>we will never get women like this in movies or shows again
We will never get women like this in movies or shows again
Other urls found in this thread:
is this a bot
which one is a bot? your post or the one above it?
She never really was that hot to begin with, I mean really.
i just drove past her house she was raised in.. there aint no more Pams here
I always preferred Erika
Based jews dabbing on their lesser central asian cousins
Truly the Italians can be proud of their pupils.
when did you first realize you were gay
Fuuuuuuuccckkk. I was literally just saying the other day on here. There has never been a hotter girl in tv history than first season Baywatch Pam Anderson.
i wish i was jewish so i could live in israel
>lesbian loli
into the trash it goes
I'm sure there's still a lot of fake tits in movies and shows
oooooooo faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack i'm gonna COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM
You don't have to be Jewish to live here. I'm a white gentile and I live here illegally.
Why did she ruin her image by doing the stupid botox/plastic surgery? Fucking hell.
Goys mad
Goys mad
holy shit she was 10/10 before the surgeries
yeah like stupidly hot, i have huge bonner
You are right. Both she and the men in the background looks very different that what you would find today. Those guys are nowhere near as muscular as you find on TV and movies today and she is softer, less toned than typical today.
>hot woman ruining their bodies with surgeries
Im a simple man i like regular Pamela and bimbo Pamela
based God's chosen people
it doesn't matter because hot women are reserved for chad
>tfw you actually came two pumps in but are playing it off til it deflates
Imagine getting to fuck her and then losing her
Might as well kill yourself because it's all downhill from there
Alright I'm hard.
Prime Pam as Cersei Lannister in the prequel
>be nonvirgin incel in Amsterdam
>"oh boy it's going to be so fun haggling for a blowjob!"
>too nervous to stop at any of the girls windows, miss out on so many opportunities (because I was with a friend and couldn't linger)
>go out on my own at 1am
>find a tall Czech bimbo right before she closes
>I'm broke and can only afford a bj
>she tells me "grab my tits and think of Pamela Anderson"
It was funny because the reference dated her but fake tits are fun to squeeze
who was the brunette that was pushed aside like a vegetable?
I know movies are supposed to be fake, but just even pretending to get to fuck Prime Pam Anderson would make blow a hole straight through my pants
>pretending to get to fuck
Never saw Monster's Ball, huh?
it's actually impossible for this guy to not be hard, right? unless he has some dick problems
Burn Notice
sexiest bathing suit style of all time
Based Jack Parkman
Fiona is hot
The actress is a fucking coal burner though
you mean like an instagram thot with wide shoulders?
the only difference is her hair is bleached blonde and her lipstick is a pale shade instead of the dark shit.
Found the faggot
she looks like a latex doll from the wig to the plastic tit and she has no hips, her shoulder looks mannish so, yes, it's u.
Absolutely based.
but there are many jews who are poor as shit or even victims of the wealthy elite's war games in the middle east
There are plenty of women as attractive in show business. It's just that everyone besides Michael Bay is afraid of putting them in swimsuits for slow pans alllll the way up. There are maybe a few other examples. Whoever did Into the Blue. T&A is now taboo and risky.
>putting them in swimsuits for slow pans alllll the way up
all you disgusting cumbrains need to repent
i think its pretty cool how she would give Julian Asange conjugal visits
This. I deliver pizzas to tons of Jewish people who live in shitty apartments. My /pol/bros need to leave their homes once in a while. They'll see that it's not "The Jews" causing all of our problems.
It is possible to girlwatch in a rich neighborhood or the town of a good college because the promise of money keeps them fit. But apart from that, everbody is fat. Everybody. One idea is that we used to have a bacterium which process gluten in rising bread dough, but lost that particular one, and now we aren't able to process wheat products like we used to. Bread didn't make people fat in the past.
The Jewish elite, is in fact, the problem. Why is this so difficult for you to understand.
>a person who happens to be Jewish and who lives in a horrible little complex and has pizza delivered is the exact same thing as George Soros or Jacob Rothscild or The Club of Rome or The Council on Foreign Relations
Yeah, no.
Okay, it might be the Jewish Elite, but as far as I can tell it's not The Jews. This one dude who lives in a small apartment gives me approx. ten (10) bucks every time I deliver to him and he's very nice. I'll hide him and his family in my attic so that you guys can't gas him.
During the Cold War when people said The Russians everybody understood they weren't talking about Ivan Ivanovich.
she was before she fucked herself up with plastic surgery
I wouldn't have recognized her
I'm not that historically literate. What's your point (not being confrontational, just genuinely curious)?
