
4 MORE YEARS!!! Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Y'know /trek/, I have diabeetus. (taps box) These are m' testin' supplies. I check my blood sugar an' i check it offen. Liberty Medical makes sure I have what I need, when I need it, even out here in deep space. Liberty makes it easy with no paperwork, and your supplies are delivered right t' your transporter pad. So check your blood sugar as offen as y' should, and send a subspace message to Liberty. They can help ya live a better life.

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this thread will suck

seethe more bajoran

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The ragey baby known as VF has spoken (and no one cared).

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Name one thing you like about Star Trek. It can be an episode, a character, an aesthetic, literally any thing whatsoever. You don't even have to justify it. Just tell us what you like, it's that simple.

kys VF

so many Trek threads recently. not that I'm complaining.
though big difference between trump and dukat, dukat actually knows what he's doing, his evil in planned rather than throwing mounds of shit at the wall and seeing what sticks

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for you

Just the idea thst whatever you want to do, you can fucking do it. No money, no bills, your status is determined by your achievements.

my fave part about star stuff is the replicators which can clone you as well as get rid of your tedious life . now your clone has to deal with all that nonsense, gullible prick lol

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optimism for the future. I like that, it's fun to watch and nice to think about. very classic capital L Liberal ideals, but the best way those ideas could be imagined

some of you guys are alright, don't go to ten forward tomorrow

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cunt ass shit fucking thread

The relationship between Seven of nine, and the Doctor.

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t. angry discord tranny

You and your toxoplasma filled cat are both faggots.

These threads are fucking shit. There's nothing original anymore, I feel like I'm the only one who even gets a semi-interesting discussion going on in these generals, while the rest is just same shitty memes, uncommented screencaps or the same regurgitated shit you faggots keep spamming in every thread for the past 3 years.

>tfw no qt bajoran waifu




It fucking stinks, and that comes from a man who's currently experiencing the funky mustard smell from his ballsack that hasn't been washed in a couple of weeks. Nobody is replying to anyone anymore because everyone has already read the same shit a thousand times already. Maybe people would bring more OC and fun topics to the table if you dumb instant-gratification shits would lay off with these retarded generals for a while and just give people some time. How about stop spamming these unfunny threads for a while so people can recover from their burn-out? Nah, of course you wouldn't let that happen because you can't get your fucking throat stuffed, you don't know when to quit, you just need to be filled with shit 24/7 EVEN AFTER WE JUST HAD A +300 BUMPLIMIT TREK GENERAL.

Fuck off. Fuck off and take your shitty overused Yea Forums trek memes with you.

No reaction image for this.



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I suppose there's a terrible vacuum in ST material, the most interesting development was TMP being back in theaters for a limited time

and fuck

Valley, lol, you will ALWAYS be alone, depressed and useless. Your life will end homeless, without internet, without a pet, without a friend, without figurines. Without anything.

Picard calls Wesley to the ready room. Data is present.
>Wesley you have violated the prime directive for the last time, it's time for some hard discipline.
Picard undoes his starfleet uniform as Wesley begins to cry.
Picard now fully nude reveals an erect 13 inch penis as he begins to walk up to Wesley.
Wesley runs for the door but is blocked by Data.
>Mr. Data restrain him.
Data grabs hold of Wesley and brings him to the floor.
Picard rips Wesley's pants off and spits on his exposed butthole as
Data looks on with intrique.
Picard amorously shouts out over and over as he begins to rape Wesleys ass.
Data begins to sing Che Gelida Manina to cover the screaming.
The rape only lasts for a few minutes but to Wesley it feels like an eternity.
A horrendous stench fills the ready room as Wesley farts out Picards penis along with a mixture of blood, feces, and semen.
Picard finished with his deed whispers into his ear.
>It's better to have loved and have lost, than never to have loved at all.

this right here. the star trek universe is utopia. i often imagine that when i'm watching star trek that i'm watching stories from the future. it's beautiful.

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Incredible, now kys

s n a p

autism general

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Picard with a 13 inch penis? unlikely, this detail really breaks immersion

kill yourself tranny

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lol, you okay?

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Did Nog have more screentime in the last 2 seasons than Jake?

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okay you got me there, i'll allow it


>thread already ruined by a sperg

sneed trek

Whew, lad

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dilate n!99er dick sucker

I like that the noise level remains fairly constant so that I can fall asleep while listening to an episode.

