Monogamous relationships are problematic, if you aren't in an open relationship in the year 2019 you're a bigot. Being a cuckold is actually a great way if strengthening emotional bonds with your significant other, don't let incels tell you otherwise, uuuuuuh I'm armed with FACTS.
Monogamous relationships are problematic, if you aren't in an open relationship in the year 2019 you're a bigot...
Other urls found in this thread:
Hah. This strawman you made up sounds really fucking dumb, dude :P
You know as well as me that monogamy is gonna get "debunked" one day
Why can't the right-wing address arguments on their own merits?
>*hits adam with a blistering left hook*
>*steps in with a thunderous uppercut as he is sparked, fully seprating him from consciousness and sending his KOed husk crashing to the floor*
>Muh slippery slope
like clockwork
The events of the last 10 years have proven the slippery slope is very real.
Your delusional fantasies are why you continue to be an outcast and why the average person has no fucking clue what you're talking about.
B'd and RP'd
>Adam Conover
>Adam Con
>A dam con, over
Really makes you think
>gets all his sources from wikipedia articles that get updated every 5 seconds
>eternal love isn't real lol
I can easily see this segueing into ADAM RUINS MONOGAMY like in the OP
You WILL eat bugs.
In the next 10 years, a first world state will gender transition a child against the parent's wishes. It's going to be a big story when it does happen, with a lot of attention from both sides of the issue.
And I'm not even saying this is necessarily a bad thing, because even I have mixed feelings being bisexual myself, but it will happen. Doubt all you want now, but once it happens, remember me, remember me telling you this, and think about where we'll go next.
>Hah. This strawman you made up sounds really fucking dumb, dude :P
>Your delusional fantasies are why you continue to be an outcast and why the average person has no fucking clue what you're talking about.
my favorite was the one where he said we shouldn't enforce national borders because people can fly on planes over them, and used a woman and her daughter to portray illegal immigration
Literally a satan worshiper
based retard
Nobody ever produced a reasonable argument as to why slippery slope is wrong.
I'm not crazy when I think that most leftists on tv come off insincere right?
He sounds like he selling something he doesn't really care for? Am I just extremely Jaded?
Explain the leap of logic where the state can force elective surgery on a minor against its guardians wishes
Open relationships are the way to go, imo. Unless you're a perma virgin and you just got a gf by sheer happenstance.
>mfw I just fucked some fat bitch with huge ass titties last night
Enjoy your empty, meaningless love life. The fact you go to coombrain levels of thought, that open relationship = good because me get tiddie says everything
99.9% of guys in open relationships are not able to get other bitches
Transitioning doesn't always mean surgery. The minor wishes it. Social services support child's decision. Forcing the child to remain in their unwanted gender is determined to be abuse.
wow I can fuck fat girls???
Reminds me of the baby they force transitioned for that study
The only good episode Adam had was on circumcision, and he was too pussy to call out how it's still fucked up when jews do it and to point out it's perpetuated because of jewish doctors.
Open relationship is a meme so a woman can take money from one man who has it and take dick from another man because the first man isn't good at giving it. She's taking two half relationships and trying to duct tape them into one whole one. It leaves everyone unhappy in the end.
So hormones? The state can't even force vaccinations
Otherwise you're talking about the state forcing parents to just let it wear the opposite genders clothes which is equally ridiculous
Might aswell share a fleshlight desu
>gets BTFO by Joe Rogan of all people
They already do against one guardians wishes
lol enjoy your hambeast while your gf gets spitroasted by jamal and tryone
>So hormones?
Most likely, yes. I doubt something extreme like surgery would happen first.
>The state can't even force vaccinations
This is changing rapidly. This year several US states removed personal belief exemptions for mandatory vaccinations for schoolchildren. I'm not sure about Europe & Canada, but I can only assume it's more progressive the most US state policies.
All the arguments against it ITT are just "oof" and "yikes" tier lmao
Those exemptions were for public school enrollment. They still can't force you to vaccinate your kid, it just has to go to private school.
It's also because something like a measles outbreak has societal implications. A 4th grade class isn't going to get sick and die because one boy decides he wants to wear a dress
Ya they will when it decides to suicide bomb the school because they dead named it
>misuse of fallacy
Like clockwork
I already fucked 3 other girls this month. Don't really care who she sleeps with.
No one cares, virgin.
If you have trouble getting laid and go into an open relationship thinking it'll improve your chances, you've done fucked up.
