How would you have saved it? Was it even possible to save it?

How would you have saved it? Was it even possible to save it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Morgan Webb, Layla Keighly, Kirsten Holt, Blair Butler, and Tina Wood all do a daisy chain cum show

More fanservice and less Cops, Cheaters, american ninja warrior.

This. These easy to spam, off topic shows poisoned G4 at its very core. Movies that Don't Suck was fun though. Formerly a good channel.

Add in Alison Haislip, Olivia Munn, that other Blair, the Playboy chick they had towards the end and the chick from Jericho and you've got a deal.

Not target people with internet access who can find needed information in 2 minutes. Once that became easy, it was done as far as raw info. Should've been all about original content with a stable of hosts covering news and entertainment and giving opinion. And whatever sci-fi reruns they could get until finally getting their "Always Sunny" type low budget hit.

Should have kept the original programming from TechTV and G4 going. Arena could have eaten Twitch's lunch if it was given a proper budget. People run entire YouTube channels that make exactly the programming that Icons was. The channel was ahead of it's time, bit it was given the knuckledragging fuckbois that tried to make it a TV channel instead of a TV/web integrated channel.

Morgan Webb was my first waifu

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Yeah, I don't understand how showing reruns of garbage like that is a "budget thing"

All of their shows were just "two assholes standing in a room in their studio," how much could it possibly cost to just make more episodes of those

Wasn't it doomed cause nobody wanted to carry it?

G4 was always kinda gay. TechTV was great

Those shows were the fucking worst. All they had at the end was 24/7 Cops and Ninja Warrior. Kind of like when Nick GAS only played Legends of the Hidden Temple and GUTS at the end of its life.

I destroyed that maxim she was in.

I'd much rather see random episodes of previously aired x-play and AOTS than all of those filler series.

i would just turn it to Yea Forums the network


Nothing; it's prime demographic ditched cable and adopted streaming back in the late 2000s. I guess starting a youtube channel in 2009 might have.

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>That incredibly awkward last season of X-Play where Sess isn't even there anymore.
>That douchebag that replaced Sess
>Morgan completely phoning it in at the end
>No skits
>Awful reviews

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I would have fired Layla Kayleigh. She was hot and all but I think it wasn't worth ruining the entire company's finances buying the silence of all the little boys she molested.

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I wanna just suck her dick in an Olive Garden bathroom

breast reduction

Tell me more

Don't kids watch people play video games on twitch and youtube these days? Seems weird a TV station couldn't make it work.


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>NBCUniversal terminates Layla Kayleigh after not renewing her G4 contract; no reasons given
>hosts America's Best Dance Crew, always gives more attention to the younger dancers and crews
>always talks about how she'd most like to hang/dance with (insert kid crew here)
>disappears off the face of the Earth
>starts managing a "boy band"
>social media is filled with pictures of her hanging out with teenage boys at home, at events, in her car, but never in a studio
>boy band never releases any music or videos; never has any type of publicity
>people on social media question whether it's real or not, and why she spends so much time with them
>deletes all social media; disappears off the face of the Earth again
>divorces her husband
>comes back on social media with a completely new name

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It was a different time. A better time.

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>Olivia Munn

I liked code monkeys

What's her new name?


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>buy TechTV
>don't fuck with it

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You know the whole reason they were able to buy TechTv was because nobody was watching it in the first place right

Probably make animated shit like code monkeys but actually good.

Code monkeys was good

I don't think it could have been saved once it started having news from MySpace and Facebook on shit like Attack of the Show. They were around for the death of geek culture, before the normalfags got hold of it and made it into Funco Pop figures and hoarding.

I wouldn't hear a word she said just stared at those balloon tits

>I'm Morgan Webb, this is my co-host Kristin Holt... welcome to SYBIAN SPEEDRUNS!

DisneyXD did that for awhile. But it didn't work out for long because a block dedicated to gaming one night a week doesn't compete with youtube at all, also they would show people playing games like pubg but have to censor guns firing.

Was nuts to think just how far ahead of the times they really were. Even “clip” shows like nocturnal emissions could be considered the predecessor of the vapor wave scene. I’d argue there still a huge market for well made “nerd” content, especially if the presenters and hosts are not fat spergs who poliarize the content before they even start presenting it. Personally I really appreciate high production value and professionalism, I think if they got a guy like LGR to cohost a chill show like screensavers the viewers would come back. The YouTube scene will be over soon as they clamp down on creators with each passing month and terrestrial media is actually gaining power back.

It was a budget thing because they could pay just as much or less to license these shows and get a bigger return in views as opposed to paying just as much or more for "two assholes standing in a room in their studio," which didn't get as much views.

On the X-Play boards

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MXC reruns instead of Cops.

