Serious question regarding Army Dog

Why was this made?

Attached: army_dog.jpg (960x1440, 351K)

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This is one of the weakest longer-running memes of recent history. Obscenely obvious joke, no subtlety or anything. The movie is probably pleasant entertainment for kids. Anyways, fuck you.

for the doggo demo

>doggo demo

Attached: yms.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

for veterans with ptsd

>He's not a dog

If I remember correctly this came out a few years after the "Air Bud" fad had adequately died out. Probably made by a conservative religious distributor, the movie is supposed to be a family film that portrays the military in a fun, family friendly light.

It's a niche market, but apparently there's money to be made targeting religious conservatives who want their worldview reinforced with low budget horribly scripted straight to video trash

Attached: dingusalert.gif (300x169, 320K)

Enjoy ban

>Private Connor Reporting for Duty!
>is wearing specialist rank


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to show the reality of war

Embarrassing. Take a lap.

Fuck you I almost got down on the floor. Shit's ingrained into my soul now.

>probably pleasant entertainment for kids
It's actually pretty shitty even for a kid's movie. Air Bud created the "animals doing things animals wouldn't do" genre and this movie came at the tail end of the craze

Same here user. I still knife hand people. You can take the user out of the grunt life but you can’t take the grunt out of the user.

>That genuine unironic part where they talk about Taliban and defusing landmines

Holy fucking shit. I thought this was a joke. Like, when I pictured this film, I guess I saw it taking place on some army base, or something, and then wacky shenanigans happened.

Eyyy Pri, how bout you beat your face on a three count, hooah?

>I still knife hand people.

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I'm just disappointed they never made a sequel. That scene where army dog wipes out an Afghani wedding and pisses on their dead bodies was a bit much.

Mock it all you want. Legit intimidates people. Don’t believe me try it the next time someone tries some shit on you.


so does she learn to pass the ball or not?

Dirty civvy scum here. What is to knife hand?

>This is push ups! Not fuck the dirt!

That was a favorite of my old squad leader. Fucking miss that dude.

> one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...

Scary knoife hand!
Actually no, i have a gun so id just shoot you, that's more scary

I needed that laugh user.

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>act like an aggressive nigger
>people act scared
Wow. I actually had some 20 year retired chair force vet try to knife hand me while yelling in my face and when I didn't respond with anything but a smirk because I was used to that shit he went away all pissy and in a huff. Nobody with balls is actually afraid of you, and bragging about making a bitch act like a bitch is nothing special.

Is anyone who served actually afraid of getting yelled at after bootcamp? When I was getting chewed out the hardest thing for me to do was try not to look bored

It’s a hand gesture common in grunt culture. Men who are dominate and strong willed use it to get a point across and it works amazingly.

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How does that get the point across? It looks retarded, like that boi meme

Reminder that Casper Van Dien's agent came to Yea Forums a year or so ago, trying to better understand the army dog meme.

Attached: Messenger dog in mid-air while leaping over a German trench, possibly near Sedan, May 1917.jpg (800x580, 57K)

I got knife-hand'ed last weekend when I stopped at the Camp Pendleton exchange. Some muhreen started yelling at me asking why I was wearing flip-flops and glasses over my head.
I just rolled my eyes and told him that I wasn't one of them.

Why can't SNCOs just mind their own fuckin business?

Apes yelling at chimps

Same happened to me after I got out. I was working out at the base gym with a full beard and not wearing PT gear and had some tubby army SNCO start yelling at me with how unsat I was

It doesn't, but those are the newer rules for recruits, that you can't particularly point them out for personal failure as a human being.

Thank God I got out a decade ago

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Yes, and Jonah Hill posts here defending his image.

Go outside weirdo.

This sounds completely retarded. I'd ask why the military makes people meat heads but I guess that's the point

>Why was this made?

For children who's parents are in the military. Its reassuring to see a lighthearted depiction of military life.

Attached: Dog Flashback.gif (329x319, 1.91M)

Fuck I love mountain monsters so much

Military propaganda to recruits dogs.

He did, and Yea Forums shut down rather than sell the meme.
Welcome to the U.S. military.

They made a prequel a few years ago but it's incredibly disturbing.

