>we generally close by dark
It's sunny as fuck outside...
We generally close by dark
he was scared and panicking user
god I'm so glad I'm not autistic and i can understand movies, your life must be hell.
why was he scared? it’s a dumb scene
Call it
alright... evens then
Jesus user keep eating your tendies
Part of the point, moron.
because a mexican with a bowl cut was threatening him
>alright... evens then
Hold still, sir.
Were we seriously supposed to be sorry for this boomer? Fucker was a nosy shit.
I didnt find Chigurgh or whatever his name is frightening at all. Whenever people talk about scariest movie villains this guy always comes up, can someone explain it to me
this. it makes 0 sense. was this written by retards?
>I didnt find Chigurgh or whatever his name is frightening at all. Whenever people talk about scariest movie villains this guy always comes up, can someone explain it to me
He's ruthlessly efficient and difficult to kill. Your not sure why he's doing what he's doing or what he will do next, other than kill people for no identifiable reason. He's smart and can predict what someone is going to do next. Odds are if you run into him there is a very good chance you will die.
What business is it of yours if I'm supposed to feel sorry for him frendo?.
yeah. Harry Potter flying a car on a tree is much more kino.
>redneck doesn't pull his gun out from under the counter
Stopped watching right after this scene
nigga was like jason voorhees. Just kept going and always under control of situation and worse of all never under control of your impulses. That's the scary thing about him. Nigger kills cops/fbi/anybody he wants AND he's fucking human. If he had superpowers he would make a supervillain they would need a new word to define.
Why didn't anyone just shoot him
It's not in the script
Same reason they didn't try to get the prints off the glass of milk. He can only be fearsome if he's surrounded by helpless retards.
They left out the most important scene from the book. Anton breaks down after escaping, he sits down next to some old woman and bares his soul
>I mean, why do you think I was after the money? To get away from this...to get away from all this bullshit you know? I'm tired, I really am. I don't want to be feared anymore, it's like this dead weight I'm always carrying around. I just need some peace
alright... sneed then
>saw No Country For Old Men
>fucking hated it, no interest in reading the book
>read The Road
>Fucking hate it, no interest in watching the Movie
Cormac McCarthy is a fucking hack.
Same as Steven "the Cuck" King, cant make a decent movie if the source material is a streaming pile of shit.
put your phones down sometime
get filtered pleb
That wasn't in the book you faggot. In the book he returns the money to his employer and basically asks to be hired the next time they need someone for a job. Also your writing is garbage.
It's 1980, and he was like 60+. That would make him born in the 20's so he's the Greatest Generation.
Zoomers should to be neutered.
He's fucking weird. He's like an alien pretending to be a human. He has a weird internal morality system that he goes by. Plus if you get in his way he's like a Terminator.
Only real red blooded Americans can appreciate McCarthy. Pussies and non-Americans just can't appreciate him. He's unironically the greatest American novelist since Hemingway.
Why are you talking like a nigger? Ebonics are not proper english. Have enough respect for yourself to not speak improper english.
Stfu boomer
>he returns the money to his employer and basically asks to be hired the next time they need someone for a job.
But he killed his employeer, and like half the people they assigned to this, plus the Mexicans, who are nominally their allies. And they did hire him!
the real kino was him getting t-boned at the end
This. As soon as word got out there was a vaguely Mexican looking dude popping fuckers with a cow gun, every minuteman and his mother would be out in force after his hide.
Is Blood Meridian worth reading? Also chekt
You unironically won't appreciate it if you're not American/Mexican.
If you are, it's incredibly once you get used to the style- very biblical and obscure.
>he killed his employeer
He killed someone in middle management that was colluding with the Mexicans.
>half the people they assigned to this
His employer never knows he does this, they think the Mexicans killed them
>Plus the Mexicans
They weren't his employer and were in his way
>And they did hire him!
I know, that's what I said. Then at the end he returns the money (instead of running off with it), and his employer is impressed with that fact, and imply they will work together again in the future.
You should read the book. It's short and very good.
>Is Blood Meridian worth reading?
Absolutely. It is not only a fantastic read, with some of the most profound prose of all time, but it has an extraordinary re-readability quality.
Cry more pillowbiter
Yeah fuck his shitty grimdark wannabe stream of conciousness bullshit ya psued cuck
>Only real red blooded Americans can appreciate McCarthy. Pussies and non-Americans just can't appreciate him. He's unironically the greatest American novelist since Hemingway.
Yeah he's a perfect fit for the "red blooded American" crowd, the sort who consume onions and diet soda on the reg, and pretend cuckoldry is the thinking man's fetish
Literally is wish you all were lined up against the wall and anal rapes with hardcover copys of Cormac Mccuckies novels
damn, that would have been kino
>Is Blood Meridian worth reading?
I reckon.
No, it wouldn't have been. It would've unraveled all the character development of Anton Chigurh the entire film/novel spent building.
Name five better novels. (You won't)
holy shit, i need to read the book
gay, youre gay fuck off
You should, but that wasn't in the book.
Are you retarded? He literally said that McCarthy is the greates novelist since Hemmingway, of course he is going to fucking recommend Blood Meridian. Fucking low iq underaged posters.
Why did they leave that out? It would have been an incredible twist.
the one trope that makes me cream my undies is when the tables turn and the big bad just gets fucked like anyone else. And not like the hacky car accident after he was indestructible for the rest of the movie either.
>"Advances in computer technology have also led to vast improvements in fingerprint comparisons. Thirty years ago, if we got latent prints from a scene, we could compare them to a specific suspect’s prints we had on file. Once, we had a rash of burglaries. We got a latent expert to look at 50 possible suspect inked prints to compare with two latent prints recovered from the scenes. After several days of comparing the prints to 10 to 15 sets of cards on file, the expert identified the suspect and we solved almost two hundred burglaries. But if we hadn’t found a match the prints would have just sat in our files."
Yes, the podunk police force would have had em if they fingerprinted that milk jug.
>he mends his wounds after the car accident, retires and opens a bed n breakfast in Napa Valley with his boyfriend and a Lhasa apso
Pure autism
caspere knew this