Just starting this now. What am I in for?
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You will wonder why Ethan hawk wasn't more popular like jude law
bad agent, could have easily been a kino Watson same as Law
real motivational movie
I reckon any respectable film viewer likes Hawke better
I think he'll actually realize why user, Jude Law fucking makes that movie. It just wouldn't be the same without him.
Pure kino. One of the best OST ever
Humanistic film that's way more in spirit of Blade Runner than 2049 was.
this is giving me a final fantasy 7 vibe already, in a good way
love the cheesy looking rocket takeoffs. it's completing the suspension of disbelief
He never saved anything for the swim back
>What am I in for?
Well-defined characters, stylish visuals, intelligent screenplay that isn't too preachy about its subject matter. The kind of film that doesn't get made anymore.
wow what a shot here
peak jude, no homo
pretty sure i've predicted the ending already but that's not ruining it for me
Always liked how the locations were chosen for their futuristic look and how the architecture was carefully framed, making it its own protagonist in the movie. Pic related.
You'll see a near perfect Utopian society where humanity has advanced so far we're going to Jupiter's moons and disease has been more or less eradicated along with almost every single person being beautiful, strong and healthy - but the message is ultimately: isn't all this terrible? Isn't it inhumane that the majority of people are now in such an elevated state?
It's a beautiful film with great performances but the message is ridiculously juvenile and disappointing.
Read Evola
yeah not only that but it even looks like 2049, or rather, Villehack thought he could rip this off under the radar
What makes you say that?
Niggers, what the fuck are you talking about. The message of the film is literallly the trimph of the will over the limitations off the flesh.
kino ending
I've never read him, he's a meme.
Film was trying to say that They Live In A Society too (that's really mean)
>Gattaca (1997)
>Maya Hawke (born 1998)
I think that we have to thank this movie for giving us this beauty
goodness she looks like something a GATTACA society would be able to make using CRISPR
This movie is so fucking good
shes cute. i didnt realize that was their daughter bc i looked at the pic first. i just figured that must be the one good photo of uma thurman
>Just starting this now. What am I in for?
Great OST.
A 7/10, the best Andrew "Narration" Niccols can muster
A glimpse into the future.
Once tech is perfected the rich will absolutely use it on their children. Widening the gap even further between the rich and poor. To the point where children not modified are immediately second class citizens from birth.
Movie's writing was simply too hammy at times. The presentation is sleek, it should have been made in the 2000s to really nail it, though the writing would have been worse, so it's a tough call.
an alright film that tackles real future problems
only shooting stars break the mold
>To the point where children not modified are immediately second class citizens from birth.
This is the whole point of the movie. In the real world, everyone basically has an equal genetic chance to make it in the world. Gattica is a future where only the special born get a shot at life. (Despite the one in a million natural pulljng off the con of the century.)
It's a scary likely future dystopia.
A great movie from the 90's, no retarded color grading, proper lighting, nice retro futurism visuals, good story, entertaining characters, it has it all.
It's true, the sex scene between Ethan and Uma in the movie is was actually real and was the moment when Maya was conceived. A little IMDB trivia for you.
god damn what an ending. cheers for recommending this one to me Yea Forums
>tfw no IMDB message boards anymore
an user in the GATTACA threads always points this out: at the end Eugene's silver medal looks gold in the firelight
>Villehack thought he could rip this off under the radar
>non special main character becomes special through his actions
Shit, you're right. It just gets worse the more I think about it.
>your eyes, they look different
>maybe it's the light
one of the greatest movies ever made
It's an often used location.
You're in for a 5/10 gen X emo wank of a movie.
Hawke's character died 39 minutes after the credits rolled when his genetically deformed heart exploded. He didn't even break out of the Moon's orbit.
And that's why the Gattaca society did nothing wrong, except not pay enough attention to the medical status of the crew.
a good time
you're not wrong but you're gonna make people mad
he put the entire crew at risk
looks like a migraine
>A little IMDB trivia for you.
So much thought went into the details of this, the trivia page is well worth a visit
>While it has been identified that "GATTACA" uses the four DNA nucleotide abbreviations of G,A,T,C, more specifically, when identifying genetic markers, the tests measure "short tandem repeats" at specific DNA marker locations. These are known as "GATA or CA" repeats - hence GATTACA.
fucking travesty, but they'd have a harder time fluffing and suppressing at will
prove it