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I was legit so happy when it got renewed. Straight up hope they get like 3 more seasons.

>"Only those who still have hope can benefit from tears. When they finish, they feel better. But to those without hope, whose anguish is basic and permanent, no good comes from crying. Nothing changes for them. They usually know this, but still can’t help crying"

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Not everybody in the military are meatheads, but meatheads gravitate towards the military because their lives are shitty deadends and they need someone to hold their hand and tell them what to do at all times - these are the type of people who get out and they don't do anything with their lives.

>those kibbles and bits smells like....victory

Lots of anons talk shit in this thread but if any of them served they would know that private’s do some stupid ass shit. An NCO lighting up isn’t unheard of. Doesn’t mean they aren’t stepping on toes but it’s just par for the course. If you aren’t in they can’t do anything to you so why cry.


Would not be surprised if it was funded by the US military.

>he doesn’t know about Hollywood and the military

The final shot of Army Dog crying while holding the gun in his mouth still haunts me. I know it was meant to be left ambiguous, but do you guys think he pulled the trigger?

>If you aren’t in they can’t do anything to you so why cry.
Because they're acting like niggers, and niggers should be called out. I would talk shit in any thread if a nigger started chimping out on me unwarranted.

>he couldn't handle the rape scene

good to know the Starship Trooper actually supports the military, or at least B-movie tier military propaganda in reali life

Big shock, the fuck ups of the world are used to getting screamed at.

We literally hear a gunshot after it fades to black. And yeah, Buscemi's character probably got arrested.

Yeah a thread not real life. There you have to face the consequences of shit talking people who are BETTER than you.

user... The last shot was these two buildings...

Attached: army_dog_ending.jpg (750x479, 266K)


I'm about to complete grad-school myself, and I'm a combat wounded veteran
>doing stupid shit

Who would have thunk it?
Just the same, civilians making assumption thinking they know better about service than those who have actually been in the military.

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The faggot you're talking to is a nug and doesn't know anything because he was enlisted trash who served on a FOB humping pillows and playing video games and served for all of three years.

The "knife hand" came into being after TRADOC (Army Training and Doctrine Command) prohibited pointing at trainees in the Eighties, for some reason deciding that pointing with a single finger was too rude or too confrontational or whatever. It's actually an expression of political correctness and was never used outside of basic training until Millennial faggots like the queer you were talking to became a majority of personnel. For some reason most of them seem to thing it's some sort of intimidating power move but, as you noted, it's gay and laughable.

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Shouldn't be surprised that a military that engages in wasteful counterproductive foreign interventions mostly attracts the bottom of the barrel.

You obviously never served otherwise you would know that you could get chewed out for anything up to and including nothing.

>about to complete grad-school
>is yet fucking dumb enough to think "grad school" is a hyphenate

>The faggot you're talking to is a nug and doesn't know anything because he was enlisted trash

What makes you any better?

I wasn't. I got the army to pay off all my student debt and got out. All it took was three years serving as a finance officer and I got another huge chunk to finance my doctorate.

Primarily that I'm not a Millennial.

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You don't get the GI Bill on top of the Loan Payment program, mr "finance officer" sir

You know who doesn't treat you like a child? The Air Force.

We also get 0800 report times and volleyball for PT

It can be, you are tool if you think it is not.
Let me guess, English Degree?
Hooray for you.

Every time I see an Army Dog thread it just devolves into a bunch of pogs and grunts bickering and circle jerking - pretty sure that's the true purpose of these threads

no you dumb boot, the GI Bill paid for his associates, which he got a job with and used the money from the job as well as some in-house employment grants to get his masters.

Unironically hit the deck. Front leaning rest puh-sih-shun!

>You know who doesn't treat you like a child? The Air Force.
This is complete shit. You still get chewed out in the AF
>We also get 0800 report times and volleyball for PT
This is also complete bullshit too.

You're either another branch who likes to regurgitate fictional "le funny chair force have it so ezpz xD" memes or a civilian who listens to them from those people

t. chair force

You're a fucking idiot, that's not how that works, nor is that what said. Check your reading comprehension, you cretin.

sucks to suck dude. Have fun standing in front of the gate or whatever, I'm gonna head over to my LT's house for a beer. I'll pour one out for you