>fat spergs who poliarize the content

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This random chick was prude but I always had a hate attraction towards her

>she co-hosted "In your pants" on Attack of the Show

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It's not even just because of LP or twitch. You can find in depth videos on every popular game, console, accessory on YT these days.

Tfw grew up watching Code Monkeys only to become an exact amalgamation of the two main characters

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Sauce....and new name?


>We want the pre-teen millennial shut in
Yeah, nah, it was fucked.

That's why I watch GameCenter CX, well, more like watched since the releases are so far apart now. They put effort into the shitty content, it's not just a let's play, they get out and DO things and it's interesting. America could easily adopt the same ideas, yet haven't. You need charismatic people that aren't disgusting to look at as hosts, and the only people on youtube that are trying to have production values tend to forget that content has to come with the production. It's all a mess.

There was a period around 2014/15 where I think if they hired guys like the Game Grumps to put out content exclusively for them they could have got back to being a real media network... maybe.. just spitballing

You’d be surprised at their demographics. More importantly they had an audience of people that actually spent money on products in the tech world.

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Morgan webb BLACKED

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She awoke my trashy punk girl fetish.

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Morgan makes me coomer

Nicole Aniston

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Y did the always air cops?

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I jerked off to morgan webb so much as a lad

that is all

This is the shit that killed G4 I swear to god. Attack Of The Show was garbage for normalfag retards who didn't care about any video games other than CoD/Halo. All they wanted was hot girl doing sexy stuff. G4 owners probably saw how much the video game nerds like the sexy female hosts of their video game shows and decided to just get straight to the point.
G4 could have been amazing. Fuck normalfags.

If you're just looking at each slot. But it alienated the audience and watered down the brand in the big picture. It was pennywise pound foolish programming.

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>company worth over a billion centered around watching people play videogames
>creators making tons of money covering videogames
>esports is big and getting bigger

Yeah, I think it was possible to save G4

I never got why people crapped on her especially back in the day calling her Morgan Manjaw. That chick was fine as fuck and if you check her twitter she just comes off as a nice person. And if she is a fake gamer she does a really good job at pretending, Adam Sessler was the actual phony and admitted to only getting into games for the job.

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Because fake gamer girls were beginning to be a thing then, and men were calling them out when they appeared. Megan was a false-positive, in that she fit basically all the outwardly signs of one. Was it fair to her? No. Were they wrong for noticing the patterns? No.

I forgot how tedious she could be about the defensive grrrl power thing. But back then it was hard to believe a girl who looked slightly above average could possibly like nerd things you like. We did get burned by Olivia Munn.

Attack of the Show was a good time.
It wasn't really about videogames. It was more of a news source

I remember listening to a Sessler's Vlog and he talked with pride about throwing out all his video game boxes and putting them all in you know one of those CD Carrying things. I knew he was a phony from that instant, I could never throwaway a box.

>kept all their shows like Portal etc
>never aired garbage like Cops/Cheaters

it should've stayed a gaming/tech channel

How is Sessler not dead yet? He sits in a constant state of JUST.

Half of what's wrong with games today can be traced back to G4.
>games are COOL and not for nerds and kids
>check out this video game TATTOO!
>hot girls who play video games!
Read or watch anything from that era (2003-2006, including Nintendo Power from 2005) and you'll see exactly what patient zero for the "women developers" and "open-mouth low-T nu-male" was.

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If they were trend setters they wouldn't have failed. They were chasing trends. They were trying to adapt to the cancer of nu media.

He's more coke than man now.

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Literally a failed chemotherapy patient.
They would never get away with having Seanbaby host network TV for an entire week these days. So amazing.

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Bases Sess

>doesn't give a shit about vidya like some numale neckbeard
>still portrays the game geek well like james rolfe
>literally carried all of G4tv on his shoulders
>his qt co-host always boasted this and for his journalist skills
>does mountains of coke during interviews
>fucks trannies
>trains boxing like a true high test male

Truly /ourguy/

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Trendsetters don't always live, though. Pig Stand created the concept of a drive-in restaurant, the onion ring, and Texas Toast, yet they eventually withered and died, or places like Ann & Hope or FedMart that served as inspiration to Wal-Mart and pioneered many of its concepts it made famous.

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>Adam Sessler was the actual phony
That's disappointing. I remember as young man thinking he had to be legit because he was so unappealing it could be the only explanation for why he was on TV. Kevin Pereira was the relatively smooth guy who was suspect. Naivete of youth.

Is Ses the true Alpha-Beta synthesis of a man made through cocaine alchemy?

this channel was ahead of its time. the executives fucked up majorly tho.

based and checked

ya can't mess the sess

yea unironically pereira was the most legitimate out of all G4TV and was just some tech message board fanboy before getting a job there

It's hard for me to blame G4 when the problem has always been and continues to be the community.