>giving money to your gf
What a fucking cuckold.
It is a "logical fallacy" in the sense that just because x happened and y happened, there is no guarantee z will happen. But obviously in the real world, when you have an inexorable social movement seeking "progress" by tearing down existing social order and taboo, and they tear down x and y, they're gonna start looking mighty hard at z
It's already happened where one parent approved and the other didn't. There is no question it will happen, it will happen within the next 5 years.
It's already considered child abuse in Canada to not transition your child and not call it by its preferred pronoun
I’m left leaning as fuck and I feel the same way about these people. They’re like mindless automata just doing what they’re told rather than doing it cause they actually think it’s right or morally correct.
Tim to embrace Islam and destroy these degenerates of Sodom and Gomorrah, my brother
Him playing an annoying faggot is kind of the whole bit
>Those exemptions were for public school enrollment.
Do you think legislation is unable to affect private schools? Because that's not the case. There is precedent in programs starting in public schools become legislated into private school. Title IX, etc. But I digress.
>It's also because something like a measles outbreak has societal implications.
The same argument can be made for misgendering.
They always, ALWAYS argue in bad faith. This is why most of their arguments are to be discarded entirely.
>women and minorities are human beings who have rights under the law and should be treated as human beings
>don't be sexist, homophobic, transphobic, racist or xenophobic
Woah dude they're gonna start white genocide next if the gamers don't rise up
You're laying it on too thick
It's already happened
>The father went to court to try to block the treatment from proceeding, but in February B.C. Supreme Court Justice Gregory Bowden ruled that the child was “exclusively entitled” to consent to treatment under the B.C. Infants Act and that there should be no further delay, citing a previous suicide attempt.
The left has been against monogamy since Engels wrote property family and the state.
The difference here is that it is one parent supporting it over the objections of the other. The next step is the child over the objection of both parents, and some people are trying to claim this will never happen.
Oh, well that's what I get for not being informed about gender politics outside of the US.
Are we at nationalized healthcare paying for gender transitions yet? Or I guess that's probably what's happened in this case, too.
>So, 7 year olds, right? They know they wanna be trans, right? I mean, I'm no expert, but my trans "folk" friends say it's normal for a 7 year old to wanna get pumped up with estrogen, right? I mean, I haven't read the research, but I've heard from trans "folk", right?, that peeling the flesh off your thighs and forming a non-functioning flesh tube out of it, right?, and having it surgically attached to your pelvis, right?, is something a mentally healthy person does, right? I'm not going to use anecdotal evidence but but my trans "folk" told me they love having pus-dripping, blood-spilling gashes, right?, carved out of their male genitalia, right? I mean, it's just normal.
I don't know how anyone watches this guy seriously
>The video game episode
>but they're for everybody
>oh, I'm sorry, maybe they should market games to girls
>oh so there isn't really a problem then
The guy frequently contradicts himself within minutes and still people eat this shit up
Why is Adam advocating cannibalism?
what part of the child being "exclusively entitled" to consent contradicts that? By the sound of it, it's incidental that one of the parents support it.
The only way that could happen is if the ruling also made children able to consent to things like medical procedures without their parents. And it would require the state to pay for it because a kid cannot file an insurance claim, nor have a bank account to pay for such medical procedures.
While I don't doubt they will endeavor to push a law for such a thing, it would have to be very, very specifically worded in order to not open the floodgates to much, much more stuff kids can "consent" to.
Which, as I say this I remember that the progressives and LGBT are hugely pro-pedophile and want to normalize sex around young children, so I have no doubt that it would be part of the proposal.
I don't disagree at all, the reasoning used implies exactly what you're saying, and that it is inevitable that such a case will occur and the court will therefore rule in favor of the child, based on this reasoning. But it hasn't technically happened over the objections of both parents yet.
This podcast was excellent
>No dude because the rate of suicide goes up
>Well that's just like, your anecdotal evidence
>No, according to multiple studies the suicide rate universally goes up for post op trans people
>Well I know one transfolk who says they're happier now that they've transitioned so that's all the evidence I need
This podcast is the reason his show is taped and not live anymore.
Slippery slope isn't a fallacy but people use it as one.
Slippery slope isn't a fallacy.
Yeah, I'm sure it will get lots of press, but for anyone who thinks the parents stand a chance at stopping it-- sorry the game's already lost.
don't be retarded, sexual orientation has nothing to do with this tranny insanity.
Yeah that's already happening
Would it bother you much if she found someone she liked more than you and left you or would you just find another girl?
