltdown over this

watching a fucking soiboi get offended by anything is fun on here. You pick it and I'll antagonize you with it. I guess the n word is wearing off, maybe you have been here a while now comrade.

The dubs are speaking to you, tankie

Look at your furious posts, dude. If you're not the epitome of a leftist sperg meltdown, idk what is? Isn't Don Lemon on right now, why are you still here?

no I just don't give a shit about american idpol, like any normal non-american person. Good luck offending me, you'll have to dig deep my friend.

where and also
who is Don Lemon and why should I care

Shit, forgot video of America's greatest ally.

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>Hitler has a meth addled retard who fell for a meme document the russian government made to fuck with people

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>it's a pretend I'm not a butthurt leftist episode

Dunno but sure as hell it wasn't Xbox

What the fuck is huh-huh, is it supposed to be like uh-huh?

>m-maybe if I say he's supposed to be butthurt enough times it will make him butthurt
I really don't understand what you're going for here. Gaslighting me into thinking I'm offended by something is not going to work, especially if you don't even tell me what it is.

european spelling I guess
who the fuck cares

You give a shit about something, tis why you've been playing the "no I'm not mad!!!1!!1 >:[" card all night.

You already fucking are. It's beautiful. You're missing Don Lemon for this thread. I can see your mocha soi latte getting cold from here.

I think it's like a gay thing.


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>You give a shit about something
ho you mean the truth? Yeah sure. I have a copy of Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu in my bookcase and I've read the Protocols online so I've been able to confirm firsthand that the Protocols are complete bullshit.

But they only sell this book to ultra-leftist soiboi cuck faggots POC so you can't have it.

shh little yank, joining the war 2 years late like the cowards you are

Are you from the continent?
>who the fuck cares
no need to be grumpy

so I googled him and apparently he's a guy on CNN
We don't get CNN here though

>I-I'm not a butthurt lefitst!!!!

t. every butthurt leftist, ever

I was going to say french, but same thing

>he said it again


Why don't you take a break from the thread and learn about the dancing israelis?

>retard went out of style in 5th grade
>quotes latin

Yea the 8th century called, they want their language back

right on the money. I am indeed a frenchman

Already told you nobody wants excerpts from your fucking journal, Marx. Fuck off.

why? Did new evidence come up?

And you got mad, butthurt leftist. Maybe she'll win in 2020, hang in there bro.

well your welcome for the introduction. You two oughta get along, queer.

It might be new to you? Unless you knew about the arrests, deportation, subsequent uncovering of the largest foreign intelligence network on US soil, and dear Benny talking about how good 9/11 was for Israel?

Hitler's doctor was prescribing him with methamphetamine. I don't see why this is so hard for people to accept, it was more commonly used medically back then.

>Maybe she'll win in 2020
you are so completely off the mark you might as well be on Venus. I'm not american, I don't vote and I hate corrupt politicians. I hate all politicians actually.

You're all cattle. Regardless of your meaningless left right paradigm. You have no choice in these matter of affairs.

Sage and hide thread.

but I hate corporate media though
why the fuck are you shilling for corporate media you fucking drone

The Nazis were defeated in Berlin not in Holland old man

ohahaha youre the French faggot? Makes so much sense desu that you're a complete joke.

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yes and? If you're saying 9/11 was a big conspiracy I don't agree. If you're saying fuck Israel for all the shit it's doing I agree.

Towards the end of the war, perhaps (after his injuries). But the evidence is shaky. Meanwhile we have the diary and notes for Churchill's doctor, who was on fistfulls of uppers and downers on top of his booze, yet it's not widely known and seldom mentioned.
Funny that, isn't it?
>it was more commonly used medically back then.
It was available over the counter in the UK until the 60s. Bond was a big fan in the books.

>CTR fag calling others a shill

layers & layers of fucking irony.

yes, it makes SO much sense that you couldn't even discern it by yourself until I spelled it out for you. That's what "making sense" means right?

you're literally saying I should watch CNN
fuck off and fuck CNN

since 2016, we've gotten an influx of butthurt leftie faggots. So no, you're not unique frog. You're one cocksocker in an ocean of cocksuckers.

friendly recommendation, based off your personality/ other attributes. We're on Yea Forums after all champ.

People have argued in this thread that kikes aren't arrogant and wouldn't speak publicly about doing evil. Yet here we have them admitting foreknowledge, documenting and celebrating the attacks, including their leader.
As to 9/11 being a big conspiracy? Well, the CIA were definitely obstructive when it came to sharing intelligence that may have prevented the attacks and lobbied to get high ranking Saudis out of the country, I guess we'll never know.

not ever a good reason to watch corporate media
go watch something else before it's too late

>I guess we'll never know
that has been my position too actually, not on the attack itself or who carried it out but what went down behind the scenes.