The community ate this shit up. Pasty faced neckbeards loved girls like Olivia Munn and Diane Mizota because "they were just like my japanese animes" and shit on girls like Morgan Webb because she looked like the popular girl from school who shit on them, despite the fact that Morgan was the only one that played games. All this shit still would have happened with or without G4 - most mainstream communities were shitshows. The most outgoing of the bunch were all incredibly socially awkward and the rest rewarded and/or put up with their behavior because they were too beta to do anything. If you tried to call anything out you were a bully/normalfag/douchebag.

There have been "women developers" forever, even during the dotcom. They only became a problem when this "culture" became wholly unable to stop rewarding for teet-sucking behavior and the leadership got usurped by ugly fucks who finally found an avenue for attention. Again - look at Morgan - actually played games, never died her hair nu-pink, never did any outlandish cosplay, now is largely a literally who. On the other hand Olivia Munn, rode that game girl attention seeking crap all the way into the arms of an NFL quarterback.

I still make the effort to not mingle with people who are too into videogames for this reason. You nerds needed to be less pussified, and its too late to correct now.

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>didn't put his hand around her and on her tits
2beta, not /ourguy/

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Fair point. I'll drink to it. I still think part of the problem was nu social media and the wave of woke shit it enabled.

Seanbaby was truly ourguybrofriend. (Nohomo.) I can only assume he didn't get a proper vehicle because no studio could accommodate his massive penis size and beer per diem. PCXL changed my life, bro.

I loved him in Broken Pixels. Brought me to tears laughing.

code monkeys was actually a decent show

I'd love to see him with the Mr. Rogers of gaming, James Rolfe, in something together. There's your odd couple buddy cop concept.

It was barely above The Man Show. It's like they were trying to out do Spike TV. No wonder they rebranded it The Esquire Network before it folded.

Man, I miss 2006.

I remember watching G4 and browsing Yea Forums at the same time during the E3 expos. That was such a great time because everything seemed to have great prospects beyond the horizon.
Ninja warrior, the jap version, was fun to watch with friends, even more so I credit that show with getting me into shape.

G4 was ahead of its time, there were so much potential to tap into...exploiting social media, exploring japanese culture, creating new memes (since they have a TV platform), tutorials on new applications and programs. I mean, they could've showed a live photoshop tutorial, and an audience could've been made from that.

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Code Monkeys was kino, should've got a third season.

It's weird, I thought Kevin Pereira was the phony but it turned out he actually enjoyed games but played it down. Blew my mind.

The day Cracked stopped publishing Seanbaby's articles was the day I stopped caring about media.

>barely above The Man Show
The core audience for the original concept was always (mostly) straight males. The dumb jokes and boobs weren't the problem. It was a lack of focus and poor execution and Cops reruns. And failing to adapt to new platforms like YouTube to expand the brand.

Code monkeys could have been better, but it was good. They didn't commit to it enough.

Special Agent Bob and Secret Agent Steve 24/7

To think that dumb jokes and boobs are all that is needed to attract straight males to their network was part of the problem.

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Adam claimed on a podcast that airing cops was complained about a lot but that it "brought in viewership" that was needed.

I think they could have survived if they adapted better but yeah the programming was slipping bad. X-Play had some skits that weren't bad. AotS started to grow on me, I think Kevin and Olivia actually had some good chemistry. Code Monkeys wasn't bad with an occasional chuckle.

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Obi Wan agrees

cant believe she cut her tits, if i was her husband i would have 360 no scope frag her ass

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Would G4 be more successful today if they just turned it into an e-sports/livestream ESPN? Shit they could even make like Big Brother but with their favorite streamers

fuck this left wing bitch, cannot wait until he dies so i can troll him on the internet. He was a dirty fifth column scum waiting for Anita to make her videos so he could attack gaming. I hate all these older devs and game personalities that started to attack gaming once all the feminist came after our medium

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Can't blame Kevin that Olivia would do anything for upboats in front of camera.

hurts doesn't it

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The gross mishandling of the TechTV merger chased away most of the viewers they were hoping to gain from it. Besides that, the people in charge were people who didn't really understand video games or how to make shows about them. The network went under RIGHT before Let's Plays came into vogue on Youtube. They could have very easily made a show that just featured some personalities playing games with celebrity cameos or whatever. Make a show like Game Center CX where the gimmick is that a person or group isn't allowed to leave the room until the beat a game known for being hard. Have a first impressions show where the hosts play a game unedited for 22 minutes and give their opinion on it. In retrospect, there's so much more they could have done, but at the time they didn't have the imagination or the understanding of gaming culture to even think of it.

Accurate assessment. Bad timing and lack of vision.

Not necessary to save it. The only thing I really miss is Cinematech, and I just downloaded the full archive of that show, so I'm good.

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Esports/ twitch before those became things.