Also, I like smart, nice people being powerful and making good decisions.

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Twelve more years!
Twelve more years!

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I find the noise level thing depends on the episode. Most are pretty constant but some definitely go loud/quiet.

>no sticky

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The ones with the long high pitched beeping when Riker looks at me always make me feel uncomfortable

>people in their 20s in the 90s are now 50

wow, time flies, like whoa dude it feels like that was only yesterday, I wonder what being old is like?

Jake got annoying the moment he decided to become a writer. That whole episode where he fucked over his whole life because he couldn't deal with the death of his father really showed how weak of a character he was. I felt sorry for the dude, but dang that episode was depressing. Whats worse is that the series finally hinted that he was about to go down that road again as he looked out the window with Kira.

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Commander Niles prepare to beam down to Le Cigare Volant.

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The Visitor is an overrated episode, imo. It relies too heavily on sentimentality when the story itself is essentially Braga-tier timeschlock.

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Is "The Visitor" the "The Inner Light" of DS9?

At least give it a day. This pasta isn't even cold yet.

Yes and both are great for people with emotional awareness and without crippling autism.

the dynamics between the characters, in particular on DS9

The Hirogen's masks.

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No, because The Visitor is about Star Trek characters.

While I understand your frustration, you do have to consider the following:

1) There's deep consensus regarding what's good and what isn't from normal Trek (Everything up until Enterprise). Sure, you can have a discussion about what's a better episode, or who's a better captain, or what would be the ideal crew from all casts, but at the end of the day, it's been gone over a thousand times with no new material to add to it.

2) There's deep consensus that nuTrek is bad to terrible. No one needs to ask why Into Darkness is shit, or why STD is unwatchable. There's no debate about this. HOWEVER!! As soon as the next season starts, and as soon as PICARD begins, there will be more discussion about how shitty these new things are. So don't worry, there will be something to discuss eventually.

3) What would you like to discuss?

>The only interesting thing left is to think of Ishara Yar meeting Jadzia Dax on Risa for some shore-leave...

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>blackpilled cumbrain

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Not the pastaman you're replying to but there are around 500 episodes of this 'normal Trek' you speak of to discuss. To be honest, that's plenty to keep conversations going for decades (assuming anyone was interested in discussing them in good faith). I hardly ever hear anyone discussing the catalogs of episodes per-writer, or digging into the work of individual writers specifically. We don't just have to talk about on-screen stuff, we can talk about behind-the-scenes things as well.

Who's your favorite Trek director, for example? I don't think I've ever heard anyone really talk about that.

I meant in terms of how they seem to be both reviled and loved and both involve a character living an entire lifetime before reverting to the status quo by episode's end.

Nice original character there. Their characteristics and mannerisms are in no way a rip off of the Predator, from the movie series of the same name. Nor do the Hirogen wear facial armor that bares a resemblance to Shredder, the villian from TMNT. No. This is an original character, which I too enjoy.

They only look sort of look like Shredder. The masks could be a number of things and the inference to the Predator doesn't fit either. What about Air Force pilots? People who wear oxygen masks?

I don't see it but I'd be cool if you want to make this your thing

I've been meaning to rewatch all of the episodes written by Peter Allan Fields as he died this summer. It would probably also be a Nog tribute as he did a ton of work on the Ferengi in early DS9.

That's a fair point; behind-the-scenes stuff is interesting, but given the very wide and well published material on the subject, there's no need to hypothesize about anything. Books like the Companions or the Technical Manuals to the interviews and conventions have essentially 'spoiled' everything...there's nothing left to speculate about (at least in the normal canon).

Regarding production issues, my feeling on the matter is that it's tough to have those kinds of discussions because of how unified the aesthetic was throughout all the series. I can only think of one episode in all of TNG that sticks out due to direction; Phantasms. But given the material, it's understandable; you can shoot it odd, but you can't with something like 'Quality of Life'. I think if you were to do a comparison like this, it might have to be along the lines of:

Which episodes accurately presented the intentions of the writers, and which ones fell short?

Then it's a discussion about the quality of the screenplay, the quality of the direction and acting, etc. But I don't think it could easily be condensed down to one factor. Winrich Kolbe did a lot of good work in TNG (as an example), yet I can't think of anything he specifically did to make any of the episodes more memorable than another director could.