>herpes isn't a big deal
>even though it causes cervical and prostate cancer
>Feelings of uncertainty/decreased gender dysphoria
>not feeling dysphoric is a symptom of dysphoria
funnily enough most people who feel dysphoria end up just being either depressed, gay, or both.
My depression made me feel dysphoric just because self-loathing logically leads to hatred of your body and the notion you'd be happier as the opposite gender is enticing
The best harem ends are where everyone loves everyone. None of this "only sharing a partner" nonsense. Everyone must love everyone.
>The only way that could happen is if the ruling also made children able to consent to things like medical procedures without their parents. And it would require the state to pay for it because a kid cannot file an insurance claim, nor have a bank account to pay for such medical procedures.
>While I don't doubt they will endeavor to push a law for such a thing, it would have to be very, very specifically worded in order to not open the floodgates to much, much more stuff kids can "consent" to.
>Which, as I say this I remember that the progressives and LGBT are hugely pro-pedophile and want to normalize sex around young children, so I have no doubt that it would be part of the proposal.
Canada is like a test bed for ideas cooked up by American leftist academics. Same thing happened in the 80s when Catherine MacKinnon got to effectively write Canada's laws on pornography, while getting btfo'd by the Bill of Rights in her own country.
Well put, this sums up my experience in high school pretty well. I'm glad I never did anything drastic because my life is a lot better as an adult.
Getting killed by black people is good for you. If you aren't contributing to reducing the white mortality rate in the year 2019 then you're a bigot. Worrying about protecting your own life shows your ignorance of the American history of racism. I'm Adam and I'm armed with FACTS.
>We'll teach those fucking goyim what happens when they have white children
Well yeah, large majority of ”"""""”"trans"""""" kid grow out of it before adulthood. Unless of course fame and attention seeking parent make them sterilise themselves for social kudos
Sorry, no matter how bad you make him look I will never forget the time Joe Rogan lost his shit when he merely suggested “maybe not every woman is attracted to muscle heads”
If it does happen, it'll either come out of the Hyper-Progressive Canada, or it will likely happen in England where I'm almost certain laws on consent will be re-written soon due to muslims taking over.
>Muslims accept any kind of LGBT
Dude they're the one who vocally against it
He's talking about age of consent going to 9 like in Muslim nations
oh shit guys i think i have gender dysmorphia
its like all the polcels do is watch cable tv all day. lmfao how are those commercials cucks?
not if the incels revolt first
I didn't say the muslims would be ok with the trans shit, I said that they're going to change the consent laws to make rape legal and change age of consent to like, 8 or something because literally the only thing muslims think about 24/7 is raping children.
And once they do that, you'll get all kinds of other fun LGBT stuff with it. At least until the muslims finish taking over completely and put all gays and queers in concentration camps.
I don't even subscribe to this trans shit, but this presentation is clearly using examples of depressed supposed trans kids and saying "these COULD be signs of gender dyshfjsjdfia" which isn't wrong if you subscribe to that train of thought, it's not saying "if you have these you're trans" this is the kind of shit you see repeatedly when you go to medical conferences. They'll say anger is a symptom of just about any fucking disease out there
>he doesnt watch the sport ball
>he doesn't watch the boomer westerns
>he doesn't watch comfy car shows like Wheeler Dealers and Top Gear
>he doesn't watch fat people talk about food for 30 minutes
Confirmed for a no life dork, lol.
post tits
Sure, but it comes with the territory. After my last gf and I broke up, I've sort of just become numb. Open relationships aren't for everyone. If both parties aren't 100% on board with the idea, you're destined for failure.
In Colorado I’ve met a ton of people in open relationships. It’s usually a hot girl and hippy, the guy is usually tall and skinny but very feminine and the girl is usually super ditzy. Both will be so insane talking to them feels like your talking to a living meme. It’s very strange.
Yeah when watching him talk about love I get the very strong sense that he's jaded about it rather than speaking honestly about it. Because if he was speaking honestly about it, he would go on about WHY it's so important that traditional marriages should persist in society, despite that yes, infatuation doesn't last forever. But it also seems like he's purposely trying to conflate love with infatuation just so he's able to dismiss it more easily.
What I hate about his show as well is how EVERYTHING he says, is said in a way so it's suppose to be coming off as a fact, when he CONSTANTLY mixes opinion into his show without separating the two. And fuck, even most of his facts aren't really facts.
Not if you live in reality.