>tfw Pamela Anderson will never be this cute again
>tfw she had no daughters
Women panic when they start to hit the wall.
Now where's my Rogaine™?
Sucks for you, coomer
>He doesn't mourn the loss of youth and beauty
You just want to jerk it to her daughters. Shut the fuck up
>He can't feel a sense of disappointment of a beautiful woman not passing on her looks
>He immediately associates it with masturbation
Sounds like you're the coomer m8
anyone seen her sex tape? it's the first celebrity sex tape that i remember making the news. any good?
Look at this faggot trying to sound all intellectual and shit. Tip your fedora elsewhere, ham bone
Not really. Tommy Lee has a huge dick though
>Coomer trying to deflect attention from himself
It's okay to admit that you aren't in control, it's the first step to recovery
He didn't even check out her toes. What a fag.
She can't give a blowjob to save her life but he was pornstar big.
hot, but still glad fake tit technology has come a long way from then
i prefer the 30-something-year-old plastic pam anderson with the big fake tits.
I'm sorry for your lack of taste.
it's terrible
Yeah, because white girls won't exist in the future. Whites are being genocided and bred out of existence.
if you passive cuck faggots really just sit back and do nothing in the face of it, you deserve it
How many white children do you have?
is this ironic shitposting? i honestly can't tell anymore
Wow she looked GREAT
I don't care which race is supreme as long as the world is better for it. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
>Coco getting mogged and loving it.
I never knew i wanted this.
t seething tranny
I like how people pretend like we're not living in the most sexialized time in human history. In feverish mind of a /pol/tard evil jews simultaneously manipulate the people into promiscuity while also getting rid of beauty and sexappeal in media
>mentions /pol/ out of nowhere
Rent free
>living in the most sexialized time in human history
That's a lofty claim my dude. Have you not read about the biblical kiddy fucking, the scared prostitution etc?
Two different narratives for two different audiences; people will believe whichever they choose.
bad. it was post surgery her. if it was pre it would've been kino even if she was just lying there doing fuck all.
Why do men always pretend they don’t like fake tits, but it’s always the fake tit stacies who get all the attention and are universally lusted after? Every popular girl (among men) is some thot with breast implants. yes I’m flat as shit
I never pretend that I don't like fake tits. I love fake tits.
Real tits feel better than fake ones
great natural tits > great fake tits > real but sad tits
Because most men can't tell the difference until the tits are fully exposed and at that point you're still going to fuck them anyway. Unless they're REALLY bad no man will give a shit if the tits are fake.
Israel is overrated af
t. tlv fag
do some squats and get an ass
many men prefer flat chest+ass than fake tits and no ass
>many men prefer flat chest+ass
No, they don't
yeah they do. Small tits are bearable but a flat underass is a fucking disaster.
Men’s top 3 favorite things:
1. Big boobs
2. Stacies
3. Lying to women
Yes they do. flat chest and nice ass + pale skin is my 10/10
Sounds like you are into little boys
biological instinct that makes babies go aim for large milk producing objects
doesnt matter if one prefers smaller ones, because nature guides our primal instincts
Get implants.
Its time
For me is face>ass>tits
nice try JIDF, Auschwitz never happened
wtf these are the mysteries picture holy shit
That's probably the proper hierarchical order, but for me it's face=ass=tits.
Who hurt you, femanon?
this. who is the brunette?
COOM: The Thread
I still would.
you say it like it's a bad thing
Damn. Same.
>that vid
me and some other guy already asked, so two people you dipshit
Israel is going to be Auschwitz 2.0, now with Palestinians unstead of Ukies.
Face > tits > ass
Remember it isn't size, it's quality. Imagine having the pancake-iest tits. A flat ass is far more tolerable
I agree on this.
Ass can be worked out, plastic tits are not the same, and face surgery rarely ends up well.
when did you first realize you’re a boomer scum who prefered blondes with fake tits because that’s what the hollywood kikes were pushing on you back then?
patricians zoomers like me know that the real 80’s and 90’s beauties were natural titted brunettes
>gun grabbing commie
I wonder how much jew dick she slurped down
As an ass man, I prefer flatties over fake ones.
You can grow decent tits by getting a guy to put a baby in you.
Keep dreaming Akhmed... it's been 70 years, but I'm sure THIS year will be different.
>getting this mad
>trying to prove you aren't a gaylord by posting leftist whore
>politics 30 years later have somehow any relation to her looks back then
goddamn you /pol/cucks are fuckin desperate lmao
I don't get it, why does everyone obsess over her?