In other words, the aesthetic creativity of the episode is determined more by what is written...the execution, lighting, all of it is essentially paint-by-numbers because (as Patrick Stewart once said about directing, A Fistfull of Worfs) 'there just isn't time' in a TV production as quick as TNG.

>Ishara Yar, her jumpsuit torn asunder...

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>Winrich Kolbe did a lot of good work in TNG (as an example), yet I can't think of anything he specifically did to make any of the episodes more memorable than another director could.
You should pay more attention, in that case. The long, unbroken tracking shot of Picard when he's dealing with Sarek's emotions is one of the best shots in television history, imo, and really lifts the material.

Not exactly the hill to die on. Defending anything DS9 related makes me physically ill.

Fair enough but you can't say that we didn't know this given Maurice Hurley's involvement early on in the series and the way they knew the show would go when Gene left. The vision of Star Trek early on was actually much different from post season 2 TNG and the credit goes to Rick Berman for adroitly moving into a more realistic character driven atmosphere where drama was still an element and not just pie-in-the-sky idealism.

A series would not last a full seven seasons going on the same concepts we see in season 1 TNG.

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> Defending anything DS9 related makes me physically ill.

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I know that's an edit but goddamn do I wish it was real.

30s after the photo was taken, it was

>You should pay more attention...

I do user, and while I appreciate your vigor in this discussion, that leap was unbecoming.

First, the episode Sarek was directed by Les Landau, not Kolbe. But from Landau's interview, he does intimate (not about the specific scene you're talking about, but another one with the mind meld) that essentially as a director you have to try to come up with a way to shoot a scene but sometimes the actors have a better idea and it flows naturally from that. Flexibility is the key, in other words. That's not to say that that was the intention with the long tracking shot of Picard dealing with emotions, but that being said there isn't a definitive answer as to 'who came up with the idea'. It was likely a group effort, like other things in the show.

The problem here too is that it's performance dependent. Stewart is excellent at these kinds of shifts of emotion, though they are rare in plays and shit. If another actor was doing it (say, Geordi) it wouldn't work.

>Are the cool shots in Cause and Effect the sole doing of Frakes, who was directing, or the scriptwriters, producers, etc. who all contributed to it?

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>I do user, and while I appreciate your vigor in this discussion, that leap was unbecoming.
Oh, snap nigga!

>weeks have passed
>STILL have burning desire to jack off to Kira
Images for this feel?

i'd post the webm but nah

>the webm


How much cum does /trek/ generate daily?

porn star dresses up like kira

I don't want cheap imitation.

but I do fucking post it.

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True waifufags accept no substitutes.

Well, that interesting conversation died quickly. Poor guy...

Have a nice webm, just because.
>the best the Enterprise D ever looked was in Generations. Full repaint, full rewiring, and a 12 foot saucer for the planet miniatures. Bless the modelmakers...

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no, I don't feel like risking a ban today sorry, you aren't missing that much

from the outside maybe, but that awful piss filter was awful

I've been banned for posting something almost exactly like what you just posted, just fyi. Might want to delete it.

>all these kirafags
Choose a better waifu, like Troi or Seven.

That's awful and crude. I want the real Kira.

This is gay

Greek women are disgusting.

This is really gay

Bajorans are so fucking retarded

Gross. Can we get some actual Kira pics in here?

Only lesbians think this is sexy.

nice ftm tranny

kind of lame to kill it and give them le action movie hot rod enterprise for the rest of the films

Agreed on the piss filter for the bridge, the ready room, etc. Didn't think anyone would respond, so here's the first in the battle, edited down.

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ew delete this.

>Nog dies
>Mallwalkers fap to trap Kiras together

Set fire to this entire fag general.


I like the purity of Picard as a character: a flawed, real man who is capable of making difficult decisions quickly, who is scrupulously concerned with doing the righteous thing, and as a single individual leads the federation and mankind itself into a better future. The character of Picard makes me believe that a person like that is still possible today. That I could be that kind of man.

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No one is fapping to that pic.

I can tell by the way this picture smells that she's an outie. Yep those are definitely some thick stinky meat flaps.

she's not a trap, thank fuck, but she is too young for kira

She's also too gross and ugly!

Top kek You know he was gay right?