That's the whole point. None of this is genuine, it's just fabricated clickbait he sells for money. It's a persona he maintains and sells. I guarantee in truth he doesn't give a single shit about any of the topics he "ruins" and he probably doesn't believe most of the things he says. It's not a hard thing to do, really.
This "le ebin progressives tearing everything up" meme is very exaggerated.
>clearly using examples of depressed supposed trans kids
If that were the case then "Depression" would not be one of the bullet points. "Depression is a sign of dysphoria in depressed tranny kids" makes no fucking sense.
Here's more shit taken directly from "tranny kids" conferences.
>Isn't it a coincidence your true love lives 20 minutes away instead of say, moldova?
I don't think I'd fall in love very easily with someone who doesn't speak English. Hell, I'd even wager that everyone has a likely thousands of different "Ones" out there but the real meaning of the ONE is the one you can find that is willing to love you and work symbiotically with you to provide happiness to both (or more if you count children) parties.
>Wesley J. Smith
Who is this show for? 11 year olds? He's just arguing against the "happily ever after" cliche.
>No, according to multiple studies the suicide rate universally goes up for post op trans people
false, according to what I've read, though there's still a paucity of large-scale studies.
That's HPV
Should've pit them against each other first. Someone should persuade the muslims to kill the LBGT degenerates first because the Quran said so.
I think you're being a bit generous there with reference to this guys audience.
I see boomers talking on Facebook dropping redpills in every news posting, no fucks given
You can say that all day, but most people can see otherwise. That trick only works in the beginning of the slide down the slope.
Or you're just trying to downplay it.
>most people
Yeah I'm sure. Keep thinking that bro
The fantasy and parody of years past is the reality of the present
I like that frog, and I’m saving it so you get a (You), but otherwise you’re quite literally a cuck and I’ve got a 20 year old wife
There's a big difference between that and "If you approve gay marriage, you're going to have zoophilia in ten years".
>The child was was exclusively entitled to consent
Pedophilephobes btfo
Worse, it's just the parody. We don't even get the cool tech, just the trannies and Big Brother shit.
Yeah, the reality is that we got pedophilia, not zoophilia.
Not really. Molesting children is HIGHLY illegal and that's unlikely to change.
Uh huh
Actually, read this right here. They're redefining consent. You need to get your head out of your ass.
Not a reliable source.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
When will trannies (like you) learn
Kill yourself.
>national post
The medical and legal definition of consent hasn't changed.
Not a reliable source either.
>umm no sweaty? the definition isn't changed yet so it never will, please just ignore the courts declaring that a child has the exclusivity to his consent mmk honeybunny? oh sweaty honey aren't you tired? don't you want a nappy? oh cutiebear just go take a nappybye okay sweetums?
it's going to piss me off if the US gets nationalized healthcare and they cover this stuff but not prescription eyeglasses
Provide evidence that the definition has changed, or GTFO nigger
have seethe
as with a lot of this, you'll see it come as a "yes, but" campaign. child molestation will still be illegal, but it's not unreasonable to see pushes to have age of consent be taken down to 16 across the US, as well as more sweeping reform to legalize prostitution along the same route we have with drugs. both of those together would make it very, very easy for adults to have sex with 14 or so year olds on demand just like epstein did with his ring, because there's going to be a lot of money in it, the culture will tolerate it, and the law will be content to ignore it.
also definition of consent has changed, affirmative consent laws push to redefine consent as specific phrases and relationships the court must see proven rather than understandings based around reasonable expectation. not unrealistic to see courts dismissing child prostitution charges if it's made cheap to do so
>definition of consent has changed
To be much stricter yeah.
cancerous meme
Monogamy is fucking stupid you cuck. Men are supposed to want to sleep with as many women as possible.
Why, are you a trannie?
here's another source for you
actually this is the link I meant to post first
>the decline of civilization happened because too many men decided they wanted to be girls
kinda funny when you think about it. imagine enduring centuries of suffering to find out your distant ancestors go out this way
Fundamentalist Christians and Muslims united would be capable of militant religious supremacy.
Not relevant. While distasteful, it's about on the level of child beauty pageants, and doesn't change in any way the fact that sex with minors is highly illegal and is very harshly punished in the US
>/pol/tards ITT think LGBTQIA+ is going to segue into widespread pedophilia.