Is it because of media conditioning? Or is it because it was she was is a very popular show where she wore a swimsuit all the time?
There were loads of better looking actresses from that time?
The only thing that came out of that sex tape is that tommy lee is packing a 9 inch dong.
Once the US collapses you're gonna be fucked
Imagine being this uneducated. Jews were impregnating their daughters in the bible.
it was a different time
zoomers don't know what they're missing
before ubiquitous pornography there was an art to injecting lewd material in to regular TV and movies
keep praying to your moon god sand nigger, keep praying lol
Back in the late 90 (or early 2000s), I actually paid money to watch her sex tape with Tommy Lee. I was staying in a hotel (Residence Inn?). It was so hot.
Real countries never collapse for more than a year or two Mohammed LOL. They don't operate the way shithole nations do
Face > Great tits > great ass > good ass > good tits > ass > tits.
How old are you?
It never seemed all that big to me. Decently thick 7 incher.
>Imagine having the pancake-iest tits. A flat ass is far more tolerable
What are you talking about? It's the exact opposite
A girl with a good or even average ass but no tits can be a 10/10.
A girl with great tits but no ass can't.
I'm a borderline incel and I've still turned down 2 women (30+ year old hags) with fake tits.
At least you don't have just skin hanging of your chest
Back when women and men were attractive. What the fuck happened? lmao
>real country
Its 20% Latino, 13% black, 65% white and a smattering of Asians, expected to be a white minority country by 2045.
We are so boned when that happens. Whites are the only ones that pay taxes. It’s gonna get bad. They can’t really get away with cutting gibs. Wonder what they will do, try and raise taxes on white people? That usually doesn’t go over well either.
Let's post more pictures!
Never saw the appeal in Pamela Anderson. Always seemed to me like the generic hot blonde. Which, I understand, arguably was her appeal but I never cared that much for it. I like bimbos, but I prefer them a bit more over the top.Back in the 90s we had Lolo Ferrari here in Europe. That was more my speed.
God, this show was cheesy
Doctors that cut up faces that pretty should be hung for treason. Seriously what kind of evil person would do that instead of telling her she looks great already and it would be a travesty to mess with it
>Seriously what kind of evil person would do that instead of telling her she looks great already and it would be a travesty to mess with it
Do I even have to say it?
Honestly fuck the US, it is a cultural graveyard, literally post-fall Carthage. Nothing good grows here now, and all it does is export cancer which replicates and replaces local culture and societies elsewhere.
Ask yourself, who are the grand architects of hollywood's current culture, that enable and promote plastic surgeons to do that with impunity?
Why is she so cute bros?
Wait, what was that can?
Poison. I dropped it in there myself hehe
>a-all busty girls have implants!!!
Cope harder, chestlet
Nobody cares about your plastic bimbo boomers. Forgotten, discarded, irrelevant. We know you fap to our anime chicks. You aint tommy lee, you aint getting bimbo pussy. Cope harder old man.
I'm never gonna get anime chick pussy either but I still prefer plastic bimbos.
I'm not a boomer and I think OP's chick is super cute and sexy.
underrated actual historian post
White replacement
Why does this board always say that jews own porn?
I checked this myself, and in picrel are all the major porn studios. As you can see, only one of them is supposedly a jew (David Tassilo Marmostein, if he's a jew at all. I'm basing it off his surname)
Can you prove anyone else on that list is a jew?
And i'm not even talking about the japanese porn scene (2nd largest in the world) or the czech porn scene like LegalPorn (and don't pretend like you aren't familiar with how degenerate that site is)
>but mindgeek is jewish!
>MindGeek has its origins in Mansef and Interhub (owners of Brazzers and Pornhub) founded in 2004 and 2007 respectively by Stephane Manos, Ouissam Youssef and Matt Keezer in Montreal, which internet entrepreneur Fabian Thylmann bought in 2010
None of them are jews
>But what about BLACKED!!!
Yes, there are *some* jews in porn. In truth, Blacked is a niche site, and there are other, more popular and dgenerate niche sites
Also info on the several companies that don't have a wiki page:
Owner: sadiq muhamed - CEO - Paper Street Media, LLC
>DDF Network
Owner: Gamma Entertainment, a canadian based company pornusers.com
Owner: some guy named Neil
I like both
Who the fuck is Tommy?
