I saw two movies today and purely out of coincidence they both had a part that made fun of this guy (spiderman FFH and...

i saw two movies today and purely out of coincidence they both had a part that made fun of this guy (spiderman FFH and brightburn). does hollywood really hate him or something?

Attached: 170330121143-alex-jones-infowars-exlarge-169.jpg (780x438, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:



He's easy to make fun of since he's retarded.

>white male who doesn't mind saying that democrats are degenerates
Yes, user. He's literally everything that Hollywood hates.

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of course, the last joe rogan podcast he did was more entertaining than any movie ive seen in the last 5 years. his world view would make for a kino cinematic universe.

He's a lugubrious buffoon. That's also why it was so easy to mock Glenn Beck.

this is how normalfags see him

Any rational person would hate him. Are you an incel?

he's easy to make fun of b/c republitards like you actually take him seriously

Theyre promoting him to normies

Also there will be Trump parodies for DECADES. Will make the Nixon mockery look tame.
If that upsets you righties, stop giving clowns so much power.

nice try, but they're just doing this to try to de-legitimize the truth he speaks. this persecution will continue but it will backlash on them. everyone will learn the truth about demopedos.

He's a ridiculous almost cartoon character, so he's easy to mock. He's strangely loveable for a fringe figure. You can tell in these parodies that they actually love the guy.

Take your meds.

Almost everything he says about AI and secret societies attempting to build a breakaway civilization is true and if you don't understand this, it's because you're low IQ.

You are aware that it's the democrats taking him seriously, right?
People with brains know he's taking the piss.

>muh trump
there it is. AJ has been around for decades. Trump makes people seethe so much they have to punish barely related people

He's the face of unhinged conspiracy theory retardation. That's literally the only context in which he's made fun of.

I'm just fucking around, mate. /pol/niggers probably legitimately believe that tho lol

>that democrats are degenerates

Oh you know AJ is:

>a drunk
>likely a coke head or pill popper
>screws his female staff and treats them like a harem
>diagnosed narcissistic personality disorder
>neglectful father
>possible tranny porn lover

The guy is pure hedonism.

He was based in Waking Life

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>People with brains
So 1% of his audience?

He is a jew zionist that wants to destroy white people. He isn't an ally, he is a privledge boomer that is also mentally ally retarded

They believe he helped get trump elected so they destroyed him. They also destroyed everyone on his show, including paul joseph watson who was labeled somehow dangerous by facebook. They also destroyed roger stone who appeared on his show , investigating every aspect of his life and only able to charge him for lying to congress despite them having all his text and emails. They also destroyed jerome corsi who was another joke character on his show and charged him as well on a process crime

Joe rogan literally kicked AJ out of his life till the mueller report ended. Pretty crazy the amount of power pushed against alex jones

You know that Trump is an open fan of Alex Jones right? They circlejerk each other all the time.
And it's not like the Alex Jones parodies only started yesterday.

really gets the old noggin' joggin'

>they're just doing this to try to de-legitimize the truth he speaks
He does a pretty good job of that himself when he wears a dinosaur mask or some other stupid shit

>a drunk
Unfortunate, but not degenerate.
>likely a coke head or pill popper
>screws his female staff and treats them like a harem
>fucking women is degenerate, goy!
>diagnosed narcissistic personality disorder
Unfortunate but not degenerate.
>neglectful father
>makes money and spends it on his kids
>possible tranny porn lover
He's tame as shit at his worst, and the rest is unsourced horseshit.

the problem with Trump is that he's so ridiculous he's immune to parody

Since the democrats are the only people who ever talk about him, yeah, that's a good estimate.
Only 1% know what he's doing, and the other 99% get triggered.


He's right about some shit, then he'll go on a tangent about how our media is owned by CHICOMS, for a guy that is so tinfoil he's willing to discuss interdimensional psychic vampires and fish-human chimera babies, he sure is allergic to discussing Hollywood Jews.

