This shit is going to suck donkey dick, isn't it?
This shit is going to suck donkey dick, isn't it?
Are these juggalos?
>Muh Trump analog fan fiction
Why are they so butthurt? It's not like he's actually done anything to hurt their agendas.
fucking kek
You're gonna need to get used to Trump criticism/satire/metaphors/etc because they're gonna be popular for decades.
You mean forced by the media
It's only going to be the best show of the year
Miss Me Yet?
I bet everyone in that group of villains is going to be white.
>muh religion bad!
Big brown slave donkey dick
>betting on the safest odds possible
Doomsday Clock will likely be the better overall sequel.
Zero percent chance of being good.
what a lot of tiresome crap
Why do people say his movie is bad?
>Newspaper publishes Rorschach's journal
>Rorschachers are allusions to alt-righters
>the show will focus on how the peace caused by this event of deception will be disrupted due to Rorschachers that want "vengeance"
>the main question of the show: is it righteous to disrupt a society at peace for the crimes of men in the past who no longer exist and have no bearing on present day?
>Rorschachers blow up Manhattan to throw it into chaos
>never compromise with niggers
>not even in the face of Armageddon
Whoa the hints were always there
biggest takeaway is be glad leftovers was made when it happened and not post-trump
people are stupid. the director's cut is one of the best capeshit films of all time, easily top 5
The Leftovers is just another LOST wannabe
Rorschach's mother's last name was Glick. Rorschach worked with Nite Owl II for ten years, Nite Owl's last night is Dreiberg.
They're literally both Jewish but you just know Rorschach would be the most self hating Jew ever.
it ended that way, yeah, but i still rate the first season a solid 8/10
>is it righteous to disrupt a society at peace for the crimes of men in the past who no longer exist and have no bearing on present day?
Isn't this a core tenant of "de-colonizing?"
yeah but don't expect the far left to ever really self analyze or think critically about their politics
Just watch LOST instead because it's better in every single way. Just like this show will be another LOST wannabe show as well. LOST literally made TV obsolete.
Just like the Bush satire/metaphors/insults/criticism/etc, right? Or whenever the next dude with R after his name gets elected will the "media" do what they're doing now and spout out the "Trump is/was actually a decent man" and whatnot?
Snyder doesn't suck any less just because Lindelof is a clown.
>Forgetting that Rorschach is literally Ayn Rand The Superhero
Ayn was not a selfhating Jew. it wasn't in her interest.
>12 tickets to Joker please
He hated any element that subverted healthy society and the New Frontiersman newspaper was basically /pol/ so...
>Rorschachers are allusions to alt-righters
Why the fuck are the guys fighting for "truth" alt-righters? Why the fuck wouldn't they be pissed off a good chunk of the world's biggest cities were destroyed because of a fucking conspiracy?
>>Rorschachers blow up Manhattan to throw it into chaos
>written by Damon Lindelof
dead on arrival
Have you two ever thought that it’s a critique of both parties?
BTW I made all of this up but screencap it because it might come true
It won't be.
I don't get it
why the fuck are almost all the main characters niggers
can they at least be subtle these days jesus
yes but not because of your sjw boogie man but because its written by hollywoods worst writer, the hack job extraordinaire Damon Lindelof
not at fucking all, Zack "batman gets raped in prison" Snyder. I wish your daughter had offered herself before you could have ever made man of murder
> sjw boogie man but because its written by hollywoods worst writer
I think the second resulted in the first. He's such a fucking hack he's going to take away the moral ambiguity of Moore's writing.
He wrote LOST which is still the best show ever made so he still gets a pass