>2005-2012: Lorne graciously fellated the Lonely Island and gave them a sketch every other episode
>2012-now: Lorne doesn't even know who Kyle and Beck are even though they're the funniest cast members and have the same brand of online humor as LI
What is his problem?
2005-2012: Lorne graciously fellated the Lonely Island and gave them a sketch every other episode
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modern day SNL is a fucking trainwreck
like a really shitty Brooklyn improv group who tries to pressure you into laughing
They'll end up with a show on IFC or something eventually at least. Hopefully sooner than later.
its been garbage for 20+ years.... "modern" my ass
kyle is completely wasted on SNL and their retard audience that thinks things like 'the sandwich samurai' and 'chris kattan acts like a faggot for five minutes' are great comedy sketches
Kyle's videos don't go viral
what is this strong guys or something?
>really shitty Brooklyn improv group who tries to pressure you into laughing
Hit the nail right on the head
SNL died with Chris Farley
>chris kattan acts like a faggot for five minutes
How did this shit fly for so long? How do normies and chads react to this?
You mean Phil Hartman.
post kyle kino
>modern day SNL is a fucking trainwreck
There has always been somebody saying this about SNL since the show began in 1975.
And now they are right
yeah but its true now
So you're disputing what I'm saying?
because its been declining in quality since peak 90's kino and its really hit rock bottom in the last couple years
Is Kyle the one that did the sketch about career day at a high school where he was playing a "There Will Be Blood" style oil baron? Because that sketch is probably the only funny thing that's come out of that show in at least ten years.
The very idea of SNL is failure.
>6 days to write an hour of COMEDY
>nearly every week
>little to no rehearsals
>most skits are based on current events so they dont age well
>all the actors just look off screen reading their lines with no emotion
>what good little skits they have they eithet arent live or rammed and repeated into the ground
>most of the guests are comedic so they dont really bring much to the table
>topped all off with shitty live music from a band no one knows
Kyle Mooney sucks.