>white male who doesn't mind saying that democrats are degenerates
Pretty bold of someone who jacks off to trannies

If you were to create a caricature to lead and mock all "retarded conspiracy theorists", what would it look like?
How did the term "conspiracy theory" arise and for what purpose?
Out of nowhere, simultaneously in newspapers all across the country, this term was used to describe all those who dared question the official Warren Report on JFK.
What is Operation Mockingbird?
>lol, all conspiracy theorists who think the government lies to us are all Alex Jones loving retards who believe in flat earth and lizard people

how is alex 'lugubrious'

Hollywod is all like



Oh no not more cringeworthy seething two scoop tier garbage how will anyone who is not a leftist faggot ever recover

He really shouldve backed off of the sandy hook shit. Any sane troll wouldve known thats off limits.

>Pretty bold of someone who jacks off to trannies
Can we please get actual proof of this?
I don't like the guy, but this sounds like the kind of smearing he does, with exactly as much evidence.

>muh trannies
rent free

If you think a troll should have limits, then go to fucking reddit, smoothbrain.
Nothing is sacred, and nothing should be.

he's so lovable and his shtick is easy to parody/make fun of. i don't think he's worth hating or even disliking. seems more like they're promoting him, if anything.

he got dragged into it in 2012 and then tried not to talk about it

>off limits
according to zuckerburg maybe

No, you faggots pay a shitload just to get noticed.
Trannies are the last group of any kind to ever have the right to say "rent free". You pieces of shit are all over every type of media, and demand even more attention.
And that's not even counting the surgery and hormone treatment costs.
You pay the highest rent of them all.

Look, hes got a show. Hes not clownposting on the chins. Its different. This is why no one will touch him anymore whereas before he was kind of a loveable tinfoil fag.

>off limits
>deplatformed for allegedly something 8 years earlier

>Its different.
Real life is no excuse to adhere to a reddit mentality.

No, its the real world. This why you collect piss jugs and I collect a paycheck.

>He's easy to make fun

So why are all the impressions so cringe?


>"No, its the real world."
>immediately pulls imagined bullshit out of his ass in the next sentence
What I'm saying is it's not like Alex Jones is homeless or even badly off. He's still living pretty fucking comfortably doing whatever the fuck he wants.
He didn't give a shit if he went to far. He kept going, and he's still going, and the leftists still think about him and his shenanigans and most of them hate his guts.
He's a master ruseman, and going into sandy hook just outed the pussies who he used to work for.

No one can imitate Alex Jones, it's impossible to match the conviction he says some of the ridiculous shit he comes out with

moe levels of cringe.
literally the only part is that kind of smokers gravel i don't know what you call it.
nothing else, sound style or message was even close lol

Of course it's easy to match his conviction.
The problem is that the left are 100% incapable of memeing, and the right are too busy laughing at the left to give a shit about him.

>i bring trannies up out of nowhere for a good reason, i promise
no charge to this rent

If you believe a single word from the mouth of a man who peddles this kind of snake oil, you are a grade-A rube and legitimately retarded.

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How much do they charge for dilation tools?

>far-right ranter brings up something the far right hates
>must mean he jacks off to it
You're as delusional as he is if you're using that as evidence.

>must mean he jacks off to it
Huh? You don't need to jack off to something to be utterly obsessed by it, my retarded friend.

So now you're telling me he doesn't jack off to tranny porn?
Glad we've come to an understanding.

How the hell would I know that? This does not remotely relate to the conversation you replied to.

I mean honestly, you're the one who brought up his ranting about trannies for no reason, for no reason

That's his fuckin point you retard.
Alex Jones is controlled opposition, sock puppet, disinfo, call it how you like.

Ever wondered why big conspiratards that get famous(enabled by media of course) mix effectively dubious stuff like Operation Mockingbird and outlandish dumb shit like moonlanding and lizard people?

It's to make you disregard everything as the same shit.

He is an adult male who shouts and screams a lot. He is approaching 50 but still hasn't mastered the notion of an "inside voice."

>Alex Jones is controlled opposition, sock puppet, disinfo, call it how you like.
Exactly. He's a red fucking herring. You're supposed to look at him and think "Oh, the right wing is insane."
That's his job. To make the right look bad.