I'm more annoyed by the tattoo, but my autism works like that

nobody gonna ask wtf is wrong with her nips?

I'm more annoyed by how GROSS and UGLY she is!

What kind of utterly fucking retarded applause is this? How can people actually like the Kira character? Or any Bajoran for that matter?
Horrific abomination race of wrinkle nosed little primitives.

This is an even gayer statement than how gay that Kira tranny is.

Perhaps...but I can understand why they did it. The destruction of the Enterprise was a directive from 'up top', along with other things like Kirk and Picard in the same movie, and Kirk dies. So it had to be there.

Dramatically, it serves as an end to the TV show, a definitive end. While I think All Good Things is an absolute perfect series ender, it still left open the door to more adventures on the Enterprise D. By destroying the D, you open the door to new adventures, a new cinematic ship (which is designed for the big screen, including the sets), new uniforms, etc.

Couldn't have said it any better. For a long time growing up I wanted to be like Picard. In some ways, I still try to be. Fair, kind, disciplined.

It helped me as a show to see other points of view of the same problem, and to learn how to apply that kind of thinking to real life. I'm better for it, and the people around me are too.

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hello bb nice to meet you show vageen

I like the whole idea that one day, mankind will travel from system to system and explore other planets and forms of life, and see marvelous things.

Of all the races in Star Trek, they fully deserved everything the Cardassians subjected them to.

>he doesn't want to fuck a cute retard

Well if nobody else is going to huff her braps I guess I will

really good post
hoo are the space poos in star stuff?

I told you I'm not interested, user

and marvelous babes

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Especially the rapes!

hii bb good morning I love you


Last time

>The occupation was real in my mind.

>by the way this picture smells

Oh I forgot. Must be my retardation.


watching this for the first time in cinema was great, now I really don't like it mostly because of the piss filter and picards family, but this scene was incredible, seeing the enterprise getting wreaked like that was something I never thought i'd see

Am I still cute?

Bajorans are for ______

>That's a fair point; behind-the-scenes stuff is interesting, but given the very wide and well published material on the subject, there's no need to hypothesize about anything
Sorry, got busy so it took me a while to reply. I don't think we need to hypothesize about anything, really, and just because there are interviews and technical manuals doesn't mean that we can't still guess at the motivations behind them. Just because Brannon Braga says something in an interview doesn't mean that it's the gospel truth, for example.

As for a director's aesthetic or episodes having a certain canned look to them, I don't think this takes away from the good a great director can do. It's no accident that good directors typically directed the good episodes. Even if a script delivers and fires on all cylinders, it's the director that has to interpret it, frame it, and shake solid performances from the actors. If an episode is a great episode, the director has plenty to do with it. It's not always all in the script (though it certainly helps). That would be like saying that performances of music given by the songwriter must always be the penultimate performance of any given song but that's not true. A wily producer and a great performer can really elevate a song and I see television directors the same way, even if they're not necessarily true auteurs.

Adding a frantic production schedule into the mix just makes good directing in Trek all the more impressive. Guys like Kolbe, Landau, Frakes, even David Livingston really helped bring those great scripts to life and I don't think we should discount their contributions or abstain from discussing them.

I like TNG, but I started trying to watch TOS and couldn't even drag myself through the first few episodes of the first season because of all the cringy gender themed plot points. The whole 'sexy space girls have whacky unexpected space civilization' got old after my first Heinlein novel. Is there a higher proportion of these types of episodes in TOS than in TNG?

That’s the best part!

Are you sure you were watching TOS and not some low-budget porno or something? If you don't see the merit of episodes like Balance of Terror, City on the Edge of Forever, or Court Martial, I honestly don't know what to say to you that will make you reconsider.

Yes, very much so.

>'sexy space girls have whacky unexpected space civilization
Name three episodes about this.

Agreed. If you were like me, you had already studied the technical manual to death, so after the warp core breach and the shockwave slamming them into the atmosphere, I had this big wide-open grin on my face in the theatre the whole time because I was thinking, 'they're not going to do it...are they? THEY ARE!!! THE CRAZY SON'S-O-BITCHES ARE ACTUALLY DOING IT!!!!!'

I'll respond in a larger post...

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This. Get some taste people.

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>If you were like me, you had already studied the technical manual to death
holy shit breh lol

Look at those horse chompers!