>x called
>they want their y back

yeaaahh, speaking of ancient...

unique enough that you couldn't tell faggot

>he says as he dons his MCU (TM) and his Star Wars (TM) bedsheets

cringe leftist

>proud of being a frog

you're a blight on humanity. How many Somalis molested you on the train today, Pierre? Have fun sinking Western Civilization you cancerous turd.

Hitler was a controlled opposition

His job was to make sure Germany lost the war and to fake the Holocaust
He had countless opportunities to win, that he rejected. He refused to crush Britain when they were weak. He refused to Blitzkrieg the soviets. He refused to invest in the atom bomb and instead spent it on stupid occult garbage.
Tell me that doesn't sound like someone who wanted to lose

never owned either of these but I have a Vader shirt that was a birthday gift. I've seen all the MCU I think but even if I bought merch it wouldn't be from that. I don't give a shit about Star Wars since TFA
My bedsheets are uniform deep blue, from IKEA I think. I dunno, stole them from my father's closet.

>proud of being a frog
of course I'm not "proud" of being french. Being proud of something you couldn't control or achieve is fucking retarded user.

>when you call someone a faggot...
>and it turns out they actually are a faggot.

And youre the guy crying about corporate media? cringe & lmao-pilled

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>Being proud of something you couldn't control or achieve is fucking retarded user.

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here we go. Next you'll be whining about how NIGGERS can't control that they're BLACK. At least you took your veil off comrade.

>He refused to crush Britain when they were weak
No, he picked the wrong strat. Confused the UK for people like the French that wouldn't even attempt to defend Paris for fear of damaging it.
>He refused to Blitzkrieg the soviets.
He did though?
>He refused to invest in the atom bomb
He didn't, the lead scientis wasn't good enough. One of the important reasons for conquering norway was "heavy water"
>stupid occult garbage.
He wouldn't have gained power without the party's occultism.
I agree, however, that if Hitler had been successfully removed and replaced the outcome could have been very different.

I was speaking outdated language so that you would understand

you're saying deep blue sheets are gay ?
gosh I never even knew
tell me what ISN'T gay, save us some time here

Uncle Joe defeated the nazis

why the fuck would I be whining about that you imbecile

yes goy-kun. fight meaningless wars for Israel-chan

who's you? And what other golden oldies do you have lined up user?

>seething fantasist

Gay: you, your sheets, your leftie politics and corp. franchises

NOT gay: everything else

because you're a seething faggot leftist, same reason you've been getting pissed on all night

You is a nigger

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>you is

American public education, everyone.

Ebonics is an internationally recognized form of language

what corp franchises lmao
what the fuck are you even talking about you schizo
seriously if you're hearing voices seek some help

Came here to post Based

I would love to seethe but you faggots just refuse to tell me what the fuck it is I'm supposed to be seething about.

unironically based

>Star Wars, MCU are indie franchises!

Trolling, right?

>in one of the western shitholes that allows cancers like Ebonics to grow

pick one and only one

but I literally said I don't give a shit about those
does your mom know you're on the family computer?

>Any nation that is not America
Pick one

>when your programming unexpectedly hits a repeat loop
>"ohranj man ba- what am I mad about?"

You need us to tell you?

De Adder is that political cartoonist who got "fired" from all New Brunswick newspapers for this comic, even though he's been making editorial cartoons for the Toronto Star for at least a decade, and now they publish him multiple times a week

Attached: adder.png (620x349, 351K)

>le underage maymay

Are you always this creative, or did we just get super-lucky tonight

based idiot

>I like old thing

did I even mention Trump once in this thread? All I remember saying is that the Protocols are a pile of bullshit and that gullible people fell for it and you guys immediately went "SEETHE MORE" over and over again.
Mkaaay, if you say so buddy.

>B-but we'd all be speaking German!

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at least I'm not shilling for fucking CNN, unlike you
I bet you're even doing it for free

It's the opposite of based, sharia law is only thing remotely good in that image.

>at least I'm not a blah blah blah, but you are!!!

doubling down on the bullshit comebacks, huh? Based brainlet. And no say what you want about me, but I ain't the kinda nigga to do anything for free :^)

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He’s saying “have sex”

And the fucking boomer author bought his house had a simple goodpaying job and a family

>did I mentioned trump?

Didn't have to. Your programming ain't much, but it's enough to at least make it seem like you're multidimensional. Yet we still pick your cucks out like ez-pz

All the shit in that pic ultimately stems from the (((French Revolution))), not defeating Hitler.

As an avid viewer of Richard and Mortimer, while also having an IQ above 120, I can confirm that the protocols were indeed a forgery and, in fact, Hitler had a shriveled penis and one testicle. Pic related, my boyfriend and I who collaborated on the research that led me to this conclusion.

