It's boring therefore it's scary

>It's boring therefore it's scary
I fucking hate you guys and your shit taste

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hey zoomer

>drops knife a second time next to the killer and runs off

Slow burn.

hey boomer

Halloween is one of the comfiest movies ever made. Fuck you, OP. Go watch It Chapter 2 again.

Just because nothing happens for most of the film doesn't make it good. It took almost an hour for the guy to start killing people.
How the fuck is that supposed to be scary?

i never thought it was boring even when i was a kid

It isn't. Michael Myers is literally playing hide and seek in broad daylight and retards clapping because they heard someone say this film was the scariest slasher and have no opinion of their own.

Fuck OP. Shit taste and a shit zoomer brainlet.

>made 7 years earlier
>not slow as shit and boring
>more kills
>actually has gore
>more tits

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then watch friday 13th, the first one. it's even more boring and dull


This, finally someone isn't a fucking braindead boomer

>Implying the best horror movies didn't come out of Italy

I watched this and thought it was shit. Only old horror movie that holds up is The Exorcist. Slasher films suck dick. Not saying current horror is any better because it isn’t. It’s all shit that panders to white girls.


The Exorcist is overrated boomer shit too

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Then leave, retard.

>wow, this is so boring. i'm so scared!
what the fuck? what is this even supposed to mean?

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OK retard

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Also TCM is highly overrated.

The one thing I enjoyed most in this movie is that Michael or the car he's driving shows up in the background out of focus in several scenes throughout the movie. He's constantly present, even in the most non-threatening scenes of the movie. I can fathom not enjoying it with how different horror is today and how much it's been escalated since, but the original Halloween is a great movie in my book.

>Animals at a zoo turn into vicious killers after drinking contaminated water.

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That moment when he stops the car is the stupidest scene in the movie

And Halloween is just a guy in a spoopy mask playing hide and seek that occasionally murders someone without spilling a drop of blood.

>You can see a car in the background therefore movie is great
The absolute state of boomers


Ehhh it's ok. The blond is a qt.

TCM is great faggot.

Also nice Reddit gif

Nice newfag post