>notices bulge
0w0 what's this???

Agreed regarding the veracity of interviews and documentaries; this evidence always has to be taken with a grain of salt.

Again, I agree with all your points regarding the potential of a director positively influencing how an episode turns out, and I absolutely agree that the great Trek directors need to be given more credit than they normally get.

My point however was that there is very little to discuss because many if not all things have been 'settled'. Even the idea that 'what Ira said about such-and-such' could be untrue is in itself something that isn't in doubt enough to warrant discussion because there's little to no evidence to prove it either way, so we're left at an impasse.

I would fully support people discussing the merits of directors, sound engineers, model makers, editors, production designers, etc....but the impression I get is that those end up being specialist discussions which die out quickly because of a lack of interest.

/trek/ is in many ways what /terror/ or /got/ is...just another place to sneed post according to the particular show. But I can't blame people for that..the new trek that is being made is utter shit and most people aren't watching it, so there's nothing that can be discussed about that. The classic stuff has been gone over to death...so...what else is there to say?

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Where can one go to have more in depth discussion?


>being the incel who typed this
oh god I am laffin

>My point however was that there is very little to discuss because many if not all things have been 'settled'
I couldn't disagree more. Even if you know the technical manuals like the back of your hand, even if you've consumed every interview, every DVD extra, seen everything, read every novel, our opinions about them will always ultimately be subjective. And sharing those opinions and explaining why we feel the way we do about them is the heart of real discussion of anything.

I've said it before: the fandom was never more starved for content than it was for those dire years between TOS and the first film. Hell, you could stretch it even beyond that and extent the timeframe from TOS to TNG. And yet, that's when the fandom of Star Trek really came alive, discussion the episodes of TOS which were really great and lamenting and sharing primordial memes about the bad ones. In many ways, that's what being a Trekkie is all about -- discussing topics that should be exhausted but the enjoyment of discussing them remains nonetheless. And the Trek fandom survived those dire times. It only got stronger through syndication and constant reruns.

There's always plenty to say, user, because even if five people watch the same episode, it's very possible that they'll come away with five very different opinions of it.

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Rip Nog. it's only a paper moon is quinoa

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And i thought tranny Kira was going to be the most cringe thing I saw here tonight.


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Fuck that's hot. Yeah, clap just like that HNNNNNNG

where's the joke

Worst main characters in Treks?






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niggas really be posting walls of text on Yea Forums about star trek manuals

Pull up a drink user and join in.

Yet I still had the kindness to respond. Perhaps it might encourage you to rethink your actions.

Don't worry user, one day you'll find a subject that you can be passionate about too.

Agreed about the timeline, but something has changed between the time between TOS and the first film and Enterprise and now. CBS actively destroys anything fan related, as we saw with the Enterprise D simulator which was taken down a few months ago. This wasn't the case 'back in the day', when the studios either didn't care or saw fan interaction of this sort (fan fiction mainly) as something of a positive for the brand. Modern trek is being killed by the studio, and modern trek fan stuff is also being put down.

As for there always being stuff to say, different opinions of different episodes, etc., again I agree. But then for god's sake user, let's talk about an episode. What do you want to talk about? Tell me, and we can discuss.

Or how about this, I'll pose a question. Was there any episode in Voyager where Janeway was actually a great character? Not necessarily one that we liked when viewing it or one we could relate to, but more along the lines of a well-written character where her motivations made sense?


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Mayweather or Merryweather or whatever the fuck his name was (I can't even remember) is the lamest, least fleshed out character in the history of Star Trek. Hoshi wasn't much better and Malcolm wasn't much better than that. Tripp was a walking stereotype and I'm not even sure they ever figured out how they wanted to write Archer. T'Pol just became a romance trope.

I like Odo.

Hi Kira


go to sleep vee

I wish.

>studied all the tech mags
every one I could get my hands on yea

While your complaints about CBS are very valid, never forget that they're the ones that meddled with and eventually axed TOS in the first place. Between the time of TOS and TNG, people felt the same way about them as we feel about them now. But the fans kept it alive. And that's what we'll do now because Star Trek is important to us. I'm certainly not letting go.