>sadiq muhamed
>All those MindGeek owned companies
>David Marmorstein Tassillo
Low effort Juda
>Auerbach, David (23 October 2014). "Vampire Porn". Slate. Retrieved 19 December 2014. "Thylman was bought out by current CEO Ferras Antoon and COO David Tassillo, longtime players within the company, who now control operations from Montreal."
Did you retard not read what I posted?
>but mindgeek is jewish!
>MindGeek has its origins in Mansef and Interhub (owners of Brazzers and Pornhub) founded in 2004 and 2007 respectively by Stephane Manos, Ouissam Youssef and Matt Keezer in Montreal, which internet entrepreneur Fabian Thylmann bought in 2010
None of them are jews, seethe more
Also current CEO is Feras Antoon, which also isn't a jew
oi budCan you not read? retard.
I remember licking her full page adds in the TV magazine back in the day
paper tasted like shit, still worth it though
Bree olsen is better
i never found pamela anderson to be attractive. she always looked too plastic
she's boomer fap material
Busting makes me feel good
When someone says "the jewz" they don't literally mean to include freda goldberg who's 12 and lives with her grandmother.
>I'm flat as shit
That's hot
she shut down the stupid bitches on the view
me too. hottest bimbo ever. so sensual
God Damn, I love her even more now.
I would immediately cum and cry in my pants
Imagine the smell
I am strangely attracted to old ladies with big, obvious implants. I don't get it...
do you have a nice butt?
do you like big dicks?
Victoria Justice has a really pretty face and has nice tits. They aren't huge, they are nice. She fills out her tips just fine.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but tits don't get much faker than hers...
Looks like my High School crush.
Cute indo
what did he post??
She used to be perfect. Women are literally retarded.
>fake tits
Terri Ivens
not so sure about that
never knew she looked like erin moriaty back in the days
I had a pamela anderson poster on my wall as a teenager I mustve jerked off to it a million times. would still bang her at 50 or whatever her age is now.
>Decently thick
Huh? More like a pencil thick 8 incher His length is most likely in the 96% of the world, but his thickness is not near that.
Porn isn't enough for you buddy?
Every single heterosexual boy on the planet must have had at least one wank to Pamela in the 90s and 2000s
All those nuts lost in time, like tears in the rain.
Based Stan Lee
god damn it i hate tommy lee and kid rock so much
is she wearing a fake tit on her tit?
Story of my life
This is giving me a better boner than the trash hardcore porn we get these days
>objectively perfect face, body type, and tits
>virtually unemployable
What happened Yea Forumsros?
>fake tits
Into the trash. Though tattoos are getting worse than fake tits ever were.
>tfw big natural tits gf without tattoos
Pity the zoomers who will never know such feels.
For me, it’s Trish Stratus
She probably looks like trash next to ole Pam. You're just in denial.
Pamela Anderson looks like a common bottle blonde Balkan whore. There are better versions of her on every escort site and every whore house.
She didn't fully submit to Schneider
Yeah I often feel bad when amazing specimen don't pas on their genes.
Stay toasty Turk faggot
She still looks really hot.
Torrie Wilson is somehow even hotter now.
holy mother of cope
Kind of a tranny face
What about that movie where she rides dudes before slitting their throats with some sort of round metal she keeps in her mouth the entire time?
>or in real life,
tfw u live in a place where there are no beautiful women, :(
oh that cunt too
What's that place called? the UK?
I know what I'm watching tonight
Imagine that was you in that scene, how many times would you keep fucking up the take
This. I don't understand why some women just decide "You know what, I wanna fuck myself up" and so lips, tits and ass all go to shit. I legit fapped to one pornstart when I was a teen, then she started operation after operation and she became something like a blow doll.
They'd still be filming to this very day.
Is that Neil Cicierega reference
One because I'm not an incel
Just a homosexual, huh?
are you stupid or what? men with money like fucking blow up dolls, thats why women do all that shit to their bodies. men at the top want women who look mmore perfect than perfect or make up for it with surgery.
BASED gayboy
What was that one show she did in the early 2000s where she ran like a bookstore?
Just remember really wanting to fuck her
You know the drill
kek, of course it was
Damn, she's so nice and polite.
She kinda looked like Jennette McCurdy.
Oh my god i thought she was a stupid airhead
I would like to kill every one of these women except based Pam.
What utter cunts.
yeah, they both used to look attractive once...
>When the pizza man has a more nuanced and informed view of socioeconomic inequality.
Those tits are fake and gay. No milk in there. What is he even sipping on? Salene? You shouldn't drink salene.
