Need a comfy halloween/autumn kino rec

Need a comfy halloween/autumn kino rec
Not necessarily a horror/thriller but I'm open to that as well
Just something with a small town in new england in the autumn vibe. Preferably with halloween overtones and high school nostalgia feels.
Like, I just recently watched Ginger Snaps because of the autist spammer, and I loved that vibe. A lot of the movie wasn't outright horror but was still very haloweeny.

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Should add that I want to feel the season. Season is main point I'm going for. Also, no kids movies, like Hocus Pocus. I cant watch kids movies.

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Little Women 1994 was surprisingly comfy. Was more christmasy than haloweeny however

I dont mind if it has that feeling of transition from fall to winter
I just want an autumn vibe with maybe some halloween imagery. I'll give Little Women a look. Thanks user

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If you don't mind animated shit, Over The Garden Wall fits all your criteria pretty well.

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Bouncing off of this to recommend Song of the Sea, it's set in Ireland on Halloween and is less spooky but focuses on spirits and stuff.

Thanks fren. I dont mind animation, but I wont watch Anime. I've tried the Jap stuff before, but i just cant sit through it. Not really sure why.

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This isn't anime. Just a deceptively simple cartoon that gradually gets darker and darker the longer it goes on. Also, a not so subtle reference to purgatory/Dante's inferno set in an autumn new England environment.

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Thanks fren


Dios Mio


The funniest/saddest thing about OP's image is that's the healthiest Lena Dunham ever has been. Now she is a fat cow.

Ugly women are tragic creatures

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based frank

Don’t incorrectly use my zappa gif you stupid fucking zoomer.

I’ll be completely honest with you senpai
first twilight movie
not quite what you’re looking for, but it is comfy af

Alright, I'll have to wait til no one is home to avoid embarrassing myself, but I'll watch it eventually

Weird, I can easily imagine him saying something like that.

Plz, I need more kino for October

Boy, do I have a movie for you.

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>Just something with a small town in new england in the autumn vibe. Preferably with halloween overtones and high school nostalgia feels.
Surprised there aren't more things like this.

The mothman prophecies

this is like her version of that mexican kid disgusted by chloe

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Actually not true. She got fit for a brief time and actually looked pretty good. She was offended though at all the compliments she suddenly got and got fat again out of stubborn principle. Which honestly is her choice but the attitude flies in the face of harsh reality.

That's actually retarded, but I can at least understand her thought process

Alan Wake

Plz dont archive my thread yet. I need more kino

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How did craven get away with this

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