I brought up his ranting about trannies out of nowhere because it was a demonstration of how utterly obsessed with them. You were the one who started talking about jacking off, you weirdo. Not everything is about sexual satisfaction, spermskull.

Anyone else thinks Alex would have been a kickass voice actor?

Demonization of him because he's influential. 75% of what he says is hot air but 25% is gold.

Can you call it an obsession, though?
He rants about everything that the left champions.
This includes trannies, but an obsession would imply that trannies are all he ever talks about 24/7.
That's just not accurate.

>Can you call it an obsession, though?
Yes. It was brought out of nowhere when the thread had nothing to do with it. And I'm not talking about Alex Jones, you retard. I was talking about Why do you get in the middle of conversations if you don't even know what they're about?

>spiderman FFH
Are you talking about that post-credit thing with J. Jonah Jameson? I don't think that was specifically aimed at him.

I'm just (You)hunting mostly. I don't give a shit about a /pol/thread on Yea Forums.
What're you doing here?

have sex

The clockwork elves are real though.

satanists hate him

what are you talking about? it was CLEARLY aimed at him, down to the voice, the studio setup, everything.

He lives in hollywood heads rent free

i love listening to base alex just for entertainment


>Alex Jones talking about conspiracies is the real conspiracy

We're going deep in this one

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>Alex Jones being a controlled opposition is somehow mind-blowing

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Yep, and exactly how he got so big and into a position of cultural influence; mixing truth with lies. You can't gain such a following if all you do is spew bullshit so obviously you need to tell the truth on some things so then you can 'poison the well' with your propaganda and true agenda.
>China owns Hollywood
>Muslims own the Federal Reserve
>Saudi Arabia own social media and our politicians
Hmm, seeing a real pattern here deflecting blame off (((who))) is really behind it all; which of course it all provable. You see the influence he has for T_D cucks regurgitate these exact AJ talking points
Also, so many fucks go "b-but, see how the MSM is banning and silencing AJ? That proves he's right!". Nope. A desired effect strengthening their convictions and beliefs in AJ as a "hero" or whatever.
All done to keep polarizing the unwashed masses further and further pitting us against eachother, keeping the heat off them

t. loyal maddow/Colbert watcher

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let me guess?
its da jooz? not a scientific technocratic world government?

Yea Forums kino station...
oh wait wrong thread

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>have free schedule
>watch capeshit twice


>I'm too low IQ to comprehend "poisoning the well" propaganda and how (((they))) would want to control the narrative via "thought leaders" of those who're against their agenda and how easy that'd be when you control the media and the money supply
>lol, no way they'd want to or try to control both, all sides, nope, they're too dumb but I is smart

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They're really nervous about alternative news sources and ideas.

>Im too low IQ to understand ITS DA JOOZ EVERYTHING IS JOOOZ

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The left doesn't understand right wing humour. They fail to see the caricature Jones plays.
The left have come full circle and in a constant spiral of division.


It is non-linear warfare employed by the state.

Also "da jooz" doesn't disqualify an ethno-religious group from having agendas.

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then why the media is censoring him?

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Have you ever tested for schizophrenia?

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If I frequently have all of these save genuine hallucinations (I am however a maladaptive daydreamer) and the hearing of voices, am I going to be ok?

You'll make it with time

Does schizophrenia worsen with age?

gatekeeping zionist shill. he is the definition of controlled opposition.

Attached: when_they_finally_nail_you_on_the_zionist_shit.jpg (3024x3024, 896K)

China has bought up a bunch of shit in Hollywood though.

>made fun of
We literally just finished watching a movie about a superpowered asshole alien kid that murders hundreds of people.

During the credits a YouTube video plays of a man claiming that a superpowered asshole alien kid is murdering people and it's being covered up as accidents by the government/media

Is this really "making fun of" him?

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>3 of 6 symptoms reference feelings
>last symptom is lack of emotion

Henry ford the nazi collaborator?

They hate him because Jones told the truth.

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