I honestly think the shitshow of the Voyager's writer's room is ultimately to blame for her inconsistency and seemingly wild mood swings. Originally, she was going to be the tough-nosed autocrat that melded the two crews together but when that was abandoned and Braga started shoehorning TNG-lite, the character entirely lost its way. The ratings were falling off and they were desperate to try and turn things around, so sometimes she'd seem placid and more like Picard and then at others, she'd so things that were so sensational that they beggared belief.

I can't think of any particular episode where Janeway is particularly well-written, or even consistently written. Her character was a complete mess throughout VOY.

I erased them, over 9k hrsin mspaint

When you put it like that, Endgame actually makes sense. All these years I was thinking 'yeah but Janeway wouldn't do that...'. But no, it makes sense, because there's nothing she wouldn't do, because her character doesn't make sense.

I don't care anymore. Just let this thread die.

>not the space parasite
The fuck is wrong with you?

Who is vee? Not the same guy who's a hungarian doctor or whatever with the hilarious accent, is it?

Still got them on my bookshelf, all from the early 90's. Was disappointed though that the Joseph had so much material that was simply made up by him...for a long time I thought it was all 'real', including the Dreadnaught Class....fucking boss that is.

Fair enough...I won't let it go either. :)

Regarding Janeway, that's why I asked. I've only seen Voyager all the way through once, and I never intend to watch it again. There were one or two episodes that I thought were utterly brilliant (the one where the Doctor writes a holonovel with fucked up versions of the crew...I couldn't stop laughing for days on that one), and the year in hell was great...but aside from that, most of the seven seasons were just boring and forgettable.

When I was coming to the end of season 7, I couldn't help but notice too the sudden acceleration of character development for people who were bland beforehand. The last episode was also particularly awful...they are at Earth for less than a minute....what the fuck? Who thought that was a good idea? At least have them transport down to Starfleet Academy, pose for a picture that no one is taking, and be applauded or something....

I felt the same way too...her character didn't really exist in the way that Data describes 'missing' someone'. You need to have patterns of behavior that become predictable, so that they can be 'missed' if the person is no longer around. I have no idea what Janeway would find funny, or sad, or unnerving. That's the main problem with nuTrek, but for all characters, not just one. It's the way modern characters are written so that they can be played by any actor/actress, from any culture. The ultimate form of neutering humanity.

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Nice digits but nary a pixel on the WOT.

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What's a WOT? Help me out user...

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Wall of text

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>I still don't get it...maybe I'm too drunk

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First season best season.

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>Or how about this, I'll pose a question. Was there any episode in Voyager where Janeway was actually a great character? Not necessarily one that we liked when viewing it or one we could relate to, but more along the lines of a well-written character where her motivations made sense?

>When she kills tuvik
>Making a deal with the borg
>Killing an alien that wanted to kill her for making a deal with the borg.
>Blowing up her own ship and killing everyone on board to save an alternate reality version of her ship and everyone on board
>Blowing up her own ship and killing herself to destroy a time weapon
>Getting kidnapped by Tom Paris and getting turned into a lizard and having lizard babies with Lizard Tom Paris
>Commending Harry Kim for violating the temporal prime directive and erasing 15 years of time to save the ship.
>Refusing to turn the ship around and go back to the Demon class planet even when she knew her and everyone on board and even the ship itself was a silver goo-person copy of the real voyager and crew.
>Violating the temporal prime directive and un-creating God knows how many people to save like 20 people although mainly just her close friends on Voyager.

She was consistently written. She was authoritarian leader who used the prime directive and star fleet protocol as a visage and a crutch when necessary when in reality she would go to any lengths and do anything required if it meant getting her crew home.

you can see how beneath her station laughing like a drunk klingon is

>...in reality she would go to any lengths and do anything required if it meant getting her crew home.

What is the Pilot?

About a quarter past five, user.

Attached: Jellico.jpg (1352x1080, 682K)

>What is the Pilot?
The last vestige of Voyager's actually interesting original concept that was marginalized and eventually tossed out as Berman and Braga hijacked the writer's room.

It was literally her first ever mission. She couldn't violate the prime directive right out the gate. I'm sure she regretted not doing so though.

Jesus that was quick. So this is the time that Voyager fans all hang out....

What about Enterprise...have we got any Enterprise fans here?

Here's a question: if Mayweather simply disappeared, would the series have been any different?

