

Attached: bender rick.jpg (811x825, 357K)

i drink beer before work all the time

This is hardcore porn for redditors

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>not bringing a liter of vodka to sip on your break
pfft, amateur

I bet you work at home you little catholic whore

Why did you make this thread?

More like for Yea Forums


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Rick probably smokes meth in the garage on late nights

Serious question. Does Yea Forums like Rick and Morty and just hate the fanbase?

Nah, we love Rick and Morty. It's the Futurama of our generation

I liked it, never got the "the fanbase ruins it" since you have to go out of your way to see the fanbase

mfw drinking before my night shift job just to make the pain go away

How young do you have to be to not be a part of the Futurama generation?

the third season is trash

Boring shit

I like it okay. the idea gets tired after a couple of episodes. I'll watch the new seasons but it's not my favorite show in the world

It's family guy but aimed at zoomers.
Not a huge fan but i'll watch it when i'm bored.

>Original concept was parody of Back to the Future
>Filled with sci-fi references even older
>Meant for zoomers
Ok, bud.

ok, retard

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>Nah, we love Rick and Morty. It's the Futurama of our generation

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it literally has the same brand of cheap humor, they ´re very similar

I still like it, but I think Rick literally being the smartest man in all possible universes has rapidly destroyed any sense of conflict. I’ll still watch the next season, but I’m feeling it’s going down hill. And yes, I hate the fanbase, but a shitty fanbase doesn’t stop me from enjoying something.

What would it take for you to like Rick and Morty again Yea Forums?

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It's fun to watch the first time

And yet for some reason he seems highly limited. Like a more cartoony Yang Wen Li

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I like it, but it's getting old quick. Now they're openly making jokes about how they're just recycling material. Too much self referencing humor. It's still entertaining.

If people are so worried about Redditors circle jerking over something, they could always just stop going to Reddit.

For it to become good again, I suppose.


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the most overrated show of this decade
doesn't deserve any hype more than any other [as] show

Someone took debate in high school!

Ok, you may be right. Could you define that brand of humor so we can better understand your point? Help us out with the common threads?

I don’t like it