When I was a kid I though that she was a porn star. One of the first things I did when my dad installed internet in my house was to search her videos. I distinctly remember my disappointing when I found out that she was just a big cockteaser, and that her only 'porn' video was shit. Though I still fapped to it anyway, of course.
That's really not how it works, you depressing mother-canoodler. The memory of it alone keeps them going even if they pretend to wallow in misery
>some black people don't commit crimes!
i think it was bustoff
oops i meant dustoff
it can be abused as an inhalent and is pretty much nitrous oxide
its a funny high that doesnt last very long but if you do it wrong you can get seriously hurt
if you are going to try it just remember to breathe air between each hit so that you dont pass out
>tfw you'll never be young and beautiful again
what is the point even
mah nigga
She was in Playboy a lot though.
>men at the top want underaged women
Disgusting fake tits.
What the shit. As someone who's always felt her plastic shitting face was hideous, what a ct. Why would she ever do that shit.
because the trash porn we have theses days have no sensuality and build up
The Jewish Problem existed long before Zionism. Even if Israel were wiped off the map, the Jewish Problem would still exist - Jewish Bolshevism and their bloody revenge against the Russian people was what sparked the World Wars in the first place. This is bigger than Zionism. It's bigger than religious Jews. It is the pseudo-religious cancer that is 'Jewish Identity' - it is pseudo-religious in the sense that it has Judaic foundations, but they don't follow Judaism and are largely irreligious. This leads to a major crisis of identity - they don't believe in God but still fancy themselves the chosen people, they believe in equality but believe Jews have an extra special role. It is this crisis of identity that leads them to promote subversive anti-goy movements.
It is typically the irreligious diaspora Jews, many of which are anti-Zionist, that support all these malicious agendas and subversive movements like LGBTQRSJWHIVPism and all the rest of it. 'Jewish Identity' does not require Zionism. It does require being anti-goy, anti-Christian, radical...
Back in the day, Churchill wrote about the two warring factions of Jews. On the one side you have Bolsheviks, who were globalist and believed the answer to 'anti-semitism' was to subvert the culture and encourage all manners of 'diversity' to make everywhere easy to live for the Jews, and on the other side you had the Zionists, who believed there was no ultimate cure for 'anti-semitism' and the Jews needed a safe haven. However, there is a lot of cross-over between the two, as ultimately a Jew is a Jew.
This sums up the current political situation: Left=Bolshevik Jews, Right=Zionist Jews
It's a mistake to presume this is all led by devote religious Jews. It is the plague that is 'Jewish Identity'
well said
For me it's kelly brook. The thinking man's teenage wank
I've still never seen it.
Imagine waking up this much of a faggot.
It was actually very wholesome.
All i ever wanted was to fuck prime Pamela.
Anyone saying otherwise is an unironic homosexual.
>all i ever wanted was fake tits and ass
kys unironically
I just remember being a pre-teen back during the 56k days, and seeing it advertised in at least 50% of all the banner ads while exploring the wild west of celeb fakes I hoped might be real.
Facts, but don't go around impersonating CreepyThinMan in the meantime. You're not on his level kid.
90s porn in general had more charm. Silhouettes and not close ups of a dick penetrating some chicks pimply asshole
>fake ass
You're actually clueless, are you? I'm sorry your 3/10 gf will never look as good as Pam does.
I literally cannot watch current porn with girls my age (early 20's). There's something so incredibly soulless, distasteful, forced and synthetic about it it's unbelievable.
>the wild west of celeb fakes
im sorry you fantasize about fake asses and tits like a 12 year old pajeet
Literally poison for your mind.
>Imagine having the pancake-iest tits.
Y-yeah, imagine
stop. dont detail my sex life.
There was a time when playskool pasta like this would have been posted ironically in a TV bimbo tit thread. These days I can't tell.
I listen to you guys talk as if having Jewish blood is what makes you evil and if you remove Jewish blood then everything will be okay... so, now you are the new Jew, since this is what the Jews say about you. You are no different than the people you claim to hate. When I look at all the "goys" who willingly line up for power, and willingly sign up to betray their own people, I wonder who is worse?
You don't have a Jewish problem as much as you have a morality problem. These psychopaths wouldn't have any power over anyone if people had solid Christian morals. They would flee from you! I love how everything is the Jews fault and no one else's. The Jews might whisper something in your ear, but you don't have to listen to them. Judge yourselves and your own people, then go judge the Jews.
This thread needs to be continued.
kino American TV
She literally has the most perfect face, scientifically and aesthetically speaking.
No matter how many times you spam this image, it won't change the fact that jews are evil and use porn as a weapon.