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put down the mic faggot

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My post wasn't at all an endorsement of Voyager, quite the opposite really. The initial concept of Voyager was good. But they stuck with it for all of 5 minutes and watered down every other original idea most of the DS9 writing team had: like cutting Year of Hell down from an entire season to a two-parter.

Voyager is the weakest Trek aside from Enterprise. STD doesn't count.

Ah, a DS9 fan who's still sad that old Nog had to go to the Vault of Eternal Destitution. Cheer up, bucko...at least we got to see his best work.

>STD doesn't count.
Quite right. Like in real life, the STD stays hush-hush.

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>that picture
Jesus Christ, the absolute state of STD. I wonder if they felt humiliated.

It's a tough spot, for sure. I think Doug Jones is the best of the lot. The rest of them are okay to awful actors, and the writing is shit-tier so even if they were good, there's nothing for them to work with.

Sad. Okay.

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That's not even Brimley.

Kirk is such a bad ass. If he were around in the soiboi DS9 days he'd have single handily karate chopped the entire Dominion into submission.

I love that they didn't even bother to paint the stuntman's hands blue, just the actor's. It's shit like that that makes me love TOS more than I should.

Glad to see how popular Jeffrey Combs is, he deserves it.

Doug Jones is based, rest of the cast is fine acting wise IMO is just the writing they're handed. The pacing is rushed and overly melodramatic.

star trek

Weyoun >>> anyone on std

I agree, the cast has never been the problem on STD. If the core is rotten, the cast can't do anything about it. It's a job, you act out the scripts you're handed. And it must've seemed like a big break to them all, at first anyway.

No Emmys for Discovery. Too bad, /trek/.

Boy, that sure is a shame. They were out-pandered this year.

Do I detect a whiff of sarcasm, user?

RIP Quark

This time I'm going to say this entirely unironically:

Fuck you

checked and correct
STD has good effects, sound, sets,and cinematography. I DO NOT HATE THE CAST!
The writers aren't fully responsible, either.
I'm gonna blame corporate committee demands, that force show-runners and writers to change course in midstream, because market research demands they sell more CPVD streaming services (CBS, Paramount, Viacom, Desilu).
The dialogue is often awkward, but one can have fun with that. /trek/ memes exploit clunky shit from every show, grab low hanging fruit for teh lulz.
pic related, wtf is up we me wanting to fugg Saru's sister?

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Star Trek Continues mirror universe opening.

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shame that guy sounds like a child, the writing is decent

Kirk in that show is a pedo irl

ah, makes sense, sure sounds like it

Did star trek ever win an Emmy?

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STC was great for a fanfiction, better than Axanar.
The bug up my ass about it was the actors not "feeling" like our beloved TOS characters. They tried, though. They did better than I would have, so I canna kick them.

>The bug up my ass

Don't associate Trump with Star Trek please, thanks

They do in the new one tho.

It's a general thread, what did you expect? There's a reason why they're banned on the real boards.

Some meta is bound to come up.

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"Make the Empire Glorious Again" was right before bad Lorca bit the big one.
What did they mean by this?

It was a pretty clear reference to Trump.

Is this supposed to be a comedy?

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hey, guys. errr

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shut up

No, it is star trek. sci-fi with moral issues,

the way 7 of 9 says things
the rules of acquisition

Knock it off.

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make me, boy

I was referring to "the tyrant dies" aspect, /pol/lack.

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hi 229

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not him or fuck you bot.
I fuck with anyone.

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You're a rogue, a black flag-rebel, a menace.

Can I subscribe to your podcast? This is quality.

and here erryday, making shit for us. There are too many lazy/phone posters now. /trek/ used to be more creative.

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I agree.
Aren't they supposed to release the new Shortbus Treks before the Picard spin-off?

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Disco ses 3 will premiere moths before picard


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>I wonder if they felt humiliated.
No, the black guy is a piece of shit IRL. He spews racist crap on Twitter. During the Trek doctors panel at the Vegas convention he was bragging about how STD is more diverse than the other shows.
The guy who plays nuSpock was like a diva at the recent Vegas convention. He had his own little booth, was calling security on the people who would wait in the line if they were looking at their smartphones because he didn't want them to take pics of him.

I think the Shortbus come first, then Picard and STD (although season 3 might air in late 2020).

MAGA Dukat are my favorite trek memes.

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Probably true. They were all creaming in their pants over him in Trials and Tribbilations.