You're fucking retarded if you believe this. The next big thing is going to be polyamory/open relationships. They'll market it as open minded, new and significantly cheaper than monogamy. It's only AFTER this, that we'll begin to see pedophilia, and it's not going to be in the way you think. Because daily reminder: Age of Consent Laws were pushed by Feminists. You might think the AOC will be reduced for everyone, it won't. You won't get to date virginal teens, but Muslims in NW Europe will get away with marrying child brides after becoming citizens. Gays, and Trans people are going to get uncomfortably close to children in public and private and you'll be labeled as a bigot if you think we should look into that.
Basically, everyone's going to be able to do whatever they want with anyone of any age, except for you. If you've got any ideas about scooping up at 15-16 year old after the Pedosexual movement happens, and trying to assemble some semblance of normalcy, you're out of luck. You're stuck with used up roasties, young girls are for everyone else.
>It's ok as long as you don't ejaculate inside the toddler
Well that settles it.
imagine being this deluded
I never said that, and you know it, you sorry sack of shit.
a lot of this stuff happens behind closed doors dude. grooming children and then passing them around is child exploitation.
Fuck off poltard
Advocates for open degeneracy must be beheaded publicly as an example. God wills it. Deus Vult et Allahu Akbar. May the Crescent and the Cross combine as one mighty weapon against moral decay.
Imagine thinking it won't happen this way. Go dilate, you hellbound abomination.
And that's illegal.
we should be investigating and shutting down all of these child grooming operations then
Wow there must be a trannie discord itt.
I'm sure the FBI is investigating a bunch right now.
A lot of transgender people are actually conservative, from what I've seen
your persecution complex is insane. if "
Basically, everyone's going to be able to do whatever they want with anyone of any age" then that includes you and me you deluded faggot.
My favorite part of that episode is when the other guy - a seven year old child - points out that the games he mentions as being popular among women are all casual games, completely unlike what he plays, and Adam just tells him to shut up. The episode continues as if Adam refuted him. Even in a scripted episode, arguing with a nine-year-old, Adam is a moron.
I liked his episode about abstract art though.
>it's about on the level of child beauty pageants
>about on the level
i.e. not - can you explain why you sympathize with pedophiles?
if its a free for all im getting my 15 year old pussy. if abdul gets a child pride but the government prevents me from a 15 yo then there will mass shooting literally every single day
>why you sympathize with pedophiles
I don't, unless they have the self control to restrain themselves, which is worthy of respect.
yes, but weaponization can go both ways. moving consent away from reasonable mutual understanding to any other arbitrary point opens up holes to warp it into whatever you need.
It's not a far jump from ruling a verbal "yes, I want to do X" is required for consent to saying that since someone got that from a minor they've done all reasonably required to understand the nature/repercussions of the sexual act. the heightened standard backfires on itself, all that's protecting us from it as is are the states that stand against affirmative consent laws and the legal/cultural understanding that minors are inherently unable to comprehend the full depth of sexual activity, but with us giving power for them to change their own gender identity, sexual preference and lifestyle, and sexualizing kids more in general it won't be long
reality has a well known conservative bias
t. Plebbit
Unlikely, given the very strong general distaste for pedophilia.
Nope, all resources are going toward building dossiers on bad goys for when mass arrests begin
If your girl asks for an open-relationship its the most obvious sign to drop her. Not sure how this isnt obvious to everyone
*tips tinfoil hat*
>cancerous meme
>committs suicide
again, for now. go back to 1985 and ask the general public what they thought about gays, hell go back to 2000 and ask about transgenders. when frames from the old (true) viewpoint as old men creeping on young children pedophilia will always be hated, but reframed as youths expressing their sexuality it already has been accepted in some circles, like with the desmond shit
a lot of pretty similar stuff to this happened in the 60's/70's, minors were passed around constantly by "enlightened" hippie groups that had moved past antiquated morality. We haven't fallen that far yet but we're certainly coming closer and closer to the edge
cant wait to fuck 14 year olds
based kikes
In the 1980s gays were quietly accepted in a lot of areas. A lot of states had repealed their sodomy laws (which BTW weren't often enforced at that point outside of cases of rape) by legislation.
Because to the people that you use it against, its not a slope, its a slide.
Liberals are not leftist.
>it will only stop 70% of ikkegal crossings so tjere you go walls dont work LET THEM IN. EAT THE BUGS. DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH
Liberals socialists and commies are all more or less identical.
