How you holding up, white male?
How you holding up, white male?
flat ass
Rotten toes.
Zero ass.
Broad, butch man's face.
Vapid, brainwashed cunty attitude
Needed to be checked by Disney to continue her career.
Fuck Brie Larson kek
I am an old grandma lady and I detest this airheaded twit.
Watched Gremlins 1 for the first time today. Pretty good. I liked the snow white gag, it reminded me of evil dead 2 but for kids if that makes any sense. Wish I had seen it when I was younger.
Other than that, ok. Might kill myself next week.
Someone post her hideous feet
>I’m a women btw pay attention to me
Kill you self roast beef cunt
>loves white males but plays white savior for brownie points too
>is very cute
>nice toned ass
>fixed toenails
>has disney on their knees for her
I'd like to fuck Brie Larson kek
Have sex
Get married and raise a family.
Who are you?
Dilate faggot (reminder the majority of Brie Larson fans are queers/LGBTQ fags)
Not with her that's for sure. I'm way out of her league.
That's just twitter in general. Real fans are Chads like me and my fellow Briebros.
Reminder that the way you see Brie Larson is the way everyone sees white girls
Fat, virgin hands typed this post.
having sex isn't really that hard, but I imagine it might be for you
Not a big fan of how you're using my waifu to generate political debates but otherwise I'm doing fine. Saw Poltergeist today and it was a solid 8/10 movie.
that guy is Brie's looksmatch
Pretty good thanks
How you holding up, roastie?