Balance of Terror


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>Nog's actor died

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Very well.
That will be all for now.

Stunning and Brave
Johnathan is a warm and accepting man.

Also, poor form.

No out of universe content, please.
Thank you.

if anyone doesn't like anything you listed, or say journey to babel or doomsday machine, then they are worth nothing anyway

>opinion not mine
>opinion bad
>simple as

simple as

I like like that people have their own opinions?
But like I don't like that they're like all in your face about it?
It's like watch my space, dude?

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I disagree. I think she has a wonderful form.

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terrible form

Starrr traj

Some people just don't have a sense of humor. The joke is that Quaice looks like Brimley. Quaice-posting has been a thing recently in /trek/ while diabeetus-posting is a proud tradition.

she's practicing her spotting, retard

She should probably see the doctor. Spotting could be indicative of some serious issues.

spotting with good form is the true test of a friend

>it's a Trip was a perfect gentleman episode

Or a sign of gynological cancer

shit man, Brunt (FTC) is better than anyone on STD
>that one when he was both in the same episode

working in the refinery.

Based loyal servant of the Dubsminion dabbing on those literal whos.

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>Quaice-posting has been a thing recently in /trek/
Spamming a bad joke is not a “thing”

I spam myself here all the time.

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We know

Spam your asshole

You stupid bitch.

This was a good episode

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At least after the finale he has Kasidy and his unborn sibling to keep him company.

I never thought about that. That's somewhat comforting.

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ok, elab?

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Yes, from the current news. It's likely they'll be as shit as the last ones, and their function is the same; to generate 'hype' for the new series and to fill in the gaps of the storyline that the main episodes will gloss over. The strategy is to provide almost all the story, but if you want to know everything, you have to buy the associated media. It's stupid and transparent.

It was a few of us yesterday...there is no podcast, just a sincere attempt to have a serious discussion about /trek/. Join in, everyone is welcome.

Yes it was. Here's to you laddies...

Attached: We'll go back to Cardassia....jpg (694x530, 67K)

>Join in, everyone is welcome.

watching this ep right now

Here. Right here. The only way /trek/ becomes more than 'PROMENADE!' is if we make it so.

What do you want to talk about user?

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Will the holodeck end civilization?


>*beep bop*
>On orders of Lt. Barclay, the holodeck waste disposal unit has been reconfigured. Specifics are currently not available.

I don't think so. It's the same question about virtual reality, videogames, porn, etc. The only thing it would do is entertain and distract the people who would normally revolt against the establishment and the people who would not be successful in life anyway. If 40% of the population is going to be permanently out of work, then either you let them think about why they have no power and who's responsible or you distract them so they don't notice. Holodecks will cure this and provide an outlet for our biological tendencies towards violence.

Our current world has two worlds now; the real, and the digital. If you have the capability of making an ideal digital world, you'll probably want to stay inside it. Not unlike ReadyPlayerOne, I think a connected Holodeck situation would be what ends up happening; that you can either do your own thing or link up with other people for adventures, orgies, and all the rest.

What do you think user?

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Anyone got some of that Voyager fanart from jjchopper saved up? He deleted his art page and all the work is gone

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I think holodecks will have ads and will be hell to use.

Collagefag / what do you think user still trying to create discussion in this dead general

If you care so much, why didn't you save it? Riddle me that one, buddy.

>if it’s on the internet it’s there forever!

Give collage-bro a break. He's just trying to make a living. (You)s are hard to come by these day.

I hate his shitty mosaics and wished he still posted them so I could remind him how much they suck

You could just find them in the archive, repost them and then complain about them. Problem solved.

make threa

>pegging hentai lizards
>ensign qt walks in on me
>makes grossed out face
>have to face her at work the next day

RIP /trek/

Maybe it's time we took a break.

Shut up Ross

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>delivers your hapa baby

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ayo hol' up

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make new threa

>o'brien never thanks him
what did he mean by this?

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Jellico is an incel power fantasy

Where would he get the idea that Ira wanted to kill Nog? Wasn't Nog rumored to get his own show a while back?

watch the docu.

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I want to watch it, and I will eventually. I pay for my content, and I'm currently saving up for something.

It's nice to know that he has a sporting chance of not going down that dark path this time around.

new thread when

where’s the new thread?


>I pay for my content
C-come again?