The one that got molested and killed himself?
cool pol selfie
I think that goes to my point though, consuming 80's media and culture you would never think homosexuality would be widely accepted and certainly not to the extent today. within 40 years we've seen a complete flip on public stance to the point NOT saying you completely accept gays not only as equal in legal rights but also in personal morality can get you fired or worse.
pedophilia is quietly accepted in a lot of sexually liberated circles too, if not as an actively growing trend then as complicity/indifference.
I don't think we'll see full abolition of age of consent laws off the bat, but first making it 16 across the board and then slowly blurring the line on punishment as people become more accepting of it is fine. this already happened in a lot of places once, as controlled as we all are now it'd just take the right implementation track
>my form of authoritarian rule is totally different from the others, those guys are fascists while I just want to take everything I deem worthy of government control and coerce, beat, or kill anyone that disagrees!
Remember muh 10000 sealed indictments? Its white nationalists
>my form of authoritarian rule is totally different from the others, those guys are fascists while I just want to take everything I deem worthy of government control and coerce, beat, or kill anyone that disagrees!
If you think someone like Noam Chomsky or Murray Bookchin is equivalent to Stalin or his apologists, you're probably retarded.
when the boot presses down on my neck I don't really care if the person doing it calls themself a reformist communist or libertarian socialist.
you can name your group whatever you want, but if its core philosophy is unlimited government control over private citizens I'm not too hung up on the differences
You forgot to stomp on his head a little bit
this but unironically
The left doesn't make arguments
Something the average leftist simply cannot do. It's their ideologies cornerstone, they say men are women and women are men and try to claim the side of truth. It's disgusting, they're nothing but miserable contemptuous dregs that want to make everyone as miserable and ugly as they are.
Cantwell ratted to cops but Corbin has been arrested on absolutely no legitimate charges. He sent a mean text to a politician who assaulted people, collected info on antifa and took video of them attacking people. It really is fucked what they’re doing to him.
This. Have sex incels. Full stop.
t. All the leftists seething itt
See you in 2020
>I think that goes to my point though, consuming 80's media and culture you would never think homosexuality would be widely accepted
this is factually false and you're just making shit up you mentally ill trash, you know nothing of 1980's gay culture, shut your fucking face you grandstanding fake little cunt
>Your delusional fantasies are why you continue to be an outcast
need I remind you, you're posting on Yea Forums - you absolute n1gger
They can't go anywhere without plastering their assmadness everywhere, if people stopped paying attention to them they unironically wither up and die
He isn't talking about 1980s gay culture, you illiterate nigger. He's clearly talking about mainstream media from the time, which DID NOT have a steady slew of diverse characters.
1980's was full of mainstream gay culture and that's the reason it's the mainstream now, everything pre 2010 wasn't some conservative dream you fucking stupid leftists/alright kiddies
More attempts by the left to gaslight. Fuck off and die you miserable piece of shit. THE WORLD WOULD BE BETTER OFF WITHOUT YOU. NOBODY WANTS YOU AROUND YOU WHINY PIECE OF SHIT.
who's that guy and why sould i care?
>not being a cuck and letting Tyrone creampie my gf makes me a cuck
Enjoy your AIDs and eventual suicide after the appeal of porking hambeasts loses its lustre, "stud"
Jesus christ. Can't blame the dude. I'd legit do the same. Dump them right on the spot.
And fags WILL try to push pedophilia acceptance within ten years and you will be called a bigot for not letting your kids be molested by the fag raised kids. Get ready fuckers, you enabled these predators and now you'll pay for it.
I don’t get the point of sacrificing something that important to you for 20 something minutes of slightly different pleasure
Kids raised by gays hitting on straight kids
Firstly, its not pedophilia by definition
Secondly, there is no certainty that the kid will be gay.
Thirdly, In what world did you grow up that gay kids go around bullying and molesting straights? Lol they would get so fucked up and noone would give a shit.
sanest post I've read all day
That guy is so baffling to me. How unaware can you possibly be about yourself that you actively suppress evidence when providing “facts” just so you can justify your standpoint?
Gays reproduce by molestation this is common knowledge (its how you became gay afterall lmao)
Of course that image is already fucking memed, jesus, pilotredsun, thank you for nonsense and true fucking art!
The government isn't stopping you from getting an 18 year old. Your bad genes are.
Based and golden experiencepilled
Damn... we're all trans!!!!!
Too many? I've only seen one tranny in my life. I honestly don't get where all the hysteria is coming from because I only see them online. The way people are talking about it's like there's a tranny hiding in every bush outside or something.
Based and kek!
California should be purged.