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alright so they pay you
that's kinda worse but at least you admit it

>Leftie shill trying to enact mental gymnastics to make me seem like a shill

Pulling out the big guns, eh schlomo? You musta been top of your class with that technique.

being attached to the truth about the Protocols identifies me as a cuck leftist? I'm confused on what you mean, are you saying being attached to the truth is a leftie quality in general or are you saying all non-leftist are gullible nazi apologists?

you literally said I should watch Don Lemon, a guy on CNN
not figuratively literally, literally literally
that's what you said
can't scrub that away

>being attached to the truth is a leftist quality in general

Lmao, you fuckers just can't help yourselves, can you? Always gotta try & make yourselves look good even when you look terrible. And that's what I mean about spotting a leftist drone a mile away.

YA no shit faggot he's like a god in your circles. Up there with Obama, Marx, and shit. Nigger dont pretend you're not watching that shit right now. Btw like you remembered his name so quick haha

What is wrong with bottom middle?

Miscegenation is an affront to God, and bedding down with beasts of the field is a sin.

>your circles
you mean parisian anarchist associations?
yes that's all we do lmao, watch CNN and talk about how much we love the US government and authoritarian socialism
at what age exactly did you remove yourself from reality and is it an irreversible condition?

poor people don't shoot each other anymore on the behalf of fat cats?
truly sad I know

Bestiality isn't right, and not cool or edgy or whatever you think it is.


Fucking cringe.

His doctor unironically screwed him up. Hitler liked him a lot though because he was the only one that took the pain away.

if you're the guy shilling for CNN you're not really justified saying that to anyone else
glass houses friend

Anarchists, and CNN shills burn together, faggot. You go with them.


you can try

Pretty based and redpilled opinion. I suppose that was the pivotal moment in the formation of the absolute state, the heaving mass of totalitarian democracy.


seen this multiple times but never fails to make me laugh

looking forward to it schlomo. We'll do what we didn't finish last time. Least you're full out exposing as the commie cuck you are now. The charades were getting old

ho no I'm so afraid

Drugs are cool.

>seething half-caste


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Opium cigs in ration packs are long overdue a come back

kek still trying to offend me heh
try something else, I'm not a jew
maybe the 32th time will be the charm

That is actually a pretty jewish thing to say.

>this is what children actually think intimidation sounds like


anything that goes against the narrative is "a jewish thing to say" to you
so why the fuck should I care

>being this new to Yea Forums

>my leftie propaganda might be a little unorthodox for you, but I'm no puppet!

t. schlomo

Go die for israel dumb goyim.

I know right? Can't believe he thought it sounded good in his head

that doesn't answer why I should care about whether what I'm saying is "jewish" since you literally say that about anything that you don't want to be real

>leftist shill determining what is real


>That is actually a pretty jewish thing to say.
My grandmother, baptised catholic and married in church, once clarified to her neighbour that she, in fact, wasn't jewish. Now thanks to /tvpol/ I understand that clearly this was the sign that she was secretly a jew and that, therefore, I am one also. After all, who else besides jews would ever declare not being jewish? Think about it, it makes sense.

Acceptance is the first step user, proud of you m8.

why yes I do have a better perspective on what is real or not about me and what I think about the world
you trying to pretend you know my life and thoughts better than I do is freaking hilarious mate
I wonder who else besides Don Lemon I'm supposed to revere without ever having heard of them but I'm sure you'll tell me soon

>these fucking blogposts

you need friends mate (besides Don Lemon).

Yea Forums isn't a blog retard, but welcome to the site nonetheless

you fucking statists just can't help yourselves telling people how they should live their life can you
can't go two sentences without it

Try telling this guy

>leftie lecturing us on telling others how to live their lives

Bullshit cartoon. Why would you sit next to your grampa on such a small couch and play vidya.

>being this stupid. and new. Forums/user+is+depressed/wkpGMjx/166

yeah so?
I didn't tell you to go watch Submedia or some shit
because I don't tell you how to live your life
unlike you who said I should go watch your precious CNN and make some friends, despite knowing next to nothing about me
stop telling people how to live their life faggot


That pic is so 2000’s
Now the kid would say
>Who cares you old cis scum who also ruined our economy I’m defeating Nazis everyday. This bigoted white male was tweeting about how it’s so cold today he feels like an Eskimo. I immediately reported his tweet and replied “they are called Inuits you insensitive part of a problem”

>muh kikes
>muh nazis
You faggots are so fucking boring, you spout the same autistic shit over and over again and then wonder why nobody wants to talk to you. You subhumans should actually slit your throats, there's no hope for you.

seen plenty of muh kikes, where are muh nazis though

>seething because white women won't fuck with white men

>You subhumans
based hypocritical incel

Is the faggot ITT a real /pol/tard or just someone from leftypol LARPing as one?
It's getting harder and harder to tell trolling from reality.